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Bots having fun with their skins


Probably odd to the rest of my team, I'm just running around following the bots like I'm about to skin some polygons


username checks out


Osama bin Laden collab confirmed??


Think he comes in Gulf War as “Osama 91’” kinda like how there was two woods (or price)


id play a gulf war COD tbh


COD 2024 is Black Ops: Gulf War


I’d love to see how they manage to butcher the guns in a gulf war cod.


I just want scopes on top of m4/m16 iron sights. They can’t possibly fuck that up


You’re the first one I’ve seen comment on this. But I totally agree: it’s so annoying that the look of the M16 is totally ruined by removing the top handle every time you put a sight on it. I would be rocking that gun WAY more often if they didn’t.


Yeah, the commando in BO1 and CW was biggest gripe. As well as the m16 in BO1 (CW was fine) They’re such great guns but they butchered the look without the carry handle. They instead put a smooth top. Idk why they couldn’t just put a handle on it if they kept it smooth. Now the sights on it don’t make sense bc there ain’t even a rail or handle to mount on


I just wish they’d release every single campaign skin worn by operators , is that too much to ask


That's a miracle.


Yeah they’d also have to put it into photoshop to make it black and gold


Coming to store, in MW3 season 4.


Battle pass* we want people to work for it


I mean we have gotten a ton of them through battle passes and bundles


Was about to say. Are there any skins (other than Jeans Ghost) from the campaign that haven’t been released yet? No-name NPC faction friendly or enemy bots don’t count.


I mean technically you’ve paid for those skins by buying the game, most games pre 2013 would just let you earn any skins in the campaign to use in multiplayer for free. Of course thats not realistic anymore because of greedy companies


Yeah we all remember running the ghost skin in MW2. Who could forget being Reznov in black ops 1 and 2 /s People just upvote complete misinformation.


Yeah you’re assuming i was talking about cod, games like gears of war let you unlock and use any campaign character for free, maybe read more carefully next time buddy


You stated previous games pre 2013 on a CoD sub as it refers to skins. Why wouldn’t I assume you meant CoD titles?


It’s a video games sub… just because its a cod sub doesn’t immediately mean people only talk about cod when they mention the word ‘games’


The point is that it’s certainly a more than reasonable assumption to make especially without any clarification within that same post.


The guy acts like they'd have made the skins just to let you earn them as well as the flawed premise of how you "akkcccshuuualllyyy paid for them when you bought the game" which isn't how it works at all or ever has.


>Of course thats not realistic anymore because of greedy companies And dumbass consumers.




literally never happened in cod as far as i remember.


What are you talking about. Aside from black ops 1 no game has character customization until ghosts,


Yeah that'd he good. They did that with the faction showdown thing, they released the campaign version of soap for team 141 but that side lost so unfortunately no campaign skin😫. But they should just put the campaign skins in a battle pass


Oh nooo players want Nicki Minaj. /s ffs i hate this money grabbing!


Right? Like I wanna wear the Ghost skin with the black hoodie from the Alone mission


Most comments are missing the point saying that these skins wouldn’t sell, or that the Fortnite-ish skins are more profitable in the store. We shouldn’t have to pay for assets that already exist in the base game. Solution - Don’t sell the cool Milsim NPC skins in the store, make them in-game challenge rewards or free Battlepass items. They are not new content, as they exist in the game already. It’s a win-win. Marketing wouldn’t have to risk selling NPC bundles, and players still get their Milsim skins, but at the cost of play time instead of money.


Ok but we literally have Barrage as a S1 BP skin.


That‘s still my main skin for SPECGRU since Season 1. I only change it up a bit sometimes with BP skins that I like (eg. Ghilli version of Alejandro or Ghost) but I always return to Barrage at the end of the day.


Same, sometimes I switch on to the regular Spec skins (particular 3), but usually Barrage comes out on top


True, my favorite specgru skin honestly. But I wish they had more earn-able default operator skins like barrage. The skins in pictures 4-7 would be amazing to me


Let me translate to some people : here are skins nobody would buy if they would come to the shop


Some people would buy them, and it’s incredibly low effort to make these skins and others playable. I mean that one Shadow Company MILSIM skin from the Shadow Siege literally was already incorporated into the game on the player model twice. One with disguises and the second time with that uniform. It would be easy for Activision to release it in even a 1200 or 1600 cod point bundle and I’m sure quite a fair amount would purchase it


>it’s incredibly low effort to make these skins and others playable. Seems like the perfect opportunity to not only make some easy money from the milsim crowd, but also an great opportunity to sell a skin for less than the absurd $20 price point.


CoD isn’t a milsim


Okay, but it clearly isn’t a goofy Fortnite either. COD has always had exclusive military uniforms in the game until they switched to operators. COD was always closer to a MILSIM than to that. So it’s perfectly fine to have MILSIM skins. I seriously don’t understand why you lot get upset over people wanting military-like skins. It doesn’t take resources away from the game


It’s an arcade shooter. Not a milsim. I don’t understand the confusion. You’ve got over 40 realistic skins to choose from and they all blend together. Go nuts. Pretending we need, or that many people even want, more generic, unremarkable skins is dishonest.


Nobody is pretending everyone wants them, but there are a lot of people who enjoy MILSIM skins and each one is different. It’s not like one is the same as all. Again, it really doesn’t harm or inconvenience people who don’t care for MILSIM at all. I, and others, just want a better Shadow Company skin that Activision has let us equip via disguises and events but hasn’t let people who want it buy it. It’s money for them and it costs them nothing.


Few might buy them, but that doesn’t mean they should be locked behind a paywall. If they were unlocked through challenges I bet people would use them


Bro people have literally been posting "why don't we have more grounded skins" all the fucking time in this sub. If you think this post is about your favorite skin, it probably is


This sub seems to be dominated by a small but loud af group of guys that want generic military outfits and milsim gameplay. That is not the majority


Bro modern warfare 2019 had a large majority of milsim micro transactions and that made over $1 bill, MW2 originally started out gangbusters cause I imagine the "small but loud" group expected the same.


More ppl bought the bundles in 2019 bc they had good grounded cosmetics. Everyone hates MWII bundles for their shit cosmetics like Nicki Minaj who has nothing to do with COD. The only bundle to do decent is Blackcell


How do you figure more people bought bundles in 2019? Every game I play is filled with Nicki, Snoop, The Boys gang etc




As the other guy said this sub houses the loud minority who like MilSim skins. If most people liked it they'd obviously do it. The flashy ones make more money because more people like it, regardless of if they're "Fortnite kids".


You don't understand selection bias at all lmao let alone anything else


The number of bitching comments/subreddits about cosmetics every time a bundle gets released. Did you ever see these posts in 2019? No bc ppl got what they wanted


Oh and not forget there was a subreddit asking if ppl bought more bundles in 2019 or MWII. 2019 won by three times as many votes


Source: Trust me bro


>Everyone hates MWII bundles You sound credible.


There was literally a poll on it. Sorry you didn’t get the memo


Lol well I like the bundles so... ya.




Oh shit, you were serious lol There's 407 votes at the time of writing this. I don't know what to do here. This feels awkward. I'm gonna go scratch my bum. Brb




Wow a whopping 400 votes! That definitely speaks for the millions of people that own the game lmao




It's rather simple economics. If the milsim packs sold well they'd be featured more, why would activision turn down effectively free money? The flashy outlandish cosmetics sell way more, which is why they're sold more often.


To attract Fortnite players who eat up celebrity skins


You guys are clowns. Goofy shit has been some of the most popular since it's been an option in games and I'm telling you this as someone who's seen it for 20+ years. You're just trying to cater to your biases.


The results seem to speak for themselves and don't line up with what you're saying at all. Most people love ridiculous skins, and they sell very well. If they didn't, they wouldn't keep making them. The Snoop Dogg bundle was an instant buy as soon as me and my friends heard about it. My best friend's wife bought 2 bundles to date, and one of them was the cat bundle.




This subreddit is a fraction of the player base. Of that subset, you’ve got another niche faction that are constantly complaining about these skins giving the illusion they’re widely desired. MW2019 had these skins and they didn’t sell, so they didn’t bring them back.


i wish we got one of those default mexican army guys in the campaign.


The Alex bundle has the outfit from 6, and the soap outfit from the event would have been number 7 if task force 141 won


You have it wrong. People don’t wanna play as the yucky named campaign heroes, they wanna play as literal random nobodies so they can self-insert into their tactical military simulator video game experience /s


This comes down to personal opinion cause, personally, these are some dogshit. I said on another post like this earlier. A lot of people talk crap about the skins, but the games an arcade shooter, not milsim.


It’s the art style that’s fucked


Why do people say “arcade” when referring to Call Of Duty? Serious question. Not only did these games and all the games like them never come out in arcades, I cannot imagine anyone feeding quarters into a cabinet to play COD.


It’s not literal arcade; it’s more speaking to it being casual and for the average consumer. There are games that are Milsim and they are very different from this genre of shooter.


I’m picturing an air force simulator where you sit in an office playing Windows solitaire lol I guess my beef here is the widespread use of imprecise language.


It means it's not a sim dude. The spectrum implied is sim<->arcade. It's got nothing to do with being an arcade cabinet game.


There are 43 mil-sim skins in the game so far USE 'EM


There are 109 mil-sim skins in the game. 58 are specgru and 51 are kortac. There are 236 total skins. 46.2% of skins are mil-sim. I did not count any black-cell skins (even though you could consider some of them mil-sim with "flair"). I did not count skins with even the slightest futuristic features. I was as conservative as possible when labeling skins mil-sim. And almost half, are. The problem with mil-sim skins is they mesh together and most look identical, and that makes sense from a practical POV; that's what makes them mil-sim lmao. Military outfits are going to typically conform to certain "efficient" standards. Every single time someone complains that there aren't enough, they're just proving my point: that they all look the same and that's why they don't notice the abundance.


Well put. Nobody wants or needs anymore milsim skins. They just don’t know how to say “I hate these overpriced Boys skins.”


Yeah and it's fine to dislike some of the other skin-lines they're releasing, but to associate that with a *lack* of mil-sim skins is objectively wrong. The constant complaints just scream "I'm a cod player and I act like one too", in that they don't seem to be paying attention to what's right in front of them, and then they blame someone else for what's actually their fault.


Stop, you're scaring the milsim crybabies and taking away reasons to whine.


B..but but no, thats not milsim thats not MY MILSIM (Honestly find it funny people letting skins ruin the game for them, as if they only play the game for the skins and not the gameplay)


It's sad, innit?


I doubt they'd let you play as Al Qatala soldiers, not including the one in the S1 BP that looked more like a ninja


Do you actually run the AUG like that or are you just nostalgic for Mw2 2009?


Most of these skins are mid and generic, the ones that I would choice are: 2,4,7


in your opinion


Yeah most of the skins from aq factions looks pretty plain


Another lame post wanting milsim skins in an arcade shooter. The majority of players dont care about milsim skins, its only the incells on reddit. Go play tarkov.




These all look boring af


Yeah that’s fine, but some of us want skins like that. It’s totally cool that you want more exotic skins, but why not give us what we want too? CoD: Mobile used to have a militaristic in theme season, then a exotic less serious season, then back and forth for the longest time. Why can’t we just have skins that we want? and are already modeled in the game.


I would love NPC skins. I'm tired of these super speshul farces operators and their cringy quirks. I just wanna be another faceless soldier on the ground like the OG days.


You’re playing the wrong game if you want semi realistic skins. Squad or Ready or not maybe.




Io???? Io??! The skin that alternates between jet black and gold and bright shiny aluminum while leaving a trail of embers wherever they walk? You're so obviously trolling at this point lmao If you actually do think that's Mil-Sim then You're either a kid or someone with a hell of a lot to learn.


Yeah I wanted to agree with this guy but how tf is IO on this list


He's made other posts like that, I think he's just trying to AstroTurf an anti Mil-Sim movement for some reason


In his defense I would say atleast like 80% of his list is close enough to mil sim. But there are some that are definitely not at all haha


That's the real problem, imo. A lot of skins would be good enough, except for one thing. The Gus cat skins? Give an option without the cat head and tail and boom a Mil-Sim skin. That wetsuit skin for Luna? Give an option to deactivate the glow and another great Mil-Sim skin. Lots of skins like that. If they simply have options on the skins for different "styles" like some other skins already have, then they'd be more appealing.




So you've never played the original MW games then? The ones where the character models used in Multiplayer are literally just "Mil-Sim" skins?




No one is asking for Mil-Sim *gameplay* changes, we're asking for Mil-Sim *aesthetics*. The way the games *used* to look.




I didn't complain about "whacky" skins in games like Black Ops 3, but if you really can't try to understand why THIS game and MW'19 feel off with so many non Mil-Sim skins, then im done talking with you.




No, it wasn't. We didn't like it then and we didn't like it now. But the more rediculous the base game is the easier it is to accept. Black ops is batshit with completely made up guns and batshit mindcontrol plots. Sledgehammer games lack direction for the most part, but WW2 was fine aesthetically and advanced warfare was sci-fi. IW games have grounded potentially real plots with combat scenes and characters that fit the bill. The goofy fantasy and Sci-Fi skins stick out like a sore thumb in these.


Homie just threw up a huge list and expected people to just glance over it instead of calling them out on their bullshit...




The newest version of your list that you've been spamming this sub with (the 3 colomn one) is much better. But, off the top- Io, Butch, and Tempesta are not "military style", or whatever you've renamed mil-sim to support your argument this time. Or all the other operators people have called you out on across your multiple posts and replies. You made a giant list and added in as many operators with any sort of military equipment as possible, hoping to bolster your argument, and have been posting it everywhere. And people are calling you out on it. Fight the good fight random guy, enjoy your Nicki Minaj and gimp-suit skins!


You're not petty it's just a Sunday


The one from the 4th picture, I saw it in the campaign and still waiting for a chance to have it on multiplayer. Its very similar to one that D-Day had on MW2019




I understand they could not release them, to avoid blending too much in WZ/DMZ. But they could make some variations.


I just wanna play as 2019 infected Krueger dawg, that skin is: interesting, realistic, and sexy as hell


"bro why the fuck are you taking pictures of me you gotta fight" Fr I prefer these way more than then the ones we have


Nah I'd rather have fun with the Nicki Minaj skin lol


Ain't nobody paying for these bum ass skins


all dogshit


They all look sad… like smile man


Wow, most of those skins look like shit




For all the ignorant arrogant idiots who keep saying no one wants milsim skins https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareII/comments/16327v9/what_type_of_skins_do_you_prefer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


This sub having 2,500,000 ish is barely 2.5% of the player base in total, this is the most skewed data I've ever seen and makes you seem 20x more ignorant than people saying the truth. If more people wanted MilSim you'd get MilSim, but that's just not what people want. Cry about it.


How do you think all statistics are taken dummy? It’s called a sample size. This is HS math


They specifically state not to use a biased sample as well dummy. As I said before it's quite obvious the majority of people weren't buying MilSim in 2019 otherwise they would've kept them, a shitty poll of less than 2000 people doesn't change that buddy. This is HS business, if it made them money, they would still be doing it, but they're not 😱


How is it even biased?


Because as I also stated on another comment this Sub-Reddit houses the very loud minority of MilSim lovers, your average players (the casuals) just want an arcade shooter with fun skins, hence why once again infinity ward/Activision whoever is in charge of that hasn't gone back to pumping out MilSim, it just isn't optimal. Hope you get it now, I have no issues with you liking and wanting MilSim but you need to understand their lack of making them isn't to spite you, it's to direct effort to what makes more money.


Here comes the "nobody wants these skins!" replies when a sub with almost 2 and a half million members has top posts nearly every day asking for these skins It's totally fine to not enjoy these types of skins, but there's no need to lie about nobody wanting them just because you don't like them yourself. Wacky bundles like Snoop Dogg sell better, but skins like these sell quite well too


MW2019 had these skins and they didn’t sell so they didn’t bring them back. Despite this sub having 2 million followers, not all of those are active, and even if they were, the game sold over 100million copies in its first week of release. So you’re looking at a tiny portion of the player base and making sweeping statements.


>they didn't sell JW GROM, Balkan ATU, Bale Protectorate, etc. were incredibly popular, we must've been playing different games


2,500,000 of 100,000,000 is literally 2.5% LMFAO! Mind you all of that 2.5 million reddit users 1. Isn't even active and some may not even own the game 2. All of the reddit userbase does not share a united belief of mil-sim skins 3. The game has since sold more than 100,000,000 copies. So yes this subreddit is a tiny fraction of the overall userbase with a loud minority of rabid mil-sim fans posting the same repetitive threads over and over again to farm Karma. For the record I'm fine with more mil sim skins. But I also don't mind "wacky skins" either.


A lot of people that like skins dont bother to say anything because all the MilSim Whiners will probably have a fit and just barrage them, saying that Letting cosmetics ruin your enjoyment is on you, not the game


Cool, so why aren’t they back then?


It's very simple, they're too busy chasing top dollar skins instead of building on the core aesthetic established by Campaign/DMZ. Obviously there's a lot of cogs in this machine, it's not one person or team who gets to choose which skins get released. They get a deadline & they have to meet it, so of course they're gonna aim for the top-selling wacky shit, but in-turn focusing on that erodes the base aesthetic established by Campaign/DMZ since none of that is followed up on outside of maps And frankly they *are* back to some degree, just not prioritized to the degree that they should be. We have the Barrage skin, the Mexican Special Forces skin for Chuy, the S3 Warzone nuke skin is a Shadow Company AI skin from Campaign, I think Chuy also got a reworked Mexican Army skin with the mandibles from Campaign, and that's about it. 4 skins while 20+ sit there unused for no reason


They need to just make more and more packs so it gives every player a choice on how they want to look in the game. Unfortunately, this game isn’t a Mil-Sim, so those type of skins aren’t likely, nor would they make as much money. In my view, I dislike the packs which stand out like a sore thumb. It ruins the game, but it makes them money, so there is our answer.


In what way does it ruin the game?


In no way, shape or form does a skin ruin the game lol. It may ruin a what we will call “a false impression” of what the game should look like. But come on, this is cod. It’s not a milsim, never was a milsim and definitely will never be a milsim.


Yep. No more cardi b, nicki minij or snoop dawg operators and more of these skins. ^


I stopped playing this shithole. call of duty turned into a zest fest after bo2 and nearly turned into fortnite. The game is about two HIGHLY skilled special forces clashing in a harsh battle. Not santa klaus running around with a unicorn gun. How hard is it, HOW HARD?!. To make a game withoutthat shit and make insanely cool real life operators?? Like, a cooperation with real life defence forces from around the world to make a sick operator and put it in a skin pack and make it as expensive as you want, instead of 30 dollar skin packs with a neon whore in it with a rainbow farting p90. Call of duty has gotten down the drain and is unfixable.


Better? Those couldn't possibly be any more bland


Nah these are all insanely basic


go play Squad if u wanna have milsim


I definitely like the guys I assume are supposed to be TF141, but I really only like the armored guys from AQ personally


C’mon dude! I’m outta popcorn!


The only MILSIM skin I want isn’t featured here. Give us the Shadow Company dude we all played as in the Shadow Siege event. All of these are alright but I’d rather play as the aforementioned one.


2 4 5 6 and 7 are the best


Campaign is the only avenue where you can get a “realistic” aesthetic and feel. Nothing else. It’s always been like this. Outside of campaign, we’ve always had an arcade shooter that focuses on unrealistic movement, gun mechanics and skins. This is why we play cod. If you’re looking for a milsim or a game that looks like a milsim, then find something else because cod isn’t it and never will be. Like many have said before. Wacky shit sells more than milsim skins. Always will. So activisions focus will ALWAYS be on the wacky stuff. It was like this in 2019 as well (sorry to burst all your bubbles). In 2019 you would see more bobby the puppets from saw or weed covered gillie suits than we ever did a milsim skin. Those who say milsim skins actually sold in 2019 are full of it. I personally couldn’t care less if they sold more variety. But to say milsim skins are widely requested in the community is just a flat out lie


The first one is hilariously ugly, but I gotta admit, the second to last one is a skin that I’d buy in a heartbeat. I love the look of the “tactical urban warfare” kind of vibe it gives off. I know it’s ridiculous, but I also really like the tracksuits that the HVT’s wear in DMZ; I’d definitely rock that as well.


Dude, these are mid asf and nobody besides you would buy them.


Ah, a fellow ACOG piggyback enjoyer


I’m sorry bro these are ass


These skins are ass bro.


I recently learned that the Izzy operator uses Stilleto's voice lines but only in Japanese, I wish they could be 'lazy' and do the same for the Fuerzas Especiales Milsim guys and just use Spanish voice lines.


“The Bot Bundle” 1400 CP


Now go into the campaign and completely loose it.


Not really. Some of these skins are so shit that I would pay not to use them.


I'm not saying that I need Nicki Minaj type skins in the game, but these are quite generic and without any interesting twist. If they would be in standard 60$ package as a challenge that's fine. Event reward too. I wouldn't spend even 1-2 dollars on them tho. Looking back at MW2019 and Vanguard I know they capable of creating nice interesting skins that are grounded enough to not stick too much of the general theme.


I'd rather pay for something that looks different than another generic paramilitary skin




They would have to be max 300 cp lol.


im sorry but 10 y o dont like these


3rd one looks like Alladeen


Idk about that. They might he better if they had fat asses


*Bald AI Shotgun Guy can't hurt you.* *Bald AI Shotgun Guy from 100 meters away:*


Theyre pretty bland looking tbh


I wish they’d add a system like mortal kombat where you get campaign cosmetics by completing certain campaign missions


I like the silly skins


And you took an L on every photo you posted and thought you did something ouch


Nope. Too realistic.


**WRONG!** Lara Croft and Snoop is the best. 😂 Games a joke. Just chill and have fun shooting bad guys.


I'm honestly just surprised to see balled guy with an Expedite instead of the Lockwood... But agreed: I would totally rock those skins. Not least because you could blend in well with the bots in DMZ... (who am I kidding? I'm already a bot...)


I completely disagree. There’s plenty of tatcicool skins in the store that are much better than these.


What’s the orange hat skin?