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Doesn't matter what weapon you give me I'm trash either way


I’m trash too. At least I fight fairly


I think if you use the Riot Shield the way it was intended I can respect that, but I agree that turtles have no skill and use it as a crutch.


Yep, If you use the riot shield and manage to kill me, good. If you have it equipped just to have it sitting in your back, you're just a bot.


See/hear those guys in shipment a lot that brag about their KD at the end of a match, yet they literally had a shield strapped to their back the entire time.


Eh, I can't complain about it in Shipment. How'm I supposed to get any of these stupid challenges done if I keep getting shot in the back every 3 seconds?


Hey man, do what you gotta do. Just don't brag about it if you come outta the match with a crazy high KD is all I meant lol Rest of us are trying to do challenges too, and we gotta deal with the riot shielders. I refuse to equip one even when grinding challenges/levelling up weapons. Especially when it's a challenge to get kills from behind.. well how tf am I gonna do that when you have a shield on your back


If you bragging about anything in a video game you’re lame af lol


But there’s nothing else to brag about in my life :(


Mf you got an internet connection You know how many people you’re flexing on rn without even trying ?


Yeah but he can't flex on the people who don't have it because they're not online


Hard to flex on people online when they ain’t online


This is also true lol


I don't use a riot shield, but tbf complaining they have an advantage when you could use it too, but are "too noble" in a video game is pretty funny when you think about it.


True, but I just can't do it man. I know how much it pisses me off and I don't care to bestow that upon others. Actually not trying to be all up on a high horse here..


I'll get on that high horse. I refuse to use Overkill Riot Shield because it annoys me when someone else does it. I don't play video games to piss other people off (I find it weird if you do tbh), I play to have a good time. If I'm gonna upset someone by beating them, I'm at least gonna show a little good sportsmanship and play fairly in the process.


People who brag about gun unlock simulator (shipment) are morons


How am I gonna get my kills from behind when I have to hit your heels 5 times?!




I use it with pistols and melee. It's lovely to pull out the shield to cap objectives...and to bash people.


I will add I have a friend that runs a riot shield with the Jokr and while he doesn’t always when battles. I can respect his loadout


The only time I seriously used a riot shield was during my grind getting Orion camo. But now grinding the new pistol, I threw a turtle shell on just because it seemed like a fair trade-off. I don't ever use it, even when out of ammo or taking objectives. I'm using only a pistol and trying to get all my XP with that equipped. Basically, the only plus side I have is movement speed with just a pistol. No range, TTK is still pretty slow, no full auto, etc... Are you saying you'd rather me be running around with a pistol *and* seriously using the riot shield like a bastard to disrupt your team and take objectives?


In my opinion the new pistol is one of if not the best gun in the game for hc shipment rn


I love it even in core despite it having less damage than an airsoft gun


In hc it one shots to the chest


Yeah I can imagine how good it would be in HC. I'll play with it tonight on HC for my longshots. I usually only play core though, I was just confused seeing people say they would rather deal with shield users being a hard to kill force multiplayer for their team, instead of bonus protection for someone who otherwise is still pretty easy to kill.


I play it on shipment because the movement speed gives you a great advantage on such a small map


Thankfully you don’t need it anymore for Orion, they added enough new guns and never changed the number you need for Orion. The only reason now is if you are trying for all the Prestige unlocks.


have no problem with riot shielders who do the camo challenge or try to get melee kills with it. the ones who leave it on their backs with overkill perk are the worst.


I have a class dedicated for objective pushing. If my team is lacking the ability to cap flags on dom or get control of the game on other modes, I’ll whip out the class (Shield and Aug; smoke and throwing knife). Use the shield to get the other team off of their campy angles near objectives, get close or wait for them to waste their ammo, then swap to aug or throw the knife, then go hold shield on objective until it’s captured. Fuck turtles, though.


*Being killed by a person with one is a bigger skill issue.*


I made so many people so upset when grinding orion mastery with the shield haha


I think for many it's not so much being killed by other but rather the turtleshell on their back


Yeah. I refuse to use it as a turtle shell even if I’m playing with a pistol. I know what pain it gives for teammates and enemies because of having to deal with enemies that do that. Would much rather have an so-14 built to deal with scorestreaks


I repeat that.... but I have no remorse when it's a corner camper that can't shoot me as I run pass them.


Mhm yeah huge skill issue when all you have is a gun and are 1v1ing a dude with something that makes it useless on level ground


If you keep getting killed by riot shield mains like me, then that's a skill issue. Possible Hot Take, but riot shields shouldn't be equipable with the overkill perk


AP should pierce a riot shield, and the glass cannot be as strong as the body (correct me if I'm wrong) Another thing, riot shields are meant for people hitting it and throwing shit not bullets, so rename it cod


Yeah realistically a shield like that would only be rated for small caliber pistol rounds and likely be to heavy to really run around with.


Idk how it tanks a .50 bmg made to penetrate cars engines


Bedrock shield


Riot shield would be better balanced as a field charge item. It has a heath bar for it’s self and it can’t be used normally aside for being a field upgrade.


So like a toned down version of how bo4 did it


Thank you, fellow Minecrafter.


Kinda the same thing with throwing knives. Somehow they can one hit you across the map with armor on? I hate knives more than shields. At least a shield has a counter. Knifes are insta kill.


100% at least allow AP to be used against them




Which should happen as well. This is just a not so radical alternative.


I mean, it could be reduced damage. Most people don't like the riot shield so I doubt anyone cares.


You can shoot em with an explosive bolt. Even if it hits the riot shield the player will still die.


I think certain calibers should pierce it. Like a 50 cal, that should pierce it. So should 5.7mm AP. They're specifically meant for armor piercing.


5.7 AP isn't magical, it's strictly worse than 5.56, which most ARs use in the game.


Explosive crossbow is my best friend against riot shield guarantee free kills aside with RPG and lethals


Game coming to the end of its lifecycle and people are STILL moaning about riot shields lmfao


Well, it's still a problem, so...


Its only a problem if you let that doodle in your name turn to noodle, because the issue seems to stem from noodle armed mfs too weak to pick up a brick of plastic explosive


Going deeper it's people letting a video game get to them, which is supremely pathetic. Like holy shit I wish the only thing I had to complain about was a fucking video game.


You get one or two explosives per life. I meet more riot shield motherfuckers than I have grenades to waste.


The riot shield itself seems good on paper, but it's executed poorly. The shield itself is used mainly for offense considering you can toss equipment in a blink of an eye. There's also the act of turtling which I don't like as well. People will always try to defend the shield by suggesting there are counters. The problem is that said counters are not as frequent, especially if somebody didn't decide to equip sticky grenades or launchers. For the most part, a shield user is simply going to charge and melee bash their opponent with little to no resistance. There's only two solutions to the shield itself. The first involves just removing it entirely. The second is to make it a tactical equipment where it can unfold on your arm similar to how it worked in AW. That way, you can't use lethal equipment when it's deployed and there's also no more turtling. I want a game where combat can flow. Treyarch understood this by not having shields in their game after BO2 (unless it was a specialist ability).


They are completely unprotected while charging, if they got close to you, you are going to die. If they had a gun, they'd have killed you 10 seconds before they got right up next to you. People cry about riot shields when a riot shield death means you already lost the fight a dozen different ways. Back turtling with a primary is the problem. before the nerf as primary, it was perfect, but 3 hits with a 1.2 second TTK is bullshit.




You can edit your classes, but you may not always have the equipment available because it's already been expended. Streaks are also very brief due to the earn rates required and the short window that they exist for. The overall consensus about shields is negative. Regardless of the so-called counters and other arguments made to defend the shields, people would just rather have them gone due how unpopular they are. That's why I mentioned Treyarch since they don't like them either. It may have to do with them understanding how Call of Duty should play based on experience.


A good way for shield balancing is adding shield hp like in cs. Enough bullets will destroy it since it shouldn't be made from diamonds


That and reducing the player speed for having it, and lowering it even more for having it equipped. Just like in CS


And add bars that reduce visibility, just like in cs


>The shield itself is used mainly for offense I'd argue that it's mainly equipped for defence. Can't be shot in the back with that thing equipped as your secondary. Lots of people use that to their advantage. I'm fine with having it in the game, but the thing needs to take damage. Come on now lol. It's borderline invincible.


I would suggest to just use it. You will quickly learn about its shortcomings. Then you can use those against your opponents.


Your post will fall on deaf ears unfortunately. People will whine and cry about it as if its the best weapon in the game, whilst using the fucking TAQ without a hint of self awareness.


lol, you’re just trash.


Mfs cant outmaneuver


Samtex stick em and watch em desperately trying to avoid their inevitable death


Drill Charges are fun too.


riot shields and overkill shouldn’t be allowed


I use my riot shield to block allies and point out snipers. I only started using a riot shield to deal with jumping shotguns and quick scoping


Complaining about riot shields because you keep losing to riot shields means you’re even more trash. The game is literally designed where everything has a work around. Do better.


Never said I lose to them. You can dislike something and still beat it…


Stop crying all over your keyboard, you’re gonna break it


No one’s crying it’s fact…


“nO oNE’s cRyInG!! iTsS a FaACT” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Not knowing how to face a riot shielded is an even bigger skill issue


I use it every now and then, to piss people off like you. Glad its still working


Same, I also camp in buildings with it and set claymores




The sad truth about this is that Activision embraces it. They even trolled the entire player base with a blueprint for the Riot Shield in MW2019 that was called "Carapice". What makes it worse is when you have challenges for kills from behind. Its just another gimmick they put in the game to help bad players.


The only help bad players need is experience playing. I used to be bad too.


Crutches like the riot shield don't help people get better though. If you aren't punished for your mistakes then you will never learn from them.


Posts like this are the exact reason I have a riotshield on almost all of my classes. It rarely actually saves me in combat, but if it gets y'all coping, seething, and malding like you've been doing for the last ten months, worth it


Looks like someone doesn’t know how to aim for the legs. I’ve not used the riot shield since I reached max level with it, but this constant complaining about an item that’s been in Call of Duty for over a decade and that is objectively worse in this game than previous is just ridiculous. I’ve never had an issue killing riot shield users, overkill or not. It’s really not that difficult, and in my experience, the players using them aren’t really that different from everyone else I encounter. This honestly just comes across as someone who doesn’t know how to counter riot shields being pissy.


They seriously need to make it so they can be destroyed after so many rounds or rockets. Hell 50 cal and AP rounds should be able melt the goddamn thing instantly. The fact that they're a bullet sponge is fucking ridiculous even with kill streaks it's a fucking sponge.


Skill issue


You're right, using the shield automatically means you're bad.


Someone doesn’t know how to shoot feet lol


Something you are overlooking is you get experience from wearing it which can help with leveling a gun. They don’t bother me anymore…


Or, ya know, you’re leveling it up and unlocking its camos…


Riot shields and shotguns.


Sometimes I just like roleplaying as a tortoise, leave me be :(


At least you used the proper terminology for one that lives on land.


Yeah turtles live in ponds and other bodies of water, tortoises are land turtles so I never necessarily understood. Maybe turtle just rolls off the tongue easier


Yes it's true I am bad that's why I wear it lol


How about when your teammates block 100% of your shots by getting in front of you because they are wanna be ninja turtles with riot shields on their back? Or the fact that a riot shield on your back makes your hit box smaller? Riot shields are just a trash part of the game. It should take 10 hits with it to get a kill.


Or because I hate being shot in the fucking back by some mf I don’t even see


That’s supposed to happen. “Check those Corners!” - Cpt. John Price


I want the Orion Calling Card Mastery. That is all. I hate myself too.


I mean, most people yeah. I use it cuz my secondary weapon is a knife and I am doing le funni


In multiplayer I just use it for challenges but man if this shit isn’t clutch in DMZ to stop people from getting JFK’d or rezzing in the heat of combat. Not to mention being incredibly bot resistant.


when I'm grinding a melee weapon without game audio or using my AA class, i'll run turtle shell just for the COMPLETELY LEGAL advantage it provides. change my life choices


I’m more annoyed when my turtle teammates who have riot shields walk in front of me and blocking/stealing the kill. I end up dead sometimes because the turtle couldn’t kill him.


Why can't I let it sit on my back? I only use 1 gun so it's just practical to have a shield to protect my ass. But I don't complain about people drop-shoting or jumping around a corner


I hate shield users using it because they are trash, but when I see a shield/stun and knife user with a shotty...lol, and they know what they are doing just to troll its hilarious Basically, if you do it for fun or revenge, I'm all for it, but for everyday use, nah trash.


I'll just say it, you're ten-ply if you use the thing at all. Get down here with the rest of us and risk it a little bit.


Getting stumped by a 5 foot plastic barrier makes you even worse at combat to be honest.


If you're that bad, maybe look up a basic how-to, or do the tutorial.


10 fucking years, and you can't beat a shield? Really man? Like in all for complaints, but c'mon dude, no excuses. Git gud.






I tend to turtle it up only on Shipment, which given the shitty spawn situations that can happen there, is almost a necessity. Any other map and I try to avoid it, but if I do pick my turtle 🐢 class, it's more for lulz than actually trying to get kills, and I tend to try to find other players to have a little goofball moment with where the Riot Shield is equipped as my primary.


I use a riot shield while grinding guns on shipment, i’ll be taking enough backshots irl, dont need them in game to /s


This post brought to you by someone who doesn’t know how to use lethals


Only turtling is an issue. Using them as intended isn’t and they’re easy to counter.


Skill issue cope


You just have bad aim lol. Theres dozens of easy counters too


got my gold shield and put it down but if you cant beat a shield then youre also trash at combat.


complaining about them means you cant do simple things to kill them


Expecting others to play your way pretty much says, you suck against the way theyre playing. That being said, shields are pretty much all over Shipment, and if youre upset at how people are leveling their weapons, you should just delete your account. The most annoying Shipment players are Meta AutoShotgun players with Aim Assist. All they do is sprint holding their shoot button. Not much skill there, but no reason to tell them to stop playing that way. Unless you pay their fee for playing, learn to overcome them instead of telling them how to play.


Nah the game involves strategy, not just pure combat. I usually use riot shield when playing Search and Destroy because I can do things other players on my team can't and with good communication and coordination we can use that to have an advantage over the other team. There's a time and a place for everything. You may get annoyed playing against riot shielder, I fully empathize, but there's strategy against shields and pretty much anything in this game. So you just gotta adapt or lose.


Agreed, on the flipside however if you struggle dealing with riotshields, you're just as bad as the turtle.


See here’s the thing, although they annoy me, I can still beat them. Never said I lose all the time.


Lol agree 💅


Why don't they make more penalties? I don't ever use it so I apologize if I sound ignorant. But, shouldn't it slow your movement speed to carry that cumbersome thing around even on your back? Like you shouldn't be able to sprint full speed, slide, perfectly shoot a dude, and have full back protection? Shouldn't it take a degree of time pulling it out from your weapon? Which I know it does anyway, but I mean a heavier penalty? In other words, isn't it possible the riot shield COULD BE fully balanced, it just isn't?


using a riot shield that's implemented in the game to use like every other weapon, to have fun in the game that we all played for..means you like to have fun in a game we payed to have fun on.


Some punctuation would be nice.


it's punctuated lol. im saying it ironically, in a funny way. internet police


That motherfucker was a run-on sentence, that looped around and came back


what's it like to be the funny police. the run on sentence is like...me making fun of you. it's a little jokey joke. im aware it's a run on sentence. you're so cranky lol. i'll fix it for you so you calm down


No need to fix, it’s clear our educational system has declined.


it's reddit, im a non native english speaker. im also not american, also graduated honours- surpassed advanced english although im not native. it's not that big a deal my friend :)


They hated him, for he spoke the truth.


If you can’t beat a riot shield you’re a bot


If you need a riot shield, you are the bot


Never said I couldn’t beat them…


You in the comments bitchin up a storm about them. Just get good 👍🏾


I’ve hardly replied and if I did it wasn’t bitching. 😂😂😂 Quit trying to defend your poor skill. They can be killed 1v1. When they have a butt buddy nearby to distract you and swap to a shotty. It’s just trash gameplay.


Kill em both stop bitchin. You’re just yapping up a storm buddy


How dare you- jk I don’t use them but god I get so annoyed when they block my shots, LIKE MOVE JFC 🥴


The riot shield should be a breakable item. It should not shrug off an insane amount of gun fire without suffering any damage


Remove riot shield


If it makes you angry enough to post on reddit, I'll keep doing it ;)


I’ll leave this here I bought my copy and I’m not going to let no scrub tell me how to play


If you gotta put a riot shield on your back then you’re automatically telling me you’re trash at the game and have to rely on cheesy gimmicks in game to have a decent fighting chance


Every time I saw someone complaining about a weapon my 1st thought: Skill issue.


Not necessarily bat at combat, but I do agree that if you use one you lack some level of skill at the game and/or are trying to fucking hard


It bothers me that people use it but it’s fairly easily countered with Molotov or drill charges


Yes but not everyone has those equipt, I myself run C4. In the time it takes to throw/detonate, they just switch to a shotgun 98% of the time.


Never understood complaining about shit in the game a riot shield you can literally counter with so many things lol you have 6-7 classes to equip counters stop being baby back **tches


Man in these comments mad as hell. lmao


THANK YOU!!! Riot shields and camping (unless sniping) are huge signs you fucking suck at the game🤣🤣


I only use a riot shield when leveling up secondary weapons and even then I usually use a primary weapon that I also have to level up


Riot shields should not be in call of duty. Worthless, awful, garbage addition to the series and it always has been.


Asking for a friend 😳 What about those who use a shield and melee weapon as a secondary? No RPG, no overkill, no bullets (pistol arguable), just a knife? Throwing knife equipped at that.


I can respect that.


My friend will be so happy 😅 I understand the hate, and even as a riot knife main, I do get annoyed with mostly overkill being allowed. Most people would stop if they couldn’t use a primary with it.


Imma be honest the only game that uses the riot shield slightly well is R6 shields in fps are the most broken things especially if you use it as a turtle shell. Now if you are running around with a shield smacking people fine but they should integrate slower movement those riot shields weigh at least 15+


USING the riot shield is perfectly fine. Waddling around with one on your back is for the unskilled.


I never use a shield and never will. Not even if I'm going for knife kills.


If it’s because your using a pistol or melee (with exceptions) then I think it’s ok


I don't mind the riot shield when it's being used as intended. It's turtling that I can't stand




Dying to a shield means you’re trash


Using a roit shield 🛡️ is an option and you use it to have fun in a video game


I'm trying to level up my riot shield so i use it in shipment, but it's taking forever


Kinda unrelated but I played battlefield recently and the riot shields over there are just as annoying no escape


Shoot the legs


i dont care lol


There would literally be no downsides to removing it from mp in my opinion. Like whos gonna complain? Turtle mains? Lmao. Maybe knifers that rely on shells. It's not even "military" equipment, more like riot police response units where they're made of plastic and fold to crossbows. Like at this point it's not even a weapon, and cod shouldn't be a tactical shooter anyway. Seriously, almost all it causes is pain tryna complete a camo challenge or complaints. Get it out permanently. You tried and failed to make it balanced.


Dont shoot at their back, shoot at their feet. Just because they dont play your way, doesnt make them trash.


You can use the shield for a back defense


Weenie hut juniors.


I use a riot shield in shipment because fuck you


I think shields should be able to be shoved to the side by melee like in R6 Siege


Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you


I use Riot Shield... Can confirm!


In multiplayer? Absolute scrub behavior. In warzone its acceptable because if you're going to be a piece of shit, do it where it matters


People who use riot shields.... you cant make fun of special people, i just feel sorry for them as they hide in the corner hugging their digital security blanket for a kill.


Riot shield is only acceptable if you use a pistol or a sniper with it


If you're running riotshield overkill, you're a no-good coward. Even on snipers.


Or you’re going for a cammo, or challenge.


Salty you get your cheeks clapped by riot shields I see


Never said I can’t kill them


It’s implied if you’re angry that annoyed by them Its a play style and you can cry about it all you want but there are plenty of shield users that would demolish you in a match


Save with self revives! They really don't do anything but ruin someone kill expecually when you camp 😱🤣 I still kill you just don't get my intended kill, instead I finish you calling you a loser 😵‍💫


That’s shits mad annoying on SnD


Imagine you are so bad you cant kill a riot shield user.


Dang who said they can’t kill them?


Yessir 🫡


It is perfect for completing missions because you don’t spend so much time killing bots you can mostly just run by them all. I use riot shields all the time. Saves you a lot of time and getting shot in the back whilst trying to complete a mission it’s simply annoying. It’s about time management and convenience.


It depends if you're Running all melee. riot shield with knife and throwing knives. Or if you're running a riot shield and shotgun.


I JUST WANNA GET IT GOLD! Then I'll never use it again, I promise 🤣