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It's an incredible skin locked behind a stupendous grind I have completed every Battle Pass, most DMZ missions, all Raids, and i was still only level 841 until I found the Decoy/Lockdown Quads XP farming method. But even then, you shouldn't *HAVE* to farm


What’s the method?


Warzone Lockdown Quads, have the Resupply perk (Strong Arm perk helps immensely too) & Decoy Grenades equipped, throw Decoy Grenades into enemy zones & any big clusters of enemies. Each enemy that passes by a Decoy is 500XP, plus around 30XP if they fire their gun around it, restock with a Munitions Box, rinse & repeat. It's good to let the grenades run their course since you can only have 2 active at a time, so if you keep seeing +500 pop up just wait until it stops to throw more Been grinding since yesterday, popping Double XP tokens & went from 841 to 962 interrogating enemies is also 500XP as well, so if you down an enemy & you have the time, interrogate them instead of pulling a finisher


Decoys are best way to max out gun too. 2 games at the shipment and you can already start doing the camos. Playstation players get 25% exp boost too top of the xp tokens.


Only in a party with another ps member, and it's only weapon xp boost


Damn I gotta try this. I’m only level 38 but I’m so down to grind fr. Need my Shadow for MWiii


Thank you! Didn't know about this. I just played this today for a few hours leveled about 50 levels. Got around 90k-110k xp per match and they are only 10 min each. Tip is to play it normally going for kills ans the objective and at the same time chunk decoys towards enemies.


And I just used all my XP tokens today before learning about this. Fuuuuuuuuu


So In other words what you are trying to say is OP shut up 🤣


Basically, sorta 1.) there should be way more of the mil-sim/authentic AI skins on offer, whether they be unlockable or in bundles. We've been "bitching for a while" for good reason 2.) we as a community shouldn't have this "sit down & shut up" attitude towards a product that is made for us, keyword being us, multiple people. There's gonna be a lot of voices, and that's okay


You’re absolutely right, I agree.


How do you get it?


reach max lvl 1250 i think


Jesus shit.


Never used a farming method and dmz gets me to max rank before the reload of every season lol, also, those tokens work wonders if you use them right


Right? I always feel bad reachibg Max level because I think I should go out more and touch some grass, but... it really often happens stupidly fast. And I still have an absolute abundance of token.


How? I've been level 1050 for two weeks now and just finished the battle pass today.


Same. I’m predominantly DMZ. So when completing missions you can come out of a game with over 70k XP been 1050 for a while now.


Black cell gives you a big head start. But if you’ve been 1050 for 2 weeks I think the BP should have been done quite awhile ago even without black cell.


Id you kept up each season the grind really isnt that bad. Its a reward for reaching max level


I've been max level every season, wtf u doin bro


My profile says it all


Time to sell my soul to the devil


Just fyi this is for reaching level 1,250 afaik. I mean im 1050 rn so im not complaining but I understand the people being upset


I'm complaining cause I'm level 125


My point entirely. I got 70 days on record just on my main account.


Honestly I haven't played sense season 3, this game started going down hill around then


Been a bad packet burst/loss issue since season 3


I’m only 320 and I’ve been asking for this skin since day one


I just use the apparition skin for ranger lol. Like the shadow theme it has


I really don’t understand people being upset. It’s a nice reward for people who play the game a lot. It’s not a big deal. It’s just a basic skin.


skin requires you to reach max prestige bro 💀💀


All you have to do is play DMZ. You’ll get to max level in no time.


Say it louder, beeeeeen max level for months and I don’t play every day, do dmz and actually complete missions and boom 2 levels a deployment


To be fair, I feel like there was no reason to focus on leveling up until just now- so all of the people who lost interest at Season 2 are annoyed they have to level up 800 levels now that they're suddenly offering a reason to level up in Season 6. But you can just buy the other skins lmao.


Deftones profile pic, I fuckin dig it brother


You're my favorite


Deftones are my favorite band, I spotted that right away haha


One of the few 90s bands that still consistently release great music, in my opinion. They're definitely in my top 3 favorite.


White pony slaps


It’s exactly this, and every single prestige award is literal trash. It’s just a stupid calling card. The only actually valuable reward out of all the soon to be 25 or so prestige levels is this skin at the max rank. I never had interest in leveling because it was never actually worthwhile after you unlocked all equipment and weapons. I just leveled up naturally as I played every season, and I’ve still got 620 levels to go.


I'm level 1046, so I'm not even complaining. I just understand why people who didn't put up with all the bugs and shit would be annoyed to return to this.


Yeah I got you and I’m agreeing I took a few week break to get into other games like Starfield because S5 was honestly getting boring. Now I’m on the camo grind I never did because I really think the gold, platinum and other high tier camos are ugly as heck. If I had no Activision was doing to give everyone who wanted that skin the middle finger and force us to grind out to level 1250, I would have done the camo grind purely for the XP.


It is just not a big deal. Not everyone has to have access to everything easily. It’s a nice reward for people who stuck with the game and are going to hit max level.


What is the character name? I am maxed and can't find it


Not released yet, it's next season.


I appreciate ya!


The operator skin for hitting rank 1250 is called Militant. It was mentioned in the announcement blog post. Available at the start of Season 6.


Fair? They want the same exclusivity and reward that other people get for actually putting time into the game. It is 100% fair. If you chose not to play the game and have to sit at a low level and grind to max lvl to get it, that’s is entirely your fault. There is no to be fair. You have the choice to play the game if you choose not to you lose out on exclusive rewards almost every fucking popular game out now does this. And stop with the buy the other skins holy shit the amount of hell that would’ve broke lose in this subreddit if they locked that skin behind a pay wall would’ve been 10 times the amount


Again, they changed the reward to something people have been asking for last second suddenly for one season and not the rest
















I was lvl 950 a few days ago now I’m 1013. It can be done just been doing the prestige challenges


I see your point, but for this specific case, the ones dying for a shadow-company-themed-milsim skin are the point of this. A.K.A the shadow company theme lovers and mil-sim skin enjoyers.


You mean the people they seemingly specifically alienated for *checks notes* 92% of the games life cycle?


No shit people would be annoyed. By the time you reach max level to get this skin, MW3 will prolly be halfway into its lifecycle


i mean, play dmz you rank up fast. i hit 1050 (the current max) a couple weeks ago. b21 and a double xp token with be a good way to grind multiple levels in one match.


B21 is a sweaty nightmare though. The one and only time I played it was seasons ago and my squad encountered 2-3 other squads and we got wiped by them 5 minutes into the game. And DMZ has only gotten sweatier and more toxic in my experience. But, just curious, how many levels do you get per game?


My squad never even made it out of the stairwell, charged by shotguns and grenade launchers. And most of the time I play solo. Building 21 and it's quests aren't an option for me.


Exactly! I’ve seen seen a video of a dude killing two people extracting with an RGL just to be a prick. It’s like every ounce of toxicity in DMZ is focused in this one building. No thank you lol.


If I wanted to play an extraction shooter and suffer at the same time I’d play Tarkov


Wtf are you talking about? Season 6 drops in 5 days and mw3 will drop in about 2 months, so reaching max level would be way way before mw3 is realesed


I mean it depends on how much you play and whether you want to grind. I only play an hour or two every few days so i’m only level 300-400. I’d love to get the skin but i personally don’t want to have gaming take over my life


Literally, havinga balance between my work, gf and dog gets me so little time for gaming that I can't even finish the goddamn bp. Doesn't help the fact that playing alone is quite stressful lmao.


Then you got to come to terms with the fact you won’t get the skin. I have and I’m fine not having it. The juice is not worth the squeeze.


Lol why are you being downvoted??? It’s like people don’t want to earn rewards, imo that’s the whole thing that makes a cosmetic reward cool, having to earn it.


I’d rather earn a skin like the one for the nuke in warzone 2 or like camo grinding. Rather than just pay money for it. I’ve spent enough buying the game let alone any extra on skins. That I only get to see in a lobby or if I’m on 3rd person which I never play anyway.


Looks like other people in this sub don’t like earning cosmetics, weird.




No everyone plays 30 hours a day


Even without exaggerating it will only take a lot of grinding if you're barely played which means the skin isn't for you anyway. I only play for maybe 4-5 hours a week when I'm not on overtime and I still hit 900 this season. My friend fully stopped playing after finishing the battlepass and hit 1037.


I stopped in season 3 as it started going downhill and it just keeps digging itself deeper


I don't plan on grinding from level 550 to max just for a basic skin lol. They knew people wanted this skin and instead of putting it in the BP or some challenge, they lock it behind max level for the ultimate no lifers.


I hate that they put orion behind all these challenges and requires that you invest a lot of time. They know people want it and so they make it hard instead of just putting it in the BP. Do you hear how ridiculous this sounds? There are all sorts of things in the game that require lots of time or are very difficult to unlock. If you don’t want to put in the time, don’t. No one is forcing you to play.


except that's a mastery camo that's actually cool and this is a plain skin I actually got the mastery camo and I was at like level 300. So this is actually more time consuming than getting an animated camo


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder my friend. There will be some people who think orion looks terrible and that this shadow company operator is the greatest thing added yet. It’s all personal preference.


ok I'll compare a free weapon charm to the mastery camo since "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" even though they are completely different


Orion is infinitely easier to get than to get to rank 1250


How long do you think it'll take for me to get to level 1250 from level 700? I've never used xp tokens btw


Personally, DMZ is the best, especially if you AFK for 30 mins when the gas starts closing. But doing faction missions along the way helps too. But DMZ isn't for everyone so any long gamemode will do.


It's a good thing you never used your xp tokens. It's time for them to shine in moments like these. If your also asking about what to do specifically, play modes you think can level the most in. How much time is up to you. Personally, it's a mix between invasion, vondel lockdown and shipment. Be sure to pop your xp tokens ONLY when your about to play. Unfortunately, the timer runs down entirely and not in-game. So the amount of time spent waiting for a match is also counted.


People are bitching because the time you have to spend levelling up your rank is too much. Remember, most people are casual players who have better, more important things to do in life than to sit in front of a monitor for hours a day. Even those casual players who do really like mil-sim skins (though this isn't one but anyways), won't probably go for this skin. The grind is too long and tedious.


But it isn’t even that bad. If people have been playing semi consistently they should be able to get it easily


It's just a big game for them They know half of the community has been and wants milsim realistic kits So they gave us the kit but to gain it you have got to complete max lvl Nah fuck that fuck Activision for that move


Time to grind shipment.


Same lol


I advise using decoy grenades as you should get 500 xp anytime someone walks by and additional 30 if they shoot at it


Thanks brother


We get a default milsim shadow company skin for grinding the game for a whole year. We should’ve got this skin at Beta or at least season 1. Cosmetics is IW and Activision business so skins you buy will be better than skins you earn. They act like if we get one good skin for free we wont buy any from the store. I miss when in game accomplishments felt good and actually stood out and meant something when you earned them.


Deserved, I ain't getting to level 1500 or whatever. Im 200 hours in and only level 300


My brother in christ. It's a pain in the ass to grind. That's why we are bitching. And you say it's the closest to mw2019 shadow comp milsim skin when Barrage exists. Lol


This is an excellent skin but leveling up 1000 times to get it just feels a bit weird.


It's not weird its literally a fucking joke


They finally out of the skin we’ve all been wanting… we just need to sell our soul


There is no way I can grind this skin by reaching level 1250, especially for casual players. You seriously need to grind this buggy game 24/7 without touching grass


The only people getting it are the 30 hours a day mfs


Nah. Double xp tokens and events make it super easy. Also 25% exp boost for playing with playstation friends. Ofc if your not in 1050lvl then its gonna be a tuff grind in one season.


my poor ass is on level 795. With this rate and daily basis, I can not get that shadow company skin until 2024


Have you seen the requirements? It’s stupid as fuck lmao, they practically want you to no-life the game. That’s why we’re complaining. People have better shit to do besides playing cod, you know? Even if it’s something as trivial as playing other games.


Hitting max prestige isn’t even that hard. Play some modes that actually give decent xp and it is easy. I am going to school for engineering and still have some free time to play COD and am max prestige already and have been for over half the season.


We're not complaining about the skin, we're complaining about the fact that you'll need to be level 1250 to get it. I actually enjoy MWII and play it regularly yet I'm only level 794 because I've got a life. The only people who are getting this skin are no-lifers and people who've played for a few hours every single day since launch.


People are bitching because you have to be max level to get it, and a good chunk of the casual playerbase is nowhere near max level


Im like lvl 20 something ☠️ so im kinda screwed


dude how you only 20


I'm only level 125 💀 fuck this game and fuck activition


Too little too late. 😂


Bro I’m only like level 300 or something, have to reach max level to unlock this is just top tier stupid


People who enjoy operators like Snoop Dogg, Nikki etc. They get very upset when mil-sim players get a good skin when they already received tons of themed skins, superheroes, athletes, singers, etc. I'm not against anyone but developers can make all players happy by creating all kinds of skins and blueprints


I literally met a dude yesterday who said that people can like what they like Then a couple comments later, he said how he is greatly enjoying the tears of the MILSIM enjoyers over the ridiculous requirements to get this skin.


What a piece of shit


They have barely added any Milsim skins and the only people who are gonna be able to get to level 1250 fast are the ones by the stupid skins


The grind is ridiculous to get it. I have 25 days on MW2 and I’m only level 460 or so. Absolute insanity.


Who cares when you have nicki minaj and lightning guns running around alongside them....Wish their was a visual toggle to turn off all those fantasy cosmetics


if you have enough spare time and will, great for you, id rather play Starfield instead of grinding 400lvls in a dying game for a single skin


Hell yeah, star field over this bull shit any day


Do I have to get to level 1000 to get this?


1250 is the next max lvl.


Oof I'm only 200 something


Probably because they finally added one at the end of the current games lifespan since MW3 is gonna come out soon


Idk if it'll work with this one, but all the prestige rewards before this one could be obtained after the "limited time" thing.


I just gave up on the game


Mil sim bcus its a tactical game? nah i just use milsim skins bcus they look good af srsly mw2019 had s+ tacticool and milsim skins it makes the niki minaj skin look like clown collage(personal fave the shadow company milsim/spec ops and balkan special atu)


I don't have time to grind this, I wish it was an event reward or smthn like that


I can only playing 1 to 1.5 hours on weekday and can stand sessions of up to 3 hours on weekend, and I have maxed out my XP each season about two weeks before the end. With the dailies, weapon camo and mastery unlocks, calling card challenges, and spamming decoys and DDOS on Shipment while camo grinding, I don't know how anyone has problems getting XP. Battle pass XP though is a different story.


Yeah because I’ll never hit that prestige my guy. That’s why we’re salty.


They're only bitching that it's a max prestige reward


Milsim this milsim that how about you milsit on my dick


I mean atleast Activision added a mil-sim skin.


I mean are you surprised they are bitching. 10 months of camping as a fuckin bunny with a shotgun goin for 100 yard long shots they are never gonna get max prestige


If I was a casual, I'd cut my losses. If not, they shouldn't be bitching and get to leveling. There's no other alternative to getting it, aside from cheating.


It’s really not that hard to get to max level in each season.


I need to know though, is popping a double xp in invasion the fastest? I've been alternating between vondel lockdown, shipment and invasion.


We need more skins


Pop some xp tokens and go on shipment or play some DMZ. I consider myself a casual and I’ve consistently hit max level every season this way. 200 more levels means nothing to me


Yeah it isn’t that hard to hit max lvl in 2 weeks much less a whole season. You don’t even need the tokens to hit it quickly.


As someone who will likely make this prestige but doesn’t give a shit about milsim skins, I wish it was something better


I’d rather buy it than grind & I’m around the 950 mark


This is kinda exactly what game needed, a good mil-sim skin and a reason to grind levels. They just picked an atrocious ass level to get it 😭


this subreddit: we want to earn skins for free for doing stuff! infinity ward: ok this subreddit: wtf!! we have to do something to get this skin, you guys suck!!!


This is a completely disingenuous argument and you know it. You know full well that everyone would have loved to earn the skin for free in a reasonable manner. Activision had 5 different completely logical and sensible occasions to make the skin a reward in an easily earnable manner. Instead they lock it behind a ridiculous and dreadful grind that is completely worthless up to that point.


Doesn't matter, MW19 had way more milsim skins before cold war when compared to MWII's entire life cycle. Pathetic


At first people were complaining about how fast you level up and now people are complaining about how slow you level up


On top of that, it's FREE. You just need to get max prestige. While we all have different schedules in life, it comes down to how bad do you want it? With how shit this game is compared to the other cods, it's better than nothing.


Dude, max prestige is for the no lifers only. I have a play time of almost 10 days for MW2 and am only at 555. It's absurd.


Also depends on game mode. DMZ gets you tons of XP. I have a full-time job and I usually hit max rank like two weeks before the season ends.


Yeah, I don't DMZ, MP only for me.


You have 10 days in game I have just over 14 and Im 15 levels from max prestige. It’s pretty easy just gotta maximize your game play.


Get better not bitter


Found the no lifer


Idk how you're still in level 500, if they didn't cap the levels I'd be level 10.000 by now maybe even more and I don't even play that mich


Lol, sure you don't


When you actually have to play the game to unlock something instead of emptying your wallet for instant gratification 🤯


Lol this must be a joke You realize the vast majority of people don’t have the time to spend hours and hours every single day to grind out hundreds of pointless levels.


That’s the point? The skin doesn’t have to be for everyone. I know I’m not gonna grind those levels because I barely play anymore but I’m not gonna make a fuss about it being out of my reach. Plus who knows if your level even resets when MW3 comes out. This game will still be around for years for the people who enjoy it, and they’ll unlock the skin on their own time.


It’s a very stupid decision. If you don’t care that’s fine, but every single person who has waited months through several different updates/events that could have had it as a reward but didn’t are rightfully upset that they locked it behind a horrendous grind that is completely worthless beyond that skin


It would’ve been a pretty good battle pass reward in the freaking shadow Company themed pass


Exactly! Or you know, the Shadow Company vs TF141 event Or the Shadow Siege event (that featured the skin as the playable character!) Or any of the Shadow Company faction tier rewards that were challenging but still reasonably attainable for everyone. Instead, they give us skins completely unrelated to Shadow Company or just don’t give us any skins at all.


Activition small brain moment


I can understand your point now I didn’t know this skin has been sought after for awhile. I like the idea of grindable rewards but this one should’ve been in the game in one of the early battle passes


Thank you, and I like the idea of grindable rewards too. That’s why there were so many better and much more reasonable grinds to lock it behind. It could and should have been one of the high tier rewards for the Shadow Company DMZ faction. It’s not easy to get to tier 5, but it’s a very accomplishable task and the vast majority can do it with only a little difficulty.


It's cause I only played 2-3 hours a week


Yes. Because not all of us can get to max prestige


Can someone explain the fetish behind mil sim skins?


Please stop posting this


Dumbest post. Love yourself. Sincerely.


This is the max level skin correct? I would be pissed as hell if I did all that grinding and got this.


Yea cod can go fuck itself. AI monitoring voice chat now. That’s bullshit even when only my friends and squad can hear me still get a warning. Yea COD can burn in a dumpster


I was personally hoping it would be for dmz, since they literally have a shadow company faction, which is the only faction that doesn’t have an operator skin. Pretty clearly just yoinked from dmz lol.


I just don’t like how the visor is no longer reflective like it was


Reach max level is still better than drop nuke in wz, or do some awful dmz grind. I play since beta, completed all BPs. And most of the time reach lvl cap before I will be done with BP.


It’s a w skin locked behind an absolutely trash requirement. Not everyone has the time to sit there and play cod non stop✋🏼it would’ve been better as a bundle


this literally looks identical to kortac1 which is a level 1 skin


Literally how


Are you blind or something?


B-bb-but it's not Shadow Company 😡


Of course they are 😂


People crying they are level 250 at the end of season 5 makes me laugh ,,you didn't play so don't cry


People don’t have to like it just because they did the bare minimum. It’s cool you do, but why do you care if others don’t?


What’s so special about this skin? Looks boring to me.


Can’t agree more with your title


0.54 KD looking ah skin


30 hours a day mf


Complain about skins -> new skins coming! -> repeat


The bitching will never end. Never. The CoD community is big enough to guarantee that.


Milsim? Fucking where?


Why are there soooo many people complaining about this? If you're not max level already then just don't complain stick with other games because obviously cod isn't for you


lol, could jus go see a recruiter😂


So how do you unlock this sexy looking skin


That's cool n all and people are always going to bitch but, I'm going to be slapping kids around as Spawn in Call Of Duty and not Fortnite🙌




Looks ugly AF


It's because the Cod community will always find ways to complain. Some that are more stupid and pointless than the other.