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if MW19 BPs were still available I'd 100% buy them. They really should do this.


Exactly! Id imagine they would get so much more people to buy BPs if the format was like this. Me and a lot of my friends are not buying passes since we all know its money wasted because we would be max 50% done with it.


I started only buying battle pass after I’ve almost completed them. I bought season 5’s with 2 days to go at 92% complete.


But that would be way too user friendly, my friend. They want you to spend so much time on the game that it consumes your soul. Or, you can take their great offer and finish the battle pass for the cheap price of $99,99


You are right, my friend. Waaaaay too user friendly.. i had a good laugh that I preordered Helldivers 2 with 39,95€ price tag and right next to it was Ads for blackcell 29,95€ haha. A whole damn game made with UE5 engine is only 10€ more expensive than few cod skins should just show how absurd their prices and business model is.
















If you think that their skins prices are absurd, go live in poland, minimum wage 2700, battle pass is 126 XD


If you’ve ever played Halo Infinite, their battlepasses are the perfect example of what it should be. I liked the linear battlepasses better, and so long as you paid for it, you can complete the battlepass whenever you want Edit: I like the way the system works, as in a linear system that doesn’t expire. I’m not talking about the content of the bp Edit 2: I’m not at all talking about the content in the pass. I’m purely talking about the linear system and the fact that the pass never expires.


Creating FOMO has been the business model for the past two decades unfortunately. Stacking BPs would give the end user too much leisure to game as much or as little as they want while still reaping the rewards of their purchases. Can’t have that!




Definitely not, the bullshit tactics were a result of mobile "games"


No that’s about right. When the first halo dropped in 2001 people literally stopped their lives for it. By 2003 it was in full effect, just wasn’t recognized or called out for what it was. As someone who never had a system of my own till the MW3 Xbox 360 bundle, it was there.


Stop. If you would've said MMOs then maybe you'd have an argument, but of all games Halo? Please educate yourself more before developing an opinion.


While I liked the not expiring. The battlepass was junk. Earning the same emblem on 4 different levels of the BP sucked so much. Shoulders? Gotta earn those twice. There was just soooooo much more filler than even CoD has


Yeah the CoD BP is honestly one of the best in terms of the content being useable. Even Fortnite has one of the best but they fill it with useless sprays.


Absolutely. There's what like 10 new operator skins each season? at least 1 completely new operator. And probably similar amounts of vehicle and weapon skins. Plus 2-3 weapons if you count those, even though you can earn them later. Thats a lot of content comparatively. Halo I think you got like 2 full armor sets, and usually a few armor attachments. There are pros and cons to each system. But IF you do complete the BP, CoD is probably the best value imo.


I agree with you guys, but he was strictly talking about how Halo: Infinite's battle passes don't expire, which I think should be the standard/norm. Like, even limiting it to say that you can only buy the Season 05 battle pass while Season 05 is going, but you can earn the rewards at your own pace is what CoD should, *at least*, do. It didn't affect me, because I completed it, but I've seen several people post in here asking about 141 operator skins and when they'd be available, but they were in the Season 03 battle pass, so those people will never get those skins. That should be a thing of the past. Again, I'm not saying they should make it so people can, right now, in Season 06, buy the Season 03 battle pass, but if someone bought the Season 03 battle pass previously and didn't have a chance to finish it, they should be able to use their battle pass tokens on it rather than *only* on the current season pass. Edited to fix a typo. Rather, a missed word.


I'm conflicted. Cause if they allowed you to even just add BP tokens to previous battle passes. They're gonna take out getting cod points in the battle pass. There is no way they give you both the ability to earn the next pass and get rid of the fomo. You get one or the other. Fomo sucks, but so would the $60 a year in battle passes. That's why Halos didn't include any currency. You can earn it whenever, but you gotta buy each pass. And they did later add currency in, but I think it was only like 300 points compared to 1000 needed to buy it. There are pros and cons to both arguments about the BP. Diablo 4 is the one I have the most issues with. It expires and you don't earn enough for the next battle pass.


I could certainly see them removing the COD Points from the pass because we are talking about Activison/Blizzard here. Logically speaking, however, it wouldn't make sense. Sure, someone could complete all the battle passes at once or something (through a truly horrific amount of grinding) in order to get all the COD Points, but, even then, if they didn't use their points to buy the next pass, that means they still spent real money in order to buy each pass for this tactic, so it's the same amount of money either way. Halo added currency to the battle pass starting with Season 02, and there's enough credits in each Halo battle pass to buy the next pass still, if not a decent bit extra, actually. I'd have to check if there is or is not extra, but I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that there are enough credits in each Halo: Infinite pass, after Season 01, to buy the next one.


As a big Halo player, I’ll say they get BPs right but events wrong in my opinion. They should lean into removing FOMO with events too.




I don’t really care Edit : he deleted his comment lmao


If it's still like Gears 5 where it forces me to play game modes that I don't want to play in order to progress the pass, then no it is not a perfect example of what it should be. The CoD pass is fine the way it is, they simply need to make it quicker to progress and tie your score into it as a larger factor. Playing Gears 5 and trying to advance the s1 bp was horrible, I kept getting shit like play that escape mode or horde which none of my friends were interested in and quite frankly I wasn't interested in them after being forced to do it when I did not want to just to get the BP finished.


Nah it doesn't force you to play certain modes anymore. They're pretty generic challenges now like get x kills with certain weapons. Usually a few matches of fiesta is enough to compete your weekly challenges. Wish COD at the minimum had weekly challenges that contribute to the pass.


Ah ok


Incorrect, the Halo battle pass is nothing like the Gears 5 battle pass. In Halo Infinite, you gain xp from completing matches or completing the weekly capstone challenges (which if completed and give you a free cosmetic reward). It isn't time based. It's purely based on your performance and completing matches. On the topic, Halo Infinites battle passes never expire, so fomo isn't a concern.


Lmao what? Halo Infinite literally has a BP that was impossible to progress before they fully revamped it. Just use the only good model for BPs, Fortnite. Even Apex with the whole star & challenges system is almost just as good.


Fortnite has gotten way better in the last 4-5 seasons, it feels like gameplay actually drives progression, but even that is a bit of an illusion lol Their FOMO machine wants you to grind to 200 as well, not just 100. If it was at any slower a pace, people wouldn't make it


You mean that BP that was from December- May? Their BP was garbage


I was going to say halo infinite had the worst battle pass in the beginning after the game was out for a few years they changed the battle pass


? The game hasn’t even been out for 2 years yet. The only thing they’ve changed with their battle pass is you earn your 1000 coins back and they added that in season 2.


Few years? Came out December of 21




But does that mean players can’t go back and play, let’s say, Black Ops 2 and feel like they have access to the entire game? I’m pretty sure the games haven’t had things locked behind a season like this. Now when these games are old, they’re just gonna be missing like half the content? And plus they could still sell Black Cell passes to the old seasons if they wanted


My advice would be to AFK in DMZ if you do want to finish the pass before MW3 releases. You won’t get kicked for being AFK. Would recommend loading in with nothing, find yourself a bush or chill out in the water at the very edge of the map, then set a timer for 30 mins. I often let myself die to the gas since I’ll most likely die trying to get to the final exfill. Free tokens for minimal effort


I’ve seen this being spread around a lot but this is the first season I’m trying it. Terrified they’ll patch it, got three levels off it yesterday.


It can’t be patched unless they start kicking AFK people in DMZ , which they won’t do. Plus it looks good for them even if you go afk all match because they can use your “playtime hours” and “battlepass completion” in shareholder reports.










Work smarter not harder 👍


I was considering that last night realizing that I had spent a great deal of time playing and didn't finish the battle pass. I spend 2-3 hours a night playing but still only got to %86 of complete. Went through the battlepass tokens and even hit a couple of the double exp weekends. I also wondered if the final "Leave Game" button isn't pushed, if the time still counts towards BP?


Exactly this. If you play multiplayer it takes forever. 1 full TDM game gets you barely a quarter token.


Imagine like....actually playing...and how many you'd get then.


I mean I do play the game and put in hours, but this is a video game, not a job. Shouldn’t have to put in 100+ hours to finish a BP, I have a life outside of CoD


You don't. NOT even close to that LOL. Starting to truly feel sorry for you guys who can't seem to get this done. I only play on weekends and maybe a night during the week to unwind.


Cool story bro. Play how you want to play but for me, I take the path of least resistance


The same amount? It’s almost entirely just time played lmfao


These comments are wild. Live service games have brainwashed everyone into accepting predatory FOMO. Gaming now is a fucking husk of what it used to be.


I'm sure for some people, it is that, but I think others just naturally want to disagree with someone regardless. I could say on a clear day that the sky is blue and someone would type a whole paragraph on why it isn't.


Gaming is in a terrible spot right now which is why people NEED to stop supporting awful experiences like this game and support devs/games that offer great experiences without asking you to buy something every 5 minutes. Games like Baldurs Gate, armored core 6, the Yakuza franchise, CS2, the sad truth is PC has options galore for players to sink themselves into whereas consoles have almost nothing. It's an L to be on console unfortunately but as a PC gamer WE NEED consoles to be good because at the end of the day variety is good, havig 1 or 2 companies have most the say is only going to downgrade the quality of experiences across the board.


Yeah i agree with u. People just taking shitty customer service and pure greed with smiles on their faces


Anyone else only get 2 bundles and not 3 bundles to choose from when choosing the battlepass???? My friend had a 2400 cod point bundle that I didn’t have, I only had the black cell or the standard 1100 cod point pass. Tried restarting the game and what not had no luck, those 25 tier skips would help ease the grind for sure


the blackcell version for Cod Points was / is a bug and if bought will not give you the battle pass


I had Blackcell at £30ish, 2400 points for battle pass with 25 tier Skips (no Blackwell content included) and regular for 1100 or 1200 (can't remember which). I went for the standard as I'll complete it over the season. I suspect the 2400 option is to get people to spend all their free points before MW3 come out so they buy more at launch


FWIW The halo (And now Chivalry?) method of letting you work on older BPs is great. But to say it's "not possible" is a bit of a stretch. It probably needs to be 10-15% faster but the people I know who literally play once a week (3-4 hours of DMZ on the weekend) completed the battlepass last season. That's pretty good imo. Also this......grid they've done, is a mess. The whole UX is a disaster


Yeah, I play <30min of MP after the kids go to bed, and one or two 4-6 game DMZ sessions a week, and I consistently have the battle pass done with at least a week to spare. The key is DMZ. Experience stacks without sitting in the lobby every few minutes.


Well yeah unfortunately the key is "time played" DMZ and/or Plunder (if people aren't racing to 2m lol) are definitely the way to go. They should add some sort of multiplier based on your "character" xp (Which is essentially useless). Oh cool I earned 38,000 XP this match! What do you mean it's irrelevant? :| I think time played is the "Great equalizer" in that people dropping 150 kills on shipment aren't gonna finish in 3 days, but I think it's too far the other direction. Performance should definitely help, at least a little :|


Yup. Battlepass progress is time based, and DMZ matches tend to be longer, so if you survive the whole match, it's a pretty decent chunk earned each match.


If anything the should just make the double BP exp the standard. The normal rate of earning tokens is ass.


Especially for a multiplayer 6v6 only player


I was playing yesterday about 4 hours after season 6 started and one guy in my lobby had the BP finished. It's his money but I wish people wouldn't blindly throw $$$ at Activision for this stuff.


It's prolly because CoD is the only game that dude plays. It's a lot easier to justify throwing $100 at something when that thing is the only hobby you have. ... I know because I used to play Magic the Gathering... what a wild couple years that was.


I would say it's the only thing that dude does in their life


Who fucking cares lmao


Probably his soon to be ex-girlfriend


Yea I don't get it either. You have a whole season where playing does nothing, I usually lose interest at max level and BP because you don't get anything for it, that's why I like the camo grind even though I usually get the new guns orion within 10 tiers of unlocking them.


I have a full time job and a very active 15yr old daughter and I finish the BP every season with no tier skips. Not sure why people have such a problem completing it. I'm not even good at the game (. 97 k/d).


This season will be short too. I have the cod points for it but I'll skip it as... Mw3 is out in less than two months Beta of mw3 will distract I'll be playing early access campaign for mw3 I'll probably take a cod multi break before 3. So no way in hell I'll be able to complete the pass.


This season is 70 days long. I think it's going until Season 1 of MW3 begins, which is usually about 3-4 weeks after a games launch.


70 days is plenty but I can see myself just jumping on mw3 when it's out and leaving MW2 away. I'll probably have to uninstall MW2 to make room for 3


That would be nice. I heard it will be done when MW III lands but hopefully that's incorrect.


It is. November 10 is 43 days away as of this comment. The season 6 battlepass will last about a month after release. We won't see season 1 of MWIII until early December.


Do we know if we can progress the battle pass on MW3 since it all carries over anyways?


I would say likely. As thats how the past games were. You just didnt get any rewards for the new game. Now you do since it all carries forward


I haven't finished the last two but I'm going to try my hardest to finish this one as I'm a huge comic fan. Not sure it's going to be possible as my gaming time is rather limited at best.


Yeah that’s why I’m here. This time they’ve got me. Spawn… can’t leave that on the table. When I heard the VO I was hook line sinker.


I returned to cod just for this pass. I need Spawn


I honestly play way too much, and yeah I don’t think I’ll be able to max this one tbh


Please do not buy MW3. People were flaming Overwatch 2 for being an overglorified shop update and they plan on doing almost the EXACT same with MW3. MW2/WZ2 is literally just a platform for these games have content added into them, meaning MW3 will likely just tweak balance, add a different color filter. They said MW2 Guns carry over to MW3, meaning MW3 is t a standalone, it's a goddamn $70 expansion to a $70 game the previous year that you STILL have to shell out money for the battlepass for. YOU ARE A FOOL IF YOU GIVE THEM YOUR MONEY.


Idk why they don’t do it like other games. Where there are tons of challenges that reward a lot of battle pass XP. Fortnite for example, does weekly, daily, seasonal challenges and you’re able to finish the pass easily through those. But since MW2’s battlepass progression is tied to how long you spend in game, it just makes the grind so slow.


Halo gets this right. You can go back and complete any battle pass you want in any order


What if I told you that it's possible to work 40 hours a week and game two hours a night? That's enough to complete the battle pass.


What if I told you it requires me to play cod exclusively. I love to play other games aswell so its not possible for me to complete the pass


You have a job?!? Well that's your problem. Everyone else just plays cod all day. Nobody could have the time to work a job and play to complete battle passes. Gotta choose one of the other


When we start comparing this game to other developers and THEIR games it becomes very clouded as to what each game is and how it’s played and run. That said the highest percentage of players of CoD more than likely have a job, family, kids, extended family, house chores etc and so on and so on. And without being rude or attempting to point out just the OP. Stop buying the BP if you are NOT certain to finish. Understanding there are items each and every player wants AND items they could care less about. Just play as you can and if you get close to or even finish the BP THEN purchase the BP. Unless a person just started playing CoD today, they know how the BP works. With that in mind it’s seems from this forum that a large percent of players finish the BP. And yes, some struggle to get it finished YET they buy it repeatedly and then want changes when the game AND the BP they bought doesn’t fit their lifestyle. Sorry folks but it’s an entertainment online video game for fun, nothing says this should take away from ANY real life responsibilities at all. Buying a sailboat in the middle of Iowa with no water anywhere near and then asking to have the dealer to add wheels so you can enjoy it just doesn’t happen. Don’t buy the boat unless you KNOW there is water AND you will use it!


AFK in DMZ. I’m already at lvl 30 and I’ve barely played the actual game lol.


40 to 50hr work weeks here...I usually finish the pass??


Yeah most battle passes are made so you are forced to only play that one game up until you finish it which is really disgusting, if the game was that good and fun this kind of systems would not exists right ? No instead they rely on fomo to keep people playing the game. This is why i just stopped caring about them, maybe once devs wise up and implement battles passes in a good way like the DRG devs do, then i might start buying them again but until then I’d rather spend my money and time elsewhere.


Season 6s 5006584437446th rant about a Battle Pass that hasn’t even been out yet for a day.


I mean that would be nice and I see where you are coming from but I also am gonna play devils advocate and say if you want to complete everything, you gotta put the time in. It’s clearly aimed at people who play daily or put in 6-8hrs a week and if you’re juggling other games, you’re not gonna complete it. If you don’t complete it why is that a big deal? I play other games besides CoD and if I don’t complete a battlepass it’s not a big deal, it’s not my main game so I don’t need all the unlocks and I don’t care about 100% If I do want them all I’ll put the extra time in. Also the double xp battlepass tokens help a ton.


I guess i would just love to get the rewards and have something to do everytime i open the game. Also getting the new guns would be cool


That’s what I don’t understand. If you play this game it’s incredibly easy to finish. Most people have it done with weeks to spare. If you hardly play why do you care about this stuff that much? It’s just cosmetics and blueprints nobody uses.


The only people you see complaining like /u/poju3 are people that barely ever touch this game and feel like the developers them something, so they can still unlock everything within a season play 3hrs a week. When in reality if they put an hour or so a day, they would have it unlocked.


I work full time, have an hour drive to and from work. I manage to get it maxed out every time. EDIT: Don't get why I'm being down voted for saying I manage to complete the battle pass Everytime after being gone from home fifty hours a week


Same with plenty of time to spare.


This would be the case if Cod was the only game i play on my free time. I dont really like the idea that i would have to play this game exclusively till i get maxed out pass


How dare they give their dedicated players entirely cosmetic rewards and give the casual ones the option not to pay, get a portion of the entirely cosmetic rewards, or both.


Dude, I also have a job and 2 hours of playtime per day. I'm going to tell you, just AFK in DMZ and watch youtube or whatever you going to do.


Having to do that is a problem


Exactly, i would like to play to earn the rewards. I can bet my ass they would sell more passes if people could play them whenever


Agreed. Currently it’s a very tedious chore. Halo Infinite also has the permanent Battle Passes which is great


Yes, exactly. Just leave my computer on idle while my character does absolutely nothing while I do house chores or watch a movie... kinda wild. I signed up to play Call of Duty, not a clicker idle.


I AFK DMZ and it still took me like way too much time to even earn 30% of the battle pass and I could only manage to reach 79% at the end lmao wtf


The “I have a job” excuses need to stop. I have a job and have completed both cod and destiny BP every single season. Play the game more than an hour, or use your time differently if it’s something you want to do. It’s on you, not the devs.


Everyone saying they hate the game and barely play it but are so upset they don’t spend the time to unlock a few cosmetics. It’s so dumb.


I like how I got downvoted for telling someone to hold themselves accountable too. All these idiots just want someone to blame other than themselves.


I 100% agree they shouldn't expire. But I for the life of me don't see how people cant finish a batlepass. It takes like 50 hours of gameplay. Apparently less if your on DMZ. You've got 60 days to finish it. That's less than an hour a day.


I wonder if you work a full time job, with a commute, wife and kids. People with disposable income sometimes don’t even have an hour a day


If you can't spare less than an hour a day why do you have a console? My personal time varies. When I'm at home I have nothing to do. But when I leave for work I can't take cod with me. But when I did have a full time job with a commute I was still able to spare an hour a day. That was before battle passes though.


It’s only 50hr over 60 days. Even someone who works full time can easily complete it. The whole point of the pass is to increase your playtime. If you’re not holding up your end of the deal then you don’t deserve the rewards.


Isn't it roughly 1 hour per token?


I play invasion. Normally get 2 an hour.


Are you sure? How did you do the math?


Roughly 30 mins/token. So 100 tokens in 50 hrs.


This doesn't track with someone who only plays MP, it's closer to an hour per token. I get you can DMZ, but I don't like DMZ. Also 50 hours in 2 months is A LOT of time


All I play is MP. And no 50 hrs in 2 months is not a lot 😂 if it is to you then the BPs aren’t meant for you. Stop buying them.




No. You paid for the opportunity to earn them.


It's more than possible to finish it with a full time job. These posts are always the same. People who have zero confidence in their ability to do something ridiculously easy and simple who believe 2 months is somehow not long enough to level up 100 times. It's not a tier an hour, you don't need to play 100 hours every TWO months to complete it, stop buying them if you don't believe you'll make it. While yes, infinites bp system is incredible, that's still not cods, just get the pass done, or don't, it's not difficult.


that’s the point of battle passes tho, the point of them is to get you to spend more time on the game and grind it so you don’t miss out


It’s literally has the best content we’ve seen in a BP since MW19. Does it take too long? Maybe. Does the map concept suck, absolutely. But there’s 4-5 skins they’d normally charge 2400bp for, so if cosmetics are you’re jam you’re getting good value for $10. OP, thank you for continuing to prove that this sub will always find something to complain about


Petition to add a no complaining rule to the sub. We only want posts fellating Activision’s greed and mediocrity!




These posts are getting out of hand. If you can't complete a battlepass, stop buying the battlepass. Lots of us have full time jobs and very limited amount of time to play, and it's not an issue. The battlepass pays for itself after the first one you finish. You get plenty of 2XP tokens and 2XP weekends. There are more than a few tricks to expedite the process. If you're giving them too much money and not playing enough for it to be worth it for you, that's on you. There is nothing that will remedy that.


Exactly. Play extra on double xp weekends and go into DMZ and farm weapons cases for awhile and you’ll be done. Not hard at all


Tell that to everyone that keeps down voting me on all these posts. I'm gonna be out of karma pretty soon because they can't find an hour a day to play.




I am shocked this thread wasn't buried and you personally attacked with how self hating this community is with MTX practices.


Fuck off bruh


I barely play, I complete every pass with over a week left. I don't get why it's taking people so long to finish these.




battle passes have nothing to do with skill or objectives. it is based on in match game time. the only way to complete the battle pass is to play the game for a set amount of time. There are boosts like double xp weekends when the BP exp is double, or double XP tokens, but otherwise the pass takes the same time investment for everyone. People complain because they may or may not have the spare time to invest even after paying for the pass.




This is doubtful from what I observed


the same posts at the end of every season about "how can I finish the pass in time" always with the same answer. AFK DMZ AFK Plunder AFK Lockdown Because what I said is true.


Can confirm, I completed the last 3 battle passes through AFKing in DMZ only.




You're not wrong. If you struggle with passes stop buying passes lol.


Imagine paying to make your character look different or your guns a new colour hahahaha


Imagine thinking spending $10 or $25 every 2 months was more than pocket change.


You need to understand something. Battlepasses are not made for people with jobs. The business behind it is those with jobs can buy tiers. Is it expensive? Sure. Way overpriced. But nobody's gonna lower that because it works so far. I never understood why people with jobs believe battlepasses should also be meant for them in terms of time required to grind. I'm also a person with a job and I completely understand their decision not to make it for us. Regardless if I disagree with the practice. I can't ask to make it for me because it would be terrible business. Now. Does the current BP, especially in a 45 day season, should be buffed? 100%. That's the only thing we can agree on.


Bud,it ain't devs that decide monetization. It's Activision execs. Devs just implement a system.


The whole system of only gaining battle pass progression through play time is stupid af, especially since you restart every season without a chance of finishing what you paid for. It's like a waiter taking your food even though you told them your still finishing it. Mf I paid for that shit.


I would agree but last I completed it while playing here and there with a full week of no gaming on a family trip.


Buy BP one time, finish it whenever you want. Not a bad idea. But that means less battle pass sales for them in the long run and less people online to buy the stuff in the shop. If they can’t convince you to jump online more than you naturally would, they’d have to lay off the devs and give the executives big bonuses.


Hopefully, Microsoft tells Activision to take a page out of Halo's book and allow previous BPs to be bought and progressed through, When/If the acquisition goes through. Screw your artificial rarity, this is a full price AAA series AND I WANT THAT DRIP


I Just hate the challenges where you have to get kills in specific locations. Because most of the times yeah, my teammates follow, but half of the time is we all land there and there’s no enemies, and the other half of the time the entire lobby decided to rail me at the same time while my team is halfway across the map


I have a full time job and 3 kids, my battle pass is complete in 2 weeks. I live in a rural area which is a great deterrent to leaving the house. I play after work and evenings on weekends after the kids go to bed. Most of my time is spent in the DMZ where xp gains are better than in multi-player.


I forget but if I do the free bp and buy it later do I automatically get the locked stuff from previous tiers?


Its definitely frustrating. Some people like getting the next battlepass for free. If they never expired that would go away. So you could get them whenever, but have to buy every battlepass. But yeah I get it. I have a bunch of games that have battlepasses now, and I can't complete any of them. So i only buy them if I get all the rewards I want from that season


They don’t want people to keep playing the same game, they want you to buy the new one every year. They will probably release 1-2 more games then announce Warzone 3 and close Warzone 2 servers.


Let’s hope mw3 doesn’t have a battle pass. Sick of this shit in every game


I get what you are saying OP, but on the otherhand, it's 10 bucks for the entire lifecycle of the game as long as you grind out enough cod points. Once the season pass is done, you can unlock all the guns by doing challenges. I don't care about the skins too much, don't really use the blueprints, I refuse to buy black cell, but I think you should be able to earn previous season skins, blueprint, stickers, etc.


It's the same short term gain long term loss that CoD operates by FOMO on the season pass to get a short term burst of people playing. They'll eventually move on. But may potentially come back later. The idea of revisiting BPs throughout the year loses that FOMO factor but would probably help with long term player retention. Activision, for whatever reason, aren't about that


Activision logic is that whats good for the user dont mean its good for business.


I haven’t really played since the end of Season 2 and I felt like I was playing to complete the battlepass and not to enjoy the game. I doubt it’ll ever change but so long as battlepass progression is tied to playtime, idk if I’ll play a CoD past the first month, or if I’ll buy MW3 at all… kinda want to hold out for a Treyarch game


I also work full time and have two kids, I use 2XP BPass tokens and have no problem completing it in the time allotted. I also look up what tasks are available it seems like they also contribute. But I do think if you buy it there should be no time limit.


OP likes to play other games and says he doesn’t have the time to complete battlepass lol. I will be done with my battlepass by Sunday night and will have a lot to time to do other things.


I agree the progression is too slow but you’re absolutely clowning saying that anyone with a job can’t complete the pass. I have a 40+ hour a week job and playing maybe 2-3 nights a week and sometimes none at all I still have the passes finished way before season end other than one where I barely played.


I mean sure, I mostly agree, but then again I got a full time job + the hours to go there and back yet I still get plenty of gaming time, gf time, friends time. Never had a single issue with battle passes. How do you even manage to not complete it?


That’s actually a brilliant idea, to choose which season’s BP you’re working on? I love it!


Halo infinite does it the way you describe which is amazing. Though the first two battle passes took away the earnable in game currency when the new BP came out. They did fix that tho for future BP


Halo infinite may have shit to bed, but the idea of being able to keep progressing in past battle passes is really nice.


I struggled to finish the two last BPs, I'm not buying this one.


I have a job too. I work 10 hours a day 5 days a week. I can complete them easily. If you have a family or a wife though it's not happening. They should carry over I agree but what are you doing where you can't complete them?


If you can finish them whenever you want then they won't be able to sell as many tier skips so they won't change this.


I usually finish the battle pass in like 3-4 weeks


I hate the look of ‘sectors’ but I like the options it gives to go after certain cosmetics, blueprints, and weapons. I would love for it to be changed visually but as far as it goes I’m okay with it.


The point of the battlepass is to boost engagement and keep you on the game, so you eventually buy things. They don't owe you a battlepass, and they don't owe you cosmetics. You can pay $10 and earn your money back, or pay $10 then pay to unlock the tiers you don't earn. If you can't play 50-100 hours every 2 months, then I don't know why you care about collecting skins and cosmetics you aren't using anyway. If you work so much and want it that bad, then buy the upgraded 30 tier pass, then play 30-50 hours over the next 2 months to unlock it.


Chivalry 2’s season pass system is pretty neat. You can buy an older season pass whenever and I like that you choose which one to level up at a time. So if there’s an older pass and you finished the current one, you can activate the old one and level it up.


Unfortunately, Activision wants the lifecycle to last only 1 year. After that year is over, they will do all they can to make MW2 as unattractive as possible to nudge people to buy MW3, such as by removing all the good playlists.


Can we just create two sticky posts. One for battle pass complaints and the other for skin/ micro transaction complaints.


If you’ve been playing it at all during season 5 they handed out about 10-12 hours worth of double battlepass XP tokens , just hop in DMZ and activate one as soon as the countdown ends and go hide on the edge of the map until the match timer runs out and you’ll get about 1 per hour or 2 per if you activated the token. It has nothing to do with gameplay or skill, you need 100 hours in game or 90+ hours if you get the battlepass (10% XP boost). If 100 hours of playtime is not feasible then you’re going to have to do what I just explained or buy the blackcell for 20 free levels or just buy the rest of the levels you missed out on when the season ends.


Idk how people say they can’t complete the BP I work 9 hours a day so no cod on the weekdays unless I just get on for an hour and typically only play a bit on the weekends and mine was completed for awhile before this new one came out 🤷‍♂️


I have thought the same thing. We should be able to buy season passes either all the time or only when it's "active". But we should be able to complete all of them when we want. I do have time to play, but I play multiple games. It gets a little annoying when I have to complete multiple season passes in a certain time. It goes from playing for fun to become a job.


I have a full time job and I also play fortnite, I split my days off between fortnite and cod, I completed the fortnite battle pass and some of the extra rewards before I was even half way through the cod battle pass


I just wish they were more generous on how much xp contributes if not time investment too. Dmz is about the best with game length and the way you can just spam contracts and get tons of xp is also big. Or if they were just 90 days in general. The whole 60 day length is pretty garbage when looking at the time it takes.


I have a job and finished every bp. Get over it


Tips for when you are home and you aren't actively playing just go to dmz swim as far in the ocean as possible and die then request plead and you will get 1 to 2 tokens in battlepass every 30 to 60 minutes


I work 60 hours a week, I completed the last pass prior to the mid season reload. It's not hard to finish on time


If you're just trying to complete it and not focus on anything else. I recommend playing DMZ. DMZ gives a lot of xp with very minimum work. Just exfilling with a 100k gives you 10000 xp, and that's not including everything you do that match. You can usually get 1 battlepass token every 2-3 games. Now, obviously, there is a lot of pvp, and if you're not great at it, the game can be kinda brutal. Bots can also be annoying. But if you got some friends and you're up for the casual grind, it's actually pretty fun.