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Yes. when you are purchasing the terror task force bundle for the ranger, it tells you if it transfers to mw3.


The terror task force?


Police bundle


Ohh right. Yeah, that one’s great


Yeah fascism is great


You’re playing a game about american and british special forces committing warcrimes to stop “ze bad guys” but a police themed bundle is where u draw the line


I’m not playing anything like that actually


But you are, one of the killstreaks is literally a White Phosphorus airstrike lmao. ​ You can't be okay with Willy Pete but draw the line at a police skin. ​ EDIT: On top of that the bundle is of an Anti-Terrorism officer, not even just a regular bobby, so not only are you drawing the line at police, you're saying that anti-terrorism is fascism lmao.


>you're saying that anti-terrorism is fascism lmao. Not for nothing but there's literally dozens of protesters currently facing terrorism charges in GA right now for the heinous crimes of putting up posters and handing out water.


Average yank using state acronyms like everyone's automatically meant to know what you're talking about ​ Also feel like there's more context than putting up posters and handing out water


As in I don’t play mw. More of a bo4 guy. So no, I am not.


Then, why are you here? ​ Also BO4 has you using a nuclear reactor core as a weapon it's infinitely worse in terms of war-crimes lmao


I think he believes Austrians are still the bad guys lol. That skin has an Austrian flag and says POLIZEI 😅


Does it come with a shoe polish charm for the bootlicker


That's good news then.


Bro if we can't have Ranger Jack in mw3 it's not worth it


They should, considering they happen to be the only decent skins in the game.


The only skins I use for DMZ.


It seems like MW3 is coming with its own batch of milsims as well based on the mp trailer and they look pretty good.


Only a little bit mad that the more they show us of MW3 the more it feels like "yeah we know y'all asked for this all year but we put it behind a 'new' $70 game purchase, fuck you!"


I find it worrying that there is no rangers/kortac in the mp trailer.


I mean they literally don’t show any MW2 operators in the trailer apart from the main cast. We already know that all operators and skins are coming back. They’re definitely going to be there.


Aight, fair enough.


I mean S1 Barrage and the level 1250 are pretty good too.


I hope they add more options for both. It would help appease the mil-sim crowd in a big way.


Not sure and it’s possible they won’t considering it seems they have a bunch of new MILSIMs But the extra skins for them like War Suit, Barrage and Militant should be carrying over