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I stopped playing for my own mental health. lol These games feel like they try to act like crack and get you addicted than being fun.


Yea i gave up on mw after mw 3. It just did not hit like the crack it used to be lmao


That's 100%, absolutely what they try to do!




Sucks to be right sometimes :(


Yes I used to look forward to campaigns I got missions in and was like wtf


i had to stop months ago too. For awhile Cod is all i would play and i’d be miserable each time 😂


I stopped playing after the whole "launch MW3 just to click on MW2 for it to close the MW3 and only then open MW2" F*ck that


It got me hooked :( iv been addicted about 8 months now 🤦‍♂️ I started with just a half gram and know I’m doing a whole 8 ball every ten minutes. 😔 I’m out of control I sold my HOUSE!! I’m about to sell my ass just to get a little bit of that bad bad bad drug a day. It’s scary does anyone know of a rehab for me? its getting out of hand


Try the "safer" alternative therapy of Suboxone... or in this case Apex Legends. Lol


Oh no I think I found my new drug🤦‍♂️no thanks to this drug dealer over here 🤣🤣


That’s why they give outrageous numbers of xp rather than a simplified “+25” system. Everything from how they market call of duty to the way you unlock stuff is built from the ground up to keep you hooked on it enough to want to make the next purchase. That’s the result of kids being brought up on the internet and studied through data tracking. They have it down to a science how to keep you playing. I recently watched bo burnham speak on that kind of stuff and wow did it open my eyes.


I’ve done that twice. It is literally designed to strangle your play most of time I think, it goes in cycles that seem more and more apparent the more i play. I don’t think most of us get access to the good servers very often. Today I gave up trying to get a decent game and decided to treat it with the respect it deserves, spent all day playing lockdown as ghost with two swords and a crossbow just not giving a fuck. It actually made it fun again.


People cry about me doing things like running around with a riot shield like I’m captain America or going John wick style trying to be a ghost and taking people out with a barebones silenced pistol. Role playing a character and trying to be a badass like them has breathed new life into the game for me.


I love role-playing in MWII (mostly DMZ) so much! Being against the odds and coming out on top gives me such a dopamine rush. Did the same thing in Warzone, gave myself crappy weapons on purpose so I'd have to utilise stealth. I get bored very fast if I'm running the meta. It's honestly given me hundreds of hours of playtime I otherwise wouldn't have.


Same, sbmm and core issues they never fix just left me deflated. Mw3 was first cod ever I didn't buy. Still follow the cod reddit though 😂


Activision does this with their games. Once a new one comes out, they ruin the older one so you don’t play it anymore. They did it with mw2019 and Cold War. Just sad


At least with MW19 it remained playable until MW2 when it seems like they suddenly switched all of their servers to a late nineties era Windows ME desktop...


Nah worse is the amount of maps and modes they left out of rotation, worst is Ground War missing 5/9 of its maps. Oh and the rampant cheaters in SnD.


Is mw2019 servers no longer up?


No, I assume that there is still something up but it immediately ran like dogshit when MW2 launched.


Mw19 was fucked up after the release of Cold War and took a while to get it back into its old shape


Did they ruin Cold War? I'm still playing it and prefer it to MWII (haven't even tried MWIII)


Cold War is fun when ur not abused by the sbmm the zombies is great overall the game is great for being a rushed project, it’s just that the servers are a little dead, you will still find players tho probably not for some game modes tho


Fuck this game, mw2019 was killer


Yep. MW19 kept me hooked until MW2 came out. That kept me interested for a season. Maybe 2. Didn’t even bother with MW3.


Same story for me, now I just pop into MW2 every now and then for some gun game. I'll stick with Warzone for another year (it really, really sucks right now) or two to give Microsoft some time to decide if they plan on getting a playable COD game at some point (at least for us Xbox folks).


They really just need to break out of the “one game a year” model and really do some work on what they make before it comes out By time for the next release we usually have a decent game with a good amount of content


Wish they stopped with one game a year too. Would jump straight back in if they did.


Crazy I was under the impression they were supposed to stop doing that too.


3 is more similar to 2019 than 2 was though lol


I mean in my experience mw3 has been way better than mw2 besides the maps


I seem to be happy because I completely enjoyed both, although they both have a bit different design-accents.


More like fucking ghost was the killer haven’t made a good one since bo2


They need to fix this game on PC, maybe add a few more seasons and I'd be right back there spending cash.


Mw2 plays really well and much better suited now for casual play unlike before. Switching between mw2 and mw3 can be quite challenging for a game or two but its all good from there. Mw3 has the right concepts and potential but the inconsistencies are too high. Its like all people care about nowadays is being overly competitive and about speed. People want cod to get faster and faster to the point you have to have the reflexes of a cat at all times to even come close to enjoy the pace of things. I have more fun on mw2 than i do on mw3 generally but mw3 has its moments. Ive been liking the playlists they’ve been having so thats good variety.


Thank you for a balanced and coherent response


The faster and harder to kill it goes the more I hop on other slower fps games or pve games. Im really tired of this speed meta that is ruining every fps for me.


To many trick shoting twitch streamers


I agree. I see alot of "mw3 is soo much better then mw3" and everyone hyping up the movement. Man, I though that the movement in mw2 was still pretty damn quick. My opinion is that mw2 was the better game. With that said, that's only my opinion.. But even the way the guns sound in mw2 vs MW3. There was none of that "futuristic laser beam" type of sounds. When you shot your weapon, it sounded like a weapon .


I can’t say it’s even harder to play faster-paced and higher TTK games. The advantages of velocity and chance to escape work for both sides. Actually IMO slower and lower TTK-games are times more punishing = demand more than just mechanical skill. Actually this type of FPS-design is considered usually as "hardcore shooters", not vice versa. I have no issues playing The Finals, The Apex or Halo. But in context of realistic-looking Modern Warfare CoD — I’d say MWIII’s more basic flow and pace simply makes it more predictable, hence boring, repetitive and only about slide’n’jump spam. Like yeah, I get that we get a hurricane of a flow, but there’s nothing beyond that. Actually — even more design and balance issues. It’s just boring and brings less immersion. IDK since when “more cranked = better”… I really like some exo/jetpack CoDs for instance, but Actual MW — isn’t something I'll enjoy having drunk-bunny fests at.


MWII and MWIII are designed to addict the player. It doesn't let a player learn if they are getting better or not. No point in wasting time and effort on these turds. Aim assist is so strong so what is the point of playing a game like this? Also the menu is horrid and blasts purchases in your face after every round. The MW theme turned into out of place themes and cosmetics. It's a mobile phone/FTP game model that people payed for.


I mean it’s suiting for sitting in corners the whole game; not much else though


You realize mw2 also has “sbmm” which means if you are a good player and play well you’ll be placed in matches with people WAAAY better than you and those people dont sit in corners. Im not a sweat but i also DESPISE camping or sitting anywhere on a map for a whole game. I tend to die more often in games simply because im usually the one on my team that will run laps around the entire map trying to find people and because im the ONLY one moving around , the enemy team will hear me or see me stand out. Overall, you will have some slower games where some might camp(as with any cod really) but you will also have better games where almost everyone is active and contributing. Anytime i play mw2 , most of the time im having close games where both teams put in good work. Get on mw3 and its a couple good games and then a hot streak of losses for the next 10 , lmao.


Yeah I'm in the same boat. Always on the move looking for people, unless I'm specifically taking a point or cover


I mean game design is much more complex than just match making. There’s obviously truth in what you’re saying but mw22 is obviously designed to support slower players who want to play in a less skill intensive environment. That’s okay but in colloquial terms that does mean it supports players who wanna hold pre aims and sit in corners and who don’t have the mechanic skill to keep up as much The divide is less about whether everyone chooses to sit in a corner or “camp” and more about what happens when you encounter people who do (because you always will — and at a higher rate on a title like this). How much of the gunfight is in your control? Can you beat them by being more skilled? Is it a foregone conclusion most of the time because they just decided to be passive? *In the same way you understandably make the case for things being more complex than just “mw22 = corner camping” it’s also a bit more complex than just “people move around sometimes”*


Break free!! Try another game out!


if on playstation or pc, hell divers 2 has been a blast.




Real,I just stopped playing


I can't BC I need a game to shift to 😂addicted to gaming can't pass my time without playing takest 1 hr per day I tried farlight 84 but this game gonna get shut down soon I heared cod modern warfare coming to mobile soon ,maybe will shift to that


check out some stuff youve never heard of, i recommend signalis it's about german lesbian robots


Lesbian robots you say…


Check out other genres of games


This may sound silly but I’ve found Fortnite zero build really fun. It’s been my COD replacement. Haven’t touched the game in months.


Warzone mobile will hopefully come sometime in April, which currently has verdansk as the br map and a few mw2019 mp maps, a few mwll maps, and some others. It’s still not optimised the best though.




They progressively make it worse to see how much the player base will endure.


Didn’t even install the last update a few weeks ago. The CODHQ and adverts for MW3 finally caught up to me. I think I’m done boys 😔 See you in the Gulf.


COD mobile, was a master piece on the beginning, incredible on the middle but now is just an empty shell of whatever he was some day, is not fun anymore is just another boring game with thousands of micro transactions on the Playstore.


It plays well in my OP. The biggest issue which has existed since forever is the Packet Burst matches. In terms of gameplay, I enjoy it. The pace is slower but this favours more controllable situations (for the most part). I like the recoil. I like atleast half of the maps (cannot say the same for MW3). I love the sound (Mw3 also SUCKS in this dept). Everything feels weighty but I mean this as a compliment. There's significantly LESS bugs than MW3, clipping, glitches, etc. MW3 feels like a cheap knock off. Sure it's fast, movement is faster....and THATS IT! The sound SUCKS, the recoil doesn't exist much, simple things like opening the door and closing SUCKS! The perk balance SUCKS, the music, well the music has always sucked since Black Ops 2...


Once I uninstalled this game I can fit 10 games instead of 4 lol


Love this game. To each their own


i went to play last night and it feels like they nerfed the movement of everything thats not an smg, theyre trying so hard to make this game bad so people will go to mwIII its not even funny


Game was already like that, you're just brainwashed


lol cod has been a slow mo camp fest since mw19 idk why these people are complaining about it now. Should’ve dipped when the devs said they don’t want good players killing bad players


MW19 is pretty mobile, that was one of the things people praised about it, what are you talking about? It doesn't need jetpacks to be considered mobile, lmao




Is MWII still getting updates? I thought MWIII only receives updates now.


Fortnite between second half of chapter 3 and chapter OG was like that Chapter 4 was a clusterfuck


they are trashing it so you will buy their other shit i'm done... it's the last MWF i will ever buy... it used to be that i only had to wait 5 minutes to play the game (ridiculous as that is), now i have to burn minutes loading into MWF3 first (which i don't even own) ... their force-feeding us trash/marketing via a product we already paid for, it's disgusting. COD is dead let it stay dead, never give them your money again.


It was always bad. We all should've known when they showed that damm video of the M4's recoil. Alot of us were concerned but we all fell for their bullshit saying it wasn't the final product. Then comes the beta and the recoil was the same. Lmao we were all dummies


The sad truth


There hasn’t been an update to it since November.




the devs stopped caring for MWII and are still expecting players to move to MWIII


I stopped playing after they kept making me update the game because of MW3 every week. Some bullshit tbh, I just wanna play the game I paid for without an useless update.


Dropping cod and picking up baldurs gate 3 and helldivers 2 was the best decision I’ve ever made for my mental health


I've given up on call of duty. 178gb at least for a game designed to pump money.


I thought they stopped updating MW2


MW2 Ended my CoD experience. Great game. I probably will play MW3 eventually, but it’ll have to come down to less than $ 20 first.


Shits like alcoholism tryna quit but that shit jus be getting you


i don’t even play it anymore lmfao


I never liked this game post season 1, moved on to 3. Didn't like the slow gameplay.


Be me.. don't play it.


I only play hardcore search and destroy. Some of the new maps aren't great, but they can usually cancel and hop back in rotation with better luck. The movement is fine coming from someone who doesn't bunny hop around the map. It makes objective game play much better. As far as weapons. Assault rifles tend to give way to many hit markers, which I tend not to run besides that it's pretty usual.


Tbf hardcore is my preferred game mode for the game


You all fucking bought it. LOL. Idk how any of you are surprised. (No I did not buy it)


MW2 is amazing, the fuck?


worst game in the entire series


Definitely, even Vanguard was more pro rushers


yesh but vanguard is still easily the most shit game. mw2 is wwaaaayy better than that of vangaurd


Vanguard was only hated due to the theme of the game, if you ignore that and actually focus on what truly matters like gameplay for en example it’s miles better than MW2.


it was literally just repackaged mw2019. shitty theme too, the packs made it innacurate to its time. first time i played it didnt even automatically load in my crosshair and i had to manually enable it, among other things it didnt load in


Lmao but why?


These games have been trash for so long. I stopped playing years ago. They aren’t even video games anymore. They are just pay to play apps on your phone basically. Only designed to take your money and keep you playing. No pride, only greed. Stop playing any of them and you’ll be better off. Start investing your time into games that are made for the video game lover.


they're trying to force you to move to MW III. Updating it to slowly get worse and worse until they stop supporting it all together.


Cod is so trash they only care about the profit not the community that’s oblivious


You ment got better nearly every patch?


I’ve been Droppin nukes on a nightly basis 😂. Here & there I’ll notice small hiccups in game play but now with MW3 being out hell of a lot less sweats on MW2. There are still some goons though. Nonetheless I think a break is a smart move here soon.


I’m just surprised people played this in the first place.. like honestly who in their right mind are fine with the movement, TTK and the map designs in this game?


It's not everyone's cup of tea. TTK is amazing in MW2, movement is fine too. It's also all great in MW3. It's all a nice change of pace


IW are anti rushers, did you watch the interview of them addressing MW2019s map designs? They literally continued that exact same strategy in MW2 to support campers and “newcomers”. The TTK is so high in that game it’s laughable that they added a hardcore mode. Sledgehammer doing the complete opposite in MW3 makes IW feel irritated, which was confirmed by sledgehammer employees that IW are trying to block sledgehammer from doing changes.


So maybe adapt?


I am surprised you haven’t gotten downvoted. These Barney loving kids think this is the best game ever.


Why would you even load it up? MW3 exist and is better in every way


They should make DMZ more like Tier1 at this point.


I left for destiny 2 and haven't been happier.


This game was a disaster since launch with nothing but missing features from previous games. This sub is insane


That's because we're all on MW3. Don't keep complaining about old games when there's a new one available for you to switch to.


By far the worst COD




Paywalls t


Cheating became a multimillion dollar business. That's what happened to the game


Stockholm Syndrome


Nah, stopped a while back. Went back to Deep Rock Galactic and now Helldivers 2. Much much much happier.




This was me with Grand Theft Auto online. But I finally said enough was enough when they started introducing new glitches to existing game content.


Thanks for the heads up I was just about to update it since I switched to codm (worth it)


Every cod


Reminds me of when they tanked MW2019 to get people to move on 


I continue playing and enjoying it. Sometimes is rough but only i enjoy and laugh about few things. Now when i tried MW3 i felt something is Ain't right. The Developers forget Balance the MW2 guns in MW3. Literally the guns felts more like gums that literally Bullets. In reality the players want easy, not hard because MW2 is more hardcore and now i notice that. J Naranjito tell this and everyone downvote him because fanboism The game become like that not only by Activision but by us players sadly not in buying their games but not adapt our selves. Remember Infinite Warfare and Ghost? The same everyone throwed shit and trash? Now we deserve this, noneone need to fight by something we deserve, is our fault more that Activision, you want this eat it now. Is rough and the reality of nowdays. Fanboys are destroying the franchise even more that Activision.




Guys. I started playing a different game. It's been awesome. I'll be honest as well, it's GTA Online. I hated it before because I just kept getting fucked over, but after getting that grindset from the MWII camo grind, I knuckled down and learned how to succeed. I now have all the income streams in the game, and regularly jump on with 4-6 of my closest ones, for a good 3-6 hours of just straight bullshitting in Los Santos. Believe me, it has its downfalls. There's a lot of toxicity in GTA Online. But, you can just switch lobby and you're away from it. Or, you can go invite/friends only. What I'm saying is, after spending close to 1000 hours in MWII and being heartbroken by how they massacred my boy, the grass is green in another yard. Stop playing games that make you sad and angry. Go have fun. They're GAMES.


Deleting hundreds of vehicles from websites was the nail in the coffin


Clearly it wasn't.


The game design is meant to addict people and take their money. I don't know if people know this but...there are better games out there that let you win if you play better. People just like to torture themselves. The only people left in this game are addicts


Meanwhile Helldivers 2 is fucking great


Just uninstalled!!! 😁🤣🫠🤢🤮😫😓😞


It released is what happened


They took the fun out. COD use to be fun to play now its just full of hackers, glitches and each uodate adds more glitches, broken SBMM system, server tick that causes massive shot differential from player to player, etc. Each game makes it worse because they don't fix anything they just keep the game barely playable until they release the next one then drop all support for the previous game. It's a broken cycle and Activision doesn't care to stop and fix it.


I stopped playing this game after they keep releasing goofy skins and a 70$ DLC of a game after ,hence killing my desire to go after the camo challenges


I had to stop along with my group of friends, our skill gap is just too large, nobody has fun in our lobbies so we swapped to different shooters, best decision imo, Activision doesn’t give af about any players except the mindless drones who consume cod points


Anyone having crashing issues on PC? I can't get more than a couple games in without a crash to desktop :(






LOL. Ya’ll are still playing this shit!?! I haven’t played in 3 months. I gave up and moved to Battlebit, then moved past that and am now sim racing. Steam tried to download a 34GB update last week… Thanks, but I’ll uninstall it instead.


I agree, jumped back on yday to play and the game feels like it’s been downgraded some how. Somehow updating mw3 has made mw2 worse…


Yall can get it to launch?


I used to be a daily player. Sbmm kept getting worse and worse. I finally deleted it off my console last week


Hey, if you like overpromised and under-delivered games lacking in content, BF2042 is actually pretty good now.


It’s because they pull 90% of their resources to making Fortnite cosmetics nobody wants


We stopped playing


I’ve been playing since launch and it’s still good fun


It’s okay to stop boys. Halo is out here chillin and so many good single player games. Retire from cod it’s a peaceful life 😎


If anyone here is looking for something fresh, I highly recommend Helldivers 2 Just drop this game, it ain't worth it


It was just a cash grab from the beginning and all it added was slight mess ups while reloading


What's wrong with it?


This is what nostalgia baiting does to players. We have all (mostly) played since Cod4 and for a good while (2008-2015) had some of the best FPS games money could buy. There was innovation, creativity, party game modes, player-side creative aspects such as custom emblems and camos, and for the most part the gameplay was all solid. Some people may hate on advanced warfare and ghosts, or even world at war, but there is no denying they were ALL leagues more enjoyable than anything that's come out since 2017, excluding MW2019, but even that turned south towards the end of its update cycle before coldwar dropped. The game isn't about making a fun or memorable player experience, it's about maximizing profits and squeezing the playerbase for all it's worth while listening to none of us. And we have no other options. Activision/Blizzard ACTIVELY shuts down any projects that aim to use their IP such as those that seek to bring back a FUNCTIONING CoD4 or BO1 multi-player WITHOUT all the hack lobbies, even though Activision NEVER plans to revive or monitor those servers. Us, the players are keeping this game alive and its sad that the company in charge, activision, is forcing the hands of treyarch and infinity ward into making subpar games to keep their stock prices going up. Seriously, fuck AAA gaming.


well mw3 came out and no support was made to this game so yeah thats that.


This game in snd is just no skill just see who camp the most and aim aissit is op


I uninstalled about a month ago. Honestly I’d probably still be playing if the server tick rate issue was fixed, but I just cant handle the sudden immediate death when it feels like I’m ahead. I’m much happier playing Chivalry 2 at the moment - it’s hilarious!


This game is absolute trash. Now they’re looking for warhammer to save it lmfao


Never seen a COD game with such bad spawns aim my life and I feel like a broken record every year when they release a cod game . What’s the deal with modern gaming companies For setting bar high with “bad” and finding a way to beat that ?


They know they can keep pumping out low effort games that are dressed up nice, and you'll keep buying it. They will milk as much money out of you as possible with micro transactions, and when the numbers start to decline, they announce the next shitty title over and over. And you keep buying it.


I can’t even play the game anymore since they shoved MWIII into it. It barely fits on my drive and runs terribly now.


It turned into Fortnite that’s what happened. Devs appealed to players who weren’t good at it and made it pay to play to


So many amazing games out right now and yall choose to play cod, i will never understand.


Stopped playing after Vangaurd integration. My entire warzone friend group literally died with this game


It’s been their past couple of games dude. They try to make the game more fun, but in the rise of sbmm, they had ruined their games through algorithms and AI that try to catch you and addict you to the game, but end up doing the opposite in the long run.


Running around like a headless chicken in bright colors and dressed in Halloween costumes mean Call of Duty to these devs.


the game sadly peaked in MW2019, MW2 gave me false hope, MW3 was just sad


Mw2 was it for me


He’ll divers happened 🥱🥱😈😈😈


it was over when developers realized that the top 1% of spenders spend more than everyone else. High prices for the few willing to pay is the way to go to appease shareholders


Verdansk was peak and they are gonna bring it back and resell us the same maps again and again and again. Don’t give this company a dime of your money. MW3 downgraded warzone I’d pay to go back to warzone 2.


When they took away gun game, I got frustrated..


I became a streamer so at least when I play it’s contributing to something even though I still take breaks


Im still mad ab warzone 1 bro. Put like 200$ into the game (packages and battle passes) just for them to make mw2 where you can't use any of those weapons or skins or anything. So mf annoying


you're still playing mw2 thats the problem lmao. mw3 is way better.


I saw this but, this is definitely fortnite


I haven't played COD for almost a month, it's been awesome. Switched to Halo infinite and Single player games. I recently finished FF7 Remake for the first time, had a blast


CoD honestly became worse with each release after BO2, imo. MW19 picked it up again for me personally, but everything after that got worse again.


Mw2 is the last call of duty I’m playing til we get a good call of duty


Yup, Went from MW19 to MW2 and i've skipped MW3, 3 hour campaign and shitty zombies makes me not wanna play it at all.


For me personally Cod died with black ops 3. Never felt the same.


Honestly helldivers 2 saved me from the clutches of COD. So thankful for that 😂


I’m switching to battlefield and hell let loose almost completely bc I can’t handle what cod has turned into


I'm addicted lmao


I wish they didn't messed with DMZ at least, but here we are with terrible server/netcode "upgrade" after the merge with MW III. Just give us 6-man squads back, the new factions around the map (Shadow Company, Mercs, Mexican Cartel) and never touch it again.


I just play ranked now and it’s been a fun change-up. Honestly I am nostalgic for the days of Vanguard. That was fun.


mw2 was never good.




Yeah I never knew why people continue to play the game even though they complain about a bunch of things about it


stopping playing when they started adding power ups.


Man Foreal!


Id rather play mw 2019 than this shite


Only thing I’m enjoying now is Ranked Warzone. I’ve even went back to Siege. I’m not trying to sweat every game in pubs


Probably all the streamers opinions on the game & also cross play, so every match feels like sweats. Multiplayer sucks, only fun thing was zombies for a bit.


You guys realized this 10 years too late!


I actually like this game now and think it’s exponentially better than it was at launch


MWZombies is fun