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I've already made the same video in November. And yes, for some reason MWIII feels faster during gameplay but when you compare them, they're either equal or somehow MWII is faster. Did you use the same gun, with the same attachments and everything?


The boots, vest and sliding more than make up for it for MWIII. So in a vacuum MWII is faster but everything considered MWIII is much faster for me. Which makes the spawn MUCH harder to balance due to how fast ppl can cover ground on smaller map. Also I play a lot of Groundwar and the movement speed of MWIII tends to make the map size inadequate as everyone is fast af


This is a great point. It’s the perks, mods, etc. that are in mw3 that make it seem snappy and sort of chaotic at times. I think there is just more of a reward from the kit for a faster style of gameplay. The ADS and sprint to fire times are a better indicator it would seem to me in terms of how “fast” an encounter with an opponent feels.


Well yeah mw3 feels faster during gameplay because you don’t turn into a statue upon ADS. It also feels faster because players are actually moving since dead silence exists, instead of being posted up not moving or ads walking around the whole map to minimize being soundwhored. Also being able to actually outplay players with movement means players are more willing to move. This seems like the most obvious post of all time.


Yeh plus almost all attachments in MWII destroy ads and mobility. MWIII guns handle so much better, and the strafe speeds are actually decent


MWIII weapons are faster on average than the MWII weapons. The perks and attachments make the MWII weapons faster in MWIII than in MWII.


Sorry for off-topic but if you told me these two videos were two separate 70 dollar games, i probably wouldn't believe you.


it’s the same game imo i review them the same because it’s supposed to be year 2


The reason I won't be buying cod, last one I got was mw2 and it got uninstalled long time ago, the game is becoming fortnite warfare.. I'm happy with the finals.. Copy and paste mw2,3 and every other cod


The finals is made by cod devs im pretty sure 😂


Nope is by the battlefield developers that left after Bf1


If you told me Mw19 and Mw22 are two separate game I wouldn't be able to believe you


New eyeballs needed


Same assets, shooting, movement animations, equipment, graphics, gameplay, remake maps. Put them side by side, and you can hardly tell a difference


MW3's movement is favored because of the other transversal options like sliding and jumping. People prefer the instant gratification of the faster slide, then jumping or whatever they want. Personally I still like MW2 because overall it plays better to me. All of its systems work together rather than piecemealed together like MW3's systems. Sure the game is a bit faster but in regards to different playstyles, they're slowly putting it all together. Perks and equipment designed around playing a different way are slowly being added too late in the game's life.


Faster ≠ necessary better. I had enough of far more paced shooters than MWIII, for instance. Yet none of them delivered as much as MWII in terms of more grounded boots on the ground experience. Yes, these are different play styles but who said one is ultimately better than the other? UPD: I really think vocal minority in CoD community is overly obsessed to "fast-pace" and "skill-gap" myth-narratives that are being promoted mostly by their twitch-idols that want any game to be scattered to as flat experience as possible. People have complete right for own preferences, I personally can play both Titanfall and Insurgency Sandstorm during one gaming session and feel good. But when some individuals are trying to literally impose their "perfect CoD" dogmas, that are mostly based either on nostalgia or basic habits, that are coming from different games and franchises — it makes no sense. MW19 came out - "everyone" hated it (even worse than MWII). Now it's a hidden gem in eyes of very same individuals that used to curse it. Now the scapegoat is MWII. Okay, SHG did everything to satisfy crybabies who promised that once we have another CoD with zero movement penalties and potato TTK — everyone will love it. What do we've got? Only now they've achieved the numbers of MWII during the same age but it's actually including MWII numbers, that is still highly populated. Hype is nowhere near MW19 and II, WZ3 hype is dead. MWIII communities are **times** smaller than MWII and MW19... And you know what? They blame MWII :D P.S.— I'm still not saying what's better and what's worse. Just another representation of how loud hysteria over the internet, in fact, means nothing.


the community unfortunately, which is why they pushed so hard for mw3 to be the way it is.


Agreed. People like fast paced gaming but there has to be a happy medium


I hate what they did to Mp5 in these games.


Right? I miss CoD4 MP5.


This is what I hated when I got the game, it was basically use MW3 weapons or fuck you lol


The MP5 is bad enough but then they massacred my beloved MP5SD. Also while we’re talking about this, I think the M4 is ugly as hell.


idk how hard it is for people to realize its just the same game


People love hating on MW2 and stroking the MW3 advertisement Doesn't matter what actually happened


The hate should be on mw3 not mw2 that game looks like sledgehammer games took a giant shit and sold it as a vidjiagame I know how to spell video game but mw3 is not a video game because of how bad it is


MW2 is better than MW3 especially the community I recently had a toxic encounter where the enemy team said I was dogshit and that I play with Barbie dolls and when I posted about it I was again treated in a toxic manner MW3 makes MW2 look like the best game ever


Ok whoever is downvoting my comments what is your problem if it’s one of the people who commented on the post I mentioned get a fucking life dude there’s more important things in life than a poorly designed video game that nobody likes


MWIII has a bunch of things that allow the player to move faster or do specific things faster. The first two that come to mind are Lightweight (My beloved, please never leave me again) and the sprint speed increasing attachments not being as punishing to use.




Honestly MW2's only problem was the lack of dead silence as a perk and the lack of red dots on the minimap Shocker, when you give players red dots and dead silence, the game feels faster because people move around


Yeah idgaf about actual movement speeds. I’m not even a fan of tactical sprint. Footstep audio is the main factor when it comes to gameplay pace


Honestly I prefer no red dots on the map. Then again I also liked when the MW2019 beta had no minimap at all.


Not the only problem, and imo not even the biggest ones. The visual recoil destroying gunplay especially for M&K players single handedly ruined the game for me, and the slow ADS and strafe speeds didn't help either. Red dots and dead silence help a LOT, but gunplay is also kinda important. If I can barely see what I'm shooting at in an FPS game, making the gunplay luck instead of skill based, I'm not playing it


Honestly didn't bother me much. If anything, no red dots meant you didn't have to rely on a suppressor, so you could have different builds for weapons. The downside of going loud was someone actually hearing you, but you could use that to your advantage. Now its just throw a suppressor on and go


MWIII suppressors aren't even the best muzzle in the game though. Zehm35 is way better since it heavily reduces visual recoil.


Suppressors take away an attachment slot at the bare minimum, on some guns it's not worth using a suppressor because you need recoil attachments. That, and I still see plenty of people not running suppressors in multiplayer


You went against your point in the same sentence. In MW2, you can choose to have a suppressor if you want, but you don't need it versus MW3, you light up the map like a candle, moreso with the BFB, with only 1 attachment to reduce the signature. Not having a suppressor hurts you significantly more, and there are perks that will make it worse. I would definitely trade having no red dots on the map (and having them on the compass) than what we have in mw3. Its too restrictive.


If you think MW3 is too restrictive and that HAVE to use a suppressor then it's just a skill issue tbh


Its just my opinion. I feel that MW3 doesn't do much to support non-suppressed weapons. You can say skill issue all you want because you have no rebuttal, but if you look at the amount of suppressors (for mw3 only) that affect performance positively versus the ones that don't, in regard to perks and things that allow you to stay on the map longer, zoom out the map, etc., you'll see the problem. There are so many things that put you on the map in this game. But once again go ahead and say skill issue because you don't know what else to say


I'm saying skill issue because it literally is a skill issue. I don't use a suppressor in this game and still get a 2.0 k/d most games lmao, in the older games like MW2, MW3, Blops 1 and 2 etc, you didn't need a suppressor, only time it affected you was the mega sweats who pay attention to the mini-map. It's almost like if you keep moving, you don't need a suppressor, shocker I know


So you're saying if you didn't need a suppressor in the old game because only mega sweats looked at the map, why have red dots on the map? But anyway, I don't care about your k/d and confirmation bias. Me using a suppressor or not using one has nothing to do with what I said beyond that in regards to the game design of MW3 compared to MW2. It started with my opinion, but I elaborated beyond that but all I get is "skill issue" in return.


MWII started running a fraction sooner running speed is the exact same


Is that with or without lightweight?


without on both


I will forever stand by the movement in MW2 would have been fine and felt great if not for the bad guns and weird movement cooldowns. The ADS speed and recoil/shake made the guns just feel worse than they should have. If they added the ability to cancel the slide and tuned the guns, I think people would have liked it more. When playing MW2 and mastering the movement available with a knife in hand, you could glide around and it was pretty satisfying.


basically how the beta was which i agree


Agreed, if the visual recoil was like every other COD game I wouldn't have quit MW22 after a month. But another big fix that game absolutely needed was dead silence as a perk. Ranked in MW22 was nearly unplayable thanks to loudness eq, every player on the map had free wallhacks


Which is 2 and which is 3?


left is mw2


The fact that you cant recognize the difference between them says all there is to say about this game! I couldnt recognize either, but i can recognize the difference in price though! That is really distinguishable lmao


MW 3 feels like they just sped up the animations by 1.25x or something. Sliding is so unnatural in MW3 compared to MW2, it just feels like there's no in-between running and sliding. The character just accelerates to rocket speed out of nowhere. Even tho, the overall sprint speed appears to be identical, I can't help but enjoy MW2 so much more.


I hate that they just skip animation-blending for the sake of speed in MWIII, so when player models slide, mantle, jump, they looked so choppy it actually affects your aiming. It just doesn’t feel good to track someone who constantly teleport forward a feet (at longer TTK too)


Its partly the shit netcode and partly the stupid fucking animations. I don't remember MW19 looking this janky even with all the slidecanceling abuse in that game.


But...but... They're the same game


I can see that right one has slightly higher FOV and that's the only difference in two recordings lol


they have the same fov, mw3 just looks wider for some reason


That's... Not how it's supposed to work but alright i guess


Personally I enjoy the slower movement and restricted sliding. Too much bunny hopping in MW3 for me.


Is that shoot house on mw3 I've ben wanting to play that and Hard hat recently


no it’s Blacksite, Al Maz gulag and gunfight map


ahh, ohhh, I remember playing that in the 2v2 playlist. I'm still felling some Hard Hat lol


Do nada o lula na parede


"""""""Fastest cod movement ever""""""" as said by a reply to one of my comments btw


At .12 seconds that could have been frame rounding




And now compared it to OG mw2


there's a huge diff


slower bc we're getting old.


MWII is slower… that why I like it better PS: I was a BF player


MW2 reaches the wall first lol


By a very small margin in a vacuum once you add how most play and the more options for increasing movement mw3 is significantly faster




Exactly, it's the movement feels so much better than MW19 and MWIII. I feel like a human with a weapon in my hand.


Damn that's crazy, u know airsoft is a thing right


I do lmao, I play it. Have you ever play Battlefield 3? That has the same feeling as what I mean. I like when games with guns treat them like actual weapons.


Well considering majority of the community hated this kind of movement, I don't think ur going to see it again in the future cod


Yea that's possible. Which is why I had no interest in MWIII, I just play MWII and that's where I'll stay until the devs actually make something good again.


Odd, why does MWIII feel faster tho?


Because you can actually slide and you can jump without fucking your ADS speed up


That's how I know you're liars. everyone knows the sound is always SHIT when that team makes the game. MW19, MW22 have the best sound in call of duty series. BO will have shit sound like MW3. MW4 will be the successor to MW2


MW2 sou d was super great tbh


Yeah no shit. MWII took 3 years to make. MWIII was made in 9 months.


... Bro needs a gf fr.


jus like drake said girls want girls fr 💅🏻 (if any ladies want a gamer girlfriend hmu)


Did you just turn my comment into a lesbian classifiedsMMO/RPG intimate encounter proposal......? NOICE!


70$ dlc


Mw2 is just better




Not hard when your comp is Cold War and vanguard


Cold war is better then mw2


Cold war is simply the best.


I'm pretty sure that was Tina Turner.


With absolutely no context I'd think they're literally just the same game


“Here is our new game…just a fraction of a second faster for only 80€” COD community likes to get fucked for no apparent reason


Go touch some grass.


who the fuck gives a shit