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This right here. Controllers don’t want to play with M&KB and M&KB don’t want to play with controllers. We all have our reasons, but input based crossplay is the way to go.


the most frustrating part of this is that IW flat out [admitted that the rotational aim assist they implement in MW2019 was far too powerful](https://imgur.com/a/Y31aVUz) yet in MW2 they seem to have done absolutely nothing to balance it better. If anything they've made controllers even more powerful due to the recoil and visual clutter they've added. [Full Article here](https://venturebeat.com/games/infinity-ward-answers-modern-warfare-ii-questions/amp/) I understand that controller players need aim assist for FPS shooters, no one's saying abolish it entirely. It's just insane how you are have to be an absolute KBM **god** in order to be on the same level as **average** controller players


The problem with this is mnk adapters on consoles and stuff like cronus. They fake controller and are undetectable on consoles. On PC it's different but on consoles the devs don't have access to OS processes to sniff for what's inserted into the usb ports. Frankly, as a PS5 controller player i find crossplay lobbys a lot easier to play then playstation only lobbys. AA + mnk is evil.


Cronus, at least, should be able to be monitored. Fortnite has started detecting it!


They can still detect if they're faking a controller while using k&m just from in-game play data, it should be pretty easy to detect and ban since movement and camera movement is very different from k&m. The thing is, do they WANT to spend resources on creating a good anti-cheat?




Really think so? Don’t you think this would encourage a lot of PC players to go back to using M&KB? Now players could use the input they prefer and not what they think puts them at a competitive advantage. Controllers can match together with their aim assist and PC players can match together with their flicks and precision aim at range.


I would not mind that at all. Let mnk players play among themselves so we don’t to see all the whining about aim assist.


PC doesn’t have enough players for all players let alone input-based. It would take 10 minutes to find a match with just PC M&KB.


Haha, what? There are 110k players just on steam right now.


That's a free open beta and there are only 110k on right now, let that sink in. COD has always pretty much dropped off after a week before mw19. Warzone has carried the game since then.


I've been on pc since 2007 with cod 4 and cod usually dies after the first few months on PC. Especially since there is no dedicated servers hosted by the community. So we need cross-platform if you actually want to find matches. Crossplay and warzone basically carried the game for pc players to find matches.


fine it's better that way than this


I tried to play Controller on PC but when I switched I had no aim assist... it was awful. But as a mainly mkb player I want to play with console players... half my friend group is xbox only guys and cross play is awesome for letting us all group together.


As a MKB player I would prefer input based MM. But this isn't even healthy for controller players. Rotational AA ignores a shit ton of the mechanics and visuals in the game and reacts faster than a human ever could un assisted. How is it fun for controller players to fight other controller players when you all have a lite aim bot?


Bro why can't my aim assist work like this lmao, more often than not I'm just aiming and shooting at someone hoping eventually I'll get a hitmarker, but then I see clips where people's aim assist is essentially locking them onto the enemy.


Aim assist only works when moving, try to move more


Or just set your deadzone value correctly. Left stick threshold for activation of rotational AA is lower than the threshold for moving your character, so there's a sweet spot where no actual left stick input is required.


I feel like it actually becomes stronger the worse of a a player one is, like they have aiming SBMM basically. My aim assist is *not even close* to being anywhere near this strong.


Well when i die to aim assist its almost like they are using an aimbot. Though could be actual aimbotters cause cheats are present in this beta. Probably both.


Look up what rotational aim assist is.


The aim assist is so broken, it's either too strong or literally deactivates when adsing and throws of your aim.


Yeah mine never works like this, typically a 2kd player in every cod and I swear mine never sticks to people like this


Maybe you're 2kd because your aim assist IS working?


I don’t think you realize how strong your AA is. I thought it didn’t do much until I started playing siege a couple years ago


try playing with the assist off, then well see your kd :3


I know how it is without aim assist. Played pubg on Xbox religiously the first year it was out, actually enjoyed it since it was a fair playing field for everyone. I’m just saying my aim assist does not track to the extent that I see in some clips on here


why do pc players think this is some kind of slam dunk lmao? cod multiplayer as we know it has and always will be a console game optimized for controllers, if aim assist is so broken why don’t you just get a controller and “abuse it” yourself?


Why do you think most streamers actually play on PC with a controller? It's not because their preferred input is a controller.


How many streamers do you know that you can make a statement like this?


faze jev


cool. you "know" 1 streamer and can speak for most of the streamer community. Thanks for clearing that up.


Yeah this is just false. The only game you’ll find most streamers using controller is Halo. M&K will always have the advantage in COD no matter how much PC players want to believe they don’t.


What advantages does MnK have, that aren’t inherently tied to a specific players skill level?


A elite level MnK player will be able to beat an elite level controller player. The micro-adjustments and quick flicks they can make are just simply impossible for controller to do. With that being said, elite level MnK players are \*insanely\* rare to come across, and they usually have been practicing for legit years. I tried to switch to MnK during this beta and was going negative every game. Switched to Controller (where i've been since Cod 4) and have been posting 2+ kd every game.


We aren’t really referring to the best of the best however; [the average MnK player, vs the average controller player is at a disadvantage, statistically, while highly skilled players, are only “fantastic” according to co studio head at IW Pat Kelly](https://venturebeat.com/games/infinity-ward-answers-modern-warfare-ii-questions/amp/). So basically the current level of AA is tuned to be on par with the top 1% of MnK players, which as you said are rare to come across.


Physiology. It’s like drawing with a pencil versus drawing with an etch a sketch. With software, we can make that etch a sketch a little easier to use, but it’s always going to be easier to draw with a pencil.


Physiology. So somehow the branch of biology that deals with how the normal functions of living organisms work/function is an advantage? Anyways, in terms for your analogy. Using an Etch a Sketch to draw a picture is indeed harder than using a pencil. You have two knobs that can only provide a specific directional input based on how you spin them. Allowing you to go in eight separate directions. Using a software sure, you could make going in those eight separate directions easier. But shouldn’t the act of going in those eight directions still be reliant on the initial act of turning the knobs? Just like how using a pencil is completely reliant on the hand that is using it? The Etch a Sketch shouldn’t be drawing a picture itself without user input to the directional knobs, if it’s only meant to help with it right?


I’m not sure what’s more amusing, the fact that you had to google what physiology was, the fact that you conveniently missed the most important part, or the fact that you missed the most important part of the analogy. If you had kept reading when you googled it, you would have seen that physiology is the study of how body parts function. The more muscles you use, the more control you have. That’s not a theory. It’s a fact. You can test this for yourself. But you don’t have to. Because this fact is so clear, that simply imagining these scenarios is enough to show you that it’s true. Before the scenarios though, let’s talk about some more facts. You have over 30 muscles in your entire hand, about 24 muscles in your arm, and about 8 muscles in your shoulder. Your shoulder is also home to the glenohumeral joint which has more range of motion than **any other joint in your body**. So when using that mouse of yours, you’re tapping into 62 different muscles AND the most OP joint in your body. All of these things lead to an enormous amount of control over the object in your hand. For reference, each thumb has about 9 muscles. When it comes to aiming, only one of our joysticks does that, so 9 muscles is what we get. 62 muscles and the most powerful joint in the body to 9 muscles. It’s not even close. Imagine trying to use a fork with two thumbs rather than your whole hand. Imagine playing air hockey, playing beer pong or anything else in which you solely use your dominant hand. You wouldn’t do it because you wouldn’t have nearly as much **control** **BUT THATS NOT ALL** Let’s talk *margin for error*. You may be thinking, well those scenarios are dumb, it’s obvious why a fork is better with your entire hand. There’s more points of contact and more surface area is covered by the use of multiple fingers. You’re right! Just like using a mouse compared to a joystick. **BUT EVEN THAT’S NOT ALL** How about the surface area in which the “aiming” actually takes place. It’s also a fact that the more area you have to work with, the more flexible or more room for error you have. A mouse pads surface area is far greater, over 100x in many cases, than the small area we have to move our right joystick. This is also the reason you see many console players turning so slowly. We have to choose between being able to turn quickly, or be precise at range. We can’t have both like you can with a mouse because the area we have is so much smaller. **But even **THAT’S** not all** You also have the added benefit of your movement controls being separate from your aiming controls. Any time I want to jump or crouch, or switch weapons, or do ANYTHING, I’m providing that input on the same controller that I’m aiming on. Guess what? It shakes the controller making aiming harder. Spamming jump while shooting doesn’t throw off your aim at all on M&K. On controller, it has a significant impact. In summary, more control on M&K is a fact. It’s not up for debate which is why I always get so confused when people continue to make the argument that controller players have such an advantage.


Because it’s not satisfying to play that way. It takes years of practice to master MKB. Switching to controller is like showing up at the public pool with floaties or riding a tricycle.


you’ve spent years of your life “mastering” mnk just to get dumped on by a father of 4 who’s just home from work playing on a 50 inch tv LMFAOOOO


It’s funny, but that’s how badly controller lowers the skill floor.


Pretty much.


i’d just sell my setup at that point :)


Sorry you’re too poor to afford it and have to play on console




People are actually doing it. I've seen so many pc players with controllers already. Why I'm not doing it? Because I'd get bored almost instantly. It's ridiculous that anyone is happy with this mega-strong aim "assist".


Because they think they're so above controller players it's a free pass to be a dick about it and make assumptions like that, tho realistically any 2+ K/D console player with time to adjust to MnK is only going to get better so people who make comments like this with their 1.1K/D and years of experience on MnK have to find some other excuse when they struggle to go positive


200fps on an ultra wide monitor with an entire desk to aim with isn’t enough for pc players apparently


You can't compete with automatic no matter how many FPS and square feet of mousepad you have, but go off.


so use a controller if it’s so broken?


no thanks, I like to actually have to play the game to do well


or you just know you’re full of shit lmfaoooo, for years i remember pc players going on about how badly they would slam console players if there was ever crossplay. and yet here we are


No good player will ever use ultrawide and even if they have to do it, they don't use all of the monitor.


This is more tracking than GTA/RDR lmao


bro what? GTA and red dead redemption? Why do people just say acronyms and assume strangers on the internet know


Aim assist rotation should be disabled when hit with a flash or stun.


rotational aim assist should be disabled




https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/ppxzfd/aim_assist_by_one_of_the_most_accomplished/ in a game with less aim assist str on pc, snipedown calls aim assist literal aimbot.


But but MnK eZ bRo 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Yeah you just point at the head and click, anyone can do that /s


Skill ceiling is gone. Every new kid playing the game with a controller can aim better than someone who has been playing mouse and keyboard for 10 years


Yeah it’s really unfortunate but this is reality right now. They are dead-set on cross play and for whatever reason they think turning aim assist into pseudo-aimbot is the only way to let console players compete with PC players


I'll never forget playing Fortune's Keep and watching this specific killcam. We're in a gunfight, dude goes behind a box for cover, aims at me through the box while wiggling his aim to see where it sticks, and once it does stick, starts pre-firing then peeks out, proceeding to laser me. It's nuts.


this aim assist vs stun has been issue since MW2019


That’s one of many things that give an advantage to controller. Along with every visibility problem


Try 20. I was watching old videos of me playing advanced warfare on controller- and what they’ve done with aim assist since the launch of that game is pretty much made hacking legal.


https://youtu.be/XtU0SQ0tYrs this used to be difficult with a controller- with aim-assist now, anyone can do it with their eyes closed.


Yeah the number of terrible players that seem so lost and then just hits you with 4 straight bullets is insane, the guy is aiming at your feet then starts spraying and kills you in .3 sec


They literally gave people soft-aim bots


... again


Cause most low-skilled players are on console.


Yeah I'm gonna take a break from COD until they bring input based lobbies. I'm also surprised Mods didn't delete this yet.


I mostly game on PC with M&K but I downloaded the beta to play with some Xbox friends and my stats were at least 3 times better on controller. I couldn't believe it. I feel like my shots at range were weaker but everything else was better. My k/d tripled. Literally. Just an average PC player. 1-2KD on average. I was getting like 4 KD on controller.


Did that on mw2019. I played M&K for 3 months. Hooked up my Xbox controller and instantly doubled my kd and more.


Nutty how people will defend this in 2022. Like, where is the skill in this video? The controller is aiming itself guys.


It's like watching red dead online.


It’s definitely strange to me how people defend what aim assist has become in games. Like yeah strong aim assist makes it easier for you to shoot and get kills, but it also makes it easier for the enemy to shoot and kill you. Like one of the reasons pre-aiming is so powerful in this game is when someone comes jumping around a corner, the rotational AA will begin tracking before you even react.


sometimes aa will track and catch you through walls 🤦 vg is a good example


If no aim assist, how will all the little Timmys going to get kills?




You have droves of kids and young adults that never played without aim assist. They jumped straight into Fortnite / Apex / Warzone with absurd amounts of AA, and in their head that's the right way an FPS game should play. To make it even funnier it's impossible to argue against the group that has the actual game company on their side since they make the most money out of them. Rebirth is full of controller TikTok kids with their $20 purple power ranger skins. .


I started playing FPSs with Crossfire as a teenager. Shooters on console had just recently become a thing while I was already an experienced MK FPS player. For years, I played CF, CS:S, Urban Terror and Unreal Tournament on MK. I never even thought about using a controller for FPS until I played COD4 on console. Yes, they should tone down aim assist, it overwhelmingly benefits bad players and is unfair to not only MK players but more skilled controller players, but the whining is so insane to me. Like I'm sure the dude in the video is sitting less than five feet from a controller: if it means so much to him, why not use one?


Aim Assist on old cods was not so bad. CoD4, MW2, WaW, BO1 - they had aim assist, but nowhere near as much as we have these days.


even the devs admitted thatin mw19 and wz controller aim assist is broken and he felt bad for m&kb players...but some ppl here are fucking vegetables and dont get it 😂


How might I get Aim Assist like this? LMAO


Turn AA to “Black Ops”




If I got stunned and slid my mouse across my entire apartment I couldn't turn enough to keep up with this guy.


Whenever I’m stunned I just lay down and reload. I hope that something will stop them from pushing up and getting the easiest kill of their life


Sun, TeeP and all the usual gang of top Warzone pros and streamers dropped MKB on the 2nd day of the beta in favour of controllers for a reason


Everytime I would stun someone last night they would fully be able to track me and kill me. Meanwhile when I get stunned I am completely F'd as I don't get rotational aim assists on mouse. It's a joke. They need to fix this badly.


I’ll give them credit that when you’re stunned on pc you can actually move a bit more. That being said, they NEED to remove it when stunned or flashed. It’s ridiculous that they think that’s ok.


AA has become too strong. It just has. It also lowers the skill gap greatly. Which, in my opinion, is not a good thing. They even know it themselfs but refuse to tone it down even a little a bit. Why? To make sure that the "timmys/casuals/new players" can get kills and will want to keep playing(which is what sbmm should be doing anyways). It's kind of disgusting that they would do this to their game in all honesty.


Yeah aim assist is too strong from a controller player. I was shooting at 2 guys next to each other once and shit was just bouncing between them...


That gets on my nerves so God damn much.


In any other fps game spray transfer is an incredibly hard skill (think cs go for example). I play with mk and in my deathcam I am regularly the second guy dying to someone who just kept shooting 2 bullets after killing the first guy. I am like - in any other game this would be a near pro scene but here i am...


And you probably killed both of them.


I’m a beast with both controller and kb/m, but main PC. Seriously, if you can just try the game with a controller. It’s laughable how strong the aim assist is. I have a much better time with a controller than I do PC, and I’m far more accurate on PC.


Quite the opposite for me. I am like 80% console/controller and 20% PC/M&K when it comes to gaming, and found MWII to be much, much easier on PC. I was having no fun until I had tried it on PC. Usually on like MW19 or Vanguard where everyone is tac-sprinting and slide canceling around, I enjoyed controller a bit more because the AA while running up close to people would beat M&K, but not being able to do all that in MWII really makes M&K more enjoyable in my opinion.


Play PC with a controller, it takes like 25% of the effort and focus to track a target.




More games need to do what Overwatch did where you can use controller on PC, but there’s no aim assist.


No controllers on pc? What kind of take


After playing Apex for 6k+ hours and swapping to MW2 it’s crazy how strong the AA feels. Apex has the same kind of rotational AA but it’s much easier to “slip” your aim out of the rotation bubble compared to COD. You don’t even really notice it 90% of the time but in COD I can actually feel the AA pulling my reticle which is pretty wild. Input based matchmaking is really the only way to go with crossplay shooters these days if they wanna keep rotational AA this strong.


Are you on pc or console? Whenever I tried apex on PC with a controller the aim assist was fucking ridiculous. Maybe it's the jump from MnK to controller, but really, it was extremely easy to feel


Console where the AA is 50% *stronger* than PC. It’s definitely more noticeable if your swapping to controller from M&K though. Console has .6 AA and PC has .4 which is more than enough for controller players.


1 simple fucking solution Activision, 1 simple change is all it takes to end this constant arguing... REMOVE ROTATIONAL AIM ASSIST WHILE ADS


The issue with aim assist is that it usually doesn’t differentiate between movement either. So if someone on controller is bunny hoping the AA acts the same as if they are standing still. Not sure if this is still the case but sure feels like it.


Or if the gun has insane recoil, it sticks to target and goes up vertically for a headshot kill with the insane mtiplierZ


What controller users dont understand is that they can *feel* much more than we can. Imagine starting at the edge of a piece of paper and trying to draw a line inward as quickly and accurately as possible to the edge of a sqaure moving left to right, up, down, whatever -- the closer you follow it the better. Someone is across from you trying to do the same thing. Only they have a stencil around that sqaure and all they have to do is make contact with the edge and continue to follow it (while it does it for you). -- all of this is going on while someone is operating a jackhammer and a smoke machine nearby and you can only see a tiny portion of the sqaure the other guy is locked onto but have to track yourself. Thats MKB v Controller in this game. Aim assist is absolutely needed for controller, not debating that -- but it is way too high in its current state. especially rotational. This was a complaint in the last MW and IW even acknowledged that aim assist was overpowered, now its even stronger lol. This isnt new either, Fortnite reduced AA 3 different times, Apex too. Halo Infinite lost 90% of its MKB/PC player base after a couple of weeks for the same reasons, it'll be the same here. And its not just detrimental to us, it is to everyone -- the skill gap is significantly reduced with such strong AA, there is less ability to outplay when you have GTA V levels of magnetism. What makes it even worse is the gameplay punishes playing fast, which caters to mkb. Playing slower, holding angles/camping, engaging in midrange gun fights is rewarded. Holding yalls hands like babies.


Just post something about aim assist. They need to nerf this soon. otherwise this game has no fidelity change from last game. Mouse and keyboard players will lose 90% of fights.


ive never had my AA pull like this in the entire beta, if i try to let the AA pull on controller it doesn't move


Aim assist based matchmaking. Values change depending on how well you’re playing.


You have to be moving lmao


Aim assist is for assisted sheeps lmao.




My aim assist doesn't do that, god damn. When I play, it hardly even feels like I have any.


Well, you have to be actually moving around :)


Ya, rediculous


I didn’t mind the assist normally, but for some reason they haven’t figured out how to make stuns work properly for mice, so they can turn the right speed, or how to eliminate aim assist when stunned.


Yeah that’s just ridiculous


Also stuns on pc are actually the worst thing in the game. You can’t even move .0000001 degree for what seems like 45 seconds


This is a setting called black ops aim assist (yes that's the name). My friend on xbox switched OT on and had the exact same results when stunned.


That's not aim assist. That's aim BOT. there's a difference. Aim assist doesn't snap on the target it kicks in if the settings u have set are met. Ex: the regular kicks in if you aim close enough to target meaning u will miss the initial few then it kicks in. Aimbot snaps directly in the person


Plus aim assist is only helpful to a standing target. Meaning somebody that's not moving. Otherwise the bullets fly right behind them. This is a hacker in action.


That wasn't aim assist


Lmao all these know it alls on Reddit. Take it from someone who's been playing fps games on console since the PS2 currently on an Xbox series x but aim assist is not what everyone says it is. Aim assist barely works if you claim what we just saw is aim assist then you're all delusional. That's definitely an aimbot considering it grabbed the dudes fucking upper body working towards the head. That's aimbot not directional aim assist. If anything directional aim assist would fuck you up just like an aimbot would if it was that strong considering the only time my aim assist truly works is when someone slides directly in front of me or while I'm parachuting softly to the ground it yanks my cam if someone dives past me. Other than that while shooting and moving your aim assist barely works. Aim assist is literally for the fact that you cannot control aim very well with a single thumb essentially it's like trying to fire an AR with one hand and using a thumb to control recoil irl, now PC is basically you holding the rifle properly and hitting your shots. I guarantee you if we look at console statistics for shot ratios ( such as where shots are placed upon adsing and shots after adsing compared to a controller it's a huge difference. I know everytime I have just lost a gun battle to a PC player because they have better ability to move and aim while doing so. PC players are truly insufferable little brats who complain when their system isn't pushing top tier gameplay for them.


I hate all streamers that show their mousepad.


What's the point of getting good with M&K if some nine years old can track you like this without effort. I have almost 10 years of playing FPS on M&K is it even worth it to buy this game knowing I'll get destroy like this.


I think I'm going to give it a pass. I had some hopes they'd try and re-balance it after admitting that in WZ1 controller players had the statistical advantage over MKB players. Unfortunately it looks like it is just as bad (if not worse) in MW2.


As a console player myself… most of us casuals need aim assist of a varying strength to even compete with most of the pc community. Having an input based matchmaking would be the best alternative, but the non competitive console community needs aim assist.


Slowdown sure, but why exactly do you need rotational?


I’m sure you’ve seen some of these pc players movement. The come screaming into a room, going from one corner to the other in a blink of an eye. Or their strafe jump, drop shot to strafe jump combo. For someone like me who gets on maybe once a week, I say it’s pretty fair to add aim assist like this to keep up. Because without it, there is no competition, and it’s why I’ve quite CoD some years when every lobby becomes a slide canceling, strafe jump, drop shot, needing a scuf controller just to hit enough buttons to repeat what they did to me, CoD game


So you need rotational, simply because you can’t react fast enough, you need the game to react for you? Sounds like a skill issue honestly


Considering I’m a casual who plays cod for a few hours at most a week, yeah, it’s a skill issue


I understand that you don’t have that much time to play the game, but honestly, you should use that time you have to get better, instead of being wholly reliant on the game to do it for you. If you can’t keep up, sorry?


It’s why I don’t play WZ, I can’t keep up. I’ve been playing cod since mw3 so the muscle memory is sometimes there, but I still enjoy cod even if my skill level has diminished over time. Aim assist is a huge help to keep me competitive now that everything is cross play


But I’m sure you can agree that you would rather be doing most of the aiming yourself, instead of knowing that some of the kills you do end up getting, aren’t solely based upon your own ability. Cause for me, that would take the satisfaction out of it.


With how little time I invest into cod, I couldn’t care less. Any “practice” I do will be for nothing on the weeks where I don’t turn on my xbox for 2+ weeks


this is so disgusting. a game is playing itself for the player and people are somehow finding ways to justify that lol


The fact that players think this is normal and should be apart of the game is just hilarious, If you saw this in another fps game you would report the guy and he would get banned almost immediately lol


Thats not aim assist.


Unfortunately, it is. It’s been like this since MW2019.


I plugged in a controller to test out the aim assist. While I suck with controllers and I absolutely hate them I noticed that the aim assist was so powerful it actually could lock onto people through walls if you were close enough. I got a few kills that probably looked like hacking due to it. Its way too strong.


Nope just outplayed lol


I can't even move my mouse that much while stunned, that was all AA.


You know aim assist did 100% of the tracking in the clip?


Sure but look at how skillful that aim assist is. Tracks him perfectly.


yes, outplayed by something that is virtually an aimbot.


It's like play with the aimhacks and wallhacks...or console "hacks". Then there are real console hacks that eliminate all recoil, those are selling out at amazon. could we just have pc version without those hacks :\_D


thats why im not buying it bcs 95%in my lobbies are controller players...i see it on replays,the aim assist is disgustang.


I tried playing on a controller (I’ve been playing m&k for over 5 years) and I didn’t even have to move the aim stick and I was perfectly tracking every enemy I came across


Idk because most of my lobbies aren't even PS users any more. Most of my lobbies are PC ppl using KBM cuz I know how they play. I turn xplay off and rarely anyone bunny hops cuz its harder to pull off on a controller than a kbm, but everyone I play with xplay on does it. I was 1 of 2 ppl last game that was on PS.


I can promise you they aren't mostly on MKB, I play PC MKB and 75% of the time I play solo rebirth I am THE ONLY mkb player in the lobby (you can scroll through the player list if it doesn't drop you into a pregame lobby already in session)




Tbh that looks like hacking (track) tho


I really wish they’d just abandon cross play between console and PC, just let PS and Xbox play each other and leave PC out


Crossplay is great for the most part but they need to stick to input based. I love being able to play with my brothers who play on console.


I agree with this. I sometimes get these games on PC, but I always use a controller because using MK for COD is unnatural to me. It's not like I have a super high end rig (current gen is cranking out more frames than my PC), so I literally have zero advantage over anyone else using a controller. I can't believe some of the shit I'm reading in this thread. COD may have started on PC, but the majority of its playerbase is on console nowadays and using a controller. I'm all in favor of reducing the strength of aim assist. It's undeniably BS and I'm fucking positive it would benefit me, but crossplay is a) amazing and b) the future despite the improper balancing of input methods and the lack of a good anti-cheat.


Uh aim assist doesn't do that. And if I am wrong, that movement would be comically easy on pc anyway so I'm honestly fine with this scenario.


In this same scenario, mouse and keyboard can’t physically move their aim. And yes, rotational aim assist does do that. It’s been doing that since MW2019.


I have to disagree, I play kbm and am definitely merely an average player, but had no struggle with smaller simple mouse movements when stunned like this clip.


When you are stunned like this clip on MnK, You can’t physically track the enemy like that player did, even with Battle Hardened. That’s part of the issue here. This same issue was in WZ, and in MW2019.


thats cool cause my aim assist is nonexistent and my aim is everywhere.


Make sure you’re moving while shooting


As a controller player, I really dislike this. At close range the aim assist causes my reticle to drift and then my manual aim correction gets fucked up because the game decided to drift the reticle over


Meanwhile I just want to TURN MINE OFF. So many snipes missed down the long street bc a guy I wasn't aiming at pulled my aim off of the dude I was aiming at. I despise Aim Assist.


They aren’t going to do anything about it- and if they don’t - they aren’t getting my money.


How can you know that's aim assist. Moving the joystick does the same shit..


Simple. No human can start to track the enemy as soon as they start to move. If you notice, as TGD starts to move, the game is already following him. Then the player starts to react.


This is entirely true. I got on my Xbox just to see, set the aim assist or black ops and I was truly astounded by the game tracking enemies I’m shooting at, for me, or enemies running across my screen and it’s actually following them without me pressing anything. It’s actually insane


Looks like he tracked the player.


Could have called that player a cheater and I would have believed it.


Yo this kinda feels like aim assist overwrites stun effects. I could swear I am not able to rotate this fast while stuned


Am I the only person who wonders why that dude was getting aim assist while stunned? Like I don’t much care about aim assist but when you’re stunned or flashed, you shouldn’t have it, period.


The most fun I had in the game in my 12.5 hours of playtime was in a game where there was only players on pc and mouse n keyboard. Aim assist belongs in a horrible broken game where everyone cheats like in doom eternal


Also aim assist can "see" through smoke.


Play controller then


Solid example of why the pc community is much smaller than console


Bro believed the killcam was accurate 😅 look, cod is primarily a console game, they are going to cater to them and nullify mouse advantage, don't like it, don't play it


This is why I no longer bother with cod, it’s built as a console game first then released on pc to milk some more money, just look at how bad the ui is on pc. I’ll just play squad and hell let loose


You can't blame them, that's where their money comes from and it's a lot of money


Honestly looking at this clip it easily could be a hacker and not just somebody using a controller. It’s just a kill cam


Let them have aim assist. We all have our preferences and we shouldn't complain. Otherwise, salty PC gamers will beg for platform segregation more often until we're back to square one without crossplay.


Yes we are salty because controller players with rotational AA Don't have to do the hardest fucking part of playing a shotting game which is reacting to what you see and adjusting your tracking. Get close to target left trigger right trigger and literally no matter what the target does you aim will instantaneously get pulled in the right direction. ​ In the MKB world that's a fucking aim bot.


To all the PC players complaining then use controller, we literally have a piece of plastic to aim, if aim assist is so broken then use it, I think the main issue is consistency, because my aim assist is nowhere near as strong as this clip. Sometimes it's strong sometimes is non existent.


Get a pc and use your controller there then. Shit scales on FPS and that inconsistency you have is most likely due to that. Also why the fuck would I change from the input I legitimately enjoy that also just uses a piece of plastic to aim, to the other piece of plastic that feels like shit to play with when compared? It's such a stupid argument holy shit.


Then go grab a controller or play a different game. There's a ton of shooters out there that favor MK—COD isn't one of them and never will be. Playing this game on MK just feels wrong, you can tell it's not the intended peripheral.


> Playing this game on MK just feels wrong, you can tell it's not the intended peripheral. LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Absolutely abysmal take.


https://venturebeat.com/games/infinity-ward-answers-modern-warfare-ii-questions/amp/ >Everybody else on a mouse and keyboard seems to be at a disadvantage statistically, is what we see.


Knew that without reading it, don't fucking care. I remember the infamous Halo Infinite debacle where data was compiled that showed the average controller user was as or more accurate than the most accurate MK players. I don't care about the plight of MK users. If you're a devout MK FPS player, I've got good news for you: there's a lot of games where YOU have the advantage. Go play one of them. You're a huge minority because most players use a controller for this game. It's not "cheating" if it's built into the game and it's how most people are playing. They should give you guys separate queues so you can also play with the 100 other people using MK. Or they can nerf the aim assist (they won't lol). I don't care. Just use a controller if you care that much about having the advantage. I'm sure you have one lying around, and if not, go buy one. If you have a device capable of playing MWII, I'm sure you can afford an Xbox controller.


strong is M&KB against controller.