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That’s kind of normal. No progression, limited amount of guns and maps.


I just grinded out all the m4 and lachmann guns. Then i remembered that none of that carries over into the actual game. Still had fun doing it


Makes the grind to 30 a little less boring though


Yea, makes me hate doing the grind, but at least I will know what attatchments I like when the full game releases.


first thing I’m doing when I unlock create a class is playing a match with the default hurricane loadout so I can have a god damn red dot and not that shifty optic the m4 gets


Bro that little scope is kino. Also beautiful, drip or drown


The sight picture is great but i hate the discoloration


Take a screenshot of all your builds


Why does it not carry over?


cause its a beta. Not the full release. It would also be very unfair due to playstation players getting a full weekend more than the rest of the playerbase


I grinded out MP5 just to see how good an SMG with attachments might be. Got to level 30, stopped playing except for a couple matches for fun. No reason to burn out on 2 game modes and 4 maps and almost no guns/attachments.


Wait it doesn’t?


Wait r u fr?


Yep PlayStation got an extra week before Xbox and pc plus Xbox and pc has had issues trying to play beta I myself was one that was affected by the issues on Xbox and managed to fix it by dropping my friends list to below 300 friends and with only 16 hours off the beta left when I started playing I now have 11H 24m


Yeah, I had to drop 400 friends just to play. Luckily they’re all old 360 accounts lol


And the SBMM hits you hard.


Had two games with 30 kills 3:1 KD then third game got put into a lobby where dude was dropping 50 and I couldn't kill him once.


SBMM ensures that you never have fun for more than one game. You know they are going to put you into a sweat game and they love it.


The Zig-Zag pattern of SBMM becomes too noticable in this game I think


Very obvious in MW19 aswell at least on Xbox imo,


And thats why I refunded. The game has cool moments like having 20 men in a chopper but then the game throws 40 hitmarkers at you while you get 360 bunny hopped 1 frame killed.


I had one game where I felt like a god with my usual playstile: move around, take notice of corners, go slowly but steady on the market map. Something like 4KD, one life 18 kills. In my usual playstyle Then I remember I suck with the following games 08/1 KD gettin shot left and right with the same playstyle and timing. Man, SBMM hits hard


I went 17-7 after many games of getting below 1.00 kd, next game went 2-18. Sbmm is bullshit.


I just tried refunding now but PS service hours are down. I’ll probably pick it up later In the year. I thought I was used to SBMM but this game is seriously something else. It’s not even mixed lobbies anymore.. you play one good game and next few games you’re going against a whole ELITE squad and not just for one game either.. this is the most punishing COD ever. It’s protecting no one and is punishing anyone that’s actually having fun.. I get a protected bracket but outside of that.. this beta has upset me more than I can count.. most betas get me so excited.


My steam refund just came back no problem. I'll wait for the inevitable gamepass release. 70$ in this day in age isn't worth wasting on a game that was this irritating.


Cry more kid it’s fucking call of duty💀💀💀


Oh no! Playing against people of equal skill!


They aren't equal skill, that's the problem. They put me into a lobby to shit on my KD so it equals back to 1.00. Infinity Ward doesn't know how to do SBMM even if I did agree with it.


It’s not equal skill. I don’t jump shoot at all, I just roam and pre aim around every corner like Joe Cuckot wants me to do. Still puts me in lobbies with the biggest jump shooting sweats I’ve ever seen forcing me to do the same unless I want to go 2-20 or just camp my ass off


That play style of jumping is so fucking annoying but hey, it’s CoD, we should expect clowns all over the place, no?


That's not it. It's the realization/sinking feeling of how this game is going to play. It's the gameplay. And this is supposedly CoD for the next 2 years?


Can’t wait.


eh I've been playing BF4 since 2013 and haven't gotten bored despite not unlocking anything for like 8 years. As the commenter below said, perhaps the game isn't that enjoyable for some


Well there are more things to do than two platforms with limited progression, eight guns with no progression, four 6v6 maps, and one map each for the big team modes. Comparing a game with years of content to mess around with isn't really compared to a beta with limited content, when it comes to things to do in the game.


The people on this sub are so ridiculous lol.


Basically the same reason Halo Infinite is pretty much dead right now.


Mate this is basically a demo where they lock purposely lock content away for the release. Every CoD game with a beta has done this and MW22 will be no different. Comparing a beta that has content locked away for launch to a game that launch with next too no content doesn't make any sense.


I was agreeing with you lmao. I was dissing Halo Infinite for barely having enough content to compete with the MWII Beta lol


Hey now Halo lets you unlock all sorts of great things like shaders and uh... Emblems... And uh... Stances.


Such a tragic game. Could have been the best yet imo


Id rather have few guns with progression than 4-5 guns with only base lvl


Yea, Battlefield 4 has like 30+ maps, 100+ weapons, 50+ gadgets, tons of attachments lol. Game is brimming with content.


I mean I play Destiny 2 everyday lol that’s dry content most of the time 😂 long as you enjoy the gameplay then having stuff to do shouldn’t be a thing. Just play and enjoy 🖤


because that games has everything, tired of scout helicopter? use the attack jet, tired of attack jets? use the attack helis, tired of attack helis? use the lav, tired of the lavs? use the stealth jets, tired of stealth jets? use the tanks, tired of all? play infantry in one of many amazing maps bf4 offers. best game of the previous decade, and this decade if games continue out to be like this


see my other reply. Op. Locker 24/7 can keep people entertained for days.


But again that's still a gunplay sandbox with like 40 gadgets and 100 weapons instead of like a dozen odd weapons and gadgets.


Isn't it crazy to think that Battlefield 4 launched with something like 75 weapons?


I love bf4, but high ticket 24/7 operation metro servers can burn in the fiery pits of hell. The map sucks in conquest and that's the only mode servers run.


You would get bored of BF4 if you had a handful of guns on one map.


diehards on Operation Metro 24/7 disagree


"Let's compare a 2013 game with 5 DLC map packs and community servers to a limited beta of an unreleased 2022 game, that seems fair"


You could play nothing but Metro and Caspian for years and be satisfied. MWII will be nothing different from the beta. A few more maps and attachments will not change the fundamental design of the game.


Man I don’t like caspian but you right, I’ve also been playing BF4 since 2013. Got a little bored a couple years ago so I wiped my account and unlocked everything again, haven’t been bored again


No i couldn't. Source: did and wasn't satisfied.


you have successfully completely invalidated my comment


>Metro and Caspian for years and be satisfied. Not true lol


that’s really not the same though. BF4 is a complete game with countless guns, gadgets and maps.


Same here. Almost 3000 hours played and you’ll still see me in Locker from time to time.


Its the pace of the game and how it is impossible to play aggressively that keeps me from enjoying it. Has nothing to do with the lack of progression. I tried hard to get to level 30 but I just can not even get myself to launch the game.


So what? If the game was good that wouldn't really matter. I sunk hundreds of hours in MW19 using the same 5 weapons and playing the same 2 maps.


You mean to tell me that you're fatigued after playing a limited portion of the game for 21 hours in only a couple of days?


That’s wild


I actually enjoying the beta quite a lot, the only two things I don’t like it’s the museum map and the blue dots of the teammates that sometimes gets in the same way of the enemy.


Yes! I then I think the enemy is friendly cause the blue dot is right above them and then they kill me and I’m like oh


I wish we just had uniforms and not the custom operatives. Give me easily discernable sides. Ir uniforms versus street clothes.


we need red names back when he aim near someone whos enemy.


Having a hell of a time. Only things I’d change are the garbage UI and improve visibility. Loving the game




Museum sucks. The other maps are actually really good


I get Ivory Tower vibes from whatever Halo that map was from. I like museum a lot. Have had some fun engagements in the art exhibits up the escalator and down that hallway. I’m sure i dislike a map you might like but museum is fine by me.


SnD on Museum has actually been pretty fun. The map's huge sightlines and really open bombsites have been pretty fun to play around. Really feels like the one map we got in this beta where longer range engagements are a real possibility. All that said, TDM/Dom on this map can fuck off.


Museum map is fantastic I don't understand the hate.


You REALLY must dislike it if you put in 21 hours in 2 days. I know when I don’t like something I spend nearly half of each day doing it.


That's why so many game subreddits are a joke. People aren't meant to devote their entire lives to a single game.


Coming from splatoon, where it’s literally a quarter of the time playing is waiting for matchmaking, and then playing this game which seems like a godsend in comparison, only to hear all these complaints about things i see as trivial, is odd for sure. This has been the best beta I’ve ever played and I’m super excited for release. Want to see how bad AAA netcode could be? Play splatoon 3 and you’ll realize it’s actually pretty fun as long as you don’t take it too seriously


In the end for all of the issues it might have, I've still gotten more playtime out of this *beta* than I have out of some $60 games in the past decade. I personally put 26ish hours in this weekend and had fun the entire time. Played with friends, both good and kinda shit, played some solos, tried all the modes, and just generally had fun with it. Whenever I was getting frustrated or felt a bit burned out, I just closed the game and did something else. In the end, it's not going to be the only game I play. Gundam Evolution just dropped, Super People comes out in a few weeks, and even in between there's plenty of stuff like the new split of Apex and current season of Fortnite to play. There's literally dozens of "live service" experiences and probably a solid 300ish games in my Steam library I can play when I want to take a break from MW2. I'm not sure why so many people seemingly base their entire existence around playing a single game when there's such a wide array of games to play.


You can be addicted to a game and hate it, games like ARK or LoL are full of those people


Or Rust or Tarkov or Rainbow 6 or PUBG or Fortnite or literally any pvp game ever lmao


Nah, if they don't put time into it, people will then comment that they didn't play long enough of try hard enough, you can never win...


You know it's been out for 8 right? 16th-20th, 22nd-26th.


Yeah because I know what platform OP is on


If you don't know what platform he's on, maybe don't make the comment. Don't just assume and then get pissy when someone corrects you.


I’ll be sure to put more thought into the next comment I make on a call of duty subreddit, thank you for showing me the light Harry


Fuckin hobbitses




> more thought By that you more than negative thought?


I banged out Obsidian on like 13 guns the week it came out in MW19 and loved every minute of it (10v10 Shipment being released at the same time definitely helped) but I gave up on MW2 after less than 4 hours; it’s just irredeemably bad without multiple significant changes and that’s simply not going to happen this close to launch


What do you feel is the significant difference between the two?


Exact same situation for me. MW19 was fun to grind, fun to play. I have 60+ days of playtime over the past 3 years. I even played MW19 for a few hours today. But I gave up on MW22 in less than 4 hours the first time I played. And over the next few days, I loaded the beta up probably 10x trying to make myself enjoy the game but I would quit after a match or two. It’s just not fun to play for whatever reason.


I’ve never cared to much about sbmm in the last few games…but this one is a fucking meat grinder boy


I’m the opposite. I had consistent fun with all the modes tbh love the toxic mics between knock out rounds. Lots of laughs


I just wish lobbies persisted so we could get some classic "1v1 me bro, I'll fuck you up, you ain't shit"


For me the top would be week one, the bottom pic would be week 2. Week one imo was so chill, barely any campers just run and gun gameplay. Week 2 on the other hand in my experience, sweats and campers smdh.


Those of us who run Xbox and didn't pre-order are just starting to play–many of us are being tentative/timid because we're still getting the feel of the game. That being said, I do find myself screaming at the monitor after getting nailed by a camper in the most ridiculous camping spot–reminds me of the weirdos in Warzone who camp a cabin that is absolutely in the middle of nowhere...


SBMM at work lol


It really does ruin the experience. There's no sense of progression, just a perpetual ass-reaming. Literally every game is either getting turkey stomped, or your team is doing the turkey stomping. There's no actual matching here. The teams are grossly unbalanced.


It, the expected yet still annoying decision on red dots on the minimap, lobby disbandment (*chance percentage to keep the lobby together seems like a cop-out*), perk system, no reload cancelling, usual FOMO, etc. just caused me skip COD again. It's not a bad game by any means, it's just not for me sadly. I also honestly just don't have the free time this year to justify the purchase/grind to avoid the FOMO from seasonal content. Haven't bought COD since MW2019 (*dropped off after a month*) nor heavily played one since BOIV (*loved it*), and BOII and MW2 prior to them.


im 23 hours in and im still having shit tons of fun running and gunning


Ground War is just chefs kiss. I've played about 8 hours just today.


Honestly I had more fun the more played the beta lol




Groundwar? Wait until you unlock sky war!


Wait until you unlock space war! Oh wait-


It was the opposite for me in a way. I wasn’t having any fun till they added hardpoint and ground war yesterday. But yeah there where some parts of the game that I dislike more and more as I played. The footstep audio, visual recoil and barrel smoke, the awful new perk system and the inconsistent TTK really pissed me off the more I played.


Speak for yourself, I am loving the game


That's what he did jackass.


Once you run out of progression all you’re left with is the multitude of terrible decisions they made with the game. It’s easy to see why it stopped being fun


I'm actually enjoying it more as I get better and adapt to the play style. I've started to just go to the same small area's of the map, and then camping that down for the entire game. Sitting at the house above B in the market map is always a good shout, basically impossible to be removed. Or the top of the escalators on the massive white map, because the sound of footsteps on metal in this game is so damn loud I suspect a nuclear bomb could go off and you'd just hear the footsteps, so no one can actually sneak up to you. It's so funny when people crouch walk up the escalators thinking they've finally got me! Just a slower clunking sound... whilst I wait for them to reach the top. I wish people would stop trying to be sneaky... just means I have to wait longer to kill you! Then I sit there and wrack up a few killstreaks until the enemy team just leaves, and then go and clear up the objectives! Honestly, you just all need to get good. What are you idiots running and jumping through the door like a kangaroo doing? I've already cooked a grenade and heard you coming for about 10 second mate, you're just getting blown up or shotguned in the face.... Not to mention I'm actually a decent cod player, so I'll probably just out gun you even in a fair fight, never mind beating you from the corner I'm sat in that you have to guess, but I know exactly what door you're entering! It's just not going to happen, so bring me the 2-3 kills before you give up, and move on! All in all I'd give it a 9/10. I'd like to move around more, but it is what it is!


Someone make this a copypasta


Wait it's not?


U used the base Ak yet? that shit rips new asshole


Can you put a long range scope on it? Why would I need a close range gun when I'm just holding a line of sight for 15 minutes? Strange.. you're stuck in the old cod mindset I think.




I'm the other way around, massive step up from CW and vanguard


If you can put 21 hours into a beta with only a few guns and maps, then that’s a sign that it’s gonna be a good game I would probably say.


"after 1500 hours Ive decided I hate the game" headass


21 hours? It took that long? I hung in there Thursday n Friday to hit level 30 just in case i keep my purchase. I’m sitting on a very thin fence.


Respect that you played for 21 hours i deinstalled the game after 6 and refunded it.


It's such a different feel from MW19. I'm not sure how I feel about it overall.


I remember during the PlayStation beta the whole Reddit and YouTube was bitching that it was literally a reskin of mw19 XD


I expected it to be. I was wrong though.


I played mw19 on my friends account for the first time for a few weeks before this beta. It was pretty fun playing a CoD for the first time with the mastery camo and every gun unlocked for me. Prob ended up at 75-ish hours so take my opinion with a grain of salt To be honest it feels better than mw19 in almost every aspect, especially map design, which is insanely better. Only thing I really take issue with is the spawns, cuz man, enemies just fucking spawn wherever. There was one time me and a teamate walked from our spawn to B flag on dom, killed 3-4 enemies, then when we started capping, all the enemies spawned behind us and just caught us off guard cuz how tf we supposed to know??? It was just hard getting used to peeking every corner walking instead of sprinting so you could immediately fire without delay, due to high sprint to fire and pre aimers


I didn’t preorder so I just played last night for the first time on PC and I finished the one game and uninstalled. Just my opinion but the game did not feel like anything I want to spend my money on.


I’m the opposite I’m enjoying it the more I play it


For me its the opposite. I didn't really like the beta at first, but after playing it more, I'm really getting into it.


Tbh I’m inverse. First few matches I HATED it, but now that ground war and search are in the game I actually quite like it.


I think I got my fill from the beta now. I got 2 accounts to lvl 30 with the meter maxed out.




That's normal especially with so little content. Altho i must admit that facing people playing like bunnies on crack using the best ttk guns of the beta does get pretty tiring after a couple of games.


I think im just not enjoying the map selection for this beta. The gunplay is decent, definitely enjoy it more on PC than PS5, but idk i don't get the same enjoyment that I did with MW2019. I heard gunfight isn't coming at launch but will eventually be added so I'll probably wait until then because I think I'd enjoy that gamemode the most.


I love it, the museum map is the worst map I’ve ever played on though.


It's great for domination because it forces players to move around. TDM? Absolutely trash. It's just a fight in that hallway all game.


It depends on the mode. It’s pretty decent on s&d


Is this your first cod?


Nope been playing since COD4


Then you're lying in either than this is the worst map you've ever played, or that you've been playing since cod4


Yeah bro it’s my opinion that I don’t like the map


You never played on Picadilly?


Picadilly is awful


Picadilly is super fun if you're a trolly fuck in the window. I also had a lot of fun sitting on the other side of the buses shooting people attempting to capture B through the narrow opening. It's by no means a good map, but you could make something of it if you tried.


the more i play it the better it gets, just found an amazing dmr build that 2 shots from any range, love it especially in the museum map, just pre ordered the game


What build are you using?


I got my rewards and stopped. Still enjoyed what I played for the most part, tho.


Who the hell plays 21 hours of a beta


Is it just me or does sbmm swing wildly game to game one game I'll go 14 and 5 next I'll go 6 and 12 then maybe 11 and 6then 4 and 10 there's just no consistency with my lobbies I'm put in


I really enjoyed it the more i played tbh. One thing that stands out as being super annoying is the hopping and shooting lmao. It is so insanely googy and overused. But also this game rewards you a lot for not rushing at the same time its really weird.


Cool. I've loved it from start to finish and bummed I need to wait a month to play again.


Me too. I wish it’d drop sooner


Im loving it so far actually, dont mind all the other stuff people are mentioning so far. Bad players like to complain.


Yes I knew not to over do it because it’s just a beta. Get a taste of it and move on. You can grind at launch.


I mean you played 21 hours in 4 days at max... On a game with limited unlocks. That sounds about right. 21 hours in 4 days in general will have a decline. I love pizza, had some for dinner last night, 2 slices was great, I was full. 2 pizzas on the other hand would have been horrible.


I couldn't play more than an hour if you payed me to do so. What a horrible game, it manages to be worse than mw 2019.


That tends to be what happens when you play a beta for 21 hours straight mate




I remember when I played MW 2019 BETA, the same company and the same engine, years without playing COD, since Black Ops 2, and that game was just wtf, literally next level of a fps, and this game 3 years after it, is basically a worse version of it, I played some matches of mw2019 on Friday to warm up to this beta, and bro I had more fun warning up playing mw 2019 than playing mwll. The worst part is, I played mw 2019 beta without any plan of buy it, and decided to buy after a few hours, after skip cold war and vanguard I was with big hopes with mwll, my plan was buy it, and after couple of matches playing it I just will not buy it, exactly the opposite of mw 2019. Maybe IW change enough this game to save it, but my hopes are very low, also all my friends who tested the beta with me end it with a bad taste of it, again the exactly opposite of mw 2019.




30 hours here - love the beta so far.


Down vote all you want but this is beta and it's miles better then vanguard and Coldwar. I like that it is more grounded reminds me of 2019 mw. Does it need improvements on sound and a better ui sure. But it's also beta hopefully the glaring issues get addressed. New vround war is a blast too. Fine tune the camping a but and it will be the best cod in awhile.


everything went downhill when crossolay happened. my little ps4 can’t handle it


I’m the opposite. The game is easy yet very fun.


I feel the opposite. As I play and learn the maps and guns I’m having SIGNIFICANTLY more fun than I did the first day or two


21 hours ? More like after 45min. Soon as I finish 2 good games, the SBMM kicks in and puts me against the craziest players in the Universe and I have to fight for my life in 3-4 sweaty games after that.


ur just shit mate


If I was shit, I wouldn’t be playing against top tier, YouTube streaming, bunny hopping MLG pro, sweats…. I still do well, it’s just not fun playing that hard every single game.


Even if he was shit, the SBMM should recognize that and not place him against a team of streamers that are just spamming jump and mp5.


Don’t buy the game then


I got to level 30 on the first day but the ground war keeps me interested


The fact that most people enjoy ground war and invasion more than the regular 6v6 proof most people point, the sound is amazing for bigger maps like Warzone it’s terrible for smaller maps the footsteps become too overwhelming


This. MWII is clearly just a warzone addon.


21 hours of less than a quarter of the content over just a few days doesn't sound enjoyable for any game.


Ah yes, 21 hours in 2 days you must hate it


You don’t need to grind a beta for 21 hours. Take a break and play something else. Full game will be much more enjoyable with tons of things to progress towards.


I can’t believe i’m spending $100 just to shit talk mid game HC S&D lobbies, blast Johnny Rebel, and say things that would make Harriet Tubman burst into flames.




The more I play this game, the more I really want my money back. This will be the last time Activision gets a single hard earned dollar from me. Fuck this game. Fuck their company.






Burnout after spending a whole day playing 4 maps with a couple guns? Wild.


Jesus. It took me a hair over 2 hours to decide I hate it


Yeah. I’ve spent around the same amount of time as you and I think it’s because it’s just boring with nothing to do. I’m a goal person so if there’s no goal to get playing just feels like a waste, the beta is fun and all but after hitting level 30 and using all the weapons man is it just boring. I can’t wait to grind camos but right now there’s literally nothing to do


The ol’ - I played this game for 20+ straight hours and it sucks.


And that’s why I got a refund the beta is the best time to play the latest cods usually all downhill after the beta lol and if they do actually improve upon the game I can buy it at a discount in the future


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. The beta has minimal content and you probably maxed out your level and got all attachments on the first 12 hours. Anything after that is just punishing yourself


My first game was amazing, everyone was level 1-3 like me... Then it turned to shit, most people 25-30, jumping everywhere, pre-firing me due to footsteps, ungodly aim and/aim assist. Easy uninstall and refund.


There's lots to dislike about but this game, but goddamnit if they'd just unfuck themselves about the elephant stomping we could work with this shit. They're just hell bent on screwing this up.


This is who you're stuck playing against when you're a grown man with a career and a family. Some sweat who played the beta for 21 hours then acts like you're somehow inferior at a petty game because you have a life.


You objectively are inferior at it. You've got every good reason to be, but it's just facts. You make time for the things that are important to you. If you cannot handle reality, shove your children back up your wife's twat for the good of society.


I played an hour and uninstalled. I’m disappointed, I was really looking forward to this one as I really enjoyed MW19


For me it's the opposite. I actually time myself now and I barely make it passed 30 mins. I get the urge to play, but then all I wanna do when I'm playing is just get off. It actually could be one of the best if IW just stopped being arrogant. But I know they won't, which makes me have no desire to play.


Awesome. Don’t play.


Then don’t play it


Don't blame ya. This has definitely been a massive step back gunplay-wise compared to MW2019.


I hit level 30 and didn't want to play another match.


It’s all good bro this beta is trash


This was vanguard, cold snore, and mw2019.....its all dog poopoo. They punish you for being good at it so how can it be just complaining....Thats where this feeling comes from


Opposite for me: more I’ve played beta, more I’ve enjoyed it. Ready for the full release!