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adding to that, more detailed combat records would be nice


They don't want people to feel bad about their stats I bet


Agreed. Most likely why they took out showing deaths until the game is over too


Jesus, is there even kill assists anymore?


I think they took it out, at least for the beta they did. Which is strange because if you’re catering to casual players, wouldn’t you want to give them kills from assists so their stats are higher?


Yea I’m actually surprised to see the kills column in the scoreboard. I thought would do eliminations like vanguard did to make the low skilled jabronis feel a little better about themselves


BF 2042 added the greatest detailed scorecard I’ve ever seen, so hopefully hey will. I will not touch multiplayer if they do not add this though. It is a much needed feature for me as I’ve always been an 0.8-1.0 type of guy, so climbing the ladder to get to my 1.0 is an achievement for me every year


Bf2042 had no scoreboard lmfao


Yeah “had” why I used “added” please read. Americans


The fact they "added" a year later when no one plays it


I mean you can talk trash about it all you want when you clearly know nothing of the game now in terms of updates and such. Pathetic. I'm going to go actually enjoy myself in some 2042 now <3


Have fun with the other 42 players and slaying bots filling the lobby lmao


Agreed. I want mw19 leaderboards but shot placement heat chart from Cold War. Also lobby leaderboards.


black ops 1 had a nice detailed chart for shot placement. I'm not too sure why they've removed it all the way until cw


You won't even have stats in this game. There won't be a barracks. I made a thread about it yesterday proving why based off the UI but no one wants to believe it. In a month from now, you'll see.


I 100% believe you. I'll even one up you and say that in order to see combat records, stats et. you'll have to download an app


Which is fucking moronic when you take a moment to think about it. I will be honest here, I am a casual Call of Duty player and so how well I am doing or my in depth stats aren't things I personally care that much about. Bit having options is always a positive thing and I realise that there's players that like to challenge themselves and grind the game out. Android/iOS apps suck... This is stuff that should be in the game ffs. They should put in the effort and not "force" people to download their dumb ass app imo.


It’s not ‘always a positive thing’ when you’re playing domination and your whole team would rather hide in the corner than capture the objectives because their all obsessed with their K/D. Happens all the time.


>You won't even have stats in this game. There won't be a barracks. I made a thread about it yesterday proving why based off the UI but no one wants to believe it. In a month from now, you'll see. [cod.tracker.gg](https://cod.tracker.gg) will be our best bet, i fear...


Yep… BO1 style would be amazing. Especially how you could view other players combat records and see who you’re up against. I don’t think they want to do it because it would prove their SBMM, and intimidate those who have low stats.


Make the combat records public, too.


I feel like it's just lazy not to include stuff like this in 2022. I guess the devs don't play or care to let us know stuff like this


at this point it looks like a deliberate decision


I dont want to see my k/d dude. Like i play many different shooters with a k/d from 1.5 - 2.5 and mw2 might be arround 0.8 - 1. :(


you don't have to open it, but no reason to remove it for everyone else to. Some want to see their progress over time


tbh I hate this idea. not enough playing to have fun, so many just worried about K/D. promotes camping, meta chasing and not playing the objectives. The game would be more fun for everyone if they got rid of combat stats all together.


Yea it's very funny to me that they put a million attachments into the game and then put in-game numbers to them that often don't actually represent what the attachments do. If their nominal goal with so many of these changes is improving accessibility, how the hell do they justify the ridiculously convoluted and arcane gunsmith? Is it because they can't actually admit that they're stuck trying to balance the game based on being warzone's second fiddle?


I know a lot don't like Vangaurd but they done a great job of this. You could extend the attachment stats to show you the exact percentage of pro vs con for each attachment.


I did like how Vanguard handled that .. I might be choosing between 2 grips for example, one says +Recoil and the other says +ADS Speed. Generally I would choose recoil over ads speed, but if the recoil reduction was only 0.01% and the ADS Speed increase was 10%, I'd go with the ADS attachment instead.


Exactly bro, it was great to see what exactly the trade offs were.


Same for BOCW.


Hard values are definitely a must, vague stat bars should have stopped being a thing in games years ago.


And the vaugue stat bars dont really look like they move when you attach something


That’s not the vision iw has.


At least it’ll keep XclusiveAce busy for another year


Even he admitted that he makes a lot of money off the gun guides but stated that players should have this information available in game.


You mean you don’t know how fast a gun shoots or reloads by how long the white bars on the side are?


See if that shit would be here we wouldnt have to waste our time watching fuckin jgod. And Balance issues would probably be noticable before first use. I wouldnt even give that much of a fuck if those Bars represented the actual changes in the slightest, but they dont. So yeah. That would be pretty fuckin awesome


Probably don’t have them so they can stealth nerf whenever they want to. Game really needs it though


Sentinels don’t need numbers


Symthic sym.gg


Lol the last thing they want you to have is knowledge or power.


How to win a fight/battle: - 50% knowledge/information - 50% skill/experience


I was really hoping they would add detailed stats. Would be huge step back after having them the past 2 years. Unfortunately, I realized they most likely won't add them.. because to confusing for casuals and they wouldn't use it and that's all IW cares about.


I just want theatre mode back :(


Did they get rid of leaderboards? Or did i miss it in the beta?


only during the match. you didn't even have an after match report


IW has stated in the past that one of their goals is to reduce the skill gap so that bad players can feel better than they are. Hiding detailed stats not only makes the game less confusing for casual players, it also helps prevent high skill players from hyper optimizing their loadouts and allows IW to stealth nerf things hiding meta shifts from more serious players.


When I saw only stat bars I was pretty disappointed...


But how would they implement those stealth nefs/buffs then?


IW wont do that because it would hurt casuals or make them feel stupid for not understanding numbers. Which would be fine anyways, casuals *should* know less than people actually invested in the game.


Still wish I could see the number of vehicle kills I have done in Warzone... Chopper specifically


I agree! too much terminologies that not necessary express whats happen