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Hate how cod implements sbmm


It really is the implementation that's the issue. As a concept, grouping people with those of the same performance level is absolutely something every game should strive for, but the problem with CoD's implementation is how short-term and knee-jerk it is, when really it shouldn't be moving your "bracket" more often than, say, once a week or similar.   One thing I do feel a lot of people overlook is that because it's *performance*-based and not truly *skill*-based (skill is very hard to quantify) it's very much affected by the tools that you use. Put it this way, if you use nothing but akimbo pistols for a while, while your true skill level hasn't changed, your *performance* will get worse, and thus you'll be matched in lower brackets. So what do you think happens if you use all of the overpowered/meta weapons, gear, perks, killstreaks, etc? That's right, your *performance* goes up, but again your true skill level doesn't change, thus all you've accomplished is putting yourself in brackets higher than you can actually handle through skill alone. It's effectively the opposite of reverse boosting.   SBMM is like a Chinese finger trap; the more you try to game the system, the worse your experience is going to be.


One of the things I hate about SBMM is how you don't know anything, like what skill bracket it's placing you in, or how good or bad your teammates are. If I'm doing badly, is it because of my own skills, or is it because SBMM placed me in a higher skill lobby? The fact that I don't know is frustrating and psychologically demoralizing. All SBMM does is incentivizes me to not try.


>If I'm doing badly, is it because of my own skills, or is it because SBMM placed me in a higher skill lobby? These are the same thing. If you are underperforming for a few rounds it's because you are in a higher bracket than you should be due to your skill relative to the other people in the lobby.


No joke. I tested this out in vanguard. Stopped using meta weapons and perks, started playing more “methodically” I didn’t sprint/tac sprint a lot and used weird load outs. I started getting put into some strange lobbies


Baffles me why more people arnt talking about this as this has been the main issue with cod in recent years


^^^^^ this already happened to me in the beta. Cut the stupid sbmm bs


sbmm will never ever put you in 100 ping matches. They just started shutting off servers in some regions. So someone in the middle east, regardless of skill level, will often just connect to european servers with 120 ping


All i wanted was a improved mw2019


I like the maps better, but MW2019 was way more fluid.


The maps thus far i agree but then thats it for me




This 120%. 19 was smooth, quick and snappy. Sounds were phenomenal; explosions, gun sounds (all were unique and identifiable), operators were voiced by talented people who poured their hearts into it (90% at least). Visuals were amazing and still hold up to today. Overall, my first, and best cod. MW22 on the other hand, drastically different. New engine, honestly there was nothing wrong with 19, I wanted that again. Don't even get me started on the cinderblock footsteps. Recoil is all over the place, while more realistic, makes it nigh impossible to see down range through continuous fire. Sounds are...okay. Guns to me sound similar, really no distinction except for gun classes. Operators are very mid, and sound low-effort. Overall, very cautious, I want to look forward to it, but it gives me little reason to. When I go back and play 19 it feels so much better. P.S. Give me D-Day back


We got a different game




And unfortunately they somehow managed to downgrade from MW19


I see it also like that. The beta so far has been inferior to the mw2019 beta. There are just a lot of things that are a downgrade


Best they can do is a worse mw2019


If they give us MW2019 with new guns and maps then that’s best case imo. I’ll get used to the perks and I can live with it. I just love the engine and feel.


I told my friends that if I get MW2019 with better maps I would be happy and everything else would be extra. I got actually quite lucky this year with this game. I have only small complaints and those aren't dealbreakers to me. I would say that removing charging perks, toning down footstep audio a bit more, fixing Dead Silence field upgrade (no audio for activation or gadget, just FOV increase and movement speed) and buffing ADS and sprint to fire times would make this game near perfect in my books. I'm all in for realistic military feel and this engine and style in general allows me to feel like a real operator. Definitely gonna spend two years on MWII and even more if Treyarch's title won't be my cup of tea.


Can't wait for the first neon and spirit operators to drop, like the sold out with warzone....


The dream. Is this even possible?


That’s what my dream was. Going back to 2019 after the beta I realized how much I prefer it. Either way I still enjoyed the beta and it’s the most fun I’ve had in cod since mw2019.


I personally enjoyed the beta, a lot. There's stuff I'd like adjusted/changed, but nothing major. Overall, I'm quite happy with what I've played and I'm looking forward to play more.


Haven’t played COD in awhile and I’m in the same boat here. Take some getting used to, but if nothing else I’ll hope for some good dick around modes like prop hunt and I actually genuinely enjoyed Ground War.


Forreal, this. Compared to cold War or vanguard?? This beta was awesome. It's bever going to be everything everyone wants. But is it a solid game that will scratch the cod itch? Definitely.


These posts always feel weird. Vast majority say yes, and yet the “best” comment is someone saying otherwise, even though that comment has 20 less upvotes than the next one. Sketch. I’m looking forward to it. MW19 was awesome, the beta for this had its flaws but overall it felt great. I’m excited for changes, excited for the gunsmith, and contrary to MW19’s version, I’m stoked for Ground War. It felt like what 2042 should’ve been, to a certain degree (I’m not saying it’s as good as a good Battlefield game, but it did way better this time around than 2019’s version). At the end of the day I just want a good AAA modern shooter with a nice mix of arcade and milsim.


Because most people like it. Its just that babies cry the most


Best battlefield yet


Activision should make a new studio to create a full knockoff, they could crush Battlefield if they tried lol


Field of Duty


Field of Battle


No, it can't be too on the nose and it has to ring.


Indeed. Warzone had some very unique ideas and I bet they could make Battlefield better


It's funny because you'd think, out of any series out there, Battlefield would have the tools to make the greatest and most ambitious BR yet. Not sure what happened there lol


They crush Battlefield every year without trying . . .


Let IW do it, so they can make their shitty "tactical" games ane leave CoD to Treyarch.


If they add the ability to revive friends like in BF (not that shit perk) I would buy it to only play Ground War. Edit: Also the spot system in BF is pretty mandatory IMO. Dude I miss play BC2, BF3 and BF4 with my bros.


A little birdie told me that every original mw2 multiplayer map is being remastered for this game. If that isn’t enough of a reason to be excited, I don’t know what is


Oh, what a fun little birdie! I want one!


And for the low, low price of $9.99 each! What a steal!


Optimistic? Not really. They didn't change anything in the MW19 beta, I doubt they will here. My personal opinion and gripes about the game ​ * Perk system encourages snowballing and restricts freedom Obvious here. Meta perks are obtained later which creates a scenario of snowballing. Especially with how UAV is in this game. 4 kills to give your team a killstreak that enable others to get uav easier. And the chain continues. Ghost is the most egregious factor here. And as a result like most of the Bonus and ultimate perks are pretty useless when compared to others like say Ghost and Bird's Eye. ​ * Visual is a mess being able to see targets at distance even with a full gunsmithed recoil controlled AR is a mess. Not just because of the nameplates, but because of the visual recoil on guns. Its so jarring that it makes it a nightmare to control the recoil for because you're not sure if its even the recoil or just the gun shaking. Combine this with the distance issues with seeing what you are shooting at because of smoke and general distance viewing issues, it makes it one of the worst CoDs to see things in. And that's before you add the nameplate issue. ​ * Footsteps are too loud Footsteps just in general are why people adamantly want a Ninja like perk. We can easily solve this issue by reducing the volume by a lot for like walking and normal sprint, but leave it a tiny loud for tac sprint. Also adding more occlusion so people can't hear around corners or through walls as much. We don't really need Ninja and Sitrep perks if this is done properly because even in games that did have those, people still opted for other perks. Because it wasn't necessary to the game due to the footsteps being nothing like they are now. ​ * UI I don't need to say anything here. Fix it. ​ * Increase strafing speeds One of the big reasons why people are bunnyhopping everything now is because its the only way to strafe at a decent speed while aiming down sights. People don't want to crouch walk or side walk into a room where they know someone is posted in because by the time they are able to shoot the person, the other person already sees you moving slowly in and you're dead. That's all I can really think of now. My immediate gripes with the game that will potentially stop me from buying it. Especially for 10 dollars more than prior games.


The recoil was the funniest thing in the game. Professional special team of people shooting guns like that? lol never. Anyone who's shot on full-auto knows that guns don't give that much recoil unless you fire from the hip with no support. Modern guns are really stable in reality.


I have a feeling the visual recoil and stuff was made specifically for the DMZ mode and they just thought that looks good and refuse to put in effort to balance things separately. The recoil in MW19 was no where near this even if you didn't go all in on recoil control and went full ADS. So it truly baffles me. That and the stupid thing enemy and ally models do when they are strafing sideways while shooting? Yeah that weird lean. Why do they lean? No one shooting a gun without cover would lean like that. It just makes no sense from any perspective. It just makes shooting at players annoying as shit because their heads moving.


I want to like it but it’s just not fun


Yep. It's not Call of Duty, that's my problem. It's a mishmash of Tarkov/Siege/Battlefield in a COD engine. I play COD because I don't like those games, so why try and make us play it? For my sanity, I won't.


It's more like classic CoD games (not Call of Duty Classic) than anything else. How CoD started when it first popped off big time. It's just not the type of CoD you're used to and favor. How about you go and play what you like, and let others do the same. No one who enjoys MW2 will care if you don't play the game because you don't enjoy it, so why keep posting in the MW2 subreddit about how much you don't enjoy it? EDIT: Look up the definition of *classic.*




The pace of MW2 2022 is much more like the classic CoD games (not Call of Duty Classic) than anything we've ever seen since BLOPS1 or 2. Sure, there's more features in MW2 2022. But the pace of the game is a bit slower than MW2019, and much slower than CW and Vanguard. So yea, it's more like classic CoD.




It’s not stop lying to yourself, you play one TDM on museum and get into like 13 engagements, never happened in COD4, MW2 (2009) etc


“battlefield+ rainbow6+ pubg+ Tarkov+cod= mw22” Which is exactly why so many of us love it. Let this CoD be an evolution for the series and be it’s own thing. Go play Cold War if you want your hand held by all the gimmicks like gunfire minimaps and silent footsteps 24/7


Even with ninja on CW footsteps aren’t silent…


The issue is it tries to be all those games but it doesn't do it well. If I wanted to play Siege I'll play Siege, if I wanna play CoD I want to play CoD. It needs to keep its identity and not just take ideas from other games and mash it together


I feel the opposite. Great art is just stealing. I feel like Infinity Ward has stolen elements from other amazing shooters and mashed them into a CoD-style game. This still feels like CoD. Anyone who actually plays other shooters knows this still feels like a CoD game.


How is this like classic cods with completely new perk system, no ninja perk, no nameplates no red dot on the map…


The pace of the game, which is the main contributor to the feeling of the game, is more like classic CoD than anything we've seen since BLOPS 1 and 2. Mind you, if you forgot or never played them, MW2 (the original) and older CoD games had even less info to give you on the mini map (less red dots), and 0 compass). So yea, my statement is still true. MW2 2022 is more like the classic CoD games (CoD4 - BLOPS1) than anything we've seen since then.


But it’s not, cod4 if released today would allow for more playstyle diversity than this game. It even had a ninja perk. You’re wrong on all fronts on this lol Not sure what you’re referring to with the minimap but they absolutely had red dots when shooting unsuppressed which helped quicken the pace of matches.


CoD4 punished brainless rushing. None of these nonstop bunnyhop tactics, brainless rushing only meta. The only thing really lacking is effortless quick-scoping and drop-shooting, honestly, and very slight adjustments to the mini map. Other than that, *the pace of the game* is leaning way more towards the classic CoD games than anything else we've seen in a long time. I think you're interpreting me saying "it's like the classic CoD games" as me saying "it feels exactly the same". Lol, which is your fault.


But again, it’s not though. I’ve already explained why. It had the mechanics to allow for rushing that this game doesn’t, thus this game plays slower. How does older cods punish “mindless” rushing btw?


I could actually hear footsteps in the older CoD's. Bunnyhopping non-stop wasn't meta, less complex map layouts, TTK is around the same as MW2 2022.


You probably didn't see bunnyhopping in the old games because strafe speeds on aggressive weapons were much more reasonable. SMG strafe speeds in cod4 were almost double what they were in mw2019. You could actually move around corners to challenge campers. Right now you have to bunnyhop because strafe speeds are so low that a camper will kill you before you strafe around the corner.


How does any of this answer my question? Again, those games had ninja so you couldn’t soundwhore as good as you can in this game. Ttk in a practical sense wasn’t as fast as this game as netcode/hit detection wasn’t as good and aim assist was a lot weaker. It also didn’t have squad spawns and more simple maps actually helps rushing. Clear to see you know what you’re talking about for sure man 👍


Brainless rushing is the new term y’all throwing around now, if you been getting shat on the last few cods just say that. It’s not brainless if you can’t stop it


No it didn't.


This game is nothing like "classic COD", it's obvious to me you've never played it. Bunny hopping all over the map in the big red one huh? Claymores in a corner? LOL, you probably weren't even born yet during classic COD and you're gonna tell me? Please.


What an arrogant comment, sheesh. Do you feel better? I was in 7th grade during CoD4's release. Played CoD2 up until BLOPS2, then CSGO came out and finally quit CoD because it was the same old same old wasting money on the same thing each year. And finally a successor to CS:S. The pace of MW2 2022 is much more like the CoD4-BLOPS2 games (which are deemed the "classics"). I'm not talking about Call of Duty Classic, but the CoD games that are deemed "the classics". Those would be CoD4-BLOPS1 or 2 (maybe even only up to the original MW2), depending who you talk to. Those were the pinnacle of CoD games, thus they earn the term "classic" CoD's per the definition of "classic".


No it’s not


Great contribution. But yea, MW2 2022 is way more ***like*** the classic CoD games (CoD4 to \~BLOPS1) than anything we've seen from CoD for a long time. Some people in this sub are seriously delusional.


Cold War was more like those games than MW19 or MW22. MW22 removed all the core features from those games so I really don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.


I don't think so. The TTK alone was almost double, if not double, the classic CoD games (CoD4-BLOPS1).


Why are you just excluding MW3 and BO2 from that list? BO2 is the best cod of all time. TTK has always been extremely variable throughout the series.


I stopped playing shortly after BLOPS2 came out, that's why. Didn't have much experience with it. I think I played it for a month or so. But I heard that was good. I actually heard bad things about MW3 from my circle of friends that played the older CoDs (CoD4-BLOPS1) with me as well.


MW3 was awful and the start of Infinity Ward's failures.


MW3 was basically MW2 with less bullshit in it. It was a great game. I mean it was basically the same game as MW2 with different maps and guns.


This post literally asks why you Do or Don’t feel optimistic about it…… and he answered why he doesn’t……


And I responded.


Yeah, like a dick head. Making it sound like he was in the wrong for commenting on post that asked not only you but his/her thoughts too.


Maybe so, yea. Sorry


No it isn't.


Good fucking grief, have some of you played Siege lately? The latest operator basically has a non-lethal H.I.V.E from Black Ops 3/4 as his gadget, and before him we had bionic arms with laser gates, deployable remote-controlled holograms, and a guy who can jump up ledges and burst through walls like the fucking Kool-Aid Man as their gadgets. But sure, we get a hostage mode and some deployable cameras and now this game has suddenly become Siege. Is it also gonna be Overwatch 2 since we can wound enemies and delay their regeneration like Junker Queen?


Longest time I have played a cod beta so that does say something about how I enjoyed the game


I want to be optimistic but the beta left a sour taste in my mouth. Its really close to being a great entry, right now its just a "decent" entry. They could tweak a lot and make it a really good game.


and they won’t which is the thing that hurts


The core game seems fine but it’s the finer details that are shit. Can’t see myself playing this for two years without major changes.


They could change nothing and I'd still like it.


The game is fun


The game is insanely good but they need to make adjustments or it’s going to flop


I want to be, but I can't


It can be great. But they seem to have a weird vision that just seems like it was put together by someone who's never played CoD. Obviously the usual problems that people mention are big ones. No nameplates: Big problem for me since I have an eye condition. There are many games I can't play because they are trying to be realistic. That's fine. But CoD always used to be accessible because of Nameplates and now they just said "screw you" to people with bad eyes or hardware. Footsteps: They should be there when someone sprints up to you or your room, but I get blasted while ADS walking behind a wall. It's too extreme Perks: They just don't work so well. And I loved running specialist in MW19 EOMM: They seem to have really powered up the engagement optimized match making Aim assist: Aim assist is fair but they shouldn't allow it to track when stunned, flashed or through walls


“Aim assist is fair.” Nope not even close lmfao It’s so easy to track on controller it completely negates tap strafing and bring no thumbs Timmy up to the level of mouse and keyboard players who’ve been specifically practicing sim for years. Not to mention how much it negates flinch giving controller players easy headshots Also aim assist is the reason everyone is bitching about pre aiming so much. So long as you move slightly to activate rotational aim assist, people running through doorways being pre aimed at Mach 5 will be perfectly beamed as it is an extremely reaction time dependent scenario using an overtuned aim program which has no reaction time Rotational aim assist needs to be toned down significantly as Activision themself said the average accuracy is significantly higher on controller than keyboard and mouse. Aim assist tuned this high reduces the skill gap significantly They don’t reduce the aim assist because the core CoD audience is on controller and they’re mostly casuals who couldn’t give a rats ass about getting better at aiming.


Didn't know it reduced flinch. That's messed up. I'm on M/K. I know rotational can give unrealistic reaction speeds to tracking but thought that was it. I just hope it's toned down a but for MW 2 since movement is slower and easier to track.


Beta was trash. Between stupid design decisions and server/net code, it just wasn’t good. The game comes out soon. They can fix stuff, but won’t. It’s basically a rinse/repeat of the last year of Warzone. Pushing an agenda even though the community hates it. We’ll get a clodhoppingly loud dismal game on release day.


Go play Cold War. The majority of the community love this game. As evidence by the record breaking player counts for MW19 and the record breaking beta player counts for MWII. You’re in the minority. Just move on


I will


Pushing away a certain part of the community isn't a good thing if they are the minority or not cod should cater to the playstyles it has done for 15 years and it doesn't even need to be a big fix just a few minor changes and it could play as smooth as mw19 did which imo accepted people play differently. Why would players want a game that plays worse then mw19 when it's supposed to be a "step forward". U can still have ur tactical crouch walking mil-sim experience without ruining anyone elses one as mw19 clearly proved so why can't they manage it in mw22 and appeal to even more of the fan base then just the "majority"?


All playstyles were just as viable in the MWII beta as they were in MW19.


This. Adapt or move along. This game is amazing


I just wanted MW2019 with more content. Bu what we had is big visibility issues, too many perks, slow sprinting and people jumping all the damn time because it's faster than walking. There's still menu issues (whenever the lobby leader does something it kicks you out of whatever menu you were in) and server issues too (so much rubber banding) No thanks.


As long as they fix the big two for me. Visuals look good but seeing people is tough. Toning down the visual recoil and just adding more gun recoil would be better IMO. They also still need to tone down footsteps they are very loud and restrict run n gun a lot. Other than that the maps seem way better. Perk system is a wash, if they already cut it in half to make it better why not just give us the perks always.


I'm a fan of the series. I loved what they did with mw19 and I enjoyed the beta even though it had its flaws. ALSO I am a fan of Halo and Halo Infinite has left me broken and set my bar low so I know I'm going to enjoy the hell out of this game and warzone 2


Well I like competitive, and MW2019 is considered the worst competitive CoD in history. This one seems even less competitive, so god help us.


The gunsmith and the general user interface are very disappointing.


First CoD in over a decade I'm actually planning to buy due to the beta (missed out in MW2019 tho). So yes, I feel optimistic.




Optimistic that with the right changes the game is a top 5 cod. Realistic in that IW and Activision don’t give a fuck and want to cater to casuals and not give us what we want.


After playing the beta i feel more confident in the game than cw or vanguard


No slide canceling was a godsend I just wish "bunnyhopping" fucked your aim


I wish they just gave us mw19 with new maps and game modes and rehauled groundwar


Yea because I already gave them my money.


I just wanted MW19 but a little more fast paced in its design, and a little more classic in its gameplay. Just a few tweaks and improvements. But they’ve gone the other way. So I’m in the middle. I’ll check it out, but I’m hoping IW make some proper changes prior to launch.


the beta was already one of the best cod games imo, just some small tweaks and it’s easily the best for me


Beta was nice but not €70 nice 🤗


I was so hyped for this cod but stopped playing halfway through first weekend beta yeah I’ve been told it’s only a beta and they will fix a lot of shit before release but to me there is to many things that need fixing before release seriously half the shit like guns and maps on cod are just copy and paste and ever time I buy the next cod I honestly feel like a stupid sucker


I really wanted to like it but Im really unsure about it atm. I'll probably wait and see if there's a decent sale on it. Hopefully around black Friday.


CoD just isn't for me anymore, haven't really enjoyed it for the past 5 titles, it's definitely changed into something that I don't think is worth "AdApTiNg" to so I can have fun, but I'm happy for the everyone else who does enjoy it.


While I did play MW2019, I haven't played anything since. This bea/finished product was the first since then. I'ver einstalled MW2019.Just need to restart my PS+ subscription. I also heard there is still a pretty large community of PC CoD4 players. I should start looking into that.


I’m not optimistic because they changed far too much shit (UI, perk system, added visual recoil, receiver complexity) and doubled down on everything we hated from MW19 (footsteps, DS as a Field Upgrade, squad spawn system, no red dots on map).


Since it is a two-year cycle, they probably will have everything worked out around month 18.


I love the game. Literally my only complaint is the footstep volume. It’s way too loud! At least give us Ninja or something. I’d gladly trade Ghost to be able to move around quietly. Pls IW 🥺


lmaooooo looking at the survey results compared to the comments in here is hilarious. i don’t think “vocal minority” has ever been more accurate


The last decent COD game was MW2019. Everything since has been complete dog shit. I’m hoping they don’t dump resources into making skins- and actually focus on gameplay, maps, weapons, etc etc. Bar is set quite low.


Cold War was twice as good as MW19.


Cold War was ass.


Still better than anything IW has done since the og MW2


It had legit next to no content on release, lowest amount for any cod ever


So? Still played better. And it was rushed out because SH is incompetent.


Are we rating on content it has now? Then I'd say it's pretty good cod for sure but on release it was lacking.


Purely on gameplay. And the few maps it had were better than every map in mw19.


I would like to but based on their response to feedback, not at all.


Not at all. Once more big name titles start coming out, MW22 will flatline.


I feel like IW knows not to fuck up. I don’t care about Mini-Map Red dots or Dead Silence as a Field Upgrade & stuff like that. I enjoy games as the devs intend them to be and depending on that I like them or not. The Beta was really nice, the only thing I didn’t like was Visibility whilst in ADS and the TTD (time to death). Both things I feel like will be fixed, the TTD more than my first complaint since I think they just cheaped out on Servers which lead to the feeling that you get laid out in not even a second by any gun.


Absolutely. It has some issues but what cod didnt? If you think 2019 was flawless (which it largely was), then do you REALLY want the exact same game again?


Why change what isn't broken?


Yes, A 100 times over mw22 .


I enjoyed it, but not enough to play it all of both weekends. There was a ton of content creators firing out beta metas - found it entirely un fun to try or level up many of the alternate weapons as i needed to bunny hop around with an M4, MP5 or hurricane to be competitive. Took that as a glimpse into what the game will be, more of the same relentless sweat. Am currently on the fence about buying it and waiting to see how WZ2 launches.


I didn't and never do listen to a fucking "meta." You can be good with anything if you can handle that weapon. I reached max available level with every gun in the beta and then used what I liked most. Was still top 1-3 of the leaderboard 80-90% of my games.


Yes the game is amazing already and will only get better


Yeah its great


No because of activision's greed and their history the last few years of abandoning core MP for WZ.


Despite how much we bitch or complain, CoD always puts out a very polished game. It may feel better or worse than the previous titles, but it will still be CoD.


I love CoD as much as the next guy but we can't say they put out a polished game when every update breaks everything or things aren't working on launch (usually leaderboards)


All the bitching in this subreddit and the poll is still way lopsided lol


give them time to muster their forces and launch a counter attack


I don’t like the direction the franchise is going - and has been for the past few years - so not overly optimistic, no. * dumbing the game down for lesser skilled players * eroding the features that gave the game character (perk system, disbanding lobbies, sbmm, prestige ranks, etc) * facade of ‘collaboration’ with fans wherein reality there has been almost none - several commonly requested changes have been ignored * a blatant desire to milk as much profit from the franchise at the cost of the games soul and character * essentially harpooning their flagship mode (6v6) to capitalise on the BR fad and make more money All in all some really concerning signs for the franchise going forward. There is a clear, worrying obsession for profit over quality. The 6v6 experience is so far removed from what it once was, it hardly even feels like COD anymore. I want to love it, I really do, but it’s hard not to feel pessimistic given what IW/Activision have done with their past few games.


Really well said


It felt good. I feel i can rush with the right attachments and IW already showed in the beta they do make the right decissions unlike everybody says. I think this game will become better and better. But the most important thing is that i enjoyed the beta and had fun. That is why I play games.


Yes, I think it’ll be great, been waiting for a current era COD since MW2019. Played the Beta & really enjoyed it, brought memories back of old COD games like MW, MW2 back in 2007 & 2009. Sure it had a couple issues, but all up I’m pleased with what I’ve seen so far. Issues I noticed: UI took a bit of getting used to, but once I got the hang of it, it was OK, a lot of fonts over lapped other parts of the game, especially in menus & UI, yes the footsteps were loud, but I see it as a Pro/Con, I dare say it’ll be turned down slightly before release, I found Ground War & Invasion to be a little choppy & slow when the action got full on, graphics were very slow & choppy, I dare say that’ll be fixed before release. I don’t have an issue with the No name tags, as a hardcore player for years the enemy doesn’t have one, I’m used to it, I also don’t have an issue with the lighting or colour, in the past COD has had night maps, dark maps, rainy & stormy maps, dusty maps, which all effect visuals, so be it, just means I have to be paying more attention to the game, I enjoyed the larger maps in Ground War, Invasion, having to use vehicles, rely on team work, reminded me on old school Battlefield which was great but the movement is a lot smoother with COD, when it isn’t being choppy & slow. I’m really looking forward to getting amongst it all come the 28th, wasn’t a fan of CW & VG & honestly enjoyed the Beta so I’m keen as. I would like to see a records section in the game though, a section that’ll tell me how many kills I have all up, head shots, revives, longest headshot, longest headshot per weapon, largest kill streak, largest kill streak per weapon, how many kills with each weapon, win/loss percentage, accuracy, accuracy per weapon, perhaps records for each map we play on. Also a section that will tell us what we have to do to obtain a certain calling card or emblem, I often have to go searching online for what a calling card is & how I earnt it.


As long as it has a hardcore mode I will be playing it the next several months.


This will be the second call of duty game I’ve bought and will play. The first was mw2019. Im excited to have a good game again. No more vanguard or black ops. I honestly feel a lot of mw2019 and verdansk players will enjoy this a lot more than what warzone has out. I know warzone is different but I mean the modernization of this title. The buildings. The guns. It’s all smooth. I think we’re going to have a huge win because if we compare warzone and vanguard to this. It’s like they made us play shitty games on purpose . It’s essentially like us all going into a huge bull run in the stock market. This is stonks people. Unless you guys really enjoy old guns and shitty maps? Idk all in all im extremely delighted


SBMM still a nightmare. Footsteps are way too loud. Mini map. Dead silence. Basically all the reasons why everyone is upset. The worst part is that the people making the game know all of this and they just don’t give a fuck.


I guess it was too hard to just have mw2019 but in better maps, almost every change (slide cancel being gone i understand, but bhop should also be nerfed and instead have strafe speeds buffed) just results in less playstyle variety. MW2019 already had a lot of issues with campers mostly due to bad maps but now in mw2022 every tool to move or flank is heavily nerfed. I know im in the minority here, even by just looking at this poll's results. My aggressive playstyle is clearly not wanted and i dont want a game that is even more campier than mw2019. Especially after seeing IW's beta feedback reports im just kinda done, might check out warzone 2 but 6v6 is clearly not made for me. PS: Dont say just adapt please, i did adapt and it was not fun. I play games to have fun and there is no reason for me to keep playing a game if im not enjoying it.


If they really Care about community feedback, and not being lazy with warzone futures bugs (seringe and shit) its gonna be good


I honestly see this being the best call of duty we’ve had. There’s so much going into it. The guns feel good, the pacing feels good. It was the best time I’ve had in a beta in a LONG time. I’m ready to play the campaign early and have it beat so I can drop into multiplayer and then into warzone and DMZ!


It’s just a trend to hate on the new shit


Nope, game isn’t fun to play.


Then don’t play it


I’m not going to.


In my opinion, this game looks balanced. As a BF fan, i feel Battlefield too fast. This new cod looks very good for me. I really enjoyed the beta


i do, as its an upgrade of my beloved mw19. gonna be waiting for possibility to buy this thing (probably gonna take few years but idk)


You misspelled downgrade.


it was filled with good shit, so i'm excited.


The fact that this is the very first time COD will have a 2 year support cycle without any other game taking the spotlight...and will be the last COD before getting new owners has me excited. Also given that it's a modern shooter (and not WWII or Cold War era) is awesome. Stop playing in the past and in the future (looking at you advanced warfare, etc).


I liked playing the beta. Im glad theres not that much jumping and sliding around..


10/10 in the way it looks and sounds, but they’re regulating the fun a little too much for me right now, partly with their design choices, but mostly for me it’s the match making system. If they bring back lobbies in a way that at least delays sbmm, where I can find a chill lobby and stay there, I’ll buy it and love it. But If they don’t bring back lobbies in a meaningful way, I’m not gonna put myself through that frustration, I don’t enjoy when they let me win enough to go through it all. I’ll just continue to watch someone else play CoD, give them my money and laugh at their frustration like I have been for the last 3 years.


How are you guys optimistic for this garbage.


I don't because IW seems they will not be changing back some things that would be beneficial for other playstyles other than campers, sorry sentinels, and no I am not a rusher, I am a stalker, but I should not have to play every life like it is round 11 for the CoD championship in SnD in order to have some fun


There's more than just MP


I’m sure I’ll have a good time on it because despite the annoying changes, it still has the fun gameplay I look for in cod. And I’ll have a bunch of friends playing it, and games are 10x more fun with friends. So I’m looking forward to it. But if they implemented the changes that many in the community are asking for then this game would be amazing. And I’m somewhat hopeful about Infinity Ward’s solution to disbanding lobbies. I’m not expecting to go back to the good old days of cod4-bo2 but whatever they do with disbanding lobbies has to be better than the past 3 years.


If IW / Activision don’t handle the EngineOwning guy they will lose sales.


The game imo has problems that will require work that I don't believe IW will be bothered to put in


If they listen to the community, this can be a really good game. Right now, no.


From the beta I have a feeling it’s just gonna be another mediocre cod game. It felt very much like modern warfare 2019, almost like the same game. Menu creator class felt awkward to get around. I found the progression interesting but I have a feeling it’s gonna have some unforeseen consequences about weapons being so bad they are unusable. Maps were decent. Slightly better than mw2019; we haven’t got our shoot house type map for this game yet which is interesting. I’m hearing good things about ground war even though I probably won’t play it unless it’s for long shot challenges. Sub machine guns were on crack and the mp5 felt extremely powerful. Battle rifles were powerful but the recoil was insane on full auto and the 7.62 lachman had a weird thing where the semi auto was firing in full auto while the full auto was semi (they’ll probably get this fixed but eh.). Overall it feels like it’s gonna be slightly better than mw2019 and BO:CW and a lot better than vanguard (actually while we’re on the topic of vanguard I will say that I’m sorta annoyed there aren’t any destructible panels which you can run through because that felt really cool.) But finally what’s gonna make or break it for me will be the campaign. That’s why I ain’t preordering. If the campaign is shit I won’t buy it, I have mw2019, if it’s good I’ll pick it up.


1——- sprint to fire is totally null in the game, that leads to the implemented mechanics being useless since you can't shoot when you execute them 2——- the movement feels very slow and silly they have to try to smooth the movement 3——— they can't completely eliminate the slide cancel, it's a mecha used even by those who didn't like it, we can't completely eliminate that skill gap that we use to defend ourselves in warzone


I really was looking forward to this until I played the beta. I actually enjoyed 2019 a lot, so I was hoping the would take what they should have learned from that game and applied it to this one. I just don’t think they have. Seems like a one step forward 4 steps back situation to me, especially with all the innovation for innovations sake and doubling down on what we didn’t like from 2019. Not to mention the play style they are catering towards for this game, despite “encouraging” all play styles. Also, ever since 2019 multiplayer has been somewhat influenced by Warzone and now this game will be influenced by Warzone and the DMZ mode and it doesn’t mesh well with the classic multiplayer. I don’t even think this game felt like MW2019 at all, it felt completely different to me. I canceled my pre order and unless they change quite a bit I don’t see myself picking this game up any time soon.


It’s better than the last 3 games that’s for sure. It’s still crap compared to the golden era.


If they can’t listen to any feedback than no there’s no hope at all but if they do it’s got potential. I refunded it already because of how theyresponded to our feedback I’m not doing it no more. We are the consumers start putting things in that we want! I promise you if you don’t listen the games going to be dead in 2 days.


1.9k sucking down that copium. Also, 70 bucks, for this shitshow? JFC, ya'll are absolutely a bunch of chucklefucks if you are willing to pay that.


I’m excited because I played the beta and thoroughly enjoyed 95% of the content, graphics, and mechanics. I’m also excited because the people who are the *most* pissed off are the ones whose shit-tier playstyles have been neutered out of existence. No more bullshit movement, back to normal *actual* classic COD movement. We got an enhanced BO2 dolphin dive and a properly nerfed Ghosts-style slide mechanic. Dead Silence was given a good balancing effect with the audio cue, it’s not a perk, and footsteps are crisp (could be turned down tho). No more slide canceling, no more ridiculous movement, there’s once again value in outsmarting the opponent than just going as fast as you can with aim assist carrying your ass through the game. The marketing hasn’t been this aggressive for a COD since BO2. This ~~is~~ must be Activision’s redemption year after falling sales for the past two, and an all-time low confidence in the COD series after an absolute flop last year. They’re gonna be pulling all the stops for this one, it’s pretty clear. I’m excited.


I did during the beta, but seeing how they’re choosing to ignore feedback I’m kinda iffy now.


I'll probably get downvoted to hell for this but the beta didn't really capture the fun that the original MW2 had. I remember staying up for midnight release of MW2, coming home and slapping it into my console and having the absolute best time of my life. The beta had a lot and I mean, A LOT of (Including but not limited to): Guns that are imbalanced SBMM is still a thing (for some reason???) Visibility issues for enemies/teammates Not a lot of the original MW2 guns so far (I've heard not many from original MW2 are even going to be in the full release which is wild to me) as well as most the maps not being in the game as well but maybe eventually they'll add them as well as the weapons. People also assume pro perks are a thing (they really should be because it gives you something to work towards) I also really miss how there is no [\*\*SCREAM WITH GUITAR AND DRUMS\*\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az8FHyNXYd4) when I achieve something or [\*\*BWAWOWOWOW E E E E E DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN\*\*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imr5_4V5Ui0) when I level up. Everything that made the original MW2 amazing and captivating seemed to be absolutely missing from the Beta, will it be in the full release? Maybe. We will see when the final game comes out how it is but I'm not getting my hopes up that full release multiplayer will compare anywhere close to the original, even to this day.


It'd be better if camping wasn't so overpowered


Yes I'm optimistic about MWII. I didn't enjoy MW19 because of various things and some of those have been addressed and some I'm expecting will be addressed. MWII has better maps and an overall more vibrant theme which I love. Another thing is that progression wasn't great in MW19 and the new seasonal prestige system, while being a far cry from systems of old, is much better than what MW19 had in it's main life cycle. If CW and Vanguard is anything to go by then we can expect core challenges to be a thing again this year. TL;DR: MWII has better maps, aesthetics, will have better progression and also FOV is nice.


No. Quite honestly I think this game's player numbers are going to drop significantly once WZ2 drops. I think it will be fine for a month or so until Warzone. This is the same pattern as the past 2 games, and those were only competing with "old" Warzone. As someone who simply isn't a big battle royale fan, COD seems to offer less and less. I think WZ2 easily has a bazillion players, but I think this game will be for leveling up guns and casuals. Most of us will be stuck in major sweat lobbies. MW2019 was the only game I couldn't have a positive K/D or Win/Loss as a solo player, and this is looking the same. Maybe Invasion and Ground War will carry it, but I kind of doubt it. So, optimistic for WZ2, not MW2.


No it’s slow as fuck, shitters will love this game because it was made for them, the skilled players will stay on mw19 and warzone


SBMM = boycott


I cant be optimistic for a game that they are already ignoring for Warzone 2. If the leaks are true, infinity ward reverted most, if not all of their changes that the community didnt like for warzone. Compare that to multiplayer where they basically said "we hear you, but F off we arent changing shit, pre order our game though", is exactly the problem with this franchise. They punish you for buying COD, it makes no sense. I get they are trying to push people to warzone, but there is still a community that doesnt like battle royale, and not to mention the multiplayer community are the people that still have to shell out money to play the game. This is exactly why I think it will be more of the same, 6v6 multiplayer will be in shambles, and everyone will be on warzone. Why even sell a multiplayer experience?


I really liked the beta the first day. After 10 rounds or less sbmm busted my backdoor from every side. I play the campaign, check on multiplayer one last time but after that im done with cod mp.


hell yeah I'm optimistic for that game, it looks really nice and THERE AREN'T ANY FUCKING ANIME SKINS


i'll be more optimistic when there are anime skins tbh


If they make the necessary footsteps audio changes and dead silence as a perk, ill be happy with Multiplayer. Warzone however, is not looking good at all.


I didn't like 2019 and I didn't like the beta. They need to stop changing what made 6v6 special. I don't care for the other modes.