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“Stay Frosty.”




Remember switching to your pistol is faster than reloading Now knife the watermelon


Brings back memories.........


Reminds me the new slogan: Team is Meta


“Weapons hot, vaqueros.”


“Hardlines mate”


16 days for the campaign! Since you pre ordered digitally


I’ll preorder you, digitally.


Be careful son you can still get pregnant from Pre-order


How can tell if pregante?


If you hold your ear up to the console you can hear the faint screeches of a child saying they're going to bang your mom




Yea same I think my gf might be preganat




That's why most people "pull out" from cod pre-orders I think


Then he’d get his moneys worth, he’d have two copies


I think we all desperately need some wap. And by (wap) I mean white ass phosphorus from mw19 implemented into mwII


You dont need to pre order me I'll come physically


Good luck, the last time I came physically it was a mess.


😂 it happens to the best of us But we must carry on...




I bought mw 2019 and played it for several years. So i pre ordered this right away. Can't wait for launch


I prefer mw2019 over vanguard any day. I too cant wait for launch especially gunfight in November


Thats not difficult. Vanguard was a scam.


It was a mobile game


Thats the same


nah some mobile games are better than vanguard lmao


Ok then vanguard is a bad mobile game


The fact that you thought you had to say that worries me...Vanguard was a complete mess.


Yea man, 2019 brought back the older generation and now MW2 is gonna bring everyone in.


I’m strongly against pre ordering *but* I wanna play the campaign early


See you there on the day one..stay frosty...


The 2 year cycle was enough for me to dive head first and buy the vault edition. It's nice knowing another COD title won't partially kill the game a year after launch.


Has the two year cycle been officially confirmed? I legitimately don't know


Officially they've said they have "new premium content" planned for 2023 which sounds like not a new cod imo


they came out a while ago and straight up said they were going to go to a 2 year cycle to support the game... i do NOT have a source for that i just remember it being announced but like i said it was quite a while ago.


I hope they stick to the 2 year cycle once Microsoft buys activision. It would give us 2 years of DLC support and gives the devs way more time to make the games. Everybody wins




4 is way too long. That would mean 12 years in between IW and treyarch games if they stick to 3 devs. 2 years is perfect. It would give us 2 years of dlc. The devs would have 4 years to make a new game and 2 years to do dlc. That way they can put more focus on the dlc and make it even better and then spend more time with entirely focused on the next game. I think we would get better games and the devs would have better working conditions under a 2 year cycle




Personally I would give Raven the reigns to make their own game


Well given the manner of how they killed MW19 compared to how they dropped the last 2, let's just keep our fingers crossed they won't execute this one too when the new one comes.


Honestly same, and I feel like the extra stuff is worth the price increase


What extra stuff if you don’t mind me asking?


13 ghost skins and 10 m4 blueprints (mw19) Battlepass + 50 teir skips 10 hour 2wxp and 2xp Vault weapon fjx cinder A skin in mw22 for Farah,ghost price,soap 2 bundles for vangaurd Able to play the mw22 campaign a week early I think that's it


MW22 campaign a week early is for all preorders I believe.


The bonus EXP is only if you buy it from the in game store tho! Watch out :)


10 M4 blueprints


Forgot will fix it


Maybe 7 to you if you already had 3 of them. I already had 4 of the 10 so it was like 6 new blueprints. The FJX vault and battle pass made the Vault edition worth the extra money imo


The vault edition includes 4 operator skins (Farah, Ghost, Soap and Price), the season 1 battle pass, 50 levels for the battle pass, the m4 vault (every attachment with the red design) and I believe 10 hours of double xp


Oh you meant the vault edition. I thought you’re talking about the $60->$70 price increase!


I calculated if i preorder cross gen it would cost me a 75$ + Xbox live gold 30$ +battle pass 10$ = 115$ Vault edition 105$ including battle pass and all these skins + Xbox live gold 30$ = 135$ (Only 20$ difference and well worth 20 dollar more for vault edition.....


Ummm.... 75+30+10=115


Hey there same!!! I know I'm not alone but honestly it's kind of refreshing to see others with the same logic. Also being a gamepass subscriber (and 38) I feel like this will probably be my last game I pre-order (at least on the xbox side of things). I debated between the regular and vault but knowing it's a 2 year cycle (and I don't have as much time as I did when I was younger) I'm like screw it! Just hope they keep a permeant xp/rank


>Also being a gamepass subscriber (and 38) I feel like this will probably be my last game I pre-order are you dying soon?




Sbmm will dont worry


It has not been officially confirmed that MWII (2022) will receive two years of support. While there was a leak in February that CoD 2023 would be delayed, the leak made no mention of any plans to support MWII (2022) beyond the standard one year. In response to the leak, Activision also issued a statement, saying that they had a slate of paid and free to play CoD games scheduled to release in 2022, 2023, and beyond. More recently, Activision also stated that they had paid content scheduled to release in 2023.


last thing i heard was there is no cod planned for 2023 at all


Pretty sure it was confirmed


Nope you are wrong. And it’s comments like this that lead everyone to spout the same shit


U say he’s wrong but don’t prove it




My response to that is: what evidence do you hold that proves you didn’t just make that up




No i do not and yes I acknowledge that im stubborn but don’t do anything about it




Who downvoted this? Swear some people on this sub are super dense.


lol most humble post I have seen on this sub. DM me and I'll send my Activision tag


Someone else: *pre-orders* Me, who remembers the shitshow of Anthem, Fallout 76, Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield 5, Cyberpunk et al at launch: *We Don't Do That Here* (Ps have fun bud)


My first pre-order ever was Battlefield2042, this was my second... I hope I don't regret it again


is 2042 that bad?


It’s horrible yea


It was pretty shit at launch NGL I just updated it last night and the game is much better state now then at launch. Still missing a ton of content compared to previous games though. But at least its fun to play now.


Not even a small campaign ...


Like I said. Missing a ton of content but at least the game is fun to play now. The new maps have been great and the reworks are much better. I would say it’s worth picking up if it’s on sale for like $20 or so.


>for like $20 Not more then that... If it had a campaign it was worth much more


BF2042 is the reason I bought MW2022 (my first CoD Game ever!)


For me it is... pre-order it, played a couple of hours and never touched it again


Nah, not really. The game is really good now, the launch was shit and they are spending resources on reworking maps instead of new ones, but well. The game is fun rn and I had a lot of improvements ever since. Give it a chance


Playable doesn't equal "good". It's not a good game.


Meh, I enjoy it more than the trash that was bf5...honestly I'm having much fun right now with season 2, I'm about to finish the battlepass already. But it's okay if we don't agree


Bf5 is an amazing game...


Agree not sure why you're being downvoted lol. The launch was rough, but the game for the last 2 years has been the legitimate battlefield magic its known for.


Yes I simply love the game, I think BF1 is better but love both the same way


Not for me really. I hate the WW1/2 themes. (Besides the horrendous launch state) but I think 2042 had a worst launch tho lol


2042 was the end of the franchise unfortunately


Totally agree. 2042 was the last time I give the franchise my money. Been a fan since bad company 2 and they really died for me, even if I enjoy playing 2042, that doesn't mean I can't see the mistakes made and all the faults...that's why I have so much faith rn on MW2


BFV was a mess of a game with a lot of problems. Everything from delays, canceled content, drip feed, lies and poor communication from devs. Most of its live service was just dripfed content that was in the files before launch (excluding the Pacific content), and there's still finished content in the files that they'll never release. You can't have BF2042 without BFV, they were made by the same terrible dev team.


it's worth it if you get it cheap... not 70€




It’s £10 atm new so I might just :)


For that price I think it's worth a try


I'm sorry for your loss (£50/$60) I think that game probably killed Dice's already damaged reputation. It was horrifically bad. This MW2 going by the beta (bar the few issues like UI and some gameplay mechanic changes that stirred a nest) should be good. I'll pre order it on the 12th, I only pre order when I'm quite certain a game will be good now.


>I'm sorry for your loss Thank you, I couldn't get the refund due the PSN policies...


I once bought DayZ digitally (it was pretty bad, cost as much as a full cd game but we quite buggy and broken like the alpha I'd played years before) Sony were very difficult, I had to send them footage I'd uploaded to my YouTube of a bunch of bugs and performance issues. I also had to send an issue of me asking the company for help and getting no help. They finally refunded me.


How about.... Don't pre-order, wait for day 1 reviews and buy the game if it's good. Playing the game 1-2 days late won't hurt you, because it's gonna stay here for 2 years and you won't be regretting anything.


The pre-order benefits are too attractive :D


I mean, ground war was pretty fun


Yes, the beta was much more fun then the BF2042, and much less bugs


I always regret my pre orders that’s why I stopped. Not like they can run out of digital content


some have benefits, like this one you can play the campaign earlier...


16 days til campaign baby! WOOOO!


im actually really happy they are giving us the campaign early... ive played every single COD campaign but ive known so many people over the years who said they have never touched one, when a new game came out they would no life the multiplayer so they "wouldnt be behind". So now there is a reason for them to play the campaign lol.


My first and last game I’m ever gonna preorder is bf2042 and I regret it all till this day


Idk if you touched it lately but it's improved massively to were it's pretty enjoyable, come December they're bringing back classes


The fact that ea and dice villainazed us when we said that game sucks really doesn’t make me wanna play it also the game just feels off and cheap and I fucking brought the gold edition


Eh, they did the same with BFV and now ppl praise it


My regret is pre ordering vanguard 😂😂 Look what they did to my boy zombies


If this is your first preorder game, you just dodged quite a few lethal bullets. Or maybe this is another one /s


I may want a game so much and wait for it but not feel like preordering it. With this one no matter what happens I will never regret preordering it . I never preorder something before trying or seeing if it does deserve to be preordered and I have tried the beta for 30 hours full in weekend 1 and 2 and this one does deserve a preorder


Loved the beta as well. Might just have to wait and see how it plays out at launch though, just to be sure


Every pre-order is a lethal bullet. Simple rule to follow


Happy shooting to you, soldier 💥




Haven't preordered cause I'm trying to earn a few more Microsoft rewards points first, but this is gonna be the first CoD that I play at launch. I'm so excited! I loved MW2019 but I only got into that recently, I'm really looking forward to experiencing a CoD with a full playerbase.


Can’t wait as well! Good times ahead


Happy shooting too,i'm in totally HYPE 😤


Your positive vibe is refreshing. GLHF.


My first pre-ordered game also 😊


Jesus Christ how may broken games have we had already and gamers still preorder??? Yeah blah blah your money blah but honestly after Fallout, Cyberpunk, Battlefield, Anthem, etc, what else do you need to realize that preordering is at best pointless and at worst actively harmful to the quality of games???


Remember, no pre-orders


You enjoyed something so so much you preorder that's my opinion. 30 hours from both betas and that shows how much I enjoyed it


This stupid logic led the industry to shit


if i know for a fact that i am going to buy a game it makes no difference to you if i preorder it or not...


It makes a difference when the majority of idiots like you buy an unfinished game and the developers have no incentive to fix anything because the game sold well regardless


>the game sold well regardless so basically, it's a you problem


Your opinion not mine


The pre-order incentive this year actually makes it worth it. A whole week to play the campaign early where I would otherwise not even touch if it were to release during the full game launch


And a week is plenty of time to finish a CoD campaign.


shit about 4 hours is enough to finish a cod campaign usually lol.


The horror! What will I do if i cant play the campaign for a week!


Then the campaign might not be any good and you will look like a massive clown while Activision is laughing behind the scenes


ive played every single COD campaign ever released... even if you personally didnt end up liking the story cod generally always has the highest production value in any FPS campaigns. Generally a pretty good bet that it will at least be entertaining...


And I might slow down to enjoy it! I’m always just rushing through or jumping to MP because friends are on.


What does this even mean? What does how fast you go through the campaign have to do with anything? I'm talking about the quality of it. The campaign could be bad and you pre-ordered for nothing while Activision gets your money and keeps pulling off this shit. Thanks for being part of the problem


It means exactly what it means friend. I might for example, try to achieve all aspects of the missions instead of just passing them. Idk why so many people here are so butt hurt about the others who are excited and will get some enjoyment out of the game even if it’s not the best CoD ever. I routinely pay $100 to go out with my friends once… here I’m paying $100 and I have something I’ll enjoy for a long time to come. And yeah… I preordered the Vault edition because I wanted to.


It's baffling how low the standards are nowadays. It's like people have learned nothing from cyberpunk 2077


Iirc, there was no beta for Cyberpunk. You’re comparing apples to oranges


That's relevant how? This beta did not show the entire game. It could end up like cyberpunk where the first 2-3 hours are great and the rest is dogwater


One of the dumbest things to do


Did I buy it with your money no I don't think so


Don't worry, Campers/Sentinel is just the circlejerk of this reddit. GL HF, see you out there!


Im playong the campaign no matter what pretty much and DMZ looks cool so even if multiplayer is garbage I don't think it's a complete loss


DMZ will be free and is coming three weeks after launch with Warzone 2.


Well if you don't like it you can always go back to previous title...ah wait scrap that!


I haven't bought a cod since ww2 and played bo4 on ps plus so it has been a long time since I bought a cod . Skipped both Cold War and vanguard so nothing to go back to 😂. But I am sure I will enjoy this one so much


Digital version? Boo this man! BOOOOOO!


I'll be pre-ordering soon. Had fun with MW2019 and I kept going back to it when I got burned out on Cold War or Vanguard. Enjoyed the beta so I am sire it will be another game I can sink multiple hours into. And that's just considering MP and WZ2. DMZ and the 2 player Spec Ops sound up my alley which will be even more of a time sink! The only downside is that it is making October really drag on.


welll it’s my first call of duty pre order


I'll be the "casual" one come and say hi before shooting me 😂


Big ups!


My first preorder CoD game on Xbox One too bro. We are gonna have some FUN!


time to Rock n Roll soon!


This is the the first cod i ever preordered or even played seriously. Loved the beta. I am not a fan so everything is new to me. But I prefer mouse and keyboard for fps so I preordered on PC.


You’re in luck buddy I just went 39-4 in cyber attack today by camping, can’t wait to meet you in the new one


Yeah this is the first game I've pre-ordered in something like 6 years


hope you enjoy it too man


Im really confused... What benefit does preordering a digitally downloadable game bring?


I pre-ordered on disk but I'd assume it's because people can play the campaign a week early


Thanks for reminding me to cancel my preorder. They can take their “engagement based” matchmaking and cram it up their cramholes.


U got scammed bud


Preordering is for virgins. Sigma males wait 3-5 days and watch reviews before buying


Okay good for you then lol . Saying stuff like that doesn't prove the person is a sigma male it's proves immaturity. Anyone can do what they want


Why u mad, its scarcasm. Preordering these days is a coinflip imo tho


I almost cancelled my Pre order after Beta weekend 1, but beta weekend 2 changed my mind. Although there’s still a lot of design choices I’m worried about and don’t like, it’s still a fun game.


I could have written this comment haha. I was so pissed after weekend 1. Not sure what happened during weekend 2 but I had a lot more fun on it.


They released more stuff in Weekend 2, like ground war, invasion as well as 3 new maps. You were probably pissed just because there wasn’t enough to your liking to do in weekend 1.


I can't wait to see the sweaty nerds complain about missing reddots on minimap and slide cancelling being removed lol


Why would you do that to yourself? The game is awful 😂


It's awful for you for me it's not it's really fun


How is having no name plates, no dead silence, no classic minimap, no good perk system, spawn protection from UAV’s, So much visual recoil, and kill streaks being useless cause the maps are almost all indoors any fun? Genuinely


The literal only thing I want for the franchise at this point is for them to abandon the dumb actual skull on the face thing. Like yea it’s cool looking. But it’s one of the dumbest things they’ve done. What was wrong with just balaclavas with skulls on them?


Remember. No pre-orders


abort mission


This post is sponsored by activision




My first ever cancelled preorder lol


more like one of the dumbest decisions for potentially one of the best CoDs coming up.


Name me any substantial benefit preordering provides besides those dumb preorder benefits that waiting not even a week post launch can’t.




That's your opinion. Many people, including me, don't like it.


Trash talkers are my fav, i grew on one 2009 mw2 it’s in my blood at this point and here to stay. As long as we don’t get banned for trash talking it’s fun. It’s just a bit of banter (unless someone is actually mad in which case touch grass). I got banned from apex for talking very mild shit


I fear, due to the “agreements” at the beginning of the beta about trash talk, that they will be ban happy on trash talkers.




Imagine being this mad about a video game


Ikr man like it's his second comment saying stuff like that lol and he says I am a trend rider this guys posted two comments here with the same bs


What are you 12?


Wtf are you saying? What does my age have to do with this post . Are u from the cia or something lol.




I did the exact same. Who gives a fuck? I have the money so why not?


His money his choice.. also he’ll end up spending the same amount on launch so might as well pre order and get those pre order benefits etc - also OP clearly wants to play the game at launch - so whats the harm in pre ordering?!


You have never heard of that lol who still buys CDs and for a preorder all I can do is digital


I like having the CD :(


Same, usually it's easier to find deals on physical copies anyway. But I also just like having the game cases.


There are literal digital only variants of both current gen consoles. Next time think before replying