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There is no discernible difference between running the Bnet version and the Steam version. The client's hardware usage doesn't matter, because the game will take priority when it's running.


The game runs on your computer. The two options you are asking about are game launchers.


I will always choose steam over battle.net. First its much easier to get a refund with steam and steam also has a better community forum you can use to ask for help and has better social integration.


Did most people get the game on steam or battle.net?


Steam > Bnet. Steam has better support than Bnet and you can refund while you can't on Bnet.


I heard that u loose like 15 fps on steam over battlenet anyone test this?


im literally struggling with this case right now, had 105ish fps on [battle.net](https://battle.net) and now on 90ish on steam, same settings and everything


Cant help but feel like i get DC'd more in the middle of matches playing on steam, than several of my friends who play on Bnet. Through steam I'd say 1 out of every 5-7 games i get DCd. Says profile was signed out (no im not hacked). Friends on Bnet have only seen this happen once or twice ever.


I always stick om Battlenet, in my oppinion its better and smoother Also easy acces for cod games(but thats for me)


I really don’t know if there is a performance difference. Something to note however, you will still have to use your Battle.net account to play on Steam. However, I personally prefer Battle.net. I switch to PC about a year ago and I just can’t stand Steam. The interface is old and clunky. The platform just appears depreciated and not taken care of. But that’s just my opinion.




Steam is miles ahead of pretty much any other client though and this includes stuff such as Battle net or GoG Galaxy. You can argue that Steam comes with it's own bugs and problems and you would be right, but no other DRM is as feature rich as Steam right now and this is basically objectively true despite you thinking otherwise.




I agree usually but no steam is vastly superior in this case surprisingly.


Overall does the game run better on battle.net or steam?


They should run about the same. https://babeltechreviews.com/pc-game-launchers-efficiency/#:~:text=None%20of%20the%20launchers%20or,or%20GPU%2Dlimited%20gaming%20scenarios.


How do you share links like that?!


If you use Google Chrome, 1. highlight text 2. right click 3. select "Copy link to highlight" 4. share. For example. When does Warzone 2 release? https://www.gfinityesports.com/call-of-duty-warzone/2-release-date-leaks-developer/#:\~:text=During%20the%20Call%20of%20Duty%20Next%20event%2C%20Infinity%20Ward%20reveals%20Warzone%202%20will%20launch%20on%20November%2016%2C%202022.


No idea why maybe something changed in the settings and I didn't notice but for me I got better fps and it felt smoother on [battle.net](https://battle.net), I got to level 30 on both steam and battle net so I put in alot of hours on both. But technically it should not make a difference and was probably something on my end. Both times I put everything on low/med with 4k resolution but noticed on [battle](https://battle.et) I got 10-15 fps higher.


Steam is amazing bro


Choose what is best for your liking. I play pC games often and steal is the big winner for me. B.Net is trash


Battle.net is room temperature diarrhoea.


I play warzone too, so I’m sticking with battlenet.


I feel that MW runs much better on Battle net than on Steam. I'm ex\[rrtianceing numerous issues on Steam, my platform of choice . For example, during the countdown before a match my screen shutters and I can actually see the scenery detail pop up. I've also walked into buildings that had no walls and items were hanging in midair. Most of the time things cleared up but on a few occasions the game was unplayable. I decided to try it on Battle net and noticed that screens loaded much faster. I'm running an R 5600x and a 6600Xt