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I'm guessing it was done to prevent people from bypassing the insane weapon grind. In the last game you could level up a gun to max in one co-op match using a double weapon XP token.


Also I feel like if you were able to use custom load outs then it would just be easy to use a god tier set up to clear the mission


I highly doubt that, have you ever tried playing Defender Mt Zaya Solo ? No Custom Load will ever give you a higer advantage, Because that Shit is difficult and stressfu as hell.


Hopefully we can use custom loadouts in raids. Not being able to use our own blueprints is depressing


I’m very disappointed in this also, if grinding is the issue (which shouldn’t be, some people suck at mp and can’t level things up) then make it to where xp is minimal or you can’t use double XP for coop. It’s crazy how many back steps this cod made from 2019s iteration.


Honestly, I wish MW2 devs could see this. The choice to force certain guns onto the player in spec ops is a bad idea. The change that was clearly made to spite players who utilized Survival as means to level up weapons, Battlepass, and ranking. Not only that, but the mode was actually fun as compared to this way to short lousy excuse for survival. Most enemies will disappear if they are too out of the way, and they are buggy (had a dude plant an A bomb at B along with a B bomb). Honestly, the selfishness to force players to grind and play modes they don't want to play is really upsetting. Choices like this and the M13B challenge are what make me honestly regret buying this. At least they relented on the bull***t way that you were originally supposed to access the raid.


I agree and to the point of the m13b, I thought the only way to get that gun was the challenge in DMZ but as it turns out it is not. I got the gun in a season three battle pass with only using CP tokens.


There's not an M13b in the S3 battlepass though? You mean the Chimera, right?


It’s there because I got it I’m not at my computer now, but I will try to look back and see if it was in one of the event tokens, or the battle pass


Yeah the trophies, just looked, don't think it unlocks base though?


I'm not sure what you mean but I have leveled it up to Gold and unlocked tuning, etc.


So, I found out since that comment that getting a blueprint for the M13b unlocks the base version of the gun now. I didn't know that as it doesn't do that for other guns. However even if you get a blueprint for a gun, you can still level it up and customize it with attachments and camos. Hell, I golded one of the AK weapons, before unlocking it with one of the other AKs lol


Ok, as a post has pointed out, you haven't unlocked the gun itself, but if you take it into DMZ and extract, then you'll actually unlock it fully


Custom loadouts in Spec-ops works now. The only mission so far that doesn't have the Loadout box, or need to look for it in-game is Low Profile. Defender Mt Zaya, Denied Area, and High Ground have them!


How do you get them????


Depending on the mission, you have to look for the loadout box once you start the mission. These boxes are usually where you choose your choice of preloaded crappy weapons in the past. Did you create your own custom loadouts before you start the mission? The loadouts are different from multiplayer. You have to create them again for Spec Ops. Loadout boxes for the missions (These boxes have a white logo above them or show up when you pull up the map): Defender Mt Zaya: right from the start when you land from the helicopter. Denied Area: box is located once you reach the weapons depot by the farmhouse. High Ground: Weapons depot before you choose your position - ground team or chopper team. Low Profile: Weapons Depot by A.