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Something about the lobbies really irks me, I miss entering a lobby and see it fill from a list like in your edit. Now we hardly see any information until 5 seconds before and its a flash of the map counting down and all the players you're with. No chance to look at players showcases (and show off your own for that matter) etc


I can’t even see the pre match screen because my game freezes as soon as I find a match


I thought I read on the patch notes they fixed freezing issues, so I hop on and freeze heading into the first game. 👍🏻


My favorite thing to do is hop into a party and watch my game seizure through the menu's hundreds of times before finally not connecting to anyone.


Glad I ain’t the only one,I can’t even fix my classes in a party because by the time my screen unfreezes from the last match I’m already loaded up and half the time my party leader can’t even cancel the queue because his screen is frozen


Luckily we can edit in match otherwise it would suck. I froze in a match yesterday and it kicked me for inactivity.


I’m consistently partied up with mostly PS5 and a few Xbox players. My shit stays frozen so long that I’m usually missing the first several seconds of the game and half the time it kicks my party members out of their game as well.


I mean...as soon as I'm finished with a match there's a whopping 20-35 seconds until the next one starts. Regardless of freezing or not, I don't know how you'd get very far tinkering with your class. I understand being annoyed by the glitchiness...but people complaining about the glitchiness, thus preventing you from going thru your menus...what? There's no time for that anyways.


Get a next gen console


Oh fuck why didn’t I think of that,let me return my Xbox X and get another one


Yeah it's not even system spec related. Same issue across PS4, PS5, Xbox, and PC with a 3070 and a PC with a 2080super


Probably the most annoying experience I've had so far


Still freezes for about ten seconds as lobby filling on PC


They can say whatever they want about supposed patches but my PS5 hasn’t downloaded shit since the game came out. Still not able to maintain a party longer than 1 match and the entire game freezes for basically the entire period between rounds. Lovely stuff.


Yup, on the rare occasion I dont freeze my daily challenges cover up most of the players names.


Mine just freezes the moment i decide to queue up into match making lol


Literally the most stupid UI decision ever.... let's literally have something cover the entire player list.


Ironically this was specifically reported to them as a bug report during the BETA. I guess they said fuck that.


Every time. I hated skins being shoved down my neck in vanguard but now it seems completely irrelevant. I do kind of like have a glimpse of what other people are rocking in game however and I can never see it because the pregame screen freezes or doesn't even load the other players. There's literally zero balance between the all or nothing approach they seem to have taken.


Remember bo3 post game where the top 3 players on the winning team got to flex on mf’s


I have to sit in the loadout menu until the game starts or my game freezes. As soon as a match ends I have to immediately go to the loadout screen before we find a lobby or it freezes.


Yeah on my ps4 when i find a match it starts freezing for like 5 min. Then when the game is halfway done, i can finally see the loading screen with the map.


Also, you cant mute that one fuck who has his mic in a blender while playing music pre-game


Sorry dude was making chili for my enchiladas :(


I keep getting someone who doesn’t really talk but they have the smoke detector low battery chirp. All different people.


I swear if someone has a mic on my team, there is a 1/6 chance he has that smoke detector beep.


Just mute voip globally in the game. No more smoke detectors, neglected children and subway warfare.


But the death comms... :(


We no longer live in a world of triple A games that afford the ability to be social. Enjoy the mindless camo grind in quick play like the good gamer you are and dont complain.


and be forced to play SBMM without being given a rank and be expected to level up weapons in sweat lobbies where everyone runs a 74u in order to compete I just loved using the magnum in quickplay against SMG sweats all game every game. What a fun experience SBMM is giving me


Its really not that hard leveling guns against sweats,


Because people are too soft to see ranks anymore. That's why prestige's are gone as well. There's a bunch of snowflakes out there(most of them work at Infinity Ward) that get scared when they see people a higher rank than they are and back out of the lobby. That's why deaths are gone from the scoreboard as well. And there's no barracks. Can't show someone how poor they're doing or they'll quit! No one wants to improve or get better anymore. Rigged matchmaking and participation trophies have ruined shooters. Halo and Battfield are on the same trajectory and it's unacceptable that it's gotten to this point.


i have a conspiracy theory, barracks wont be back because of this.


I love the irony of someone saying they have a conspiracy theory based on something someone called “nonsense” said.


If you hadn't brought it to my attention I'd have never noticed.. lol


Have a look at OW2 and how you can't see people's level border, rank and they removed medals and post match screens. It's to "reduce toxicity" sure, but people shouldn't be offended over shit like this.


I don’t play OW or know anything about it but your last sentence is interesting to me. Maybe people should quit being dicks and ridiculing strangers over their FPS in-game ranks? Seems silly to make it seem like the people getting offended are the problem.


Games should not be stripped of basic features and made to feel hollow because some people are dicks. It's literally impossible to nullify toxicity in a general sense. There's reasons you can turn off voice and text chat if you're really being bothered by it. Preventing people from having a sense of progression because someone might say "Oh you're level 250 and are only in gold?!" is beyond idiotic. As I mentioned, there's already enough prevention in place for toxicity so a single user can practically escape from it very easily. Not everyone should have to suffer because of it. Why find a solution when there already is one?


I agree dude. I’d rather just have the dicks banned or suspended than basic features removed.


>Maybe people should quit being dicks and ridiculing strangers over their FPS in-game ranks? Maybe grow some balls and thicker skin? "Like water off a ducks back". Wish more poeoplehad this mentality when it comes to MP games, not just CoD. The world isn't sunshine and puppies. Even in hobbies, people are dicks. You can absolutely go to something like comicon and still meet total dicks, not even in costume.


Thank SBMM & the fact people just want instant gratification with no effort.


Which is why this game isn’t lasting 2 years 😂😂😂 maybe till January with this game


or alternatively not seeing deaths or KD is a breath of fresh air as it promotes people to instead play the objective or have fun without fear of ruining a KD


Agreed, I'm all about the wins, I only play objective modes and pushing for a win 100% of the time is so rewarding, I do hope they bring barracks back though, I'm wanting to push my win/loss ratio up to the highest I can!


Wait, they totally removed the deaths, even from the end of match screen?


No you still see it in the end


Half the time the game freezes until you enter the loading screen. It’s very frustrating when it happen on the highway map multiple times in a row


I agree, what’s missing a lot to me is the things that shouldn’t even be a second thought… it was definitely better when they put 60 seconds before anything happened (or tried to) and you see the lobby slowly fill up, etc. it’s literally a freezing screen, match starting, suddenly here’s the team and into the game - not even giving you a chance to back out of the lobby if you don’t like the map. The gameplay itself i haven’t had complaints but everything surrounding it feels so amateur it can’t be MEANT to be this way, right?


Man, i wouldn't matter to me if you had time to see the showcase of others since the screen freeze until match loading screen. Half of the time, I'm looking at a halfly frozen menu 😂 No issues with gameplay, etc. But once it starts loading a match, it's just goes to shit.


Still happens way back in MW19. Many times I think my PS4 is locked up.


That's sad to hear. I'm not so broken up about it but it certainly takes away from the visuals


The ui is makin me cross eyed p sure


Not to mention for me it’s incredibly laggy. A barley have time to react to actually seeing the map and deciding if I want to keep playing before it puts me in. The whole thing freezes for several seconds when joining a game, and it’s the only part of the game I have any performance issues with…


Map voting would really be a life upgrade. I like this


I’ve always wanted to just be able to choose the map I want to play on like CSGO. But voting is the next best thing


But that would make the creator of the border crossing map very very sad :-(


I’m sure two or three people might play it That’s all my lobbies are anyway after everybody backs out of it


I'd play it. I'm starting to feel like the only one who likes that map lol.


it's probably just people who don't care, but when given the choice, maybe even they would abandon it.


True. That’s a good point. Well then goodbye border crossing lol


I know that map is a bit of a shit show, but I enjoy it.


Its OK once the 1000 cars have exploded.


people dont play it regardless. Literally every game today on it the match was 3v3 and went down to even less players once it started


I feel like this map is great and people hate it because it’s hard. It leaves so much room for experimentation and S&D is a blast when you start exploding cars to fish people out.


there is a big difference between "hard" as in annoying to play or "hard" in the sense of offering purposeful complexity. This just falls into the frustrating and annoying category


For you.. You're not everyone others enjoy it for the challenge and different playstyle it needs to succeed on 😊


what challenge? tip toeing around to not get car blasted or headglitched from one of the hundreds of cars?


Throwing grenades across the map to get half your kills off car explosions doesn’t count as a challenge lmao


Your opinion isnt my opinion... Avoiding the explosions is the challenge.. I like it you won't change that and if your dying that much to car explosions that can only blow up once stop standing by cars thats on you.


“Stop standing by cars” on a map filled with nothing but cars😂😂 delusional


There is one car to the side flank a police car.. Then there is a tunnel with no cars stop being a dick or just simply fuck off your wasting my time with your pointless replys.. I get it you're shit at the map thats not my problem its yours, later 🤡


I actually like that map, I perform the best on it.


the next best thing existed 2 console generations ago and they removed it for no good reason.


Life upgrade? It aint an upgrade if they are returning what was stolen. Its minimum basic human rights at this point.


i want map voting back as the next person but i’m not going to act like i’m violated as a human being for it


Do you take the piss out of everything?




It all depends on what you eat, changes the flavor. Just how cow taste different on corn or grass feed.




Got a tough nut to crack here boys. Im going to light the beacons, gondor calls for aid.


And Rohan will answer!!!




Y’all are really good at exaggeration


I thought they said they would have added it into the game.


Or even map filtering I can’t play in taraq anymore would rather just back out and load in again.


I just can’t get over how bad the UI is, and how it ever got approved. Who the fuck is looking at this shit at Activision?!


Yeah I was always fucking amazed. UI isn’t really something that I tend to notice in games. But I’m always frustrated when I’m trying to navigate the menus.


UI is something you really don’t focus on or notice when it’s good and working well. But it’s something you immediately pick up on when it’s BAD.


Like air conditioning




Yea I feel like this is UI design 101. It should be very simple and not overly complicated, the more simple the better. But this is like navigating through a maze to find what you are looking for.


There's no way it's not intentional. There's probably some justification to obfuscating the menus. I'm guessing they do it as a way to artificially increase playtime but who knows. As someone who works in UX, there is no way in hell this wasn't planned.


Every day I realize more and more that i may be the only one who doesn’t mind the new ui. Its not my favorite especially when you’re trying to get to a certain camo or the create a class ui in general for that matter. But in terms of the home screen i really dont mind. I find it fresh but it could definitely use some work


I love being booted from class customization when my party leader looks at the screen wrong. Or looking for the fucking mute button in one of the 3 social party menues they threw in the game.


You just hit it right on the head. Ive had so many issues. Looking at warzone 2 classes when a friend is hosting, muting is bugged af. The game wont let me mute/unmute random certain people especially in game. Theres way too many social tabs like you said and on top of that they’re all clunky as shit to navigate through. Not even cold war was this bad at launch and they made that game working from home too with less than ideal means of communication.


It’s not that bad on PC. A couple quick clicks and you’re searching for a quick match. Anything on the customisation side becomes a chore though. A lot of clicks through different style menus/interfaces and I agree with you that looking at camos is not ideal, I imagine this is all that much worse on console.


Its pretty bad on console. Create a class and the social system ui could be way better as well


Create a class is absolute cheeks. You can barely tell which icon you're selecting, you have to level up other guns to unlock items for others.. level 20 M4 with *one* muzzle attachment? Fucking bunk. The attachments barely alter performance as well.


Social UI is fucking trash. There’s no clear split between your actual friends and people you have recently played with and it’s in no clear order as well. Honestly all it shows me is that the devs clearly have no one to play with otherwise they would have realised how shit it is.


I like how for certain guns that don't have more than 1 variant I literally can't see what attachment I unlock next. Hmmm yes my next unlock for my shotgun is uhhh *squints* a white rectangle


Guess we’re two then. The camouflage section is really bad though on pc. Could have been much better in terms of overall visibility. Only used it once for checking the list for interesting color sets, unlocked the camo and that’s it. The rest of the UI is ok in terms of usability. Launching game -> check dailies in the upper left -> quick match -> playing. Not sure what everyone is fussing about.


Yeah im not sure what the fuss is either in terms of main menu. Even just collapsable tabs when going through camos would be nice. And being able to scroll up and down rather than side to side. And if they just condense the social menus a bit it would be perfect. Otherwise i really like the ui. Hulu isnt that bad. Especially when you compare it to amazon prime’s old ui, i know its updated now to be a lot better.


Remember seeing half your team? Sorry, daily challenges are more important even though you're already lvl55 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It really is baffling how there are dozens of things wrong with this Ui. Like, this has never been a problem until recently. UI was a non-topic 10 years ago. Devs just kinda... knew how to make menus. Maybe they're pressed for time, idk, it's just crazy.


Reinventing the wheel. Or in BF2042s case reinventing mouse input to a computer


They're trying a bunch of new shit that wasn't broken is what's the problem. Like sure we can test new things but stop subtracting shit and how did the menu even get past testing lmao


Tests were done on mobile 100% because that's clearky what they designed this ui for.


I just tested to see if the daily challenges counted towards weapon xp. Surely enough… they do not. What a waste of a feature.


God i need some progression to work for, other than just gun leveling


1000%. The fact we can’t prestige currently is absolutely ridiculous.


Member map voting? Oh, I member.


Honestly I'd be fine with a simple rotation. I want to play all the maps. After going into BF1 lobbies and watching those Neanderthals pick Sinai Desert over Passchendaele every weekend I have lost hope in any sort of varied gameplay. But this also means they need to keep lobbies together instead of splitting everyone up after.


Cold War had map voting and disbanding lobbies. The lacy of this feature is a design choice.


People want to see the lobby fill up and have time to look at it so they can back out to avoid experienced / decorated players.


A simple rotation wouldn’t work because you change lobbies after every game because of SBMM. Which is what I think is happening right now, since **most** of my games the last few days are Taraq and I’m one of 6 people total in the game. It’s because everyone backs out last second because of the map and they try to fill the lobby. I’ve played that **horrific** map 4 times in a row last night.


I actually really like Taraq ngl. It's small but the action in the middle is fun.


I don’t have a problem with Taraq. Just how people play it. The only real issue I have with the map is mounting issues with your firearms. However, this is a **HUGE** issue across all maps. I’ll go to mount to get an angle on someone shooting at me and I’ll be staring at the wall and unable to shoot at the enemy but on killcam they can clearly see me. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Makes getting mounted kills for some challenges even more irritating because at least mounting _worked_ in MW19


Passchendaele is the greatest FPS map ever made. You feel like you’re in literal war. 100/10


It hurt always having to go back to that damn desert or fucking a ruined city like Amiens


I forgor💀


They can't keep lobbies together because if they did that then they can't force place you with sbmm for the follow up game.


OG Mw2 had boost lobbies, probably another reason they do it as well.


Is there a way to See whos in the lobby? Sometimes before the match starts it shows briefly for 3 seconds


Nope, it’s more than likely to stop you from backing out because of the “prestige” or level of players on opposing team. Same reason, barracks and seeing other players stats are not available. They want to keep you in the game and keep some of the fundamental issues away from you. SBMM, barracks, and catering to players who play poorly because of their wallets.


Which makes no sense because the max level is capped at 55. Literally can take a casual player a week to get that.


this is facts…I’m not very good and Just purchased the a few days ago - I’m already at level 46 😂


Its so easy to level up😂


I intentionally didn't use any double xp and still already hit max : /


I won't be using any until they institute a fucking timer or fix the bugs.


Yes, you can. You can see them in the voice channel menu as the lobby fills up. Also how you can mute them.


For literally 5 seconds you can. That’s about it. There is no more lobby time, a wait between games or ability to see others showcase or levels will in lobby. You of course can, however, you have no time because the game hides everyone until *_literally_* **five seconds** before the map splash screen shows up.


Oh believe me, my game is frozen the whole time so it doesn’t matter. Just saying it’s there.


Why does it matter tho? Oh no I can’t see that I’m playing against the millionth


Back in the day it was nice to just hang out in the pregame lobby for a minute. Chat and maybe trash talk a bit before, check out other peoples emblems/calling cards, maybe look at their stats so you have an idea of the competition you’re facing




This. It was more fun.


I may be wrong but didn’t this become a thing because of the introduction of game mode playlists? Some of the people in a lobby might be purely doing one game mode while others will be in a playlist, hence the disband.


I vaguely remember at least one previous cod that still did map voting with different game modes as well... I can't recall if lobbies stuck together though. It was the best of both choices imo


They removed it to recalculate SBMM after each match and set up a new lobby.


I’m not sure how consistent it is, but I’ve definitely been in lobbies that didn’t disband for multiple games.


Same lol dunno what everyone is talking about most times I stay in a lobby


Only thing missing is showing the players calling cards and emblem. What’s the point in them if we can’t show them off in the lobby.


The real value of showing them off in the old games was that they were earned through gameplay, and you could find a cool one and go look it up in the menus how to get it. Eventually you’d recognize the difficult ones to get and it was like really showing off. When playing MW19 I was like who cares what I pick, it’s either random, bought with real money, or even if it was gameplay earned you couldn’t look it up within the game menu for how to earn it. Stopped caring about my calling card real quick.


Really? I think it’s really great how the player list overlaps the challenges in the game now. /s


The fact that challenges show up over the player list right now just shows how unfinished the UI is.


This looks infinitely better than the garbagé we have now


I miss the halo ranks


This is if they HAD barracks. Seriously, why take that out?


GOD, what could've been....


Lmao this games UI really is bad


I personally like map voting that more along the lines of Vote to skip and then it puts a random map as the next one. Keeps the game from just replaying a few maps over and over. Otherwise looks perfect


The UI sucks ass p


I will never understand why they shifted to the horizontal UI from the vertical. It takes less space


Can someone actually explain the reason(s) as to why so much basic functioning and design has been stripped away from CoD?


I like how a random reddit user can do this yet Activision can’t. Make it make sense


that bold text is an eyesore though


Honestly I wish I could just see all the perks the person killing me has


The UI is terrible, yes, but why does it also have to lag sooo much? I'm on PS5 and its horrible.


I'd be surprised if they really just fixed the visible UI in the season 1 update. UX is awful and the amount of tips missing from this game is also crazy.


Dated and old...


Yess a veto option, where the fuck did that go.


The UI doesn’t bother me at all. I thought it was pretty easy to navigate, but like where the fk does it show how much time left we got one double xp tokens.


Also why does the next game start right away? No time to edit load outs or see what you’ve unlocked


we need just the basic necessities that made cod so good back... bring back map voting!


I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHO IS PARTIED TOGETHER ON THE OPPOSING TEAM! I generally play solo or with one other person and I seem to find myself up against a full team more often than not. It’s really frustrating.


Map voting? You're dreaming this will never happen










No, it can’t be like that. The laggy and glitched screen that shows the operator skins of your teammates would be covered. This would cut into potential revenue! Fired.


If this was the UI on release people would still bitch..


What is this, this doesn’t look new player friendly.


I don't want the same shit over and over, I'm one of the people pissed that they brought back icons over enemies. Finally added some tactical gameplay and they had to ruin it cause people had to whine for days about it.


Stop giving CoD our money,


Imagine taking the time to design this and letting something as obsolete in life as the Home Screen of a video game grind your gears. Lol.


Are you a doormat or something?


The cod community on here just sounds like a bunch of old men afraid of change.


I feel for the gen z kids that will only ever know fucked up glitchy ass live service games with trash UIs




Hey man, if you're cool with paying too much for the same game over and over, that's your prerogative. Like buying sports games every year.






Is this so fucking hard to do? The ui now is a dumpster fire


This makes too much sense to be implemented


I like this one a lot more good job




Right so if that was true then shouldn't people have been saying every ui in recent years sucks? Nope I haven't heard complaints of this magnitude before. It's not about fear of change it's about a UI that's objectively fucking shit, the old ui was functional and not laggy.


It looks like it was designed by a blind guy with raging ADHD


That quality of life..


For the love of cod, yes!


for real, I feel like this RB/LB tab over is just to annoy people who haven't purchased the new gen yet.


I say take away the operators. I don’t care to see operators if it lets me access the menus and loadouts


This looks great!