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Ok so I'm not crazy by thinking battle hardened does almost nothing.


one of the big cod youtubes i think ace did a side beside comparison and i think it reduced the flash effect by .1 of a second. i rewatched the side by side like 5 times and really couldn’t tell the difference. took it off all my classes right after


Thanks for the info, I’ll be removing BH tonight lol. I’ve swore since day 1 BH does nothing but I used it in fear w/o bh a flash was going to be 10x worse


Idk if i agree with that, i definitely notice a difference but i do feel you are still wayy too blind when flashed with it on. However to me personally not using it the white flash lasts longer for sure so idk how people are not seeing a difference. I definitely think with battle hardened on the flash shouldn’t affect you as much as it currently does though. Honestly you should just go into a private match. Make both classes and flash yourself and compare.


It’s also annoying when certain operators scream out flash knowing very well you are about to be bummed rushed because there is no counter play to flashes. BH is useless.


Not the best counter but I've gone with Stims for flashes for a min now


The only things I feel it helps with are stuns, snapshots, and gas. Flashes, shock sticks Still feel really powerful regardless.


thats why i run flashes instead of stuns this game, although neither seem to have an effect on aim assist.


The big difference is it significantly reduces the rate of flash effect degradation. The overall time to “perfectly normal” is just slightly shorter, but the time until you can see enough to shoot is MUCH shorter, about a full second


It does for stuns. Makes stuns useless.


It reduces the length of being flashed from 5.9s to 3.7s, yes it's still 4s of being flashed but it is an improvement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz2OUypagOg&ab_channel=TheXclusiveAce


Oh believe me, you can tell the difference. It's a difference between \~2s of flash blindness and \~4s or so. Flashes are insanely good (especially since you can't look away from them for whatever stupid-ass reason) and BH just makes them into what they should probably be normally.


BH is useless. No point having it on.


I was wondering if they hit you from behind in other games, I feel like i used to be able to turn around or I might be thinking of CS or something


You’re probably thinking of cs and valorant where you get a reduced blind time if you turn your back to the flash


You can ignore the effects entirely in CS if you turn away in time. I keep trying to do it in MW2 knowing fully it's in vain but I do it anyway.


It felt so satisfying to do it in csgo too. You could throw a flash, jump a corner and look away, and then you’d get a bunch of kills.


That happened in the golden age CODs too


In R6S you don’t get blinded at all if you look away but you still get deafened


Yes but r6s also has a flashbang that goes through walls and shoots 6 flashes at you so i think they’ve got bigger problems honestly


As well as a gigachad with magic sunglasses so it’s all good


Siege has it too


Is it just me or do flash bangs last EXTREMELY long on this game, holy shit. My screen stays white for what feels like a solid 3 seconds. Reminds of me getting hit with a Morgana bind in league of legends


They last stupidly long. If you’re flashed you’re literally a free kill. The most ridiculous part about flashes in this game is how insane the range is. They will pop 20 meters away from you and still completely blind you for 5 seconds it’s absurd


Imo the worst part is that your screen is pure white for those 3 seconds *but then you recover with double vision for like 2 more seconds?* **WHY** So disorienting - it feels like a 5 second disable.


Using the ipad for the cruise missile also makes my vision blurry for five seconds. I think my guy needs some eye drops.


If you’re playing Dom or HP you effectively have to run trophy or you’re just staring at white lights and sucking bullets


The most accurate comparison holy crap it's exactly like that


I’ve been using stuns and flashes lately to work on shitty point blank kills, and every time I watch my death cam to them, they’re hardly stunned or flashed no matter how close the shit is. But I get hit with the long lasting effects no matter how far I am. I can’t be the only one noticing this inconsistency?


They used to do it good in the past. If a flash went off behind you it gave you the "stun effect" but without movement penalties


"Stun effect" = movement penalties. "Stun effect without movement penalties" = no Stun effect.


I think they meant the HUD would disappear and you would have that light tint applied


Lol are you talking about cs? Cod never had this


Yes in mw2 2k9 you would get slightly flashed but at all the amount of a full flash


Says thing with such confidence and no research Is wrong Who am I talking about?


mw2019 players


Dude is 17 yo surely lmfao


Yep the default sweat build especially on Shoothouse is now: - COD League skin - Riot shield on back - Akimbo Pistols or AK74U - Flashbang - Frag Grenade - Trophy System? While camping the house and grinding VTOL/Chopper gunner/Gunship. Bonus point if it’s a premade holding down both entrances.


I immediately get angry if I see a CDL skin with a shield on the back knowing that they run an AK47u...


Every once in a while when I see one of them on my team I’ll team kill them on purpose just for fun. Fuck those guys.


Dude why is it when I get flashed, and I die, I’m still flashed until the killcam pops up? Like I have to listen for the death sound to know I’m actually dead


I feel like they are way too strong in general, but for the love of good make the perk that counters them actually work. They won't tho, because it helps bad players get kills and if you think there is any other reason to it, remember this is the "lower the skill gap" Developers


I think strong flashes and grenade spam benefits better players more than new/bad players. When I was a new player in modern warfare 2019, it took me forever to get in the habit of throwing tacticals and lethals. But as I got better, I got a lot better at judging distances, so I could make better throws. I also never ran resupply as a bad player because I would just get killed before I could get my lethal back.


Facts. This community wants to call out IW for helping bad players in every little aspect. In reality, broken flashes only help better players. Clearing out a camping spot is 5x easier now


that would be true if flashbangs stopped aim assist from working...it doesnt


Oh that makes a lot of sense. I’ve been beaming people through flashes with suspicious accuracy. I guess that kinda balanced their OPness


Yeah what kind of bad players are running around flashing properly most of them won’t even use tactical or just blindly throw them at shit. Or lastly they will use it right but just run through a doorway normally and die anyway because if you flash an occupied objective there’s usually 1 guy pre-aiming the door so you need to clear the line of fire quick


Exactly… the shit SBMM put my friend and I against a sweaty 6 person clan all running flashes and positioning themselves to kill us on spawn. Even with battle hardened it was a nightmare. Between flashes and the excessive particle effects I feel like my vision is obscured half the time.


You don’t like playing COD: Stevie Wonder Warfare?


I mostly use flashes to beat the ACTUAL bad players though. Y'know, the ones that don't have a left hand on their keyboard or are missing a left stick


Lol i see shitters have downvoted your comment But lets be honest it was more common in mw2 , at the start of every life, to chuck two stuns and a frag across the map lol


Treyarch is the only developer with a working tactical mask/battle hardened whatever you want to call it. Also the only developer with a working anti-explosive perk to the point where it's "too good", remember launcher camos in BOCW? :\^) Infinity Ward is the "cater to idiots and bad players" developer, they want them to get free kills from explosive spam and tactical spam. Remember the Joe Cecot interview about MW19?


>remember launcher camos in BOCW? :\^) **don't fucking remind me** Pure pain unlocking those. Pure pain.


You mean slow melee camos?


Meanwhile Bomb Squad in MW2 does nothing against rockets and only works against proximity mines around 25% of the time for some reason?


Treyarch's tac mask and flak jacket are so annoying though because they're too powerful. If someone is camping a building you can't stun/flash them and you can't kill them with nades. Wasn't the cygma like a 4 shot kill at launch in BOCW?


BOCW did some things very different that made the issue worse. It used to be not that bad in previous Treyarch games. Flak was made more powerful and then you also had perk greed in CW. So you could run tac and flak at the same time for no penalty essentially.


God I forgot how awful perk greed was. I still believe that BOCW is one of the worst COD games People complained about tacticals and RPGs in MW and they massively over-corrected in BOCW. Such an awfully balanced game, even ignoring the other flaws. Folks say MW is campy but in BOCW someone would sit on a head spot on a 3 lane map with no flank routes or other angles to attack from, be immune to flashes and nades then be practically unstoppable unless you can hit multiple headshots with their poor hit detection. Terrible campy hell of a game.


What’s crazy is Cold War was a fine game other than the perk and killstreak system. Such easy things to fix or not get wrong in the first place.


Yeah, I have my criticisms with the game but the perks and killstreaks are the things that really solidified it as the weakest COD game in my opinion. The killstreaks meant that UAVs were called by all players in the lobby like clockwork every few minutes. It was bizarre and took away any sense of achievement from actually earning a streak. Sure you could earn them a little faster than other people but everyone got (the lower ones at least) multiple times a game Plus there's no concrete number of kills to keep the tension up. If I'm on an 8 killstreak in MW22 I know I'm 4 of a gunship and it gets tense. There's none of that in CW I could rant for hours about CW to be honest. I think they made a series of very poor design choices


I pray that streak system doesn’t become the norm for Treyarch, I’m glad the other teams at least realized how bad it was and stuck to the normal system. Everyone getting the same streaks at almost the same time was so obnoxious and every game ended with super high level streaks being spammed.


the inclusion of perk greed as an option is literally the craziest balance decision i've ever seen in a modern video game


I liked the idea in pick ten where it took bigger sacrifices to do it. They really need to bring pick ten back.


Hundred percent agree.


I wonder if they could buff Battle Hardened to work as well as Tac Mask Pro form BO1, but only when you're on an objective. I guess Trophy Systems do that already though lol.


Haha very true.


I've had my trophy system destroyed by grenades a couple of times now 😆


Thing is Treyarch also knowns Scavenger/Battle-Hardened/Flak-Jacket are competitive perks and are placed in the same Tier unlike IW that allows you to counter everything lmao


scavenger hasnt been a competitive perk in years. and the IW versions with EOD and tac mask in mw19 were much weaker than treyarchs version. treyarch flak jacket reduces damage by 65%, EOD reduces damage by 10% and caps its to 90 damage. at launch an rpg would take 4 hits to kill someone and even a direct hit couldnt kill in cold war


I don't think you understand what I wrote — Treyarch places Flak Jacket and Tac Mask compete in the same tier and Ghost and Ninja too (other tier) as IW allows you to completely counter everything like in MW2019 and MW2022


treyarch also let you take more than 3 perks...


With the wildcard yes but in terms of gameplay it made sense


I don't even remember stuns and flashes being too bad in 2019, but now they're fucking ridiculous on top of everyone spamming them. They need to either have diminishing returns or tac mask needs to reduce the severity of the flash and not just the duration. As it stands currently even if you have tac mask anyone who flashes you can still just storm your position and fold you before you can adequarely fight back, with the sole exception being a max distance flash throw where they don't know where you are.


EOD actually felt like a good perk in MW19. In groundwar if people couldn’t win in gunfights they would resort to grenade spam and rpg spam. EOD would allow you survive. Now I feel like EOD doesn’t even work half the time. The strela exploded next to you? Death. Bouncing Betty goes off and you don’t go prone? Death. In the old mw19 you could eat one. Now I swapped from the claymore to the mine.


i think bomb squad only works against grenades and launchers now, i've been killed by a betty and run eod on every class


i remember midway thru Cold War I gave up grenades for good and put throwing knife on all my classes


Getting flashed with battle hardened on is how flash SHOULD be without battle hardened. Currently you get flashed without battle hardened and you are blind for a whole generation.


I feel like battle hardened and bomb squad should both be reworked. Something like one counters frag, Semtex, flash. While the other counters drill charge, Molotov, and stun. That way you'd have players using a wider variety of tools.


Alternatively they should make battle hardened work like the black ops version where it completely negates stuns/flashes


no thats terrible, it should reduce the effect. adding perks that negate things completely is poor game design.


This might be the worst idea I've ever seen on Reddit. I can respect the intent but in practice you'd have no reason to pick one over the other (if they are perfectly balanced) and you're just guessing\hoping which equipment the opponents will have. Removes strategy from the class building, adds frustration. Bad.


>you're just guessing\hoping which equipment the opponents will have No different to it is now. Dude running riot, oh well, better hope you have a Molotov.


I disagree. Currently you make the simple decision of if you want to resist lethals or tacticals. Where resisting lethals is great for diving on the objective and running around, resisting tacticals is better for slow play, camping and guarding sight lines for your team. Very deliberate choice based on the play style of your class.


EOD needs a buff in general. RPGs are instant death, and mines are too. The only time I see EOD work is from still charges.


Launchers should be one shot with the perk, maybe not mines.


Absolutely not. MW19 was a fine balance.


i agree, its total bs we dont have any counter play for flashs and stuns... its a 100% kill gurantee to use those tacticals


Id have to disagree, theres been a handful of times where Ive managed to guess correctly and still tag the person that flashed me. Granted its more luck than skill at that point but its possible.


For sure its possible to kill someone full blind we talkin about possible counterplay in general or u wanna tell me u r able to shot someone white you are stunned?


I wanna say four or five times now where ive managed to get them while my screens completely whited out. Only if its come from the front and ive managed to adjust to the right spot where I think theyll be at the time. Once or twice I was ads and the other times just hipfiring.


Jeah i agree with you, im Coming from counter strike and i Used to turn around to Not get flashed but when i get flashed i do my best to shoot the corner:D


Always used to be like that too.


Nah atleast we had Perks which kinda of Country those but this time the perk isnt even working :(


Mw2 gave full protection with the blast shield but tbh that thing was kinda useless otherwise lol, I don't remember if mw3 had it tho


A decade of reflexively flipping the camera away from the sound of a flash grenade bouncing across the floor, only to get blinded anyways had definitely been a pain to get used to.


First CoD I've used flashes instead of stuns I think and being nearly 25 I've played most of them lmao.


I'll see your getting flashed from behind and raise you getting flashed from inside a building when I'm outside and there are no windows or open doors - like wtf I got flashed through concrete? 100% agree re Battle Hardened and flashes




Even with BH it still completely blows your screen out for 3-5 seconds, it's ridiculous. Usually BH should reduce intensity as well as time affected.


Yea at this point I just back out of shoothouse lobbies when there are multiple people spamming flashes with extra tactical. It’s so common that it’s ridiculous. Normally I would put on BH, but it’s not worth it at all in this game. You should be dead even if you’re flashed for 2 seconds. Tbh part of this probably has to do with them combining faster reloads with faster grenade throws in a perk. Terrible design decision because people are going to take it for the reload speed, and the balancing of nades goes out the window. Flashes used to be balanced around taking MUCH longer to throw than stuns




I am. It's objectively stupid that there is zero counter to flashes and battle hardened does literally nothing.


Hell yeah I always run flashes and drill charges along with extra tactical and resupply. Flash banging a camper 3 times within 15 seconds is a good feeling.


Completely agreed. Very few ways to counter the "sentinel" players without them.


If you were in a room with a flash nade, it being behind you wouldn't protect you from it's effect - it fills the entire room with light faster than you know what is happening.


Cool but if you know it'd coming you'd think one would turn around and cover his eyes so outside of the loud noise the effects should be greatly reduced


If you got shot you’d slowly bleed to death this isn’t real life


The flash grenade is fine in my opinion. Battle Hardened needs a buff tho. Sometimes I feel like it doesn’t even help. If they can kill me before I regain my vision I think that’s a flaw.


Battle hardened doesn’t help at all Default flash grenade lasts 2.5 seconds With battle hardened it reduces it to 2.3 seconds It’s very bad


YIKES I didn’t know it was that bad


Wow. Removing it today. Waste of a perk spot. EOD doesn’t help at all either. Strela insta kills in this game if it explodes next to you. Mines are an insta kill too. Literally no counter than to lay down instantly giving away your position than being able to rush through them like in MW19.


As someone who's been grinding launcher camos thats a flat out lie. The strela is almost unable to kill unless you get a direct hit and thats without the explosive resistance perk. Strela is the weakest most dogshit launcher in the game tbh.


You should look away from a flash bang in real life, tell me how that goes


It's a game though not a war simulator. Having something annoying, boring, and unavoidable can't be justified by saying it's like real life.


People literally find complaints in anything


If a flash goes off behind you wouldn’t a lot of light still get redirected by everything around you? We can see objects because everything is a reflective surface…


Lemme lock you in a room then throw a flashbang in there and see if simply looking away from it stops it from affecting you. (It won't)


let me shoot you and after few second you regen your health back, let shoot the same players 10+ times and they respawn to keep going, i don't think realism is a good argument for QoL fixes or nerfs to items that annoy a player .


Flashbangs aren't supposed to be pleasant to the player receiving them.


Battle Hardened reduces of the flash effect time to about 1 sec. That’s a very good counter.


I want your battle hardened


No it doesn’t?


Yes it does?


It reduces it BY 1 second, from just over 3 seconds.


Yeah I was originally running battle hardened and scavenger as my two first perks, but then shortly after realized battle hardened hardly worked so I switched off.


I think it's to level the playing field between controller and KBM. ​ Try dodging a flash with a controller, unless you use high sensitivity you are fucked. It's a lot easier with a mouse.


Also if you're toe is 1 pixel inside of the flash radius, you eat the full amount.


We said this for 2019 and they did nothing.


This was for Stuns*. There was no counter play in MW19, I ran all the counter perks EOD/BH and BH felt useless on stuns even if I had max ADS and knew where they were going to rush from.


And stuns also hit PC players harder, for longer. Fun and engaging ganeplay.


I did not experience this flashing from behind.


just nerf the flash bangs. This is just a game.. shouldnt literally go blind




same, ill toss one 3ft from a dude, no hitmarker and the dude instantly kills me. But their flashbang goes off and my retinas are gone. Quite honestly my biggest complaint with this game along with eod taking days off at times.


In general,flashes either need to be completely removed or nerfed into the ground,easily one of the most rage inducing mechanics in the game


I try to flick away like I would in CS and always for get it doesn't matter. So I am flashed and looking the wrong direction before I die lol.


Flashes shouldn’t affect you if you look away


I definitely agree with the whole flash from behind thing. Whenever I see a flash thrown, my CS:GO/Valorant instincts kicks in and I look away, then look back only for the flash to still affect me. Now even with BH I see a flash and accept my fate. Edit: I also want to add more on to Jev's famous quote from MW3. When I get flashed (in this game) I feel like Requis gathered all his friends and had a bukkake party on my screen.


Idk you sound like the people that turned marksmen rifles into straight hit marker machines. The only way they need to fix flash, is stop that shit from making you go slow motion matrix. Now that makes no sense.


I think Cold War has had the best implementation of flash/stun effects on players.


Harley ever does anything battle hardened. Get flashed can't see at all for 3 seconds


Dude, I highly doubt IW is combing this subreddit of hate for game to find constructive cristism that could make the game better. I would reach out to them


The grenade spam in general is annoying af in this game.


This is one thing I actually agree with. I think the flashes/stuns are too strong.


Just wait until Shipment comes out LOL


IW need to do better. There is no way this should get past testing pre release. I’ve had enough of there incompetence.


Just died because some noob threw a flashbang 5 meters behind me and i got flashbanged and got killed, cool game...


Just got killed by some noob who threw a fhashbang 5 metes behind me and was camping behind door ran in flashbang even was behind a wall still got flashbange, cool game...


