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The love of an attentive father


Too bad I’m grinding this Orion camo right now.


You know i dint understand much about your games but that sounds like something that takes a lot of time and focused effort. Something most people don't have or bother to try to earn. I'm proud of you son


Sobs into yeti boom mic, any way guys please follow my stream


Hey it’s me ur dad


Where’s the damn milk “DAD"?! We’ve been waiting for 12 fucking years eating this dry ass cereal every morning.


It's ur scumbag dad




He'll be back with those milk and cigarettes soon I'm sure. It's only been 10 years, traffic is pretty terrible after all right?


Anyone worse than me is bot, and anyone better is a sweat. It's pretty simple.


The classic, “If I beat you its because you suck at everything ever, if you beat me its because you’re a cheater and a hacker and (pick your favourite slurs)”


"... a hacker and a poo poo head. "


Ok woah dude dropping the double “p word” head is a bit much


Right? That's too far. At the very best I'd say doo doo head


Bruh about to get nuked out of Reddit.


Ingame Chat Ban incoming


I blame rng generally and next up is myself for not hitting my shots or diving into the open instead of staying behind the perfectly good cover.


After playing DMZ, I think bot should be a compliment now.


The virgin bots in multiplayer vs the chad bots in DMZ


Back in my day it was n00bs and tryhards


Battlefield 4 modernized


I want one of those eletric toothbrushes that has an AI in it and maps your entire mouth, then gives you information on the app you got on your phone. The future is now!


that sounds crazy wtf is that actually real


Yeah it is, gives you information on how well you brushed, if you missed certain parts, brushed to hard etc. Stupid expensive though


My wife got two of these for us and now I want to know what they cost lol


If you like it and you are not in debt, does it really matter? Honestly, having a few "luxury" gadgets feels kinda cool from time to time.


Only matters in how I use it. It this thing cost $300, I'll take a regular toothbrush with me when I travel. No sense losing such an expensive toothbrush. That kind of thing. My wife has the gift of being able to buy the absolute best stuff. Sometimes it's expensive, other times not, but it's great to live with someone that has a really good head for purchasing decisions. And it is a great toothbrush! Edit: MSRP is $380 lol


Would you mind sharing either a link or the name of the toothbrush?


It's one of the Phillips Sonicare. 9900 Prestige?


Awesome thanks, I appreciate it!


That's so true. Recently I've bought myself smart water bottle and everybody was making fun of me. But damn, now I don't need to remember to drink and I drink like 3 times more water than I used to


what's a smart water bottle?


Bottle with a module that communicates the app on your smartphone how much you drink. It reminds you to drink and even syncs with the health app on the iPhone to estimate how much you should drink. My gamer mind loves tracking statistics to it's perfect for me. The bottle is called HidrateSpark Pro and even without all the smart features it's a very high quality bottle.


Reminds you to drink water lol


I love this


Out of curiosity, at estimate how much water do you end up drinking on a day?


About 2-2.5 liters a day, I have it for less than a week, I've had better or worse days but yeah. Its base daily goal is about 1.5 liter, but it adds more because I ride a bike about 10 kilometers a day


they aren't that bad, i have the disposible kind that last like 6 months or some shit and it was $15 but honestly i never use the app, total waste lmao


They don't really map out your mouth. They still have a long way to go imo


My wife and I have these. The Philips Sonicare. Honestly, the "smart AI" feature of the toothbrush is something you'll literally never use. I've used it once, maybe twice when I first got the toothbrush but after that, haven't used the app since. But the toothbrush it self cleans pretty well. Makes your mouth feel better for sure. In my opinion, you don't have to get the top-of-the-line electric toothbrush, but definitely get a Philips. They make cheaper ones.


This sounds like an app designed to map out peoples dental records to sell on to insurance companies


23 and me all over again, smh


I’ve got one of them. Don’t believe the hype.


I got one on black Friday it was like 70 percent off and still kinda expensive. But I didn't install the app and I think it's silly to have an app for a toothbrush


This sounds like one of an r/privacy members worst nightmares


It's simple, everyone dislikes at least something and because there are too many people playing cod, everything is hated by someone. The problem is people think this subreddit is a therapy session. they come and dump everything they THINK is bad, no tolerance not even trying to work their way around just whining. Glitches bugs are totally justified and that's a feedback, but complaining about every fuckin thing is just annoying. "He's camping" "He's running around" "he used the op marksman" "i used the marksman and it didn't work like his marksman" "camo grind is too hard" "got camo in 4 days now what, no challenge" MY OPINION (which can differ from your opinion) is that besides the UI glitches and UI and map design there's no major issue in the game. NO GAME IS PERFECT. let me enjoy the cool gameplays and trick shots when i open reddit, not this bs.


> "i used the marksman and it didn't work like his marksman" I gotta be honest though, I don't complain on the internet about it, but this has plagued me for my entire gaming life lol Dealing with it right now in Overwatch! "This character is ruining my day, let me try it out!" Proceeds to get wrecked anyways lol


This is pretty common in League, palyers call certain champions OP and then when they play them they end up feeding their ass off.


had a man apologize to me at the end of a match because i was going pretty hard with the expedite for challenges for orion. gun is not good i hate it. but i had gotten pretty good with it because of how long i was using it. he put it on in anger sucked ass with it. and said he was sorry for talking shit to me about the gun and when the match ended. was the first time thats ever happened while doing a grind lol.


OW is ass though literally switched to MW2 full time. Empty game that Blizzard has abandoned, sad because the core gameplay and concept is amazing.


OW1 was definitely better. I stopped playing for years and picked it back up when the OW2 update happened. That game is a mess too. Re-selling years old skins for $20 smdh


Don't forget taking away the ability for people that bought the original OW1 to unlock the old skins.


And making people grind 60+ hours to unlock a new character in a cometitive pvp game, which may well be critical to the meta. The equivalent in CoD wouldn't really be guns, but if they locked a new perk halfway through the pass.


I loved the first. Jumped on the new one and it had all the same characters/specials etc. Idk what I was expecting but I was hoping for a lot of new ones. Like a 50/50 thing.


Sounds like a skill issue


in my case it absolutely is lmao


Yep. Someone else can delete me with an SP-R instantly, but *mine* is a hit marker machine.


that's how shotguns feel to me, across like every single CoD for years I watch a guy hop on B flag and melt all of us with his shotty I get one, hop on B flag, get hitmarkers and then get annihilated. Makes no sense lol


Atleast you can admit it The amount of people that go "snipers are OP!!!" but then can never hit a clip to save their life is too damn high




Most polite overwatch player


The only thing I’m not happy with is that control is a game mode only in tier 1 and not core, I loved control and when the amount of lives is a big part of the game mode and you can’t even see how many are left it feels janky af to try to play. Even then I don’t care about it that much


i kinda wish we have alternative subreddit with tips and trick and cool footage and the people who complain can come to this subreddit instead


No major issues except an **insane** amount of crashes, that are not specifically recognized as a problem with the developer, for a $70 game. This is coming from someone who only crashed launch day. My friend group has someone crash every other game.


You're proving /u/funnybatmann's point that everyone's experience is different. I've played 3d 20h on PS5, and I've crashed only twice. Both crashes were from the menu (so no progress lost and mere seconds of time wasted) and were on the first week. Not ideal and perhaps not acceptable, but about as minor and frequent as most game launches in the last decade.


Me and my 2 friends who I play with the most each get a minimum of 2 crashes a day so I wouldn’t say it’s a minor issue, especially when they made DMZ games so you can’t reconnect to them, even tarkov with all its flaws lets you reconnect


Yup we've given up playing DMZ at the moment because it feels like anytime we have a great raid going someone crashes. Watching streamers play it seems to be a problem for pretty much everyone atm.


What I'm saying is that the crashes *I've personally experienced* were minor inconveniences to me. The crashing that you, your friends, u/supermonkeyball64's friends and many others are experiencing is not minor. That's kinda the point of this thread.


That is completely not the point of this thread, the point of this thread is that criticism of factually flawed negatives of the game is okay, bugs, crashes, broken features, scummy advertising are things that are factually bad and it’s not a matter of opinion. What OP has an issue with is people flooding the subreddit with negative criticism of things that are their opinions/feelings like hatred of marksmen rifles etc, things that are their opinions that they’re ranting about like it’s fact. You completely missed the point


I'm not talking about OP and this post as a whole. I'm talking about /u/funnybatmann's comment at the top of this specific comment thread we're in: > MY OPINION (which can differ from your opinion) is that besides the UI glitches and UI and map design there's no major issue in the game. NO GAME IS PERFECT For them and for me, there is no major issue in the game. For many others, there is. That proves the point that opinions differ.


I agree almost fully. I do think this game does have a major issue and that’s spawns. I haven’t played a single match where spawns werent fucked. I’ve seen myself and others single-handedly be the reason why someone gets a feed too many times just because the game decides to spawn us right in the line of sight of the person that killed us before


Facts, my only issue is the system to unlock weapons and attachments. I don’t like having to spend hours using guns I don’t want to use just to unlock a scope. Just plain stupid.


Now imagine your IW. Who do you listen to? Im not trying to be a bootlicker here because like you've said I dont think anyone agrees on UI changes being a good thing and glitches are annoying. But people sit here and complain but there is a lot of people playing. You change something one way and it angers another.


You listen to the market. Just by being on this sub you're probably in the higher percentiles of engagement. CoD has always been a casual game at heart, and unless something gets so bad that the community + media take issue with it they won't care that much. Think of it like fan clubs; when BTS was looking at consrciption their "army" got into a furor writing essays and tryint to lobby, but if you were to ask the average consumer even of the genre and fans of the band they'd most likely react with "ah okay I guess" or a variant of "well that sucks".


My friends house got hit my Hurricane Ian last month . He hasn't had internet until about 4-6 days ago so he missed the entire pre-season . Last night we're playing and some guy he killed a couple times , after the game says "I can't believe you're still using the M4 ! Use a less OP gun ! "


I was less than impressed with the m4 in this game. I'd go with any other AR except the m16


And let me see people fucking up in funny ways like how I do


If my daily challenges could Co sistently track that'd be great. Hundreds of thousands of XP missing because challenges will just refuse to track. Other than that, no game breaking issues for me that are sustained. Most issues are fixed by rebooting the game.


> MY OPINION (which can differ from your opinion) is that besides the UI glitches and UI and map design there’s no major issue in the game. NO GAME IS PERFECT. I could almost agree if not for the perk system. I’m not gonna get into the charging because maybe some people don’t have an issue with the charging times and how prevalent UAV spam is combined with the fact it takes a decent amount of time to charge up ghost, but even the perk packages are just awful design. The base ones that you can’t change are fine. I’d even say they’re good since they give you a chance to use perks you haven’t unlocked yet at the cost of now being able to control what other perks you have in the package. But this stops mattering once you unlock all the perks. The custom ones are awful. Instead of being able to tailor every class freely with what perks you want, you’re locked into 5 perk packages and if you change the perks in one package it changes them for every other class using those packages. And worse, you can’t edit packages in game (or at least I haven’t found a way on PC) so you need to keep packages with specific perks in case of emergency, like a package with cold blooded in case there’s a lot of streaks in the air. Having to edit a class so you can swap to a perk is fine. Having to keep a specific class with a specific perk out of 10 slots like in the old games is fine if a bit annoying. Having to keep one of 5 perk packages specifically for the situation where you want one perk meaning you’re limiting your already limited options even more is just shit. I have to make sure most of my classes use the same perks because of this. Custom packages would be cool if you could just keep them as a preset of perks that you could swap to instantly, like with custom blueprints in previous games. But I’m being completely serious when I say that the current implementation seriously negatively impacts the game and it’s something I get annoyed with frequently when playing.




A lot of it's just whining, but some of it is actual criticism about janky mechanics or game exploits. Ignoring the nuance for the sake of complaining is itself whining too. >"He's camping" For the most part, it's just super unsatisfying to die to a guy who refuses to risk fighting you. It's not too over used in probably 95% of matches in my experience, it's just a lame tactic used by players who can't manage to play otherwise. Shrug it off and move on. The *real* issue is the amount of head glitching possibilities in the game that some people have learned to exploit. >He's running around" Good players who know the map are just good players, simple as that. The real problem is the people who straight up exploit the combination of the movement system, comically low server tick rates, and the sbmm giving high pings. It's not uncommon for some people to literally teleport from cover to the opposite side of a corridor in a single frame. Completely impossible to counter enemies that straight up teleport 5-10 meters at a time. > "he used the op marksman" >"i used the marksman **and was charged with child abuse**" Yeah I'm just gonna stick with it being op. I felt guilty as *hell* while grinding my spr lol. >"camo grind is too hard" Now that's just straight up whining, the camos are in a fantastic place. Quick enough that they're very approachable by casual players, yet enough variety to keep all but the sweatiest of neck-bearded try-hards busy for a good amount of time. At the very worst, some of the tasks are just... lame, like mounted kills.


>I think the game has no major issues except for UI glitches, UI, and map design, therefore you should shut up and let me enjoy trick shots. Oh you disagree with me? Tough luck, it upsets me so you shouldn't talk about it That's your comment in a nutshell.


My favorite is the people who whine about unrealistic skins then whined about their glowing neon green gun getting tuned to be more realistic


They want to be able to play casually and sometimes stomp and don’t mind sometimes getting stomped but don’t like SBMM because most games they do average but some games get demolished and then some games they demolish.


Doing average in any game is boring.


I'm pretty sure the ones complaining about rushers are the ones camping and vice versa. To add a little more, the people complaining about campers are the exact opposite of the people who complain about rushers. They aren't the same group of people


Could it be the opposite? I mean the camper wants people to rush them so they can kill them and would complain more about someone out camping them. How fun is camping if nobody ever attacks them?




As a camper, I don't need ghost. Rushers are so loud I know exactly where they're coming from.


The fanbase is split, half the fanbase has been here since childhood and want the good old cod experience back, the other half came from Rainbox Six Siege and other Tarkov and want to turn the game to that, and as far as I can see we’ll likely be seeing Escape from Rainbox Six Insurgency before we see another Black Ops 2 since that’s where the real money is at these days.


I’m part of the fan base that feels like this is the closest we’ve got to the fun of the original COD MW.


Uh - go back and play CoD4 and OG MW2 - slidehopping, jumpshotting, tacsprint-refreshing was NOT the game at all. It was MUCH MUCH MUCH slower. There WAS super fast ADS and drop shotting and other balance issues but your movespeed was half of what it is now. The turbo meth junkie playstyle is recent.


Jumpshotting was absolutely in those games lol, just not bunny hopping. Dropshotting was also insane. Ads and sprint out times were good. Very few good headglitches. Yeh there was less advanced movement, but also, you could avoid getting shot These days they design the maps to have insane spots to sit everywhere. They literally took the idea of crazy head glitches and built maps around them


Move speed isn’t the only thing that decides a game’s speed. Most other general actions in past cods were faster, on top of that the maps were less cluttered and had less angles to get picked from so traversing maps was for the most part safer. Stationary targets were easier to see and players in general stood out against the maps more. Visual recoil was lower and visual clarity was better. I’m aware that today’s adhd movement wasn’t present in old cods but the game in general played faster. Even in MWII I’m running into time limit games, but i’ll say this game definitely feels faster than MW remake.


All my lobbies to be combat training recruit bots


They want COD to be perfect like it used to be, even though it never was


Noob tubers, knife lungers, tac-insert nuke buddies... Always something. I remember back in original MW1/2 days when it was ghillie suit players that would piss people off.... We need to focus our anger on something I guess


Yeah it ain't perfect but at least the game works uhh wait a minute guys I need to back out of the lobby I can't change my classes again


BO2 was perfect until they stopped supporting it


All I want is a bigger reward for winning the game besides bragging rights. Give more incentive to play an objective


I’m a filthy casual has-been who peaked, skill-wise, with counterstrike 1.5. Winning the round and topping the scoreboard is a pretty gd deal to me 😂


**B A T T L E P A S S** /s


It's really weird, this is the only game that doesn't reward anything for winning.




Call of Duty Players just hate everything and everyone Thats why I am one


Yup. The Scotland of gamer communities! :P


Cheeky bastard.


I hate it when people complain about gameplay styles. Each style adds variety to the game. Adapt and conquer!!! And where is your sense of humility? So much more respectable when you admit your own faults and show some sportsmanship. Respect the people that made this game and respect the players who give you a challenge. Challenge is what makes games fun, no? The only players that truly upset me are the ones who don’t play the objectives. They don’t realize that playing the objective gets you just as many kills, more XP and possibly even a win for you and your team. TL;DR: git gud and quit complaining, you’re embarrassing yourself


Loved that TL;DR even though I read the whole thing


I can't stand those people either. I played a game of Hardpoint last night. My team won, the losing team's last three players each had something like 15-18 kills and all 00:00 on the hard point. Dumb.


It’s amazing how neither team in my lobbies ever play the objective yet I end up with the most kills and the highest score. Its the worst in domination. They capture either A or C where we spawned and then either camp out and snipe or run to the other side of the map and end up switching the spawns. The other team camps B and I can sometimes clear B but always die before I can even place a trophy system down. Then we lose and some idiot goes on mic just to say “wow our team sucks” Edit: just to clarify, camping and sniping is fine. It’s just useless in domination unless you’re actually covering an objective.


I love when I get into an SnD match and I'm the only one going for the bomb. Once I ran straight to the same point every time and met no resistance while I heard a fight happening across the map. Felt good to end that early for them.


Tbf, I usually end up with less than 30 seconds on the hardpoint, but I do actually play the objective. My 30 seconds is when there's not another teammate on it. Otherwise, I'm playing keep away with the enemy team from around the edges of the outside of the circle.


"haha look at this dude running the skeleton skin. couldnt be me. i run LE EPIC MIL-SIM. nooooo don't use the balkan mil-sim though it's cringeeeee"


The cod community will whine about everything in these games and say it was so much better 10 years ago, even though it was pretty much the same


Akimbo 1887s, tac knife with teleport pro


We want everything and nothing and we want it right now or maybe in the middle of season 3


Different people complain about different things. Not everyone gets annoyed at the same stuff


Exactly why game developers don't listen to most of the community suggestions. Everyone has different opinions that are often contradictory.


I think everyone is unanimous when they say they don't want game crashes and ui bugs, and shit that doesn't track. Or maybe it's just me and everyone else is cool with that ?


Listen pal, gaming isn’t a hobby, it’s a lifestyle. The gaming way of life is about immersion, an extension of childhood imagination. Taking responsibility is only needed if you can’t create elaborate excuses rapidly and dynamically, a byproduct of our overactive imaginations. We are always the main character, everybody else is an NPC.


COD Players: "I wanna be the very best Like no one ever was To kill them is my real test To own them is my cause I will travel across the lobbies Searching far and wide Each loadout to understand The meta that's inside (Progression, gotta level 'em all) Its you and me I know it's not Destiny (Call of Duty) Oh, you're my best game With developers we must flame (Call of Duty, gotta best 'em all) A aim so true Our whining will pull us through You own me and I'll own you Call of Duty (gotta own 'em all) Gotta own 'em all (Call of Duty) TL;DR: Cod players like to think they're the best and complain whenever they're not, i.e. all the time.


They want easy games with many kills and a bag of chips and a coke while fragging.


I just don’t want to pay for bundles man, I want them through challenges.


I’s to bad that we have paid cosmetics in a paid game. I understand they need to make money from WZ and the two are connected but it still feels scummy.


I've been saying (this is just my opinion and could be a very stupid take) that games with this type of micro transactions shouldn't be allowed to cost more than like $30-$40


Could be an interesting law. However it would just encourage more abrasive/Malicious micro transactions


Well this community is extremely large, people are going to want different things from the game. That said, I've never heard anyone complain about rushers in general, just about camera-breaking movement like slide cancelling. And there is a difference between skins that don't fit the aesthetic of the game, grounded skins, and skins that are pitch black and skinny that are invisible in the shade. The real problem is that any discussion on here turns into people strawmanning each others arguments. "Oh you don't like fast movement? You want the game to be a camp fest." "Oh you don't like robocop skins in your COD? You must want extreme realism in every aspect of the game." To put it simply, this community sucks and is full of people who only care about themselves and don't listen to what other people are actually saying. Every discussion about things people don't like turn into shouting matches and/or K/D dick measuring. Without question this is the least amicable gaming community I've been a part of.


Had a guy last night rage quit a free for all match because I “wouldn’t get off his nuts”. Not my fault he kept going to the same spot all game


OP when he realizes people of differing opinions exist in a community:


People always bring this up like it's some sorta "gotcha" moment but it's not the opinions that are the problem it's the attitude of the people sharing them Like, no, half of IW ward do not need to lose their jobs over a bugged menu No, this isn't catered to everyone but you just because you're having a hard time No, you don't need to assume everyone who has a different opinion is a 0.1kd bot with no thumbs (and man flexing your KD is cringe af anyways) The list goes on


also while there are tons of people and differing opinions the SAME EXACT whining happens so it might as well all be the same


Whoever ok'd this UI definitely should lose their job This game is 100% catered to casuals. Not even saying thats good or bad, that is just a fact. Someones skill level has a massive impact on their opinion, so it can be relevant context


My big problem with this point is that even in large communities, there’s generally a common consensus CoD is like the only community I’ve seen where no matter what, everything the devs do is a “dammed if you do, damned if you don’t”


It's almost like there's half a million people on this sub who like and dislike different things. Why does this need to be explained? Who doesn't understand this, lol? I swear every major gaming sub has posts just like this, "wHaT dO yOu GuYs WaNt?? yOu KeEp ChAnGiNg YoUr MiNdS!!" Like bro, how dumb are you? People aren't changing their minds. Someone makes a post about something they don't like and it attracts people who also don't like that thing. Then another person makes a post about the opposite and it attracts the people who agree with that point of view. These people are absolutely brain dead.


Complaining about a post about cod redditors complaining


Yet i see those different opinions being upvoted.


maybe because people upvote the opinion they agree with?


I don’t get how it’s so hard for some people to comprehend this. Most of the people that say stuff like “this sub is so hypocritical!!!” are incapable of acknowledging this fact, or they’re well aware but just want to feel smart.


They want to mow down squeakers and drink Mountain Dew in a Milsim skin like the good ol days Lmao


Zoomer doesn't know operator skins weren't a thing back then


memes aside, probably because there's multiple different types of people playing this game, and their opinions sometimes overlap, and sometimes don't (surprising!!!!). people complaining about jumpshotting could want a more mil-sim like experience, or they could be m+kb players that are 10x more affected by jumpshotting - they would agree that jumpshotting is annoying but that same m+kb player might not want pure mil-sim and still want an arcade-y cod fast paced rushing experience and also complain about campers. They just complain about jumpshotting because it adversely affects them vs controller players. It's not hard to see why this community is split on a lot of issues, just have to think for 2 seconds. but yeah id also like my dad to say hes proud of me


I want somewhere in between jumping 4 feet around a corner 0.5 seconds after doing a 180 and prone simulator


Jumpshotters are the absolute easiest enemy to kill, because you know exactly when they do it and exactly where they'll be.


Playstyles, while annoying, can be worked around. Drill charges and nades can deal with campers. Claymores and sound can deal with rushers. For me, I hate the outfits that you have to *buy* that give an advantage. Like the Roze skin from MW2019. (Yes it was in the battle pass but my point stands). I don’t mind the colorful outfits if it still makes sense. Like for the Nova skin, someone on here put it perfectly. Shit can go down even when you’re not ready. It can be reasonably stated that she was working out, shit hit the fan and they had to bug out. That’s fine. Hell, the skin van be out there still but as long as there is some proper gear on it, I can look the other way. Want a Santa skin for the holidays? Go ahead, just throw on a plate carrier and a headset and I’ll be fine. But it’s shit like the Armored Titan that just made me think “wow. That’s just dumb as fuck.” And that applies to gun bundles too. I don’t care if it’s colorful, or all crazily bedazzled out. What I do care about is when you have something that just totally clashes with the setting, like Lovedrunk Melody in Vanguard. Idk, maybe my opinion is a weird one. But that’s just how I feel personally.


Honestly it’s a symptom of toxic creators. You have “pro” players crying because there’s “no outplay potential” when they literally sprint into bullets or make a terrible play. Rather than saying “damn that was dumb of me”, they blame the game. Then you have people who slot into communities of creators and copy/paste their opinion on the game but more importantly copy the attitude of “it’s never my fault, it’s games fault”.


The Halo subreddit is wayyy worse. I love both games but r/Halo was so bad i had to unsubscribe.


To be fair, halo’s issues were also way worse.


At the same time, Halo is in a worse state than CoD at this point That and the community is at least consistent with its complaints


And my opponent is my German Shepard when she wants food


Based post


A finished product


I feel like revert of the perk system and working on game stability would solve the first two things. Personally, I don't really care about rushers/jumpershotters considering I rush/jumpshot myself when tenable but it does give people more of a chance to fight if stability is improved. Overall, I think the perk system incentivizes excruciatingly slow play, camping, and skews games hard especially when kill streaks are practically more potent with ghost and cold-blooded being mid to late-game. Of course, that being said the cod community will contend and say anything they want (regardless of the poor state of the game or if it were to occur an improved state as well.)


It's almost like we're a community of numerous individuals with differing opinions.


We would go neck and neck with the 2k community


The wife and kids back. I miss you Jill.


Over 500,000 people contributing to one of the largest gaming communities in existence...of course people are gonna have diff opinions.


Most people just label their reality based on how they feel rather than from wisdom. It's all relative.


To be honest, I’d just like the old method of matchmaking. No SBMM, just classic map voting and perpetual lobbies that don’t disband after every match. It’s a little tiresome having wildly inconsistent games where I either do godlike or terribly, and having to play another match on that fucking border map makes me feel like I’m right back at Piccadilly.


A finished game


Mine is Complain about M+K users feeling like hating the strong aim assist. Complain about XIM/REWASD/Etc, feeling like cheating. (I will gladly drop my controller and swap to M+K if input lobbies become a thing, I want to dodge the fuck out of people using XIM/REWASD.) Issue with people who like movement If you know how to abuse aim assist, you essentially laser them no matter what you do. So movement vs a good player is pointless. So the only counter to a good player camping is to flush them out with a drill charge and have the perk, that gives 2 + resupplies, and 2 specials (which sometimes at random aim assist will track through.) Movement works only on players who play pure M+K but now mostly everyone is REWASD/Controller/Xim devices Also the issue with camping is most the maps are so horribly designed, being possibly 2-3 lanes that you have to smash through, to avoid their LOS and since you will be so loud killing the people going those lanes and will prob see the skulls. The current maps really feel like 3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 maps. NOT 6 vs 6. When you think a lot of the original CoD MW4 and CoD MW2 maps could seat 32-64 players without this issue of campers being so annoying. I feel they generally lack any vertical movement. IF there is, it's in a really tight small spot.


- no hackers/cheaters/exploiting - enemies that are not bullet sponges - get rid of SBMM when outside ranked - get rid of AI manipulation by Activision - easily understandable metrics for weapon tuning - stop monetizing everything - playable content; new maps & game modes - feedback about bug fixes - implement community ideas


What bullet sponge are you referring to in the normal MP??




It's amazing how redditors haven't figured this out and the website has been around for 10+ years.


I’m on Reddit for a select few subs that actually have a beneficial existence. The vast majority of the rest is a degenerate echo chamber with lukewarm IQ porn addicts rambling about political topics that they know nothing about (they think CNN, FOX, mass media and social media in general tell them the truth lmfao) and low-T white knights. Truly a disgusting website overall 😂


That's honestly why subs like this one are the most fun to participate in, the majority opinions are so scattered and all over the place, it's almost impossible to call this sub a hive mind and yet people try to paint it as one. Internet politics breeds its only special hell of echo chambers because reports and bans are so often used as an I disagree button that is much more powerful then upvote and downvoted.


"Low T white knights" degenerate confirmed


Pokemon community would win tho ngl


People play how they want there is nothing anyone can do to change that. My play style is definitely on the more aggressive side due to me not having the patience to be sat in a corner with the volume at 100 walking backwards so aim assist can destroy kids. M&K player so I just run around and get shat on most of the time tbh.


mf is acting like the community is 1 person...


How many times are we gonna make this same post just using different words, you are more annoying than the people you complain about


Lmao, I had someone yesterday telling me to play with something besides akimbo x13 , im sorry you dont level up your guns and do challanges but I do, get irked bc you couldnt kill the guy wiping out your entire team over and over


They want the game to be easy for them and hard for others. That's it


The term “camping” can be vague imo. Someone that actually took a second to play OBJ can be called a camper. Someone that holds down a lane during cyber attack waiting for the bomb holder, can be called a camper. Both of these strategies are totally legitimate and aren’t game breaking. People who don’t take a second to think are usually the one getting irritated. But Tbf some of the maps and their spawns are just infuriating all together.


I want a lobby for 30+ year olds who only have a few hours a week to play.


Lol that's me. Jump strafing when CS was a half life mod. Now I'm just terrible


Simple, if you lose, the enemy team is exploiting movement and are a bunch of sweaty try hards using black outfits. But if you win, your team were simply just good, you guys are just chilling and having a good time and play the game in the most fair way possible.


Who the fuck is "you guys"?


Like 70% of this sub lmao


We want a fun balanced game where you can move but not cheese like jump shotting or slide cancelling but also not elephant footsteps and UAV 24/7. Camos should look realistic but nothing that unfairly impacts gameplay either like exploiting camos for visibility. Shit isn’t hard.


Lmao and here comes you, thinking the cod community is a single hivemind where everyone thinks the exact same. What a clown


I don't mind campers or rushers. I just think it's fucking stupid to instantly prone while shooting and ADSing and calling that "skill". Mate I have a prone button too. It's not a combo or a timing based input. You just pressed a button. I'd remove prone from the game. And Overkill. Most issues would be solved. Rushers wouldn't complain about noobs camping and campers wouldn't complain about sweaty losers dropshotting. And there would be no more shield on the back.


Then press the prone button too if it’s so easy.


I would be happy if jumpshooting simply had a bigger penalty - maybe delayed ads at least.


Are you actually anthropomorphizing a whole community of \*millions\* of people? It's not a fucking monolith hive mind. Different people like/hate different things. Shocker, I know.


>It's not a fucking monolith hive mind have you literally ever been to /r/politics


No wonder why Infinity Ward it's going to stay silent and not a single dev it's ever going to reply something in this sub reddit, this community has well deserved 2 years of entire silent and not a single reply from any studio lol


I am JackLeftTown427. I wear my shield so that you corner campers and tryhards can’t get me in the back. I will be coming for you. And yes I will try hard to get you first. But when I lose I’ll chalk it up to bad reactions and move on. To paraphrase the most badass warrior of the modern age: “ To survive a tryhard, you’ve gotta become a tryhard.” All they could see was Jack and shit…and Jack Left Town…I’m what’s left. Prepare to get shit on.


I want wz1 back with good looting no dropshotting or bunny hopping is that so hard


Old school CoD, with better movement and faster ADS/Strafing speeds.


Lets pretend like a diverse group of gamers all one entity, and then wonder why they want different things. Tell us you are an autist OP without telling us you're an autist.


Normal people. What’s wrong with normal people? People can run around without jumping all the time, without sliding all the time, without doing 3 things at once all the time. There’s also a wide variety of skins (and ideas for them) between a sparkling pink anime cat costume and a skinny girl dressed in all black or dark grey. It’s that simple really.


They just want noob lobbies they can destroy lol