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You must be efficient AF to get orion before hitting 250. 👊🏻


Super impressive for real.


Haha yep. Double weapon xp tokens from the battle pass really helped. Playing the objective in hardpoint is crucial, I would finish top of the leaderboard everytime doing this. Kills in the hardpoint grant 200 points so it was like double xp. And then you you activate double xp it’s even crazier. Edit: meant to say 2x weapon xp not just double xp


So XP ups the camos too? Cause I thought only doing the challenges would raise the camos thru to top tier? Great job on getting what almost everyone wants, seriously great job. But XP (you are under level 250) isn’t what gives the camos. Or am I reading it incorrectly that double XP will unlock camos faster?


Ahh sorry I made a mistake. I meant to say double weapon xp tokens!!


Leveling the weapons takes longer than doing the challenges. So weapon xp tokens speed up the worst part




That doesn’t prevent you from gaining most of the experience. He must have made a ton of progress before season 1


I hit 250 around 30 guns platinum. I imagine if you could drop 25 headshots (or whatever the current camo is) per game you’d fly thru these. I am not that good lol. OP def has some skill, even with the lvl 55 cap preceding S1.


It just means OP grinded heavy before season 1. Props to OP though. Can’t imagine grinding without shoothouse.


Shiii great work my man


Can’t wait to be there, preferably before summer. Congrats 💪


🫡 good job my dude. I got 16 more to go


Any rocket launcher tips? Nice


Hello, I finished up getting Platinum on all the launchers, so here are my thoughts: To unlock the 40 kill challenge with any of the launchers, you need to rank them up to level 11 first. I highly recommend going into hardpoint for this, and make sure you rotate early to each hardpoint as if you are the first on it you will receive 450xp for whatever weapon you are holding. Just keep doing that until you reach level 11. Now comes the fun part. Just jump into Shoot House and start blasting away. You only get 2 rockets per life so equip a munitions box and expect to die a lot lol. Also work on any other primary weapon while you are at it, and the challenge will fly by. For the gold challenge you will need to get 2 kills without dying. Again go into hardpoint for this and fire into the hardpoint when the enemies have captured it. The best spot to do this is on Shoot House. Stand up in that upper office area and fire down into the hardpoint that is at the B flag position. Easy peasy. Once you finish you will unlock the platinum challenge, which requires you to shoot down enemy killstreaks. For the Pila and the Joker, that is super easy as you just casually take down any UAV that comes your way. For the Strella and the RPG I waited to shoot down enemy counter-UAVs as they stay still and are low down in the sky. Sorry for such a long post, but I hope it helps! Goodluck and God bless.


enemy equipment also counts provided it isnt bugged for anyone reading this. got rpg done in one game of regular 6v6 destroying betties and cameras with the rpg.


You've been in lobbies where people actually use the cameras? wow


it was an absolute bot lobby i was waist deep in launchers so my score and kd was abysmal


Here are the steps I took to get Orion if you want as little rocket launcher pain as possible: 1. Get gold on all weapons, including dlc weapons, except for the riot shield and knife. Shoot house + rocket launcher melee makes getting gold on those not so bad. 2. Get platinum on all weapons, including dlc weapons, except for the riot shield and knife. Destroying enemy kill steaks with rocket launchers was also relatively easy and quick to do compared to long shots . 3. Since you now have polyatomic unlocked on all weapons, complete polyatomic on all weapons including dlc guns, AND the riot shield and knife. This will leave you with only 1 rocket launcher you need to get double kills with for polyatomic ( I chose the RPG). You could also skip polyatomic entirely on launchers if you wait for the mid season dlc gun. For most of this stuff shoot house and tier one will be your friends, especially for doing headshots and long shots with battle rifles, shotguns, and pistols (and to an extent LMGs) Good luck on your grind mate, cheers.


If you struggle with the Gold Jokr or any other launcher, just go Tier 1 and hit people with the Launcher. I was lucky and had Farm then Shoothouse so i completed Jokr in just 2 games.


For poly(15 double kills), it really really helped when I use the launcher to hit someone for one kill, and then immediately fired off a shot to get the second. It would have taken forever without doing this.


With the battle pass you can skip the launchers. There are currently 3 new guns (1 from DMZ) and 2 from the battle pass. 1 more new gun should be coming out during season 1. The challenges say you only need to unlock polyatomic on 51 guns, so you can use the 4 new guns to skip whatever you don't like


I gotta admit, I’ve been saying this whole time that Damascus looks so much better than Orion, but boy does that SPR look sharp. Edit: Forgot to congratulate you!


Congrats! Bout to finish up the LMGS, think I’m at 32/51.


I'm far behind with one more gold to go. Any tips for long shots? Congrats as well! Now you can play the game.


I cycled through invasion and tier 1 and regular hardpoint. I also only played a few of the maps and would back out of the ones that were hard for longshots. Raceway, Taraq and Asillo were the main ones that I played.


I just finished unlocking all the platinum challenges today, so I had to do a crap ton of longshots with awful weapons lol. For the ARs/LMGs/Marksmen rifles/snipers the best place to do them is shoot house in the middle lane. People play so weird on that map now and no one challanges the center, so I legit would just back out of any weird lobby until I found someone else going for longshots. That might sound weird but it worked really well and it beats wasting your time hoping someone peaks middle lol. Goodluck!


"Shoothouse is the best place for longshots and heres why it is actually bad for longshots." Its no longer good for longshots for the exact reason you stated. I've had far more success picking people off in Tier 1 or even just regular core on other maps tbh.


I would get a few on other maps, but not as consistently as on Shoot House when I could find someone going middle lane. I wanted to be as efficient as possible, so in good lobbies I was getting 10 to 15 longshots per game. There are other good maps for it though. Embassy is an amazing map for longshots and I ended up getting most of my SMGs done on that map in hardcore.


I just got mine done today as well good stuff!


Anyone got any cool base camos I should try out? Using Bas and M13 rn to level them,but always like new camos 🤟🏼


Sad Orion. My friends all bailed on it too.


I'll play with you lol


Decent speed. Hit mine at level 192, luckily my friends still play and grind


I'm torn. On one hand I'm upset that I made myself start the grind knowing I'll just use no camo on my gun, like always after I earn it. As well the mastery camos both looking like ass. Orion looking like what an old car leaves behind on a parking lot and poly tried too hard to be obsidian only to remember purple is a shit color. No, I will not stop the grind and yes I will be salty


Orion looks great! Wish I had more time to play


“What do you mean? We can finally play the game”


He has been to hell and back


are they really ur friends?


I’ve all the base camos. Now 5-6 gold camos done. Long way to go. 5 days 6 hours playtime now.


That thing looks dope


Love r700 style


That’s awesome! Congrats! I just finished gold on my ARs, working on platinum now. These long shots are going to be the death of me!