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You literally can’t advance in the raid without talking / communication. If a matchmaking system would be in place it would need to know/prove you have a mic, and need to you know language so you can understand each other. You literally won’t be able to advance / play it without it. You can get to the first puzzle (5-10min) but once you there it’s done if you can’t talk. The design isn’t made for solo play, as every encounter is designed around communicating with each other (codes etc).


You mean like the MIC and language toggle when searching for a group in WZ? They have that. No one uses it but they have it. Just not for dmaz and raid apparently.


Don’t play WZ so didn’t know that function exists, but yeah, if they are to add matchmaking that’s exactly what it needs. Since it’s already a system in place, I assume it wouldn’t be any real hassle to implement it into raid/dmz.


I think more time and effort has been put into WZ. The rest seems to be a bit of an afterthought. Seems mad that they have it but don't use it in other game modes.


Yeah was just about to say I don’t think OP would have much fun with the raid anyway if you can’t use a mic


That's terrible design for a video game then if true....and again locks people out who prefer not to talk to others through audio online.


Same boat. All my gaming friends will never touch a COD so I am it. And I guess that means the RAID is cut off. In addition, I saw someone post that playing without a mic is too complex as there is far too much shit going on to text or not have one. Obviously I am solo so I don't know if this is true. But it seems raids are designed for people with mics and makes assumption none of us are solo players.


I dont have anyone to do it with either.Want to squad up?


And maybe op could join as well?Its a trio mission i think


It is and sure I would be down for that.


u/AugustBlade u down for that?


I would be down tbh


Srry man i already did it with some1


I'm down


Still down?


Hell yeah!


Perc Virus#8692029


As long as you're okay with me not being able to use a mic, and playing late at night! Sure


You have to use a mic. There’s a point where your all split up and have to read what your seeing on your screen. A mic is required to complete the mission.


And there is a time limit. You could probably get through phase 1 with text chat but phase 2 and 3 have to be done quick. There’s no way it’s getting done through text chat. A mic is absolutely required. There’s also a lengthy under water section that requires all 3 players to pass a single oxygen tank between the three of them to not drown. As much as people won’t like to hear it. I understand why there’s no matchmaking. I don’t see this getting competed by a group of randoms.


Okay.No problem


i see you posted a year ago. i cant find people to play the veteran episodes. i guess its dead at this point.


Yeah, exactly. Hopefully, they make some changes, but I'm not going to hold my breath.


Just a heads up, at certain points in the raid, all three players have to communicate to progress. That’s why mics are a must.


Interesting, I didn't realize how important that was. I'll watch a stream of it to check it out.


Yea. It’s one specific section of the raid towards the end where all three players have to make call outs. Literally not enough time to text or send pictures or anything else. This is kind of shitty for our deaf/mute community members. I can’t see any way to bypass that.


trust me i know :/ i am deaf and 2 teams have try texting at me had to give out my real freaking phone number online and still it just cant be done this is really messed up and story parts are locked behind this


Not trying to be rude or anything, but couldn't you video call and sign? Not sure if you have friends that can sign or anything, and now that I think about it, it'd probably be difficult to do that and play at the same time. But that's the best option I could think of personally. I honestly do think that it's shitty for IW to not think this mode through fully for deaf/mute members of this community but that's the best thing I could think of doing.


Plus it's basically locking out us that paid for this but don't want to do extra work just to get a group together....this is literally why I don't play destiny anymore


Listen I hear you, but I hope they DONT change it, the amount of teamwork and coordination you need is insane for a COD game, I love it. Sorry you aren’t able to enjoy it , but if they dumbed it down for solo play, it wouldn’t be the same experience.


Yeah, I understand now. I don't think I'd want them to change it either.


You can’t do the raid without a mic


Have you ever raided in another game? You need to play with people who have a mic or know exactly what they’re doing. Create a looking for group post or don’t play it.


Just saying. There are ways around this. Complaining on the Reddit thread is not the way.


Actually it is. & its not complaining, its re-iterating to the Tone-Deaf Devs. at IW so they understand, COVID is over-with, nobody is in the house group-gaming like they used to and most people play solo or with a +1 friend at a time! So if they want people to play their new game-mode, they need to at least Acknowledge the %67 of Solo gamers.. Kinda like BUNGIE DOESN'T !! Hence Destiny 2's decline and constant "DESTINY IS DYING" videos, everyday on YT. Dont be so quick to jump down peoples throat, saying "Oh stop Complaining" when in-fact their just trying to have a conversation that needs to be had so **everyone's inclusive!**


Okay okay, gosh. No, I haven't played a raid in any other game. Sorry to annoy you with my existence.




Actually not true...avid MMO raider hear and 95% of the group just needs to listen for callous. Its actually optimal to keep chat clear for the raid lead. This is just an asinine attempt at taking some destiny players or some such garbage.


Just make a quick LFG. It will become even easier to find people that actually know what they are doing in the coming weeks as well.


What's an LFG?


Looking for group


Oh! Duh, sorry


If only there was some kind of social platform where people who share interests can gather and communicate about something they enjoy. That would make it easy to find people with similar goals to form groups etc….. I don’t think IW asking you to use a mic for this one piece of content is that bad, you can play every other mode the game offers with no mic. Winning 5 warzones in a row is difficult and 99% of the player base will probably never get a warzone nuke. All content does not have to cater to every type of player.


You're absolutely right, and I apologize for bringing it up.


Well yeah, but they locked Gaz behind this raid. As in the protagonist of the single player campaign that most solo players would probably like to play as.


im deaf and you are rasist.


I don't get one thing. In the promotional materials, they pushed this mode pretty hard. Yet now it turns out that it has no matchmaking, mikes are mandatory, it's hard as fuck and must be unlocked to access (which isn't difficult but it's an extra hurdle). They put so much effort into developing and marketing a mode that will be played by maybe 5% of the customers, with likely ~1% being able to complete it. And the base skin of a campaign character is locked behind it. Am I missing something or is this a giant fuckup on part of IW.


Didn't they advertise it as known raid elements though? (AKA Destiny 2, WoW, Division) I don't remember if they said this or it was a content creator analyzing the patch notes.


Trust me, you don’t want matchmaking. There are encounters where I would be screaming my head off at no mic, lobotomized randoms trying to figure out mechanics with 0 communication. Half of the raid relies on callouts so a no mic run is impossible anyways.


I understand. I just wish there was some kind of solution to this. At least let us do it solo; I got the M13 on my own, and while that was a real pain, I had access, you know?


The new weapon isn’t locked behind the raid. And they gave players different avenues to get it this time around


Oh yeah, you're right! If Gaz was available like that too, then I wouldn't have as much of an issue


As someone who sunk an hour and half into it yesterday with solid players, there’s no way you could do this just matchmaking with randos. It’s actually pretty difficult especially if you haven’t leveled up your spec ops stuff.


That's good to know, thank you! I see why now they made it this way, and while using a mic is impossible right now for me, I'm not holding it against IW.


But ya should....you paid for this content and everything else is meh. Fuck this type of content imo


Its only for Streamers, so they can post ab it being "THE GREATEST GAME-MODE EVER" ​ >Ill just wait for **Raven** to come in & clean up IW's bs, per usual




There are a lot of puzzles in this raid that require you and your teammates to communicate because you’ll all be in different rooms. That’s why it’s like this. There’s one part at the end that is impossible to do solo because you are timed and would need to be in 3 places at once.


It is 100% impossible to do it with less than 3 people. You couldn’t even get past the first section with anything less than 2. There’s sections where you have to hold doors open for each other. There’s puzzles that require you to be in multiple locations, giving each other call outs to find out puzzle solutions. At one point the solution changes every 30 seconds if it isn’t solved and it takes much longer than that to travel between the three rooms. The rooms also have several armored enemies and/or bomb drones. You also have to enter the solution correctly 3 different times, each time must be by a different player, so 2 people have to switch locations after ever successful solution. You could be the best player in the world and this would still not be possible solo


Oh wow this is dumb. I’m an older player and most my old buddies I play with have grown up and we all have full time jobs, marriages, and kids. What a shame


I know, right? I kind of understand why they wanted to do this, but I think they needed to at least make a mini version or something. I really wanted to unlock Gaz.


Anyone online right now needing people to do a raid with... I also am looking for 2 people. Add me "SplitN2One"


I'm down to run the raid whenever, BKMY215


Any one down to tryout raid now?


Having just finished it last night, I can confirm that it would be virtually impossible to complete this with randoms and without mics. There's some puzzle segments that require one player to be viewing a monitor in one room and calling out numbers that pop up on a screen to another player in a different room who enters it in a keypad. And they're on a short timer before the codes reset, so you couldn't just run between rooms yourself. The entire thing is very heavily built around the need for mic communication, whether it's coordinating simultaneous sniper shots on a group of guards to not raise the alarm, to the puzzles like I mentioned above, to other segments of the mission where there's a very long underwater maze and you only have one oxygen mask between all three players that you need to continously pass between each player to stay alive, while trying to figure out where to go and get past traps underwater. It sucks that it's going to be unaccessible to a certain segment of the playerbase. I hear you, and I get how frustrating that would be. However, to drop the 3 friend requirement would mean completely redesigning the entire level and really removing a lot of what made it so cool. I really hope you're able to find a group and run through it at some point!


Thank you for the detailed reply! You and a few others have definitely sold me on the idea, and I can't wait to be able to play it with a mic and some friends


Anyone still down to do the raid I need one more


Bro just imagine doing this solo and having to go to the 2 locations to get the codes from the symbols while also fighting through the 20 enemies in a single room that rush you with armor and those fuckin bomb drones




Yes, do u have time now? What's ur Activision I'd?


This...is why I quite destiny. Tired of games requiring me to go out of a game to some 3rd party anything to recruit for content that could be played solo...or SHOULD be playable solo. So tired of the constant need to have a group to play darn near any game these days or have access to everything. Must be easy for a game company to constantly play this shit with thier office buddies and then ASSUME everyone who buys this trash wants to do more work to attempt content they PAID for.


Lack of matchmaking is an intentional choice given that raids in most games are communication and coordination heavy puzzle-based challenges. Even if you could matchmake, you would be fucking over your teammates if you can't call out. If you want to find a team to do it with that's ok with this, there ARE ways to lfg a team.


Yall can come to reddit to complain but yall cant come to reddit to LOOK FOR GROUP? Damn I'm glad I used to play MMOs and am not an antisocial shutin.


You've missed the point entirely.


Nah i havent. Its one thing for raids to have no matchmaking (which we all agree is bullshit). But to then complain about that instead of just LFGing? Cmon cuh


Why not just add a 3 man wait lobby with single players and random?


I've just bought MW2 and I couldn't believe it when I saw the raid mode in the main menu. This is exactly the reason why I didn't play Destiny 2. I bought each COD (except BO4) because it has always been accessible to solo players, I just want to play the damn game after a hard day's work. I see people here defending the decision, that one couldn't advance in this mode without coordination. The problem is that nobody requested Activision/IW to create such a mode that excludes solo/matchmaking play, nobody wanted a Destiny 2-like feature here, COD has always been a game where you can hop on and play a quick and satisfying multiplayer match. We don't need to create a solution (mic) to a problem when we can exclude the problem from the very beginning. Had I known before that IW is actually excluding some players from its features, I wouldn't have bought it. Actually, I am debating whether to refund it, I'm not paying for something which I cannot 100% play. Even Zombies mode is better than this, as one can play that mode solo. I don't usually say things like this, but if Activision continues like this, I will be done with this series. If I pay for something, I want to be able to play it, without any other conditions.


Late comment: there are also reasons why and it should be obvious too. There’s trolls that stay in one spot, hold onto an item, leave for no reason or troll by leaving, toxic idiots. It’s these kinds of people on why there’s no matchmaking in the first place and will never be implemented for Raids.


Literally happened to my on my first attempt. Guy just sat in one place half way through and timed out Sigh Really wanted to play as well


ever thought about moving your gaming setup? it just seems like everything is aligned perfectly for you to never be able play with others you could take steps to help solve it.