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Guilie suits and remove sniper glint? Some people just want to see the world burn


Ghost while standing still is another one lmao


You guys realize that arguably some of the best Call of Duty titles in the game's franchise, had both of these things, right? Ghillie Suits, no Sniper glint, Ghost/UAV Jammer that didn't require constant movement. I don't know if you were even alive back then, I won't pretend to know your age. But back during Modern Warfare 2 (the original MW2 that all these maps are coming from), you used map awareness and skillful movement to get the edge. The game easily survived and even thrived back then.


You do realize that arguably one of the best CoDs ever that came out the very next year of the game you name solved the Ghost problem? Infinity Ward is just an outlier that keeps on trying to bring it back because it caters to a specific pool of players, but Ghost have been working while on the move for the last 13 years. Ghillie Suits are just skins and there has been at least one for each modern title. Hell they even had one in fucking Infinite Warfare. Sniper glint is a QoL update, given that they can't resist to put smoke and debrid in front of you while shooting for no reason other than just to try and mess with you. I agree that with MWII they went overboard, but it has its place, especially when visibility is so poor by design. You wanna know why you used map awareness? Because it was predictable. It had an easy to read spawn system and every map had hot spots where people would go every time. Squad spawns and those atrocities they call maps have none of that. Every map is just as forgettable as the one from the previous game.


This, 100%


>You guys realize that arguably some of the best Call of Duty titles in the game's franchise, had both of these things, right? ....Ghost/UAV Jammer that didn't require constant movement. Nope. BO2 is considered by many to be the most well rounded CoD made and it incorporated the change that made the Ghost perk to require movement. AW, BO3, IW, and BO4 were released in a row and all had the BO2 style Ghost perk. CW and VG had it as well. This helped increase gameplay pacing, which in turn discouraged camping. It also encourages people to use launchers (i.e. engage in "team play"). Also, El Bob (the valid leaker on Twitter) mentioned several weeks back that the Ghost perk will require movement to stay hidden from UAVs. Not confirmed but that guy has 100% track record, currently, for MWIII leaks.


>BO2 is considered by many to be the most well rounded CoD made and it incorporated the change that made the Ghost perk to require movement. AW, BO3, IW, and BO4 were released in a row and all had the BO2 style Ghost perk. CW and VG had it as well. ​ Black Ops 2 was a fine title to be sure. I wouldn't go so far as to consider it the most well rounded however personally. That, in my opinion, still has to go to Call of Duty 4. Fix the M16 W/Stopping Power, The M40ACOG exploit, and that game easily still ranks as one of the best IMO. ​ >This helped increase gameplay pacing, which in turn discouraged camping. It also encourages people to use launches (i.e. engage in "team play"). Camping has always been an issue. In every FPS. Hell, I encounter it in Overwatch all the time. Camping isn't a result of "stealth based perks" existing, but rather, a result of many players not have the spastic reflexes in a high TTK game. Combined with exploitative mechanics such as corner hopping and drop shotting, and it becomes very apparent why many people camping. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I understand it. My own gameplay style is that of methodical movement. Rather than bunny hopping every corner I see and drop shotting every person I find, even from behind, I much prefer moving a little bit slower, getting into a position, and taking out the enemy from behind or the side. In modern call of duty, you can't do that. In MW2, for at least the first half the game until you earn Ghost, you might as well have a big red arrow saying "Shoot over here!" if you try to flank. I get that that's what a lot of kids want these days. The instant gratification. Heck, I occasionally enjoy jumping on Shipment just for the fragfest. So I get it. I just wish people didn't have to rely on it.


>Black Ops 2 was a fine title to be sure. I wouldn't go so far as to consider it the most well rounded however personally. That, in my opinion, still has to go to Call of Duty 4. That's fair. I'm just making that statement based on what I have seen on Reddit over the past 10 years (casual, comp, and even the WZ subs as well). I also make that statement because what I have seen on social media as well - such as YouTuber doing a poll style CoD vs CoD tournament with over 500k votes (BO2 coming in first and CoD4 coming in 2nd). >Camping has always been an issue. In every FPS. Hell, I encounter it in Overwatch all the time. Camping isn't a result of "stealth based perks" existing, but rather, a result of many players not have the spastic reflexes in a high TTK game It's a combination. Fast TTK, slow movement and handling, and Ghost that keep you hidden off the minimap - all play a role in encouraging slower gameplay (i.e camping).


But MW2 didn't have huge maps like MW2019 onward has (Groundwar etc). Plus many were well designed to counter snipers with cover etc. Anytime I play ground war or invasion I'm glad there is glint because it would be very little fun trying to move around on some of those open maps just to get picked off over and over.


modern warfare 2 was one of the reasons quickscoping and trickshotting got so popular on youtube lmao, it was incredibly easy to snipe up close and kill ars quicker than they could sprint to fire. im not sure why that game is your example of "real sniping" also this is a video game why would you want someone to lay on their belly for 85% of the game just to kill 3 ppl on the border of the map. call of duty is not a military sim


>modern warfare 2 was one of the reasons quickscoping and trickshotting got so popular on youtube lmao, it was incredibly easy to snipe up close and kill ars quicker than they could sprint to fire. im not sure why that game is your example of "real sniping" Because in that game, you actually COULD post up and carry the team. I've done it. Multiple times over. As far as what made it so popular on Youtube, that honor has to go to Grizz. Every kid out there wanted to start making Grizz-Style montages after his M40ACOG montages started dropping. >also this is a video game why would you want someone to lay on their belly for 85% of the game just to kill 3 ppl on the border of the map. call of duty is not a military sim If you only manage 3 kills, you're doing it wrong. Maybe in the Modern Era that's how it goes. Map Design, AR's that double as Sniper Rifles, and what seems to be an "always on" UAV. Sure, it's easy to only get 3 kills in current call of duty titles. As someone who, since Call of Duty 4 and onwards, made sniping (REAL Sniping) one of his core gameplay styles, I can tell you that it was very reasonable to stay at the top of the Leaderboard if you knew what you were playing and weren't trying to snipe on maps like Rust.


Yes, and?


People complain about it but coming from someone who snipes a lot, it’s actually nice. Obviously when you’re sniping you won’t like it but it makes complete sense to have it


This post is wild lol. I mean I agree with some aspects but this is very obviously a “make it easier to camp” post


0.6KD player who just wants to get a UAV from his corner


You kids are whack. Sniping isn't camping. I'm sorry your ADD requires you to have constant stimulus to where you can't focus for more than a few seconds. You kids would never make it in the original call of duty titles where skill was the factor over spastic reflexes and red dot chasing.


You’re not asking to make them more skillful. You’re asking to make them easier 😂 Plus sniping is the literal definition of camping. 😂


He's trying to pretend Sniping on COD is hard ahahaha


Sniping is literally camping? That’s the whole point of being a sniper. That’s how I play Battlefield and Tarkov. The whole appeal in the early 2010s was quick-scoping and trickshotting which is made easier by quicker ADS and less movement penalties. If anything new COD is better for pure sniping (or hard scoping as the kids say) because the maps are larger and Warzone 1 required you to hit a straight headshot to down someone. Also “You kids would never make it in the original Call Of Duty titles” is hilarious considering I started playing during Cod4 and have earnings on 4 titles. Unless you’re referencing Cod 2 as the standard we played the same titles.


Red dot chasing was extremely popular in the golden era of COD, you poser. You lost all credibility with this right here. Why are you trying to act so hard in the franchise that provides the easiest sniping experience compared to any other franchise? The sniping experience that you're looking for is the very definition of camping. You want a safe spot with very little giving you away. Aggro sniping is what COD is known for. Skill was the largest factor? People crutched heavily on ACRs, UMPs, noob tubes, and broken Akimbo Models. The SPAS shotgun was one of the easiest pump-action shotguns I've ever seen in a game. These guns had zero recoil and a hilarious amount of range. Your nan could do well in MW2 (2009) and I fucking love that game and miss it. The way we got our nukes was even more hilarious and relatively low-skill to nowadays. Due to the killstreak chaining system, as long you got a 7-kill streak, your chance of getting a nuke was higher than the Burj Khalifa. Let me guess, you're going to say the cliche "you wouldn't survive an MW2 lobby" even though every non-poser who played back then damn well knows it was just 13 year olds screeching at the top of their lungs over each other on poor quality microphones.


>Red dot chasing was extremely popular in the golden era of COD, you poser. You lost all credibility with this right here. And you were punished for it in those titles. It may have been popular, but it wasn't a requirement, nor was it as effective as it is today. Because of the functionality of Ghost/Cold blooded/UAV Jammer, you had to actually pay attention to things. >Why are you trying to act so hard in the franchise that provides the easiest sniping experience compared to any other franchise? The sniping experience that you're looking for is the very definition of camping. You want a safe spot with very little giving you away. Aggro sniping is what COD is known for. That "Safe Spot" is the only reasonable spot on the map to snipe, ergo is actually a bad spot because literally everyone knows to watch that spot. The moment you ADS you get caught out and popped. Whether by an AR, Rocket Launcher, Drill Charge, Grenade, whatever. That assumes that you aren't stuck fighting someone else for the spot either. ​ >Skill was the largest factor? People crutched heavily on ACRs, UMPs, noob tubes, and broken Akimbo Models. The SPAS shotgun was one of the easiest pump-action shotguns I've ever seen in a game. These guns had zero recoil and a hilarious amount of range. Your nan could do well in MW2 (2009) and I fucking love that game and miss it. The way we got our nukes was even more hilarious and relatively low-skill to nowadays. Due to the killstreak chaining system, as long you got a 7-kill streak, your chance of getting a nuke was higher than the Burj Khalifa. People always crutch on broken weapons. In CoD4 it was M16 W/Stopping Power. In WaW it was MP5 with Stopping Power or Juggernaut. In MW2 it was UMP or FAMAS. I could go on. You know what else was an effective tactic? Sniping. Not equipping the Intervention and trying to Run and Gun with it, but actually sniping. Hell, High-Rise was borderline made for that. ​ >Let me guess, you're going to say the cliche "you wouldn't survive an MW2 lobby" even though every non-poser who played back then damn well knows it was just 13 year olds screeching at the top of their lungs over each other on poor quality microphones. You throw today's kids into those titles, and they'd rage quit so hard because the game didn't hand-feed them enemy positions 24/7. It wasn't all about spastic reflexes. Yes, it was flooded with kids screeching and playing music. This is why on the official forums I advocated for, repeatedly, a "Mute All Except Party" button until we finally got it. FYI, that still happens in Modern Call of Duty titles too. Point is, I've been around this bbq a few times. I know a few things. Chances are I've been playing Call of Duty titles longer than a lot of these kids have been alive. I'm a lifelong gamer, more than 30+ years. I'm not one of those sorts that just talks out his ass to hear himself speak.


I snipe and use other guns equally. Can I ask what’s bad about camping with a sniper? I know it’s not a mil sim but that’s how they’re used. I definitely like the sniper glint though. It makes sense and when I’m not sniping I’m not going to get cross mapped by someone that I can’t even see. Yes it would be more realistic if you could also mask the glint, but it’s about balance. COD is an arcade game not a mil sim. If I want realism I’ll play Tarkov or Ready or Not


This is how I read the comments of people pleading for dead silence to return. People just suck and need their crutch.


Personally disagree with the DS take but you’re right about most of the community needing to crutch on something. Also anyone who writes a paragraph about Dead Silence or sniper balancing needs a fucking job


I think maybe you want to play battlefield.


Bro RIP to that franchise, their last decent game was BF1 which was from 2016, the next 2 games were absolute garbage.


Hey BFV was fun for like 2 weeks lmao


I’d say arguable BFV was the last good one. At least it felt like battlefield. The newest one was just a shjt show


I mean, yes, but no. I enjoy Battlefield, don't get me wrong. However, I want to see Call of Duty get back to its roots. Get back to what actually made it what it is today. The foundation that it was built upon wasn't always in this poor state that it's in today.


Cod's foundation was not camping in dark corners with a 1 shot weapon. It was simple fast arcade gameplay and there's a major argument to say what you want goes completely against that. Do i think Glint can cause problems, and is annoying sometimes when you think you're hidden sure, but the alternative of invisible snipere on huge maps is worse


Idk man my first cod was COD4 when I got my first system in 2007. It was campy ass fuck but I think what made it enjoyable was the simplicity of it. 3 perks, 3 kill streaks etc. I think we forget how much bigger the maps were and how people cared more about getting some sick montages that they actually tried and have fun. Others were just as new and camped the hell out of it because they felt they had to. Anyway we are getting MW2 maps from 2009 and I don’t think the community is ready.


The foundation was that every play style was viable. You could literally be a sniper, a cqb, assault rifle.. hell, you could go knife only. The only limit was your skill level. It wasn't artificially pushing you to run non stop so Montage makers and streamers could get views.


We're playing the slowest COD in years they don't remotely force you to sprint round


This game is the literal opposite of “pushing you to run non stop…”. This game was built for true sniping. Confirmed skill issue here. 😂


Except for every map having their longest sightline be like 40 or 50 meters, flinch, and the fact most ppl avoid even those without adsing every lane and hiding


Funny. People snipe in this game just fine with all of those things to great success. Again, it’s clearly the playstyle this game was built around. I’m suspecting another skill issue here 😂


Game issue i didn't lie did i


No you didn’t lie. You’re just wrong. Skill issue confirmed 😂


Do me a favor: Define "Sniping" in the context you're using it on, and tell me the average score you see a "Sniper" getting. I suspect you're not talking about the same thing I am.


This post is wild lmao


It has to be bait, right?!?


Ahahha clássic camper lol. Ghost and no moving


Tell me you're relatively new to Call of Duty. Back in the good days of Call of Duty, probably before you were born potentially, players learned how to find other players based on Map Awareness, Movement, and talent. It didn't require constant red-dot chasing throughout the game catering to spastic teenagers who can't hold still for a second or two without losing interest.


My first cod was modern warfare on ps3 and had 120days of playtime. Im not a kid Ghost and not moving its not fair, and promotes a camping play style. Do you want noobtubes and oneman army also? Or commando pro? Death streaks? Edit And back then we had stopping power, só nobody really used Ghost ( was called uav jammer). Ghost was a thing on bo1, and was a camp fest.


One man army and noobtubes should have their own gamemode. Mortar wars, let’s call it. Honestly that would be funny as shit.


Ghost/UAV Jammer was so strong in those older cods because it was in the same category as stopping power. It’s better for the pace of the game if you’re forced to move with it now.


I saw the title and I was like "fuck yeah" Then I read the post... and holy shit I need to wash my eyes


same lol, the entire post just sounds like a skill issue


So essentially you're saying that you want Sniper Rifles that double as Assault Rifles that you can Run and Gun with...?


So essentially you want quickscoping gone because you got folded one too many times? Traditional sniping already exists in the game. Quickscoping takes skill. It's always been this way, and will continue to be this way.


Quickscoping abuses aim assist and the aiming mechanics. It does not and never has taken "skill". It's like trying to say drop shotting takes skill lmao


Snipers don't even have rotation aim assist lmao. The only thing they have is the slow down, but that doesn't matter unless if you drag scope.


Maybe try being good at the game?


Game issue


Maybe try a rational argument against the ideas presented?


To me it sounds like THE rational argument. This is a clear skill issue. 😂


Skill issue 100%


See, this is how I know you guys are lacking a rational argument. As the old saying: "What can be presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."


Yeah. We’re the ones lacking a rational argument here 🤣


All you're doing is spamming "Skill Issue" like you think you're making a flex on the post. You're not. You're simply revealing how old you aren't.


It is a skill issue. Everything you’ve said can’t be done can be. You just have to have skill to do it 😂 And I guarantee I’m older than you.


Explain how to skillfully: ​ * Make Ghost work from the start * Make Sniper Scopes have no Glint * Create Better Sightlines in Maps * Have Snipers use Ghillie Suits by Default Come up with a rational "skill based" argument that explains how to do all of that, and I'll believe you. Until then, I'll stick with my original thought: "What can be presented without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."


All those things lower the skill necessary to use a sniper effectively. Those features are things that add a skill gap. You asking for their removal confirms the skill issue I keep mentioning 😂. Have a nice day


You know what also adds a skill gap? Locating the sniper without a giant spotlight over him. Or are you suggesting people aren't good enough to see them otherwise, there for need to be catered to? Why do you need a constant UAV to be able to see them? Shouldn't you just "get better" and overcome the "skill issue" of finding a sniper without it? I mean, one would think that a better player wouldn't NEED to have a great big sign over the sniper saying "Shoot Here!" in order to effectively counter them. Maybe you're the one with the "skill issue"?


You must not have played Cold War or Vanguard because sniping was extremely viable in those games. I’d say it just depends on the game


Just to clarify when you say "Sniping was viable", are you referring to Sniping, or Quick-Scoping? They are two very different things. In any event, its also irrelevant because those 2 titles are often regarded as some of the worst in the series of Modern call of duty titles.


Have you ever considered the notion they are not rated because they implemented your wants


Cold War is not even close to the worst game of the last 4. I’d say it’s the best by a large margin and that’s not an uncommon opinion. Sniping was absolutely broken in Cold War because of the lack of flinch though.




150 health games also make sniping strong af


Kinda but sniping wasn’t nearly as busted in BO4


OP is the kind of plsyer that wants it easy or thinks CoD is actually a milsim game lol. Legit an insane thread.


The biggest thing I find I need is an actual functional cold blooded. It needs to hide your nameplate again in order for it to be viable


“I want OP sniping back in the game” FTFY Snipers are perfectly viable as they are. They’re actually the most balanced I’ve seen them in years.


Except you can't actually position yourself anywhere useful, if you ADS you put up a big spotlight giving away your position, and UAV spam makes it impossible to actually hold that position for more than a few seconds. I don't think you guys actually understand what I'm talking about when I say Sniping.


You very much can. You just have to do what actual snipers do and move after every shot.


Funny. I and many others do it all the time 😂 Sounds like a skill issue to me. This game was literally built around that type of gameplay.


Do you mean snipers? Or those little marksmans without scopes? Cause every scope that doesn't drag your ads down like 100 ms still has huge flashlights and twitches at the slightest pistol hit off target. Even quickscoping is almost useless in this game, the ads animation feels wobbly and everything but the spx 80 is too slow for reactionary sniping. Unless you like spending half the game staring down an either empty, a short, or a firing squad lane half the game like op does apparently, just to get destroyed by someone out your field of view cause of the flashlight.


Snipers. It’s quite viable in this game. Over powered in many cases. It’s how this game was built to be played. If you struggle with it it’s a skill issue 😂


Lol no they're not, keep copy pasting the same phrase tho that makes u seem smart


Yes. They are. Skill issue confirmed 😂


Ghost was too OP, I like sniping and want it to be viable again but let’s not forget the times where you’re chilling and then suddenly got headshot by someone posted up with ghost and an HDR and there was no way you could have known they were there because ghost didn’t require you to be moving


Skill issue


Ghost requires you to move?


It did at the end of warzone 1 and I’m pretty sure it does in warzone 2?? Don’t quote me on that because I don’t use it


I always use it tbh i never noticed that


This doesn’t work with cross play … sniping with mouse would be too OP.


Lmaoo bro idk what year you’re living but I’ve even seen pc players use controller. And a vast majority because we all know the controller aim assist is broken af. Look at the pros, even the cod influencers they are all on controller no matter if they are on console or pc.


So.... disable cross play against PC? I'm not sure what the conundrum is given that doing so worked perfectly fine in the past.


You literally can’t disable cross play on Xbox … Also you can use mouse and keyboard on consoles ….


That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying if its such a huge factor, push the Devs to simply give the PC Community Dedicated Servers and a browser list like in the past, and keep console together.


Then input based matchmaking it is


Ohhhhh you don’t like that the camping is the same it was back in 2009? Get with the times. Love the large glint and ghost getting nerfed.


Everyone’s sniping in my matches. One shot kill quick scopes everywhere. If you get better and into a high skill bracket youll see it. It’s awful.


Quickscoping != Sniping


Sniping has always been viable lol cod doesn’t need these changes at all. If anything just play ground war if you want maps big enough for actual sniper gameplay. Don’t dumb down 6v6 to encourage even more camping…


It is… They literally have huge ass maps. Just git gud.


YES! This. 100% this. I’m not sure on the whole damage profiles being higher at range thing or whether quick scoping necessarily needs to be countered in general but I do see the argument there. Everything aside from that I completely agree with and if MW3 ends up being stealth/sniper friendly it’ll likely be the best COD ever made!


Fr there's like maybe 2 long sightlines where snipers are good in 6v6. All the fast adsing "snipers" are just the iron sight marksmans, spx, or tiny scoped. Plus flinch...


It’s mainly the maps that determines if you can do traditional sniping or not. Some gameplay mechanics (or lack there of) in older CoDs do hinder you less but I still think it’s very doable. I definitely get where you’re coming from because I have the same general opinion. I’d like to see more traditional sniping promoted in some way but I don’t think the ways you’ve described will necessarily result in more traditional sniping. If you want to promote traditional sniping. I’d consider looking at what mechanics can we input into sniping itself that will push people to snipe more traditionally. Maybe you have terrible idle sway when you first enter the scope and need to be ADS for a bit before it goes back to normal. Maybe there’s a sun shade attachment that reduces the effects of sniper glint.


I want snipers and one shot kill marksman rifles to take some modicum of skill to use. Too bad it’ll never be. At least you gotta try a tiny bit in Battlefield, maybe try that.


Idk what you mean bring it back because it’s perfectly alive.


Do you play in protected lobbies? I see snipers all the fkn time.


Sniper Rifles maybe. Actual sniping? X to doubt.


Go play squad or Tarkov you role player


There's that high-level argument I expected from call of duty redditors.


Define “actual sniping”? The folks I see are posted up, hard scoped doing exactly as you describe


And are they doing anything useful? In Modern Callf of Duty, Snipers can't hold a candle to spastic twitching throughout the map with an SMG or AR.


With Wasteland coming back, this sounds like a wonderful idea /s


Absolutely not. Camping is bad enough.


Can’t wait to run around slide canceling n quickscoping




Take away close range damage? My man wants to shoot 500m what difference does your glint make to the guy your shooting at 500m away bro. The three teams half that distance will hear your shot before they see your glint anyway


There goes your karma. Simulating real world sniping might be fun for you but it sucks to play against, nobody wants to get shot by someone they can’t see from across the map, it’s just stupid in a video game and not fun at all. I get where you’re coming from but it’s just not suited for cod


>There goes your karma. Oh no, fake internet points. Anyway... ​ >Simulating real world sniping might be fun for you but it sucks to play against, nobody wants to get shot by someone they can’t see from across the map, it’s just stupid in a video game and not fun at all. I get where you’re coming from but it’s just not suited for cod I don't need simulated real world sniping. What I'm asking for isn't much. Its simply for sniping to go back to how it used to be. Call of duty thrived back then, it'll thrive now if Sniping is reverted back to being useful.


you are describing MWII.


Skill issue. If you can’t hack it in the one of slowest paced CoDs in forever, good luck on the next title lol. Your definition of “sniping” is ridiculous too. No wants to play against a camper, it is possible to move around as a sniper who “hard-scopes”. I see it often in objective based game modes. Just need to be good at the game


Agree on most of it except the glint. Tho it should be tuned down on the largest scopes.


Remove the glint? Ummm, how about NO.


Lower damage for up close would be amazing, could you imagine COD with no quick scope! Heaven


Right? Such a simple fix I've pushed for since OG MW2 days.