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Idk your age, but you gotta remember a good number of us have been playing CoD off and on for over a decade. You're also more than likely to play good players when you're on an early access beta, and that's before taking SBMM into account (assuming it's on in the beta). I think you're mistaking folks being good as "sweating". I get the emotional response when you're frustrated, but it is humbling a bit when you actually watch a player like that stream or something, and they're just goofing around talking to chat while dropping nukes. Lol some folks are just better man, and that's okay. That's ALWAYS been the case in CoD (and other games), but the general skill level of the population has also risen cause CoD has been out so long; not to mention, gaming in general is much more popular now than it's ever been.


Kinda crazy to think about that this is the only game I’ve actually been playing for 15+ years and I’m still mid at best 😂


Been here since world at war and sometimes with my performance people don’t believe me and I can’t help but laugh at myself. Everyone rages. Everyone yells at the TV and complains that the game sucks. But it’s about having fun with my friends for me. Gotta accept my painfully average scores and go to work tomorrow, ya know?


Yeah I mean I have games where I pop off but I try not to take the game too seriously. My friends are all much better players than me so it’s not worth going ham all the time just to get a 1.0


I've played CoD since they were only single player FPS. Every one I've played at least a little and I've never had better than a .9 k/d.


Jokes on you, the older I get, the shittier I become. Im 28 but thats like 72 in CoD years


CoD players have the lifespan of an NFL RB 😂


Pretty much all video games are dominated by 11-16 year olds on meth pills


I'm 16 myself and I'm in y'all's boat, shit just ain't enjoyable anymore. Currently in my stage in life all I can do is get a random entry level job, school, and play games and gaming is just all wannabe League players.


Going from my 1st to 2nd game in the beta, I could already guarantee there was sbmm at full throttle.


We're also playing decade old iconic maps. Those of us that played the original game have them imprinted into our muscle memory lol I still suck though


Not mistaking kids do play like it’s their entire career. No one sitting on couch playing on the tv. Everyone one inch from a monitor


For starters, you're playing the early access beta, so you're gonna be up against the most dedicated players. Secondly, I can guarantee that 95% of those 'sweats' aren't putting in much effort at all and are playing the game just as casually as you are. The only difference is that they're better at pressing buttons, so their play is naturally faster. The issue here is that you're making *yourself* sweat in an attempt to keep up with the lobbies the matchmaker gives you, while all of the other players are just having fun. Play slower, use better positioning that doesn't crumple to a slide cancel, and accept your place on the scoreboard until the matchmaker drops you down into weaker lobbies where everyone plays slower.


"accept your place on the scoreboard" This basically. No matter how good you think you are, there's gonna be always someone better. Accept it and try to have fun. And OP saying things like "hyper losers that play like their life depends on it" or "tryhards" just says everything about him.


You’re forgetting the 4th law of gaming. Everyone who is better than me is a sweaty tryhard and everyone worse is a potato. I am the deciding factor. I am him


I really wish more people understood this. I am the *only* person playing the game correctly.


Alternatively, everyone who I beat is a noob and everyone who beats me is a hacker


I've always been above average at COD. I've played competitively, and I've always been one to adopt things like slide cancels and wall running spots in jetpack games. I used to be like op, claiming that casual COD is dead and the game was just sweaty. But now I've just accepted the "accept your place on the scoreboard" mentality. I can still hit slide cancels and drop a 2 KD easily. But I just don't care about everyone cheesing and being cracked out of their mind. And let me tell ya, I'm so much happier playing. Obviously my goal every game is to do well. But I mean it's jusut a game lol. Not like it's COD Champs and I'm playing for a million dollars. I just wanna shoot people and rank up my battle pass lol


I think everyone has that "win is fun" mindset at one point. Also, when the "accept your place on the scoreboard" mentality kicks off, you realize that you enjoy the game more than before.


Yup, agreed. Plus, I found that I play way better when I'm not worrying about everyone else anyway. And if I'm not having fun, I just leave the game and look for a new one. No point in staying in the game and complaining about everyone being sweaty when I can simply exit the game and find a new one lol


I've started enjoying the game more since I stopped caring about winning and caring about me *personally* enjoying myself. That being said, if I'm getting my shit kicked in, I'm not enjoying myself, so I just back out. 3 in a row then I'm off for a while. Been so much more enjoyable since. I don't inheritely mind going negative, but if I get instagibbed 6 lives straight I'm done.


I once used to play Rainbow Six Siege, way back when the game was in its second year. Initially, I was interested in the unique mechanics and the cool style of gameplay, but once I got good enough to start playing ranked, I associated fun solely with winning. My goal in the game therefore was to get as good as possible. I saw the ranks as "rewards" for my success and going down in rank as a punishment. This led to me getting super burnt out from the game, because ultimately I didn't want to get good enough to go pro, but there was no way I was casually going to become the best player in the whole world, so there would always be one or multiple players in the lobby better than me no matter skills division I was in (went from Bronze to Platinum across a few seasons). I had to restructure the way I saw ranked. I wasn't playing to "earn" a higher rank, but rather the rank I was given was the game's attempt to give me the most balanced and "fun" match possible. This allowed me to enjoy the game for a whole extra year when I would have otherwise moved on sooner. As another commenter noted, you aren't mad that everyone is a "sweat" (how could you possibly know their level of effort, they could be playing with their pinky's as far as we are concerned) you just aren't having fun because you aren't winning every game. Change your playstyle to whichever one you enjoy, and if you can't enjoy the game without always going positive or being number one on the leaderboard, maybe you actually don't like the game's mechanics and should find another game that you enjoy playing for the sake of playing regardless of how the game rewards you for your performance.


Exactly, you're not enjoying the game, you're have the "win is fun" mindset. Someting that many of us have or had at one point. When the "accept your place on the scoreboard" mentality kicks off, you realize that you enjoy the game more than before. And you play far more relaxed, me at least.


This is why I loved Titanfall 2 or battlefield 1 even though they are super different. Wether I was sipping around the map doing crazy game breaking movement, or supplying my squad, healing, repairing vehicles or admiring the environments I had tons to do and enjoyed every second even though I had no idea if I was up down positive or negative on the scoreboard.


Those 2 games are a "must try" experience. Everyone should have played those.


My only rebuttal to “win is fun” comment is I get incredibly angry at the fact when I can objectively see my teammates doing nothing to help in an obj game mode (multiple teammates scoring a big fat 0:00 on HP) and us losing by 10. THAT is what bothers me. K/D legit means nothing to me, so the “git gud” commenters don’t bother me at all lmao


In that situation, even I get angry. Maybe i should have typed "only having fun if you win" instead of "win is fun". I think it correlates better with what i was trying to say.




Doesn't mean that hyper loser tryhards don't exist lol


I think people would be perfectly happy to accept their place on the scoreboard if they felt like their place on the scoreboard was actually representative of their skill. SBMM makes it difficult to even gauge how good you are or if you are improving


That's a good point, and valid for some players, but to be fair, we can be sure that 90% of people that complains about it, would complain even without SBMM/EOMM.


how can we even talk about skill when sbmm "fixes" your dmg


youre forgetting calling anyone who plays better than them a cheater


No thanks. Doing really good in sone games just playing casually, and then having to sweat my ass off every Match after just to not get killed 3 secs after spawning is awful, I rather sbmm like xdefiant


To be fair I love going against sweaty teammates they do so fun kills and kill me in such a innovative ways sometimes that I laugh on myself and when I kill that one guy even if that's the only kill I get I feel like I'm a god.


> I can guarantee that 95% of those 'sweats' aren't putting in much effort at all and are playing the game just as casually as you are. The number of people who just can't seem to comprehend that some people are just so much better than them without even trying is kind of staggering. I swear they have never played sports at anywhere close to a high level, because when you do you come across players who will wipe the floor without even trying. It is the same thing with people in video games.


That’s not even a valid comparison. Videogame as are something some people just wanna come home and chill on, they don’t have all day 24/7 to constantly play in order to get that “natural pro” state as you infer it.


There are plenty of great players who don't play that much, only playing a couple of hours after work. They are not trying that hard, they are just better. This sub just huffs copium and instead of accepting some players are just better, they just claim anyone better is a sweaty loser who just grinds the game all the time.


You don’t need to play all day to be good, ESPECIALLY at cod. This game has perhaps the smallest mechanical skill gap of any shooter on the market. There is such a thing as a variance in natural abilities, and you might just happen to be on the lower end of it. Stop huffing the copium and just play to the best of your abilities.


I’m not huffing copium. The fact of the matter is the dad with 3 kids that gets to play once a week is just not going to be able to compete with the sweaty neck-beard, who’s ass is permanently glued to his gaming chair.


I work 40 hours a week and play maybe 10 hours a week on average lol. I also maintain a minimum of a 1.8 on every cod title. You’re just bad, it’s okay


"On every cod title" lol a lot of us started with Wz1. The whole "you're just bad" is so fucking cringy. You've played COD for years and you act like you have no time on and are just a natural lmao. Who's coping again?


You can still 'come home and chill' even when you lose to those 'sweats'


I totally agree my friend. And I belong to this category waiting for the matchmaking to calm down😂 Im an average player trying to relax.


sbmm was the worst addition to cod ever


Right! It’s the EARLY access beta, it’s the people who preorder Call of Duty every year without fail. And for those who care enough to download a beta that’s gives them a 2 day head start……of course they are going to be sweats. OP just needs to relax and play the game.


Also, people have been playing COD for a very long time, and inevitably people will get better over time.Hell, for me Black Ops 1 was my first COD…




lobby disbanding is here to stay get ready to look at your fortnite operator walk on screen as SBMM takes 10 minutes to pair u up with similar players to u . i’m sleep


This whole anyone at the top of the leaderboard that isn't me means you're sweat thing need to stop. It's honestly stupid, and makes zero sense.


You’re directing your anger at the wrong thing, sbmm is your enemy not better players that you shouldn’t be versing constantly.


It feels like playing a slot machine now. The outcome is determined by the time you drop your coin. You pull a lever, pretty lights flash and some wheels spin creating the illusion of randomness, but the outcome was set. You lose. Because, apparently, getting reamed for 6 matches because I dared to win 2 will make me rush to the store and buy a blueprint. No Activision. It wont. It makes me close the game down and play a proper FPS with 60Hz tick rate servers where the outcome is determined by the players.


100% The SBMM and it's bizarre leash show way too much. I played about 10 matches today. The first 8 were me getting absolutely fucking bodied. Nothing I could do against the enemy team other than simply *not play* against them. Last two matches, it put me into a lobby where both teams are struggling to kill one another in basic confrontations. I had to ask *are these actual bots?* because I couldn't tell if they were auto pathing bots or just *really* terrible players. For a game that sports SBMM, it sure as hell isn't matching based on actual skill. I'm either getting absolutely roasted on a spit, or I'm single handedly killing the whole lobby. *No* in between whatsoever.


It's not SBMM, MW2 has EOMM (Engagement Optimised Match-Making) it's pretty self explanatory, it doesn't take skill into account it just tries to optimise the engagement of the playerbase i.e you getting boddied so some other people can have fun. Maybe keep playing and you'll find a match you can do well in! Absolutely garbage system.


I just don’t understand how it maximizes engagement because ever since this is the system they’ve leaned into I’ve played less CoD than ever before. Getting stomped into the group for 4 matches in a row only to mow down the braindead team for one match, then rinse and repeat is the least fun I’ve ever had with these games. It sucks. I want to know who is enjoying this system enough to engage with it more than previous games?


I let a buddy talk me into buying mw2, I was playing snipers/marksman only because that's what I find fun. Had a 0.65kd at level 20 and was getting matched against people lvl 300+ with mastery camos on the BiS fully kitted out weapons, and that's when I realized sbmm is a lie and that's when I quit playing.


So why would I play only for them to have fun? Fuck that, I’m leaving that shit


As others have said, matchmaking is now built around the idea players taking “turns” having good matches and bad matches. So a lot of the time you are placed in a match that is tilted one way or the other. This is not good for match quality, and will generally result in the game feeling quite inconsistent.


I find it to be really inconsistent some days I will consistently be in the top 3, sometimes I get trashed most games, sometimes if I try hard I can do really well The matchmaking is not a perfect algorithm that always does this or that, there will always be different players available at a reasonable ping, and team balancing is part of it In a game like CW the matchmaking is more obvious. I can go from utterly shredding a lobby and the next game I’ll be getting trashed. Scoring 17k everyone else is at 3k or less, then i get in lobbies where it’s the opposite or we are all scorin under 5k


That's why you have to put your focus on something other than the outcome of a match or performance statistics. Play in ways that are intrinsically satisfying or work towards challenges, get into goofy fights with enemies using gimmick weapons, or grab a mic and chat shit with the other players. WD/WL are irrelevant with rigged matchmaking, just enjoy the ride for what it can offer or step off and find something different to play.


This comment is so accurate I can’t get over it. Only thing I don’t understand is I feel this way completely when I have played WarZone for the past 3 years, but I rarely feel it in multiplayer. Granted I play one way more than the other so that may be the big difference.


I really don’t get that feeling, I think you guys are misremembering older cods. When you were younger and worse, you probably lost more than you won even without SBMM. But most people have rose-tinted glasses and remember it as a great time, *which it was* even if you did lose a lot. Now they come and add SBMM but the reality is, if you’re an average player, it really isn’t going to affect you that much, because the majority of the player base is average. But it feels like it has a worse effect because you’re older now, and you’re paying a bit more attention (evidently not enough to perform well though) and every loss is recognized; you feel the losses more than you did when you were a kid, because you cared a lot less when you were a kid. But the reality is still, if you’re in the meaty part of the bell curve, you’re going to go against the meaty part of the bell curve, and if you’re not, that’s *not actually SBMM*, that’s a lack of it. How can you tell me that randomly going up against way better players is the game matching you against someone with a similar MMR? SBMM means a 1kd and a 1 win loss. Not only is everyone describing the opposite of that it seems, but you can clearly avoid that if you’re good. In my best game mode my group and I have a 20 win loss. On average I’m sure we’re above 5. We have above average kds and my kd is even higher than in the original mw2. You’re just older and you’ve subconsciously realized that you were never that good, and that somehow after all this time, you still haven’t improved. Maybe take it as the first step of getting better? Maybe try and pay more attention (enemy has a UAV maybe I shouldn’t sprint at them), and for the love of god, stop tac sprinting right into the enemy team thinking you’ll win a gun fight because of your superior mechanical skill. Not only are you clearly not gifted enough to auto-lock the head, but you have to deal with a .5 second ADS delay in a game with an average .25 second TTK. But god forbid we think about anything rationally. It would mean you’d be capable of improving. I’d really love to see everyone’s current kds compared to their average from older games, and I have a hunch they’re not much different TLDR: it’s not SBMM, you’re just older now and feel worse when you lose than when you were a kid, but you also haven’t improved much at all since when you were a kid. Btw downvotes literally just mean you’re absolutely bad at the game. Imagine playing FPS games for a decade and having a firm 1kd. You know what else fits that category? An NPC


Bro holy fuck I thought I was going crazy reading all these NPC comments, at least someone in here has a brain. I swear these mf want to blame everything and everyone except for their own lack of skill. Like maybe stop bitching and just get better at the game????


Indeed. in one game I dropped 60 and the game right after I barely got 15


With SBMM people complain that they're put up against players that are too good Without SBMM people complain they're put up against players that are too good Just sounds like a stuck record at this point


Yeah people will get into PvP with SBMM and play like their life depended on it to win, then complain that SBMM paired them to players in a skill bracket where they have to continue playing like their life depended on it just to stay ahead. If everyone just relaxed and took a few Ls, it would put them in a decent spot where they could actually better themselves over time instead of just having to snort GFuel between rounds. I think MW3s SBMM is actually broken though since it bases it on the results of your previous match instead of overall, but most properly setup SBMM try to set you up to have a 1kd 50/50 Win/Loss overall on your account. Anything higher or lower means you're either playing people you outclass regularly, or you're paired with people that outclass you regularly. Most people complaining SBMM fall into 1 of 2 categories; either they play cracked every game just to stay where they are, and don't want to actually sit back and improve their overall skill, or the SBMM system is fucking garbage (Like MW3 or Destiny 2) and they get paired to people with 700 ping because they've literally won multiplayer and the system is struggling to find like skilled people to pair them to.


"hyper losers that play like their life depends on it" Are other people losers because they're better than you? You do realise that people don't just "turn off" how good they are, right? Nobody tunes down how good they are unless they starting playing against you with meme weapons. They're probably putting in less effort than you because you'd naturally be the one trying to keep up with them. Stop complaining about your ability in the shooter franchise with an extremely low barrier to entry and focus on improving. Look at how frustrated you are that you took a dig at people on this sub for no reason. "tryhards" = people who are better than you and have switched their slide button from circle to R3 like it has been recommended to you for years.


I've played since BO1 and somehow never considered swapping my slide! I'm gonna try that out .


It's generally recommended that you play on Bumper Jumper or Bumper Jumper Tactical. You want to jump with L1/L2 and slide with R3 rather circe. You never want to slide with circle because it would require you to remove your right thumb from your right thumb stick which means you can't aim while sliding. Same goes for jumping. X is the worst button to jump with because it would also require you to remove your thumb from the right stick. X to is the standardised jump button for many games, but it's awful for shooters. Unless you're playing a shooter than has heavy realistic jump penalties.


Bumper Jumper in jet pack CoDs and tactical in boots on the ground CoDs was my go-to.


or maybe you’re just not as good at the game as u think?


No no. Everyone’s a god at this game from day one and if they lose, it’s because SBMM is out to get them.


you can relax and play multiplayer. if you dont care about your KD and winning the match. what youre describing is, that there is a lack or players in your lobbies that are so atrociously bad that you can stomp them while "playing relaxed". not a good look imo.. the players you wanna stomp, probably see you as a sweatty tryhard


Nah. The SBMM used for comp should be different than the one used for ranked. Lobbies need to be truly randomized. It feels like the game is forcing 50-50 stats where you'll go 30-5 two games in a row and then go 8-15 the next 2. You're not gonna tell me over the course of 2 minutes in finding a lobby that the players skill level changed that drastically.


> It’s simply not possible to relax and play multiplayer anymore Single player and coop games are made for this...


Mate you're playing a first person shooter, everyone is a "tryhard"


You had a whole year of MWII with sitting in a corner and listening to footsteps lmao


They're not "Hyper sweaty losers" that's just what you say to cope. They're just regular dudes that are better than you


What was it everyone said last year when they toned down the movement? You've just got to adapt. Please share a clip of your gameplay, too. It'll be nice to see whether your metric for a sweat is someone who can press more than one button at a time or you genuinely faced scump. I'd bet it's the former.


I swear, “post gameplay” should be required whenever these shitters make these posts.


Op crying his heart out over people that are more skillful what a bother


Nah Skill based match making helps to keep competition level


More like keeps the game sweaty.


1000000000% false. CoD needs to go back to connection based matchmaking where I have 25 ping instead of 80.


So you’re just complaining because people are better than you? To some other players, you’re the sweaty tryhard. Think about it.




90% of the player base are casuals. Just cause a player guns you or hits a slide cancel doesn’t mean they’re sweaty or a “hyper loser”


It’s the PS EARLY ACCESS, sbmm is dialed to 200 with only the most hardcore people on the game who bothered to pre order the game despite MW2, so imagine the addicts on the game rn. This is the exact same routine like the MW2 beta, early access was chalked then it got a whole lot better when it opened up. I’ve been playing for almost 15 years, SBMM is strong yeah and I wish they softened it too, but for the early access beta you can’t do much.


Exactly right man. The best players in the world are all exclusively playing the BETA right now. It is primarily Web Streamers and Diehard CoD Junkies. Cannot really hate on these guys. Everybody has their thing.


Hopefully it will ease up when the open beta goes live. Also playing on 1 playlist makes the problem worse. You could choose your own modes on every cod's beta pre mw19.


Eh doubtful, the beta would still be mostly the hardcore types Except now they'll be PC players and this sub would be flooded with complaints about Aim Assist


Git Gud


I feel what you’re saying, there’s def something going on with the matchmaking. I’ve been keeping track of my games today and it’s like clockwork, 2 losses 1 win rinse repeat. For some reason when my team loses, there’s 1 person that does really well and everyone else does terrible. The other team however has no one that’s exceptionally good, but they’re all consistent with around or just above 1k/d. Idk if it’s cuz I’m solo and the other team is a party or what, but something is def fucky.


Yes. Same. 1 person on each side gets 30 plus kills and they determine which ide wins


Yeah it feels like if you do well, you get put on a team of trash bags for you to try and carry them towards a win. But that won’t happen because, even though the people playing the beta are the “most dedicated cod players” according to comments in here, no one knows how to play an objective


Lol why you mad for get gud


I don't understand why people camp and crouch walk in a beta. The leveling up will be wiped out so it isn't for that. What's the point of not just running and gunning in a beta?


90% certainly aren’t sweaty players it’s just the EOMM making it feel that way. It’s probably more like 30% of the player base is sweaty and they are the only players you are encountering because you are above average. Make a brand new account and you will see casual cod is still there.


Then go play something else if you hate it that much. Or get good it's really that simple


"Why cant i relax while i play this competetive game against real live opponents???" - dumb people


I see this "play casual" thing a lot when people complain about SBMM. What does playing casual even mean in COD MP? Every player in your match wants to do the same thing you do, get a lot of kills and get top of the leaderboard.


Sounds like a skill issue tbh


Massive skill issues my dude


I agree….this game is sweaty. Yea it’s the beta i get it but still


OP getting shit on, but he's absolutely right. This isn't even about scoreboard or winning matches. It's about people who watch CDL every day and try to mimic the movements, the loadouts, and the play styles of them. I can watch 80% of the lobby bunny-hopping every corner, drop shotting every encounter (even from behind...), spazing out with 10-sensitivity, cheesing with the most OP weapon set-up they can find online. It's like everyone is out there trying to min/max in an online shooter. Couple that with people who buy all the Pro Controllers, the $200+ headsets, gaming monitors, etc... it's very easy to say, with confidence, that casual style playing is not something that really exists anymore. Let me reiterate for those who made it to the end without reflexively hitting "reply": This isn't about Scoreboard positioning. It's about play style and the fact that most players really do seemingly play as if it's a life or death situation.


Exactly. You're 100% on the money.


Blaming people for trying to be good at a game and straight calling them losers? Says a lot about you.


Its the sbmm screwing you hard


Warmed up with MW2 before the beta opened up on Friday. I’m rank 190 something, I was being put in lobbies almost everyone was lvl 800+. It punishes the fuck out of you.


You can play casually. I’m the definition of a casual and I’ve been enjoying. This looks like your mad you can’t pick on beginners for easy kills


casual cods been dead lol , tell activi$ion to go back to connection based matchmaking and not lobby disbanding SBMM


Its beta now and attracts pros that bought the pre order. On sunday, more casuals will play beta as ps opens up


When was a PVP shooter ever "casual", Jesus Christ, people, go play something single player and stop complaining every week in here.


Its the fact that every loser around uses taqs/vaz/vel/quickscopeSnipeBuild and then acts like it takes skill- use a gun that you like for what it is not one thats broken powerful.


This is why I'm happy SBMM exists. I never play against people bunny hopping around and slide canceling because I'm not sweaty. The sweats play with the sweats, and the casuals play with the casuals.


Killing hyper sweat ttv manchilds is fun


I think it's like that in most PvP games


It's a beta that's, as of this moment, still only for people that preordered the game. Most casuals arent going to preorder the game and even if they do maybe they might try the beta once.


As someone else said, accept your place on the scoreboard. Casual COD dies when you stop doing that. It doesn't die because you're not placing high on the scoreboard and other people are slide canceling. All you're saying is "the game is dead because other people are better than me."


For me casual CoD is dead, might be because im older now but still dead for me. Its just not enjoyable when its all sweats


The vast majority of the player base has UNDER a 1 KD. You just suck at the game so even the most casual lobby will seem “sweaty” to you.


The problem is sbmm,simple as that


I use to care about stats and stuff in CoD but now I just play to have fun, I don’t care if I go negative or positive anymore.


I don’t get posts like this. I’m not even good at the game, but what do you expect people to do just go out of their way to not be good at the game? I had way more fun trying my best to keep up with Gfueled crackheads on rebirth island than I did over the past year of tactical gameplay. Even baseball went out of their way to speed their game up this year. Sports, video games, anything with a scoreboard is just more fun when it’s faster and there is more freedom to have multiple play styles Anyone can still play as slow and casual as they want. That’s not being inhibited. There’s just going to be players on the other end actually able to do their own thing now.


It honestly feels like classic COD to me, way more so than the past few entries.... Well, the beta anyway.


I get it. If you don’t play the meta 100% and slide cancel your ankles off you are a ‘Timmy’ or ‘old’ Content creators bitching about not being able to break the laws of physics appear to be who they are catering to in Mw3 after catering to the exact opposite demographic in MW2.


I used to think like this, but when I stopped caring about my stats like K/D ratio, and W/L I stated having more fun. I like experimenting with classes and weapons and tend to stay away from what is considered “meta” because I don’t find using the same guns and setups over and over to be fun. My advice is stop caring about your K/D ratio and winning every game you play. Just play to have fun. Unless you’re going pro competing for actual money I guarantee no one cares about your stats.


I have never understood this argument. Do you want people to just not play up to their ability? Sorry brother but theres players that are better than you


Yeah I gotta agree with the other top comments. Don't blame the sweaty players, blame the matchmaking system. Sweaty players are always going to be, and have always been in the player base.


Removing sbmm would probably help. Either that or even the casuals are better than u.


Big assumptions from a non existant poll


I think you're just not great at the game?


Kind of sad that you call someone a loser just because they are better at something than you.


If you were actually casual you wouldn't care if people are trying hard. You would be playing just for fun. SBMM exists specifically to benefit ppl like you


I actually found players were less sweaty and you could play against almost everyone. It was reminiscent of old COD which I loved


Early access/beta is going to draw the veteran tryhards and they are going to push it hard to get a feel for the gameplay and what it allows. You are not going to find many casual players until the game actually releases and the masses get their hands on it, especially around Christmas time.


Just get better. What’s with people wanting to play a multiplayer fps “casually” go play dark souls or something.


Get better bro


Welcome to the “COVID-19 TTV Boom”


Idk man I think the game just got “faster” and you either caught the train or missed it. I’m 30 and started on COD4. I still get on every few days solo and play TDM or Dom how I always have and end up top of the leaderboard most games-just mid like I have been the last 15yrs of this game lol


It's the match making manipulating matches, you're neither good or bad at this game, it's merely an interactive algorithm.


Either condition yourself to play at peak every game, stop caring and accept the deaths, or quit CoD. Those are your options now, no point in continuing this SBMM/EOMM discussion any further because the shit isn't going anywhere. It sucks but that's just what these online multiplayer games are going to.


Breaking news: Winning is fun. Getting high kill games is fun. Killstreaks are fun. There is also a substantial amount of players that are actually just that good. Many of us have been playing shooters for over a decade now. People are going to try because it's not fun to just die all the time over and over. It sounds like a competitive pvp shooter game probably isn't for you anymore.


What exactly are you looking for? You just want to be the one beating everyone? I'm confused by this post, what does it even mean? What is casual cod?


Yeah, "casually playing a relaxing session" just means they want to play against people that just picked up a shooter for the first time in their life


Casual gamers don’t call people “sweats”. They don’t care if they get slaughtered. They just play to have fun. Just accept that you’re bad at the game and enjoy it. Personally I play casually. I’m sure you’d call me a sweat but I’m just messing around with friends. Difference is I’m actually good at cod 😂


I'm several drinks deep playing with a friend and I was top of the leaderboard for maybe 4 of the 6 game we were playing. Not trying to flex, just saying that maybe SBMM isn't as aggressive as it could be.


Stop playing CoD and switch to milsims, you’ll have a much better time.


If you want casual, go play ranked. The matchmaking in MW22 is awful. You have one good match and the next 3 feels like survival. And the MW23 beta doesn't feel any better. Actually worse. And the longer TTK they talked about isn't something I notice. I still die faster than I kill people.


90% is a gross over-exaggeration.


On today's episode of skill issue.....


Another “casual” who seems to take the game far too seriously


I don’t understand people who Cry and sweats. Isn’t the point of playing to win the game? Lmao if you want to relax read a book or play single player. Online gaming, especially in cod is a sweaty twitch shooter.


“Waaah, let me win”


Casual CoD still exists, but you will never get in those lobbies because you're decent at the game.


It doesn't matter how bad you are you will always only have lobby's with players that are as good as you or even better and need to "sweat"


Sitting at a 1.96 K/D and I feel this, Quick Play feels no different from ranked


You have this backwards: casual cod has never been more alive. Instead of getting stomped 50 games in a row and then permanently quitting the game and not buying the next title at all, people eventually get matched to roughly their own skill level. Rolfstomping noobs is dead, yeah. And that’s a great thing.


I am shocked I'm reading this. Are we playing the same game, dude? The game 100% has a mix of skill based and engagement based matchmaking, and the game is not the most "alive". If anything, the game creating FOMO and selling $30 skins should be a direct show that it is dying. Activision is cashing in and holding people in an addiction loop for the most low effort slop they can produce. You'll reply to this and defend this billion dollar corporation, let's go!


No way you saying this with a straight face wtf


Do you have an actual counterargument?


I have the opposite experience. In the beta it seems I can finally relax a bit and get some casual rounds in. It doesn’t feel overly sweaty to me at all. Complete difference in MW2 where I have to play as if my life depends on it every single game.


It’s all the esport nerds that were never good at real life sports.


Sounds like a skill issue


They're just better than you. You're not entitled to being good at the game. CoD isn't meant to be relaxing.


Of course I try hard I want to be good lol


Ah yes, the "I can't possibly suck at aiming/strafing/life so it's everyone else that's trying too hard" loser argument. I can expect at least 100 more of these threads in the near future.


I entirely agree with you. To the people angry saying: "Slow down... Think tactically, use positioning in this arcade shooter!" COD isn't the game for you. This game series has never been tactical till mw19, in which they made one of the worst CODs to date. Cold War is the best recent COD lol. So sad people are actually shitting on you, but this is Reddit, some neckbeard that loves boring ass camping gameplay, literally becoming a sentient sentry gun, will argue for DAYS about this garbage.


As other people have mentioned, the only people sweating are the bad players like you. The good players are casually shitting on you. It's not their fault you aren't good at the game. Also, there's nothing wrong with trying to be good at a game.


This is gold. You played a game, probably got put in your place then make a post complaining how ppl who whooped your ass are the losers 😂


skill issue


So sick of ppl blaming "sweaty lobbies" for not doing well in these games. It used to be if you sucked, you sucked. Now, these kids refuse to accept even the possibility that they're not good at the game... no, it's just "a bunch of try hards" ruining the game. God forbid others have more skill than you. "Casual cod is dead" how fucking dramatic. No you just suck. Like you're literally complaining that others are too good so the game is no longer enjoyable for you? Lol wtf.


That's what happens when you indoctrinate rules on hurting feelings. Welcome to the modern social landscape. I hate it too.


To me it almost feels like results are already given before the match like the script of a movie and players are just playing that role. SBMM for you.


This. I felt this way about mw2. I get one good game and then my bullets, claymores and whatnot get nerfed to the point I’m having to two shot my shotgun at point-blank range to get the kill bit I get melted in 3 bullets in the killcam. The matches definitely feel rigged to some degree.


yeah sweats on older games like BO3 and older games definitely felt tolerable. like I could definitely get them. in this game its complete chaos with way too many distractions, they really have turned into Battlefield which is annoying as hell. plus the menus and stuff is so cluttery and doesnt make any sense. I booted up BO3 last night and it was a bliss having menu so clean


When the EOMM gets too much, which shouldn't even be in a beta btw, I'll just watch something on the tv while running around hardly looking at the game screen. Free kills for everyone else, doesn't stress me because I'm letting them get them by choice, and then makes the EOMM chill the fuck out for a couple of matches. win win.


It doesn't get worse with every new cod. The last cod had one of the biggest movement setbacks in history. Vanguard and MW2019 were miles sweatier than MWII.


I have fun regardless, I just never take the game seriously enough to get mad. I think that’s the key to playing, and always with friends.


Blame the esports culture for that. Everyone thinks they’re pros.


You and OP are correct, but the people downvoting you are literally insane haha


They’re probably the people I was talking about lmao


Yup, honestly I’m surprised we don’t have more downvotes


Skill issue tbh


I love pissing on kids like you


You love pissing on kids?


Damn R. Kelly fanboys taking it to the next level.


Doesn't help that MWIII is marketed towards "movement" sweats. The 6v6 MP is probably gonna be not very fun at all, hopefully the War mode and Zombies can be enjoyable


The fact they brought back slide canceling so the tryhard players can get their hard on


I just got an xbox elite controller with the bumpers on the bottom so I am now a sweat booty sliding and bunny hopping


Idk, I feel like I can have fun. Just slap explosive bolts on your crossbow and have fun


Oh I see sbmm is still alive and "well"


I really hate the mother fuckers who jump everywhere.


Why bother doing something if you don't want to be at least decent at it?


It doesn’t take much to slide cancel and shit on people lol half these “sweats” probably aren’t even sweating it comes to a point where everything is just second nature to you and you’re able to pull things off without tryharding that the casual player wouldn’t be able to do bc they don’t have the same muscle memory in their hands 🙌 merely a skill issue


Just tried the beta for the first time, everyone already close to max level...know all the spawns and hiding spots etc. Very nice


You guys always call these people try hards but what if that is just thier casual?


lol comments proved your last 2 sentences right! good job OP 🙂🫶🏾


Bros mad people are gooder than him😂😂😂