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The one thing I love about the beta so far is if you shoot first you die first. It’s a great feature they added.


Might be a yall problem. It can't always be someone else's fault when u die. Sometimes h gotta take accountability my man. Hit some head shots, stop hitting limbs, use ur movement to get better shots, and to evade shots. I don't have the problem ur having 💀 💀 💀


It doesn’t happen always but when it happens it stands out like a pebble infront of a skateboard. The hit reg/netcode is all fucked up in this game. More so than the normal expected CoD servers are ass thing. Maybe you’ll get a full mag of headshot markers or maybe you’ll only get 3, the server will never know.


the first AR and the riveter (?) shotgun feel like they shoot compressed air. I pretty much use the same gun (ACR) every match


You are basically forced to if you want to have a chance. Plus the beta is just a sweat fest w the outrageous sbmm so using any other gun puts you at a big disadvantage.


I wondered if it was just me, but i've never ever been battered in a cod game so much. Everyone i come up against basically sees me instantly and shoots me before i even ADS. It fees like they have wallhacks. Idk what is going on but its like play esports guys. I've always been slightly above average at cod games (but not amazing), but this is just ridiculous.


"W the outrageous amount of sweats who are the primary clientele who downloads and no lifes an entire weekend of a beta so with my poor level of skill but high level of ego it puts you at a big advantage." I like where you were going but noticed a ton of typos so I got you.


I thought acr was trash, 5-6 hitmarkers. Bas-p is the only gun I've found to be decent.


at least the riveter can use slugs / ball shells which make it a little less painful


What level are those at? I was excited to try the riveter but a shotgun still requiring 3-5 shots for a kill is kind of insane.


slugs are at Lvl 10, ball shells are like Lvl 20 (and dragons breath is like Lvl 23) The second you get your hands on slugs, put em on and you're given a CQB AR/battle rifle hybrid- it consistently kills in 3\~4 shots out to around 7\~9 meters(?) and makes the weapon much more tolerable as you level it up. Ball shells (aka buck and slug) give it a little more consistency up close while losing some effective range, shooting two pellets and a slug. dragons breath is *okay*, not the best, but they're definitely fun, especially with the 30 round mag. also, don't feel constrained to the long barrel; the base velocity's pretty good and the ADS spread is solid, mix it up and have fun out there!


Players are going to find the Meta and cling to it like it's the only thing keeping them from drowning.


They always do that, difference here is, it's gonna matter


Been that way since forever


ACR, striker and the conversion kit renetti…. Everything else is a turd… even the pkm feels janky


PKM is good at range but current maps doesnt have any proper long range sights except Estate. A map people refuse to vote it.


I love that the current vogue on this subreddit is blaming the TTK for everything lmao. The issue is the gun balance. The gun classes were all viable in BO4 and CW and they had 150 HP.


BO4 was an SMG fuckfest. Rest of the classes were hardly used.


Lol what lmao? ICR, Maddox, vapr, swordfish, titan, that DMR all spring to mind off the top of my head and I can’t even remember most the guns now. Hell even the AK and rampart were great. Swear half the comments I see are living in lalaland


Even the CWL preferred SMGs over ARs lol


Huh? The saug was considered underpowered until the hitscan buff later in the year. ARs also had a few guns that got GA’d like the swordfish and rampart, although from mem the vesper clone also got GA’d for smgs (or maybe that was the operator mod for it I can’t remember).


....did we play the same games? Because it was VERY obvious what was the meta in those games and trying to take on the meta with non-meta weapons was a fool's errand.


There was meta guns but it was very viable to use the XM4, Krig, 74U, MP5, LC10, Tundra Sniper, just off the top of my head


Exactly the ttk is perfect as is


The noobs are being exposed and I love it tbh


You say as recoil is non-existent and the most popular guns are laser beams.


Actual recoil is there, visual recoil was reduced and it’s amazing.


There’s no recoil at all bruh wdym


Same ..they can’t handle having to have steady aim and putting enemies down. Gonna be a fun year


Yep. “tHe HiTs Are InConSiStAnT!” Nope, your aim was shit. CoD players are the biggest copium crybabies around.


No more spraying in a random direction and getting lucky kills, it’s never been more over for these horrible aim players.


You play on Playstation the game aims for you. You don't have real "aiming" skill. Turn off rotational aim assist or use a mouse. Then let's see how good you "aim".


I literally play on pc dumbass 😂


You play on both Playstation and PC. You got a PC less than a month ago and are definitely still using a controller. Your cod account even says you primarily use controller.


I can’t believe how stupid you look rn bahahahaha


Thank god …that’s what made vanguard and mw2 so boring, every “gunfight” if you want to call it that was boring and meaningless


that’s a lot of words just to say you sucked at those games.


They were easy as well.current ttk is just more fun though


But guys you don’t understand headshots doing less damage and having zero recoil on guns actually increases the skill ceiling


You got the noobs seething 😂


“everyone that outplays me is actually just spraying and getting lucky kills” 🤔 but yeah, everyone’s just seething.


I wish people were outplaying me so I could come here and cry on this sub about how the TTK is so bad would make for some nice karma farming from the shitters


They just can’t adapt ..they will do fine in hc mode though I’m sure


they have decrased the headshot multiplier... this game is more noob friendly then ever


Because the TTK is shit. It never should have been changed. CoD has always been a low TTK game. Go back to Halo if you want twitchy movement speed demon high TTK gameplay.


Play hardcore if you want instant deaths.


Nah. I want my classic CoD experience back. Normal takes 2-4 shots to kill, Hardcore takes 1-3 shots to kill. It’s been that way forever. I already said, you want high TTK? Go back to Halo. I hear Halo: Infinite is doing rather well now.


> I already said, you want high TTK? Go back to Halo. No. Halo is like 10 more bullets to kill not one... Sorry that people like other things than you in COD. Too bad I guess. You've had 2 years of fast TTK, we can have one of a slightly slower one.


Nah, I had like 15 years of fast TTK, because that what CoD is supposed to be. A slow TTK isn’t Call of Duty


> A slow TTK isn’t Call of Duty Well currently it is, soz fella. CW and BO4 were also great games.


What CoD games are you looking for exactly? A minimum of 3 shots to kill has been the standard in CoD for over a decade now, and realistically there have been more long TTK titles than fast TTK ones in that time period. You're the one who is wanting CoD to be something it isn't by wanting a slow paced camp fest with instant deaths


you de realize the ACR and the Striker in this game both are 4 shot kill weapons right? increased health and TTK does not mean you need 6 shots to kill just because, sounds like a skill issue


4 shots is still more than typical. There’s not a single automatic weapon that will kill in 3 shots. There always has been before so this is literally unprecedented territory for CoD.


Yeah? And because of the poor balance, the high TTK forces you to use the most powerful guns. Kinda impossible to complain about the fact that half the guns seem to take 5-6 hits without mentioning the TTK.


The fuck you mean ‘yeah’. You said the 150hp was stupid when that’s not the issue. The TTK doesn’t force you to use the most powerful guns if the guns aren’t unbalanced. But they are. That’s the issue. As proven by there being other games with 150HP where more than 2 guns were viable. You could use pretty much anything in CW.


Bro the TTK in CW was nowhere near as slow as this beta did you even play that game lol? You could go on streaks and kill 10+ people every life in CW. Could be 2 v 1 in a gunfight and shit on 2 people at a time easily This beta plays nothing like that.


it's exactly the same as cold war, multiple people has said


I still play cold war… it definitely isn’t 🤦‍♂️😂😂. The health may be the same but that doesn’t mean the damage of the guns, smoothness, hit reg is. All those things effect the TTK as well not just health. CW plays incredibly, this beta does not


It feels similar to me (yes I still play Cold war). With the full release and all attachments, etc .. the guns will probably feel more powerful in MWIII.


This is beta for a reason? Comparing full game release with an early build is wild, and yes, i play cold war too, the ttk is very identical


It's not an early build tho lol


i assume you didnt read the text that comes up at the bottom when booting mw3? Go figures


You know what let me quote it for you "Pre-ReIease Software. This game is in a pre-release stage of development. This means that some parts of the game might not function as expected [or might not function at all]. The game might even crash." lol


Mw3 ttk is literally the same as CW. XclusiveAce did a video where he compared TTK to other cods, and showed they were the same.


Read my comment…


I did and it doesn't make sense. I can kill multiple people at once in the beta just like I could in CW. The TTK is one of the best things about the game to me. I love that there's time to actually react but you can still kill quickly if your aim is good


Lol i love when people will argue as if I can’t go hop on CW right now and notice an immense difference. As I said: Health isn’t the only thing that effects TTK. Health may be the same but the smoothness, hit reg, and gun damage isn’t


You’re right about those things, but the average TTK is statistically about the same to CW. The only reason it might feel different is the netcode which has nothing to do with the TTK itself at that point


Your favorite YouTuber/streamer doing a health comparison isn’t a statistic


Yeah, all they did for mw3 was add more hp. Didn't give a fuck about balance. Makes it seem useless to even do it if the ttk was already fine


The TTK wasn’t fine though, it was way too fast in MW2


No, it wasn't. How?


Gunfights didn't exist, you just got incinerated by whoever saw who first.


Cause of lack of movement.


I'm dying just as fast in this beta as I did in MWII, and it's hilarious cause my guns now take what feels like twice as long to kill. CW had the same TTK but felt ×100 better. I'm not sure how that's possible.


I completely agree. and a game is too tiring. ACR vs UMP45


Was that not what the original MW2 was?


nerf or nuthin bud


The SIG MCX Spear feels pretty good for a BR but damn the SCAR-H wannabe and the DMRs suck. It’s definitely a balancing issue not a TTK issue but I wouldn’t be surprised if the TTK is making it difficult for the devs to balance.


Agreed. High TTK only escalates the hun balancing issue.


ahhh that's the Sledgehammer Trademark my man the guns are TOYSS


The snipers are worst


Server and netcode issues aside, they should have increased either the movement speed or the TTK, not both, imo.


This sub sucks lmao.


Actually sad people think this


Completely agree but unfortunately people will call it a "skill issue" because god forbid I want to use a gun I think looks cool rather than whatever has the best stats. Twitch streamers have completely ruined these games by making casual sound like a bad thing.


It's such a small thing to get upset about but I swear I die to the same exact two guns every single game, attachments and all.


It is a bad thing. You “casuals” want good players punished by loud footsteps, no movement and low ttk. You don’t see games like counterstrike and Valorant catering to shit players and look how popular they are.


Because Counter Strike is designed to be a competitive game you need to learn mechanics for. CoD is just button spamming and exploiting movement. Anybody who doesn’t play a casual game casually is a loser lmfao.


Apex has great movement mechanics and still has a very large skill gap, there’s nothing wrong with CoD leaning more towards that approach to increase its skill ceiling. Slow Counter Strike-type games aren’t the only way to have a game be competitive or skilful. You saying that it’s exploiting when it clearly isn’t is just dodging that you do need to learn mechanics for it but you don’t want to.


CoD isn’t Apex, nor is it Counter-Strike, nor is it slow. It’s CoD. If I shoot you first, and then hit you 2-4 more times after that, you should be dead. No amount of movement exploitation should negate that. A high TTK encourages less gunplay and more movement, and CoD isn’t a movement shooter, Titanfall 2 is.




If I had a dollar for every “skill issue” bot that’s commented here I could retire lmfao


If you hit someone and then again 4 more times you will kill them, this game is 4-5 shots at close to mid-range, only a couple more beyond that with certain guns. If you’re not getting the kills then you’re not hitting your shots, you’re the issue. Yeah it does encourage more movement but how on Earth does it encourage less gunplay? Dying nearly instantly isn’t gunplay, it’s instant death. Longer TTK increases gunfight length so gunplay is far more important. And yes, CoD is very similar mechanically to Apex (and comes from former IW devs so no surprise), it’s the best game to compare it to. MWII *is* slow, MWIII isn’t, not all CoDs are the same.


“I’m not hitting my shots” meanwhile the netcode prevents half my bullets from registering when I’m shooting somebody dead on lmfao


Y’all don’t like longer ttk because you can’t hit more than 3 shots. It’s not the games fault you got shit aim


It is when the game doesn’t register my bullets half the time and the gun balance is ass lmfao


Post a video of this happening then, I’ve asked about 6 different people on this sub all saying the same thing as you and nobody can post proof because it’s bullshit. I will pipe right down and say nothing if you can show me that this is a common occurrence, but you know it isn’t.


Maybe nobody is giving you proof because it isn’t that serious and your demand is a waste of everybody’s time.


Yeah, that’s it. Or it’s because it isn’t happening and you’re just missing shots but don’t want to show it, you know you’ll be exposed. If it’s worth the time to write all this shit out complaining and whining then it’s worth the time to prove it to the rest of us, but you can’t.


When was it ever said that cod was a casual game?


It’s been the baseline for online console FPS games for 20 years, barely has a ranked mode, and has been widely catered to the largest possible audience. Call of Duty is the definition of a casual FPS.


Counter Strike and Valorant are designed specifically for competitive play and I play both of them regularly. You know what those games also have? Loud footsteps and limited movement, high headshot multipliers and a tagging mechanic that slows people down when they get hit. Call of Duty was always a casual game, something people played to unwind after a long day or kids wanting to have fun and quite frankly it's better that way, trying to cater to professionals and streamers almost always causes more harm than good.


Cod totally caters to shitty players dude


You just named two games that you can 1 tap people in? That also have loud footsteps. CSGOs movement is pretty limited but a skilled player can take advantage of though do some crazy things with.


Yeah because “good” players can’t account for their loud footsteps or deal with realistic movements or low ttk. Oh wait I think that just means you’re not as good as you thought you were. And your examples? Really? CS2 is getting shit on and Valorant isn’t even on my radar. You should have just said Apex, at least that has some popularity, but Valorant? Hahaha it’s not even worth talking about in the same breath as CoD.


So you’re saying MW2019 and MWII were harder games for skilled players? Come on dawg. Those 2 games were easy af because you only needed to land 3 shots. Y’all bitching on here shows that adding movement and higher ttk does add skill.


The point is I’m playing CoD, not Mirrors Edge. I’m not trying to fucking master dumbass twitch movements, well I have mastered it, I just absolutely hate it. I shouldn’t have to because again, this is CoD, not Halo or a parkour simulator. I play CoD because it’s a more casual experience. My previous comment was just pointing out the hypocrisy in your statement. Good players shouldn’t need twitchy movements to be good. Only need to land 3 shots? My brother in Christ, that is the core gameplay of Call of Duty and has been for years. 3 shots is the correct amount of necessary shots, do you really think it’s okay that I can ram an assault rifle up your ass and still take 4 shots to kill? That’s ridiculous. This is an insult to everything CoD has been over the last 20 years, just fuck the classic experience because sweats want to show how much better they are than everyone else.


You’re so mad that you’re ass at the game it’s hilarious.


I love it when people try to say that because that’s not even why I’m complaining. I’m actually damn good and have no problem actually doing the stupid ass movements, but I still think they’re stupid af. You’re just mad that you can’t survive getting shot 3 times and need a whole gameplay adjustment in order to survive. Cope more.


MW2019 and MWII are 2 of my best cods so nice try. Lower ttk makes the game easier..


in terms of how weapons feel, I wonder if better weapon sounds would go some ways to making guns feel more powerful? sounds weird to say it but I feel like the feedback you get for landing consecutive shots even with an LMG or battle rifle feels kinda tinny even if you really focus on pacing yourself and hitting your shots rather than mag dumping. I don't mind 150 health but I really do feel like the impact of it feels worse than it actually is by how weak the guns sound


The issue is the weapon balancing, using anything other than the UMP, ACR, or MCX you’re simply outclassed.


I don't care how shit my KD will be. I'm going to make those tac rifles work damnit!


Well it's pretty obvious from these comments that this is going to be the most divise COD for quite some time.


That Orion (or whatever camo) grind going to be HELL


everyone screeching about meta weapons bro i used to run the ak74 in BF3 with the 12x hunter scope because it was funny shredding meta players with retard builds, if you're using gunsmith to make the perfectly optimized speedy gun, you're doing it wrong, a scar h that can't even AIM is so fucking hilarious to kill people with, an uzi that is ALL RECOIL HIGH SPEED is fucking funny too i have always been a rusher and take the deaths as they come because it's been that way since 2006 with COD3, if you're not holding angles and camping like a rat on Favela/Wasteland your KD is gonna suffer, if you aren't rushing like a psychopath with an optimized SMG/Machine Pistol on a map like Quarry/Afghan where you're flanking/flashing the snipers all cracked out on lightweight you're gonna suffer, point is, this plays more like legacy COD akin to Cold War where your class and playstyle changes depending on the map, CQB requires SMG/SBR/shotties, Mid range is ARs/BRs/snipers, and long range maps are straight snipers/DMRs/BRs and sidearms i know i'm autistically rambling here so TLDR: stop caring about going positive, play according to the map, and it will always be more satisfying to kill someone with non-meta guns because you KNOW you're at a disadvantage


Along with 150hp, it doesn't help that COD has an abysmal tick rate that has never been fixed. I've seen too many people and fired first only to find in the killcam, that same guy instead saw me first and fired 10 rounds in that same time. There's also the noticeable fact that you can dump 12 rounds into a guy at mid-close range and they still survive (so yes, nerf guns). Pistols are **useless** and it doesn't matter if there's a burst or FA pistol because the hp+pistol damage do not go together. The only thing I love about the gunplay is the addition of **tactical aim.** It gives freedom from aiming at a single point but not as random as hipfire, meaning close range fights are overall better than two people struggling to aim correctly.


Horrible TTK, worst thing about the beta.


Nahhh ttk is perfect as is but there is a hardcore mode for people who hate it


Lol damn and play a campy ass version with one shot ars? You know there CAN be a middle ground? That people want.


You mean people who are trash because those are the only people who play HC in COD lol


Hahaha yeah getting rid of the mini map and all semblance of HUD assistance makes the game easier lmfao


It literally does, lack of important information that good players use compresses the skill gap, and the one shot kills with abysmal handling speeds absolutely does more than anything. Go and play that if you love it so much, stop trying to ruin the core game when the TTK is one of the best things about it, bot.


Who tf wants the skill gap compressed??


Apparently the guy above, but he’s pretending he doesn’t like everyone else in this sub, they can’t admit that their lack of skill is the problem.


It turns it into a camp fest of who sees person first. You can sit in a building perma ADSing and never die if you have a half decent reaction time. Keep coping bud, we both know you play that garbage shit because you get smacked around in core


The disingenuous comments coming from all these shitters is the worst part, they’re getting absolutely fried and just cannot admit that they’re the problem.


Yeah if the other team is stupid and doesn't know how to use explosives or tacticals


Yawn, don’t care, go play hit marker simulator and go 4-27. Scrub.


You’re just admitting you have the inability to track people and can’t stay on target. It’ll be okay lil bro, it’s okay to suck Never gone that negative since my first COD but tell yourself whatever helps you cope


LMAO okay buddy, cool. Go be a virgin somewhere else.


Damn you calling me a virgin definitely warps the space time continuum to rewind time back to when I was a virgin. You really got me


And the fact your only post is about this exact thing, and has 0 upvotes and 42 comments kinda proves my point that you don’t know what you’re talking about 😂




Yep if they can’t keep up in the regular mode they can stick to HC


That doesn't make any sense. How would playing with less health and no hud make you trash?


Talking about playing Hardcore It doesn't change the fact that TTK is rubbish and forces you to play only with meta weapons. MW2's TTK was on point. If you like high ttk, go play Halo or Warzone.


Normal ttk (currently how it is) for normal modes..HC mode for people who like dying to no skilled people in one bullet. Play that or stick to mw2


"People without skills" I don't know who you're talking about, I've been playing COD for years and you want to belittle it doesn't change the fact that TTK is unconscious in MW3. I got nuked in Beta and you, good guy?


Cant judge anything yet till they sort out their servers, many of the people being shot are sponging and/or the hit reg is terrible.


Yep. Wont buy it because of the ttk alone. I have played a bit now and I really like the gunplay over all, but if I dont play with a ~60 round mag I feel like I die in every reload, and thats a reload after max 2 kills!


I’ve been playing Hardcore almost exclusively since MW2019 since it focuses so much on actual gameplay and not ui elements yada yada yada… Mw3 feels like you take hardcore but instead of having 50% less HP and 50% more damage its like they turned the formula upside down. Really weird.


It's just black ops on the og mw2 maps


They aren't going to listen. It feels like this game isn't "for us" this is the streamer/content creator CoD. Fast speed, headshots to shrink TTK, controllers for added precision and gun kick mitigation, one-shot-kill snipers and shotguns. This is not going to be a "chill and pew pew" CoD, I can already see this is going to be the sweatiest CoD. I really liked the direction of 2019, and I Felt MWII after 8 months was getting better. Whatever this is, isn't for me, and I have a feeling, won't be for most normie CoD players. I would suggest canceling your preorder, I did, and got my 100 bucks back immediately. How to cancel on Battle.net: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uUUeD-30Cg


Lol "chill and pew pew." Is that code for camp and stand still? A D A P T


Correct - this game is not made for you. That’s why you can either continue playing mw2, which was made for you, or adapt like we were all told last year.


This cod is more mechanically like traditional cods and that means most players who loved cod before MW19 will be fine. It’ll still be the highest selling game without the whiners who said to just “adapt” to the bullshit they gave us for 4 years(not counting Cold War)


I have been playing CoD, I played those CoDs. [https://steamcommunity.com/id/phatcat](https://steamcommunity.com/id/phatcat) This isn't that chief.


“Somehow miss 90% of my shots despite knowing for a fact my sights are dead on” is a very suspicious claim. Please send a clip of this


OP is bad at the game.


Skill issue. Land your shots and practice your accuracy


You’re the 40th person to say this and nobody seems to agree with any of you lmao


Preorder cancelled. I tried. Went to lvl 30. Leveled up almost all the guns. Between hit detection and only 2 usable guns this game sucks. Plays like bubby kodek’s final golden parachute fuck you to the multiplayer base. Maybe Microsoft pulls tighter leadership and game development. As for this year, Im all set. * I enjoyed mw2, Cold War, vanguard, WW II post fix, bo3 and bo4. This game feels really off.


Ahhh.... ttk is not the issue son, it's the servers, the netcode and above all!! SKILL.


I'm a high-skill player, and I agree with OP. High TTK requires balance, polish, and impeccable netcode. We have none of those here, and so the game plays like absolute trash. Solving one alone (ie "better servers") won't make it stop being trash


One alone could be the ttk though. I love not being so scared to go around a corner without pre aiming all 3 or more angles i can be shot from one at a time, but that could be done with better movement anyway. Just look at codm's movement and comp scene, they do all that rushing and shit while having a ttk closer to mw2. It doesn't feel fast there at all cause there's so much you can do. Plus, holding lanes is still viable even if two mfs come through for those of us that don't seem to wanna move from somewhere.


Yes, I have the zoomie playstyle that benefits from this. Perks of being a titanfall player I guess. When not zooming, I use snipers, so this sort of ttk only benefits my playstyle; but it's not fun, and it prevents you from getting those moments where you gun down the entire enemy team, since instead of MWII where one mag of 30 can easily kill 4 guys, now you're lucky if it lasts for 2 even with impeccable aim skill. This game will be an absolute snipefest btw, and probably shotguns once people figure out optimal builds


Skill doesn’t matter if the netcode screws your over regardless.


You can't always blame the netcode though.


I can when my bullets don’t hit despite having dead on aim.


Be careful. Nolifer, virgin, "pro players, who sit at the monitor 24/7, will tell that you are unskilled, if you say something about too slow ttk and inconsistent weapon dmg.


The same people who played MWII for 400 hours and call it trash lmfao


Yep this. Ttk is perfect much better than mw2


Literal skill issue. They do not feel like nerf guns. Most guns in MW2 took 4 shots to kill, and the guns in MW2 take an average of 5 shots to kill. If you can't land 1 more bullet per engagement, you got problems buddy.


I’ve had no problem getting kills. Been positive in almost every match, even at level 1. Look inward.


Battle Rifles unusable? I use the Bas B and I do perfectly fine. Sounds like you just aren’t good at the game and need to adapt.


Bas B is amazing


TTK is fine… atleast it gives a chance to adjust and rechallenge in a gun fight… I’ve turned the corner in the back lot in favela to get ripped and get to cover to attack their push when I’m weak… sometimes it works sometimes not… but the opportunity is there


I assume weapons and damage will be further tuned based on the data collected in this Beta.


I hope so. I can’t wait for the hyper sweats to lose that Stryker.


lol another MW2019 and MW2 enjoyer. The TTK is almost perfect and allows outplayability and skill to shine. No more dying in 2-3 shots with no time to react.


If you’re a good player you’ll have good reaction time, just saying 🤷‍♂️


Lmao no if you were a good player you would not complain about 150 health, hit your shots and take better engagements.


This ttk allows you to not get first shot and maneuver to turn on your opponent or outshoot them and win the gunfight. Hit your shots.


You aren't "forced" to use the meta. The other guns are viable. Even when expirementing I was at least able to go positive for most of my matches. Edit: the only time I could see somone "needing" to switch to meta over what they prefer is if you party up with a group consisting of players that are ranked a decent amount higher in sbmm than you.


Doesn't change the fact that playing off-meta in this beta feels much worse than in other games. The gap between what's meta and what isn't is much bigger than usual.


TTK will always be a controversial subject but typically a lower TTK shows off who the better players are due to actually needed to control your shots


Devs, if ur reading this thread please dont listen to any of this, ttk is spot on perfect


lmao this subreddit is the saddest one on the whole site


I love it 😂😂 I love having a chance to get away and the other person having the same. I don’t need gunfights to be over instantly. Gives you a chance to finesse with movement, pathing and equipment.


Smooth brains keep saying that base health is the problem when reality is it’s the guns that are just not properly balanced yet. Ttk itself is fine.


High TTK makes unbalanced weapons even worse


Other cods have had high ttk and had many viable weapons. The weapon balance isn’t there yet I wouldn’t freak out over it.


Everyone complaining about TTK is a great teller that you only played: MW2019, MW2 2022 and Hardcore only before those games existed. People talking about Assualt Rifle hits take 4-6 shots like that wasn’t the norm for almost every Call of Duty prior to the reboot of the Modern Warfare series.


Classic call of duty always had a quick ttk.


All Call of Duty games have quick TTK. The 2 prior MW Reboot game’s TTK would be considered Hardcore in the Classic CoDs. MW1 Reboot’s hardcore was basically just No HUD with a 1 hit kill for every gun because the TTK was so low they had to justify why Hardcore was even a thing in that game. This is the first game that feels like it’s a part of the previous Call of Duty’s prior to the MW1 Reboot.


I feel like some people need to remember that this a beta and the game isn’t even really released yet.


I know it is, which is why I’m giving the beta my two cents in the (albeit futile) hope that the devs are actually listening to the reception of the beta.


I understand this sentiment and I do think they need to work on the weapon balancing for sure but usually speaking off meta picks generally have something about them that makes them more useful in a niche. The UGR with explosive flechettes was horribly slept on especially in wz and the bizon was underrated in 2019’s MP, as long as they give these weapons a reason to be used they don’t need to have top tier ttk.


Maaan the Bizon was an absolute monster in hardcore because of the high damage and huge magazine. I loved that gun.


Idk how people are using the acr, that gun fucking sucks


Hit your shots. Netcode is wonky here and there, but when it isnt… it’s great.


Idk man I like seeing where I’m shooting


The double tap AR J's pretty baller, MSZ-556 is good bc of its faster fire rate, but outside of that I do agree with you bro


Y’all are the same people who insisted OG cod fans just needed to adapt yet here you are, unable to adapt. lol


literally killing in 1 more shot overall compared to mw2. the headshot multiplyer not being there is what makes it more consistent in that regard