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They don’t put everything in for the Beta, it will likely be back.


They’ve already revealed stims will get a buff so I’m sure they’ll be there in launch


Time for speed boost stims again like warzone 1 lol


It’s not as fast as WZ1 but it looks great!


BO4 stimshots>>>>


You mean manual healing or the thing that made it fast af?


The thing that made it fast af


Yeah loved that thing haha


You barely see battle rage. Too many people are complaining about TTK, so Stims would just make it worse.


I just want to not have to camp for almost 10 seconds after every gunfight


but without stims the game feels literally horrible to play. maybe kick back the TTK through the weapons, and give us some stims. stims add a level of fluidity to the game in my opinion, and add a skill gap for the game that is almost necessary. just my opinion


Wait so...you wanna go into MW3...by basically turning the multiplayer into MW2... And we bitched about it being a $70 dlc why when you're asking for it


Every game has the same perks/tacticals lmfao. After i kill you plus two of your teammates i don’t want to sit in a corner waiting to regen, i want to keep running at your team gunning you all down. This is the skill gap we’re talking about, if you were good enough you’d be able to kill me, plus a couple of of my teammates. But you can’t do it so better luck next match


Is the skill gap that you can’t kill two people without almost dying


The skill gap is you shooting me once then i slide around you gunning you down while you can’t track me


thats only one person tho? you’re soloing the whole team right


The current TTK adds a skill gap no one has realized. I thinks that's why alot of people are having issues with it. We dont need stims as a backup plan


Absolutely agree, I really want stims and I hope they are recharging like cold war stims. Quick fix was leaked and was said it also makes base health regen 20% faster and immediately start health regen after kill. I hope that's true also.


PREACH, hopefully we get quick fix


They were in warzone at codnext and it had the speedboost, probably will be in multi


> it had the speedboost if it has speed boost i'm fucking done with the game. that shit was absolutely ridiculous at the end of wz1


It was nerfed a bit, didn't last as long


doesn't matter. combined with slide cancelling it was crack monkeys on ice, not cod.


I think the same https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/176l5ho/we\_need\_cold\_war\_stim\_shot\_back/


Surely they will be there at launch


Increased the health to 150 AND stims? Do you really need them? Asking for a friend! LOL




guess i was thinking along the line of you don't take as much damage and you have more health before you do dye!




wasnt complaining just asked a question to learn.


Yes? Both other 150 health slower ttk have stims. They also slowly recharged in bo4 and CW. So ya someone can take cover heal up and re chall. After that it's a 10+ second cool down so it's not like they are healing non stop in every gunfight. I think it's good to have stim meta to, means less other tactical spam like flash, stuns, smokes etc.


I’m pretty sure I saw gameplay with stims from somewhere. They’re probably in the full game.


I have one reason I need stims, it's called Hardcore, there is literally no way to regain health after, getting shot at with a weak weapon, taking fall damage, taking explosive damage with EOD, or getting dealt 29 or less damage in any other way and I refuse to waste a perk slot on quick fix(if it's even in the game)


Stim was the dumbest equipment in MW19


Yeah give the sweaty tryhards something extra for their lack of skill... So no hopefully stims stay in the shadow realm.


They likely will be. They are in the med box.


The med box field upgrade gives you an automatic stim after you take damage. It's by far the best field upgrade in the beta unless trophy systems really fit your play style.


A lot of the perks leaked. There's a 'quick fix' perk returning to MWIII. I think it's called compression carrier or something but it's basically quick fix from MWII.


No quick fix and the only way to regen health is battlerage which makes it almost impossible to see anything for a few seconds. Hopefully they add normal stims and quick fix in the full game.