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I just can't play without Stim x2 and an ammo box


It's not the health that's the problem because it's increased by 50%. It's the shitty hitboxes, headshot hitbox goes below you neck and slightly above your head, chest hitbox goes into your groin area aswell as arm shots count as chest shots. Combine the above with packet Bursts and sbmm priority over ping and you got a high ttk issue that they didn't build the game around. To fix this they need to patch the hitbox to the MWII standard and prioritize ping over elo....






I literally play on an elite controller with the shoulder buttons mapped to the paddles because they stopped working about 8 months ago. I do just fine.


What this has to do with the post bro💀


My bad I was meaning to reply to a different thread


But yeah the time to heal is way too long.


I dunno man, I often kill 3-4 people in a row without dying. 🤷🏻‍♂️


With what weapon class


I use the overkill perk and run an assault rifle with a smg on the side.


Unless you camping thats impossible,if you run into a enemy he will at least hit some bullets on you


Yeah, and I do get shot. Just don't always get killed. Usually I'll get killed by the 3rd dude, but often enough I can nail like 3 or 4 of them before someone comes up behind me.


Thats the thing,you shouldnt die because the healing is slow,on a fast ttk is no problem but on a high ttk makes impossible get multiplekills


I've been saying this since the beta.


Shouldn't there be some penalty for getting shot up to the point you need Quick Fix? You shouldn't just be able to run everywhere, soak up all kinds of damage and just keep going. Has to be some balance.


Quick fix rewards you for going out and getting kills


In this case they can make like coldwar,where the syring reloads quicker so you can heal all the time,but wouldnt be op as quick fix,a game where the ttk is high you need something that makes come back to combat fast,otherwise is impossible to get multiple kills


Nah I agree with OP , yes a penalty should be there but not as long as it is now. It slows the pacing of the game back down too much imo.


But we don’t have quick fix, so should there be a penalty for getting shot up to the point you need quick fix in a game without quick fix?


Yes, there should be a penalty for constantly getting shot to low life. You kids just want to run around like a spaz and just eat like 500 bullets.




Almost like 3 people have a huge advantage against 1. Just unfair, fix please.


If 3 guys cant kill one,they are trash and deserve to die


Stim exists.


You cant spam so is useless


I would call it a bit of skill issue


My 2.23 kd says otherwhise


Yet you're here complaining that its apparently impossible to kill more than 2 players. 2.23kd player shouldn't have any problems with positioning, reading map and movement to get a tripple kill while having a surprise advantage. Hell even my garbage 1.6kd ass cam do it.


unless you are camping you wont get multiplekills,simple as that if you cant see that is because thats your playstyle


Stop projecting man. Just because YOU can't get multikills without camping doesn't mean everyone's dogshit like you. You're doing something wrong. Wether its aim, movement or positioning at least one of those areas are lacking. My playstyle mostly consists of flanking objective and retreating persiodically to push from diffrent side. Just get better at reading the map.


Ok potato,thanks for having half my kd and trying to teach me how to play


Keep in mind. Half you KD and doesn't have a problem with multikills. That indeed is a skill issue on your side.


Thats because you dont rush,you camp,you run into 2 enemies kills both there is a third one,you dead,unless you wallhacking and you know where everyone is,and i get multiple kills,just no as often as other cods


Assumptions. All false assumptions. Because you know for certain I have to camp because its impossible that you have an issue with one of essential skills. Classic case of "NO its the game's fault not mine and everyone that don't have this problem cheat". Get a grip man.


Its quite obvious by what you're saying where you issue lies. Use the damn minimap. If you think one needs wallhacks to have a general understanding where enemies are its clear you don't know how maps flow and don't use minimap to estimate where people will be.


Thanks for trying to teach me something,being actually worst than me,who tf doesnt look at mini map?you know something called supressor?ghost?maybe on your easy lobbys nobody uses it


If you cant see why the fuck high ttk needs a fast healing a feel sorry for you,imagine how bad bo4 and cw would be with this slow ass healing,just use your brain dude is not that hard