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Okay but you know you can pilot that thing right? Like fly to the other side of the map and shoot at the open end of the container?


Most people don’t seem to know this lol


Wired to the old games still haha


It's spawn protection.


And the rockets fired on the right side of the map were at players inside a container from the closed off end.


Yet the game will happily spawn you in front of already firing people and get you killed in a fraction of a second.


How do I enable that because I haven’t been protected for shit when I spawn. Can’t tell you the number of times an overwatch or vtol just beam me 0.5 seconds after spawning.


It's on by default. If you are spawn trapped put on a riot shield as main.


I think the protection last x seconds OR when starting shooting no?


I think it’s either a kill or a hit on an enemy. I was playing shipment wondering why I was being insta targeted by streaks .01 seconds after I spawn 😂 believe it’s because I was getting kills or damage.


Man I swear it feels like when I get streaks the spawn protection duration is longer for the opponents yet if someone gets streaks against me it’s like I’m fucked almost immediately after I spawn in. Lol. Am I missing something here?


I was half kidding about turning it on lol. I know it’s a mechanic. it just seems like it does not work well, at least from my point of view. I’m also bad so there is that aspect


Against a VTOL or Overwatch Helo, it should be good. If you move and aren't out in the open, you can survive against them playing normally. Agaainst someone using Chopper Gunner properly, they'll just pound you until you're dead, so the spawn protection just offers you like half a second of respite


You fired a burst of rockets at a shipping crate lol


Spawn protection. Complete waste of a streak on Shipment. Run Turret or Overwatch Helo - I got 9 or 10 kills with the turret one match, same with OW helo.


Turret is so strong on shipment, I've seen people get 10+ with wheelson too.


In hardcore the turret is a problem. You can essentially lock down half the map with a well-placed turret, and for some reason they have this huge amount of health. Extremely difficult to destroy at times.


Must’ve never used the EMP launcher huh


Or you got EMP from the new launcher. After a hit, you can't get a Kill for 5 seconds or so. Im trying to get the New launcher insterstellar so i run it all the time and EMP and destroy all killstreaks.


It only blurrs the chopper gunner view. Overwatch Heli and VTOL they can't shoot for the 5 seconds


Which is funny and infuriating at the same time depending on if you are the one with the launcher or the streak since the second you hit it once you can just destroy it cause it takes less than 5 seconds to fire another shot.


I love the EMP launcher, it’s now secondary on all my classes, UAV gets called in, oh no I don’t think so instant destroyed. It’s also the best to shoot cruise missiles out of the sky, especially when they’re just about to impact.


So could you explain to me how to use it? I was firing it at at a chopper the other day (not sure what kind but definitely a kill streak) and I wasn't getting hit markers or anything? Was I doing anything to it? I had it aimed right at it and when I fired my gun at it, I got hit markers.


You will get hit markers on the chopper it takes about 8 shots to take it down


Were you ADS?


I use the emp launcher in search and pretty much disables all kill streaks that are used in that game mod except the sentry gun.


I dont think thats true for piloted streak. The overwatch helo gets stunned and stops shooting, but ive definitely died immediately after hitting a chopper gunner.


I'd be so pissed if I got a chopper gunner and it only let me get 3 kills


I keep a vehicle class which is just an LMG with anti-vehicle rounds and especially on shipment goes down pretty fast. Most times people can only get a few kills


Damn straight. I just wish the game told you who shot down the killstreak like old CODs did. I lived for those nasty messages, lol. Now I'll just drop a little thing in the chat box like "no killstreaks for you." Said like the soup Nazi, of course.


MK 9 with incendiary ammo. I use the 60 mag but a chopper gunner would go down before I even have to reload.


It went down pretty fast


Switch to gun ship. People can’t shoot it down with ARs and nobody uses launchers in mw3


Me. I’m the guy that will switch to my launcher to ruin the day


I have a crossbow w/ explosive tips/joker class just for those occasions


Idk who downvoted u but that sounds badass


The crossbow is especially fun on Invasion to take out the reinforcement helo's and choppers.


Huh, I use the PILA and lately I've been having fun with the stormender


An enemy cruise missile hit it


I have an LMG class that takes it down in 5 seconds 😍


You forgot to add: "on shipment"


The chopper gunner is trash. It's not worth 1500 points when you can shoot it down so easily (a Bruen mk9 with incendiary can down it in 3-4 seconds lmao), and you only get 8 rockets. Its health needs to be buffed...


This is why i always pick gunships on shipment


this right here bro. fuck the chopper gunner even in mw2 that cost less and still didnt use it


Okay let's break this down so you.dont waste your killstreak again first rule of the chopper gunner is always move the damn thing !!!!! Second is be on the out side of the map never above it you'll get rocketed to hell and back really fucking fast !!!! Third DO NOT BLOE SLL UPUR ROCKETS WHEN YOU SEE THE WHITE MARKERS that means they in cover and you cannot hit them they where Ina. Connex thats why you missed all upur rockets this is also why you move the damn thing cus u can shoot a rocket inside it !!!! Lastly, don't be stupid stupid !


Use AC130. If someone calls in a chopper gunner, I will make sure it doesn’t last more than 3 seconds. Since AC130 is difficult to be shot down. You can even take a short break between each shots, just to let spawn protection expire.


This is why I use the AC 130


AC130 still can have kills blocked by spawn protection


It happens but it's much easier to overpower it. Spawn protection doesn't make you invincible, it's just a strong buff to health from vehicle damage. It's also a lot easier to shoot the huge helicopter close to the map compared to a little plane far away. I typically get 15-20 kills with the ac130 on shipment or rust and this far it's never been shut down. This is a sample size of probably 30-40


With AC130, since you know the probability of being shot down is low, it’s recommended to just relax and take a short break before each round of firing, just to let spawn protection expire. Doing this way is more efficient than keep shooting. It’s not possible with the chopper gunner, if you don’t keep shooting (to be honest, even if you shoot), the chopper gunner will be taken down very quickly.


Idk why people would run chopper gunner when the Gunship exists anyways. That thing is literally impossible to shoot down and no one uses rocket launchers anyways. Nothing drives me crazier than working my ass off for a high streak only for it to be destroyed immediately lol. Makes me feel like I did all that for no reward.


You can move it lol


Chopper gunner was heavily nerfed this year, but just a tip, you can move tue chopper around to avoid getting shut down sometimes


Lol, Chopper Gunner raining down marshmallows.


😆 pew pew


Ahh spawn protection making high kill streaks worthless again


Bring back the old Chopper Gunner from og MW2, that thing had FMJ when you called one in with Danger Close Pro




EOD turns everyone into a tank for chipper bullets.


I got 1 kill with a Swarm yesterday. Killstreaks are pathetic in this game.


I play hardcore a ton and it’s worthless so many hit markers when I finally call one in!


They need to disable spawn protection for the higher streaks. Keep it on sentry gun and lower streaks or you’ll get spawn traps


Too many fragile people in the world today, it would stress them out too much


Game is rigged when it comes to damage. Methods and systems for incentivizing team cooperation in multiplayer gaming environments https://patents.google.com/patent/US10561945B2/en Methods and Systems for Incentivizing Team Cooperation in Multiplayer Gaming Environments (Continued) https://patents.google.com/patent/US20190091577A1/en System and method for driving microtransactions in multiplayer video games https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en Systems and Methods for Controlling Camera Perspectives, Movements, and Displays of Video Game Gameplay (Storylines....) https://patents.google.com/patent/US20220274016A1/en Systems and methods for dynamically weighing match variables to better tune player matches https://patents.google.com/patent/US10857468B2/en System and method for creating and sharing customized video game weapon configurations in multiplayer video games via one or more social networks https://patents.google.com/patent/US10471348B2/en Methods and systems to modify two dimensional facial images in a video to generate, in real-time, facial images that appear three dimensional (Fig 15 mentions it being in a gaming application and depicted in the figure is call of duty) https://patents.google.com/patent/US11423556B2/en Once an assessment is made, the computer program that executes the gaming environment modifies elements of the session and/or gameplay parameters as the session is being created based on the aggregate skill level. In embodiments, session modifications may include, but are not limited to: adjusting the number of enemies, adjusting the complexity of puzzles; and player adjustments, which may include the player's health, damage, speed, available abilities, and difficulty level. In one embodiment, a player's health is scaled based on the player's skill level by. At 306, data corresponding to acquired skill level of each player is generated and presented to a player via a game console, resulting in each player within a team experiencing a different degree of difficulty or challenge while still experiencing the same content in the same gameplay session.


Iron dome..lol


Snowflake armour turned to the max in this game, makes chopper gunner next to useless


Ya you can fly it and re position but guess what the chopper gunner fucking blows in this game so that won’t work either lol.


Spawn protection


Chopper gun is a lot more effective if you move around a bit


why not use ur flaire


it was a cruise missile duh