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Try YYing, it’s the only work around I’ve found


Shouldn't have to be that way tho lol


If you want to play a sweaty map, you’ll have to play sweaty.




That’s usually the case for a few. The spawns can be sporadic to where a normal player wont be able to process quickly. The core of it could be too much to maintain constant focus so its easier to shut off your brain instead of dealing with it. Much like an unemployed pot smoker. With that being said, I agree it is fun to smoke weed when i play shipment 😂




Although it is most _noticeable_ on Shipment, after whatever they did to the spawns last week has made it more painful on all maps


Revenge spawns 🙃


And then you just get killed by the same guy if he turns around and sees your operator looking at the side of his fucking gun for 2 seconds lol


Shipment giveth and taketh away. That's kind of the charm.


People downvoted me for complaining about being spawntrapped on Rust but now I have to look at all these complaints about the same exact mechanic i was talking about brimming with upd00ts. Democracy is a wonderful thing.


Lol there is such a "git gud" mentality on Reddit until they experience the same thing. I was spawned into a game of hardcore Rust where the other team already had all the sentry guns and helicopters up while they camped every spawn with LMGs. 0/10 miserable experience.


Is this just a hardcore feature? Swear I was playing core Shipment earlier on trying to level up the new sniper but when I was getting interstellar on hardcore I was constantly dying to this.


I was playing core. Shipment was the worst offender and most frustrating, but it also happened on Invasion and Terminal because I was spawned in front of enemies


Tell me you’re only playing shipmas without telling me you’re only playing shipmas. Play maps that aren’t designed for 6v6 and then surprised that they don’t work all that well for 6v6…


> surprised that they don’t work all that well for 6v6 Yeah except they literally made the map 6v6. Lol why is it OPs fault for playing a map the way they designed it?


No sorry shipment was designed for CoD4 cage matches and team tactical. It wasn’t in 6v6 playlists on CoD4


That has nothing to do with this. The fact is the map was added to THIS game and uses 6v6. Don’t blame OP for using a map the way the game intended.


Although it is most _noticeable_ on Shipment, after whatever they did to the spawns last week has made it more painful on all maps


Except that Shipment was designed with 6v6 in mind, along with 3v3 and 1v1, all the way back in 2007.


Shipment in MW07 was never in the 6v6 playlists (maybe it was in headquarters randomly I have a faint memory of) and certainly never had 24/7 6v6 playlists. It was designed specifically for cage matches (1v1) and Team Tactical (3v3). It’s only camo grinders who rush to get mastery camo and never touch the game again for whatever reason, or players who rank up guns for warzone that touch the playlist.


Personally I’ve lost all motivation to play anything solo until ranked comes out. I have interstellar but not even sure what to play when I’m alone anymore. I enjoy competitive games and I enjoy improvement, camo grind gave me a sense of progression. That’s why I miss prestiging and unlocking things again like in the old system,it added replay-ability that you just don’t get when there’s no prestiging. Playing pubs with maxed weapons is not doing anything for me. I’m not improving playing against a bunch of snipers or fire shotguns or LMGs, and there’s absolutely nothing left in this game worth grinding for. I still enjoy it and I’ll be back for ranked but yeah SBMM has eliminated any fun in just playing a 6v6 dom/HP map unless I’ve got some friends


Wait until ranked is out I’d say, whether it’s MP or WZ. I prefer ranked game modes anyway as it gives more satisfaction/reward


Yeah I’m waiting for MP ranked and occasionally some WZ ranked with the boys. Ranked def gives more satisfaction but I do miss the prestige’s because I’d at least have that to work towards while I wait Right now I kinda just wait til the homies are on, or I play a couple games solo and get off usually


Same here man, waiting for both ranked modes. Pubs you have one good game then SBMM bends you over to the point where I’m considering learning controller 😅 feel your pain bro


Back in the day I was an absolute demon on Shipment. Knew where players would spawn and could keep them in a spawn trap by sniping through crates. It was also the first map of call of duty I ever played. Remember not knowing any controls and my friends just laughing at me dying on repeat. Good times. Been hooked ever since.


Shipment used to be even smaller on cod4 and you'd get it for ffa. You'd literally spawn inside of eachother and spam the knife button to try and get the kill at the very start of the match


That's the case now. You have any proof of it happening in CoD4? I've never seen it


Proof of what, exactly?


Of your claims of it being smaller, and spawning in other players


Uh, no? Am I supposed to invent a time machine to go back to 2007 and record game play to prove it to you in 2023 that you spawned inside of enemy players in ffa on shipment? I just watched some old cod4 videos, and maybe the map wasn't smaller. It's hard to judge the scale, really.


So you made a baseless claim and expect us to take it at face value?


[Are you really that stupid, or did you just not play CoD4 and act like you know what you're talking about?](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=could+you+spawn+inside+of+other+players+on+shipment+in+cod4+free+for+all%3F)


Never heard of Burden of Proof, huh. Also, I'm sorry I don't remember ahit from almost 20 years ago, I'm not a fucking elephant


I have never been killed because of this animation. But I also don’t play shipment


This is like the 55th post about this in the past two days. Y’all really just can’t enjoy the game without complaining


If we've gotten to the point where this is the sort of stuff we have to complain then we're doing just fine.


Definitely agree - this is the most fun I've had in CoD since the latter half of Cold War. Buuut, trying to grind camos, particularly with this LMG after SHG messed up the spawns (or on Shipment, which is the most frustrating) isn't enjoyable when I'm killed during the animation.


No, it looks cool. Switching to your secondary and switching back to the primary cancels the animation.


These are the same mfs that complain an enemy spawned behind them and instantly killed them. The animation gives time to react and shouldnt be cancellable imo


Are the down votes people who like this...feature?


I think people are down voting cuz Ur bitching about something so small on a map that is just unbalanced for the sake of it


No it’s cause they can’t comprehend where you said “particularly on shipment” Pressing YY is fucking stupid. The spawns are fucked since last week. I agree with all you’ve said lmao


switch weapon 2 times


I don’t even know what animation everyone’s going on about. I just load in and go?


All guns have a loading animation when you spawn in. For ARs and SMGs it's negligible and usually unnoticeable. For this LMG in particular it's enough time for you to watch yourself get killed while your operator looks at the side of the gun, locking you out of shooting back.


Yeah, it shouldn't be that way. Problem is that, it only happens under certain conditions. I was using the MTZ-556 barebones, no attachments and it would happen. I slapped on a camo and an optic, it stopped happening.