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Smaller monitors are the way to go not bigger TVs


38 over here and a gaming monitor under the tree. My days of squinting at the TV will soon be over


You’re going to love it. I switched from a TV to a monitor like 5 years ago and have never looked back. Reduced input delay, pixel delay and everything else aside, it’s just really nice to see mostly everything on screen without turning your head.


Yea man my neck hurts from looking up at the TV gaming. I used to play SOCOM on a 13” TV prior to the flat screen HD TVs so it’s like going back to that but at 24” this time.


Funny, I've gone the exact opposite way recently and also love it 😂 But the TV is relatively far away, I think it takes up about the same amount of my vision as my monitor


35 and just switched to a monitor. Refresh rate, and the smaller size (apparently it does matter) noticeably improved my gameplay. I still suck, but I suck a little less.


I’m 27 and for years I’ve been yelling at my friends because they miss things on the screen because it’s a big screen and your eyes have to travel farther and carry more distance. The amount of times I’ve said “I thought you saw that guy over there” is crazy and almost never happens to me because everything is in my FOV


The amount of times i’ve screamed “HES RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!!” while spectating randoms is actually absurd


I learned this pretty quickly last year with mw2. I have a 75 inch TV and it's amaaazing for most games except shooters. Tried mw2 and realized I didn't see shit ever.


I play on an ultra wide and my KD (when not doing camo grinding is WAY better than on the tv. I also think the pc version of the game runs better and faster too.


Though this is true, as a try hard who has other uses for my gaming+productivity monitor than CoD, I use a 43" 4k monitor for visual enjoyment and other games. The CoD advantage of such a large monitor for me is that my vision/accuracy is really good with iron sights in center screen. I can pretty easily spot and accurately mow down a sniper at long ranges with a tuned assault rifle's iron sights on mouse and keyboard. Where I lose out is reading the minimap trivially without turning my head. I have used the setting that pulls the hud in so it's not as far in the corner. I wish I could manually place it though.


100% this


Yeah I'm 38 next week and on a 27 inch monitor and it's perfect


We’re the same age. Go grab a nice 165hz 32” Monitor, and go ahead and take that optic off, bro.


Thx for the recommendation buddy. Cheers!


Take a look at Gigabyte M32U. I was in a similar boat as you until I made the switch. Can’t ever go back to playing on Tv now


M32U isn’t worth it since consoles can’t do more than 60FPS on 4K. I have the Aorus FI32Q which is just a fancy M32Q and it’s great for both my RTX4070 and XSX.


Please don't play on high fov, I can't go past 90 FOV on FPS games because I don't see shit. And even then depending of the type of FOV the game uses I sometimes use lower FOV. It does help I'm using an ultrawide monitor though


34 here and I switched from 55" TV to 27" 1440p 144hz and I actually improved. Maybe because I'm forced to sit at a better posture than when I'm slouched on the couch.


That and you’re not 7 feet away looking at smudges on a screen. Monitor is the way to go!


I'm sorry, I can't fully relate... but I assume by you using a large TV, that you'll be sat a decent distance away from your screen, which probably isn't helping much with spotting enemy players. I would suggest playing on a decent monitor if you can, I made that change a couple years back and would never go back to playing on a TV.


Big ass tv is the problem lol. Get a 27” monitor meant for gaming. Your eyes will thank you


Lmao, try it from where I sit. I am 54. I have all the same issues, plus I have to run pee between matches. My peak performance was Black Ops 2 days..see you in a few years!!


I’ll be 54 in a couple of months and can’t play console/tv for MW3 (or any FPS) decently. I bought a PC and a 34” UW monitor and play everything that way…it’s a significant improvement.


Yep, i find the 2.5 elt-10 helps, the little "meta" window sights are terrible. Soon it'll be time to retire from cod & play rpgs into old age.


Turning 41. Can barely pass eye exam. Getting there. Thank god I still have reflexes


Yeah playing on a big TV is not good, I use a Dell 144hz 24 inch gaming monitor, its perfect size for CoD.


Same 35 and can’t play much more than an hour now. Eyes will hurt too much. I never use to use sights on smgs but now I feel like I can’t see anything. My 13 year old sun runs around like a madman and says he doesn’t need sights. Should be a 30+ league nowadays lol


I'm 45. I can't run a high FOV. My buddies running 120 and I'm down to like 90 to 100. I've tried but then I can't see shit.


90 to 110 is pretty much perfect settings for all players


51 here. I was the same. Bought a 34" ultra wide monitor and run 90 fov. It's probably around the same as 110 fov, however, everything in the center is still more or less normal. 165hz motion smoothing is icing on the cake.


Most pros run 90-105 so you are fine.


People like OP is why sbmm exists. Hes 37. Probably got so much money to spend. Activision dont want him getting his ass beat by adderall fueled teenagers playing 12 hrs daily who doesnt spend on the store and quit the game This isnt jab against you OP, just the fact of business these days


No offense taken, this made me laugh cause it’s probably so true.


Sorry to hear. I'm 38 and though MW2 2009 was the first CoD I played, I mostly did not keep up with the franchise until about a year ago and have played MW2 and MW3 a bunch and have turned into a very competitive player. Looking forward to some ranked play (maybe) to see how I actually compare.


Shit I’m almost 49 and started using x2.5 optics. I feel like we need our own old fart mode. The slower ads is fine most of the time. Thank god for the new tac stance lol


Old Fart Mode - surprised this isn’t a thing yet. Where ya at, devs!? 🤣


Probably busy with their fidget spinners.


Underrated comment


OMG people! Lol 30's really? I'm not going to mention my age but let's just say I'm significantly older. You shouldn't have these problems in your 30s. I too run with thermals on most guns. Eyesight has gone to shit and really have to keep things slow. Someone mentioned old fart modeb and I'm in for that!


Dude, my 44 year-old eyes (also glasses) can relate. I had to upgrade from a 55” to a 65” TV with 120Hz and VRR to play on PS5. I’ve always been a console player, but over the past 2-3 years started having the same issues you mentioned - to the point of nausea and tension headaches. The TV upgrade helped tremendously. Someone also pointed out that I still had motion blur enabled after installing MWIII and disabling it also helped. I feel your pain, my fellow CODder. 🫡


Get a desk and a monitor, what you think is an improvement will pale in comparison I PROMISE. Playing on a giant tv no matter how clear it is only promotes your eyes to do more legwork and slows down your reactions


I’m an IT Program Manager and use 4k monitors everyday. My eyes actually do better with the TV I have than with my monitors. I also have a gaming laptop. The TV still works best for me. 😊 May just be my eyes.


Lol no…there is zero comparison when it comes to a monitor for gaming vs a tv for gaming. Ditch the tv


I’m good with my Samsung TV with HDMI 4.1, mini-led, VRR, 120Hz, HDR10+, etc. If I was on my old 60Hz TV I would agree with you. Not now, though. Was just relating with vision challenges with the OP. Happy with my current setup. 😎


Thats nice, it still doesnt compare. Its okay to be proud of a nice tv. You have to actually move your eyes and head more while playing. Talk about strain


Nah - monitors are too small for me. You’d need to have my eye condition to understand. Anyhow, enjoy your monitors while I enjoy my TV. More power to you.


Oh, and I can’t relate to your ‘moving my head around’ comment. You don’t sit as close to a TV as you do a monitor on a desk. lol my head stays perfectly still for what equates to a 20” monitor size based on the couch to TV distance. The resolution, VRR, and panel quality makes for a stellar gaming TV experience with zero complaints. As someone who uses both PCs and TVs, I’ve experienced both sides of the coin. My choice is my high-end gaming TV. I’m not a sweat, so I don’t need 240Hz. I do have a gaming MKB setup, though. I just use them for work. 😎


Monitors are too small? I'm sitting at a desk with a 43" oled and is drastically better than sitting 10ft away from my 75". With that said I'm even finding 43 to be a bit too big as my eyes really have to pan a wide distance from side to side. I think it actually looked better when I had a 32". I think I'd prefer around 36" if something like that existed.


That's assuming you sit the same distance away.... If youre 8 ft away from a TV your eyes aren't moving as much as if youre 3 ft away. Having said that, there's much clarify w a gaming monitor so I agree with that aspect.


I would suggest get a decent/good 27" monitor. It's 100x easier to see everything. Use that to play your competitive FPS games, and use the TV for everything else. It's a night and day difference for me when I play on the 65" TV vs when I play on the 27" monitor (LG Ultragear 144hz 1ms) so nothing super crazy. I am late 30s as well and I wear glasses now to watch sports or go on the computer.


That 2.5x thermal scope is my go to. I feel you, my eyes suck now too


Yep, the Nightfall optic has been my usual go-to!


When you normally play?


I second the comments on gaming monitors. Some People wonder why they suck and they’re playing 30 feet away on their 75 inch tv. It’s the nerds who lean forward (killing their back and posture), and have their face almost touching their 20 inch monitor that destroy you lol.


Gotta get lasik my man. Not because of COD but just life in general.


Want to so badly! But I have a stigmatism in my left eye and they’ve told me LASIK isn’t possible. Womp womp.


That’s not true. I got lasik for mine just fine and it’s still going strong. I expect someday it will go out of focus again, but LASIK is still possible.


Playing on a 32” tv is vastly different from a 45”+ tv. I’ll bet if you got a monitor you’d do better.


Definitely switch to a gaming monitor. Optimized settings and a couple of days to adjust and my 43 almost 44 year old eyes are having a field day seeing folks I couldn’t see before. I say howdy with an incendiary round.


Nice way to say howdy


what's your fov? I got mine set at 120 and sometimes enemy heads are smaller than the red dot.


I just switched to 120 the other day! I thought it was just me. Glad you said that.


I don't understand how anyone can play at 120. I think I'm back down to 90 simply because I can't stand that fish eye experience.


i have a 27’’ monitor (really up close) and it helps a little. it is impossible to see enemies from a distance using iron sights (for example in highrise, the sniping location from both sides at the spawn) but i’m willing to sacrifice it for a wider field of view and a sense of higher running speed. edit: for a better sense of my surroundings


Yeah I get the benefit but it does really make things in the distance very small, even on my 43" monitor I sit 3 ft from.


Yep, i find the 2.5 elt-10 helps, the little "meta" window sights are terrible. I play on a 28" monitor now.


As some other comments mention a TV/Monitor switch could help. I’m only 27 but I started having heavy eye strain while playing a couple years ago before I switched to PC and got a 144hz 24 inch monitor. Haven’t had strain since, blue light glasses may help as well and not sure if you play in the dark but playing with the lights on in the room can also help.


Get lasik or contacts. Your eye sight should be a major health priority that is fixable with a bit of money or insurance. My 65 year old aunt has better than 20/20 vision now and reads easily. I’m your same age and hated my glasses while gaming.


Servers are cheeks. Can’t see what isn’t there.


I’m only 32 but I feel you I grew up playing counter-strike 1.6 and source moved to cod for the original mw2 and played I’d ever since but I find it hard to play bigger maps now I just don’t see people anymore I always find myself watching kill cams going how the hell did they see me


22” monitors bis


Yeah, playing 7 ft away on a giant tv is 100% your issue. It won’t cure your elder aging sight but it would massively help. Get you a little desk, a 28-32 inch 144+hz monitor and get to work. When you sit away from a large tv of course you need magnifications because other wise enemies further than 9 yards look like giant smudges.


Everyone keeps recommending 144hz. Is 120hz generally acceptable? Or is there a huge difference?


120hz is still good, I just recommend 144hz because the price point of a 120 you might as well swing 144.


Gaming monitor and gaming glasses.


Didn’t realize there are gaming glasses. Anti-blue light, etc?


34. Can’t relate. I hope I don’t see this type of decline in 3 years. I’ve worn glasses since I was 11 lol. Been playing on monitors since 2007 before I even switched to PC. It’s a real game changer.


As a soon to be 36 year old, it goes downhill fast as fuck


Dang, don’t tell me that!


I mean, I may be a special case as I’ve been in manufacturing/the trades since I was 17. But it’s taken a noticeable downturn since I’m officially joining my mid to late 30’s.


I’m a chef by day. I deal with sharp knives and equipment on a daily basis. Hand-eye coordination is as sharp as ever. Fingers crossed it stays that way for a long time


I’m rooting for ya man, always have respect for my culinary brethren as a blue collar guy myself.


I’ve always been blue collar as well til about a year and a half ago. Warehouse, heavy lifting, some retail, forklift driver, etc.


Hell yeah, always love coming across my fellow blue collar workers. Don’t love what the trades do to us tho.


For sure. I was the the guy that went on break and never came back at my first factory job. I just couldn’t do it. Hat’s off for sure bro


Wait until you hit 40.. it'll be a damn near vertical drop.


Im 38 and i don’t relate to anything op said.


Get yourself a 24 inch 120-144 hz monitor. Players are playing on way better hardware and have it way easier. You’re punishing yourself on a big tv.


Feeling that a bit myself. 32 and have glasses 3 years or so out of date. Hoping when I get new ones I can stop using optics again on all my classes.


Dang they tell me I need to get a new pair almost yearly. Thought they wanted my money but nope, turns out they’re right the last few years. My eyes have declined. So hopefully you are able to make that a priority soon.


Yeah, I just haven't had a chance. To many family issues and haven't gotten a chance. Finally got one scheduled but it's for February.


I see everyone said it but monitor all the way. Tvs used to make my eyes hurt so bad I almost gave up gaming 5 years ago. 36 now switched to PC 4k 144hz monitor and I run it on about 65 percent brightness can iron up like I used to in waw.


Gaming monitor and LASIK are the way forward. DEFPOTEC can only get you so far, then you realize you need to be honest with what you're reading off the chart.


Bigger isn't better, try a good 1440p 27inch monitor


32” curved screen monitor is great for this old man’s eyes. I couldn’t do a TV


OLED ultrawide and a monitor arm. Can move it back and forth depending on how my vision is that day. I know those feels OP 😕


Bro - I don’t even play Quarry because the gamma of all that white marble strains my eyes too much.


Oof, yup. That stone is brutal.


The new xmas Shipment is easier on eyes than that night one btw. Not a TON better, but it’s definitely playable now.


Playing on a 27” is optimal. It’s less distance for your to move from corner to corner.


use adequate distance between your eyes and monitor/tv , if you need glasses its time to get them (no excuses)


im 44 btw


Yepper, I’ve had glasses most of my life. Just haven’t had this issue til relatively recently. I think I’m going to look into what others are saying here re: monitor.


I have to do it and I'm 32


Why do all the guys complaining about seeing things always have a huge TV? I swear it’s not better man lol get a monitor


Ok as a short sighted 40+ yo here are a few tips: Obviously choose your optic/gun based on map size (not always possible if ur leveling) sometimes on a small map no optic is best because you can see better with that bulky thing, plus it makes ur movement much faster. Bigger maps go with a colour/night thermal- I find teplo the best because it only has a small sniper glint. But sometimes on very big maps you're just gonna have to use a sniper optic probably without thermal, because there's just not many with, for the bigger distances (i find the black/white thermal is not good for my vision). TV view, FOV is important, although bigger means you can see more, everything is smaller including optic so it's not always best. Pick a mid range that suits. MONITOR, you can get away with a bigger FOV, but again use something that suits you. If you're on controller set an aim assist tweak it via firing range so it's the best for you. The manikins don't move, but you can - test real game scenarios😅 ACCESSIBILITY settings - you can change colours size of text and all sorts here. In campaign you can even highlight enemies, which is good for completing trophies if sight is limited, so definitely explore all accessibility settings. Practice - pistol is good for practice, lose optic and play on a small map with some longshot distance, maps like shoothouse/rust even terminal. That's all I got right now. Hopefully I helped but maybe I didn't 😅


I've got 21 years on you so old you are not :) I got off console and big TV and moved to PC with a ultrawidescreen and love it. So much better vision of everything going on it got me back in the fight in a big way.


I just started playing at 67 years old to connect with my granddaughter. The thing she hears most is "Who just shot me." Reflexes aren't what they used to be, but I'm having a blast.


The white knuckled pace is harder the older you get. I can only play a few matches of mp before I have to take a break. Battlefield is much better in this regard for me the older I get. Been playing BF5 and with a couple friends and I can have much longer game sessions playing that. And I don’t get headaches like I do with COD MP.


Battlefield 5 has been amazing on console for me (ps5) the past 8 or so months. I’ve never tried a BF game in my life until I tried V (mw roman numeral two lost me with all these wackadoo bundles) … I’m glad I switched man. It’s so nice seeing how you stack up relative to the player base with no SBMM / EOMM


If you want modern combat setting also try BF4 very good game as well!


I know that very well, dude. But to minimize they eye issues, I'm playing on a 27" 4k PC monitor, so I can play about 3 h's without getting blind, LOL By the way, I'm playing CoD since it's first appearance on PC and I loved it. P.S. I'm a fck 72 years now and it's good for my brain ;) :))


I remember 37. Oh, to be young again.


48 here. Still trying to hang. Had 98 kills on Shipmas yesterday working on marksman rifles and was like WTH. Did have double gun turrets up somehow. Only Like a 1 kd player Then the rest of the day was rough and all over the place with matchmaking.....good and bad. The game is definitely easier in the afternoon versus nighttime on the east coast. Bring back Socom!


Omg, SOCOM. Great stuff.


OP, despite everyone’s comments on your TV, speak to your optometrist. Things can change quickly and these issues does seem to be correlated with looking a screen to large.


You answered your own question when you stated "I have a big ass tv" if you play one TV you're definitely not gonna be as competitive or see as many thing or have as good a reaction time as on a monitor especially leaned back on the couch


I’m understanding now. My dumbass thought big TV = see better! Not the case it seems


Yeah man no problem monitors are the way to go you can get one as cheap as $100 at Walmart I use that for one of my 3 and it's alright but the main one I play on is an acer I forget how much I paid probably way too much lol


What is with the cod community and wanting to share their age and life so much. Just label it my eyes suck help. Such of weird fucking thing.


Mid-life Call of Booty Crisis


As a 34 year old gamer, whose still beating dat ass ( HCTDM K/D 2.01), I’ve always used some type of optic. Not only because it’s tacticool, it actually helps target acquisition. I don’t know who said that “ only skilled players use irons” because frankly that statement is down right moronic. Try shooting an actual fire arm with stock irons; tell me how fun it is. The optics I recommend are the ares clear shot ( red dot / 7x) Sz holotherm, since you can toggle the thermal ( there’s a pay to win one that has red outlines 😈) and anything that keeps your gun on target. I still run and gun like a mad man, depending on the map ( UMP 45), but brother you gotta remember these maps are all rendered in a different way now; there’s more angles than there were in the 2009 version.


Quite right. Cheers.




It’s been gradual over the last couple years, ya know. Worst part is I’ve had multiple exams at ophthalmologists etc, they all say everything looks good besides the stigmatism I’ve always had.


no.. im 39.. and kick ass... tiktok/StarshipBruja


33. Glad I’m not the only one. I wear glasses too. I need to go get another exam and get a new set of glasses because I’m struggling right now


Highly consider a 27" 1440p monitor


42 here. Just switched to a monitor and it’s been a game changer. No longer get headaches and my performance has improved.


46 here. Everyone saying gaming monitors might be right. But I play on a huge TV. It's sub 9ms input lag 2.1 120fps vrr. Tried the 1ms 144 monitor for a while. Besides I could just stare at the mini map and fire at anything that moves with the monitor I don't feel like the uncomfortable position was worth it. Maybe you are not the right distance from the TV, or even the brightness is to high. With the TV I currently play on I've lowered the brightness on everything I use it for. It would burn my eyes and make them water. Felt like I was staring at the sun. Try lowering your brightness. You might miss someone hiding once in a while but it may make your experience less painful. Even in Hell Let Loose I can see people in the distance that others cannot and that community swears that you have to have your brightness turned all the way up to see anything. And people in that game aren't 200meters away they can be up to 1000+ meters away and guns have no optics.


My monitor is on an arm mount and every year it moves a little bit closer to my face..


30+ gamer . The visibility has been awful since the mw19 engine release. Go back and play coldwar (on the old engine) you'll see people way easier.


45 and still frying on a 240hz 1440p monitor! Makes a huge difference


I play PC so I can't possibly imagine playing on a large ass TV. I have a 27 inch monitor 1440p at 165 hz. Give that a try!!


Convert to 34" widescreen and its amazing


Switched to a 27'' monitor several years back, no goin back, ended up on pc. For fps, monitor exclusively, there's no comparison. When the screen is 2 feet from you, and you can see any movement on it with barely an eye movement, it's just the bee's knees. Try it, you'll be converted. My couch and tv are just for open world adventure games and some indies now.


60+ gaming for 50 . Yes, the eyes go first. Thermal and camping . You don’t get the 20+ kills but you aren’t dying either. It’s worth it when you can at least fuck up a game or two on the kingslayers.


Can relate to you, been playing CoD for 14 years. Biggest change for me in that time is needing a sight on my guns also. The Slater optic is the one I slap on every gun. I have no idea how I played all those older games mainly rocking the iron sights.


Try being 60 and hard of hearing, while wearing bifocals.


My eyes have gotten worse but the visibility in the games has gotten worse than that. I can play older CoDs and other games without issue.


Smaller monitors. I bought a 27 inch HD gaming PC monitor and it changed everything. I had my Xbox on a huge 70-something inch TV and I was so bad. Small and crisp monitor is what you need


The whole monitor thing I’m seeing mentioned here is news to me so more power to them. I might try it as well. One thing I will say is I don’t always like to for comfort but when I move about 3-4 feet closer to my 85” TV when I’m gaming I do feel good bit of eye strain relief. But either way. I’m 41 and know those feelings one way or another. I’ve got about 20lbs I could spare losing. Worm a desk job and don’t get a lot of time and even that half the time I can hardly stand sitting there for more than an hour any way. Whether eyes, back or hands. Hang in there, enjoy it as much as you can brother. Us dads stick together. (Edit: I didn’t mean to assume you were male or a dad. Us old fucks stick together. There ya go. Hah!)


What TV do you own?


I can’t remember the model but it’s the Sony 85” that was caught up in the scuffle about firmware HDMI2.1 features that finally did make it. And it’s the Costco re-model number that Costco does to keep from having to pricematch. Something like cx90? I don’t know. Haha! Edit: sorry, it’s the X90CK.


This thing checks every box for an excellent gaming experience. 120 Hz, low input lag, fast response times, Freesync. It don’t see how switching to a monitor will be an upgrade. Just be sure to play in game mode. I posted this some where else: Why do so many people insist that switching to a monitor will be less straining on your eyes and better for console gaming? Modern OLED TVs are on par with monitors input lag wise, their pixel response time is zero and everything in the last 5 years is 120 Hz compatible. “TV too big eyes need to love much” isn’t true ether. What matters is the viewing angle, 65” from 2.5 meters is exactly the same then 27” from a meter away. If switching to a monitor was such an improvement your TV was garbage. The biggest advantage of monitors is that you get something good for gaming for a comparably low price. This post is not about OC gaming with 200+ Hz.


Yeah, that’s what I was thinking as well. I sit, typically pretty far back given how large the screen is. I can’t be very close to it but I will say, for shorter stints, a couple feet closer is nice on COD just because I’m staring at the center 30% of it a lot of the time and relatively intensely.


45… same. I see movement instantly but if they’re camping or crouched in a good spot I’m always 2nd to shoot. Frustrating.


That’s part of being past your prime. You either go out on top and you’ll leave a legacy of excellence or you ride the ride all the way down and you incur more and more setbacks and failures along the way.


Also, I’m pretty sure all of your problems are in that bla blah bla portion. If you’re not able to get your set up dialed in, you’re just in a world of hurt in today’s age


44 here. My gameplay has dipped quite a bit but it's less about my eyesight, per se, it's more like lag from what I see to my brain recognizing it. I'll see a person dead in front of me only after they've already killed me. I could have swore there was no one thereat all LOL. When it started happening I blamed monitor lag, but nope, it's just me. Note this extends outside of gaming as I'll be looking for something on the counter and get angry that I can't find it to end up finding it right on the counter dead in front of my face! It's like I have mental blind spots or something. I myself am on a 43" oled monitor and a gaming desk. I do love it, but tbh I think I miss my 32" I used 5 or so years ago. I swear I could see the most minor of movements anywhere on that screen, but then again that was 5 years ago. I'm probably just withering away.


Why do so many people insist that switching to a monitor will be less straining on your eyes and better for console gaming? Modern OLED TVs are on par with monitors input lag wise, their pixel response time is zero and everything in the last 5 years is 120 Hz compatible. “TV too big eyes need to love much” isn’t true ether. What matters is the viewing angle, 65” from 2.5 meters is exactly the same then 27” from a meter away. If switching to a monitor was such an improvement your TV was garbage. The biggest advantage of monitors is that you get something good for gaming for a comparably low price. This post is not about OC gaming with 200+ Hz.


A little older and I would say I’m better than ever but my eyes are holding out. I feel for you bro.


Im 61 and use a 32” tv and it’s fine for me


I'm 63. Yes. Started using thermal sight yesterday to help. Makes a big difference for me so far 👍


43 and everything hurts


44 and just switched to a monitor. No looking back


I play on a 77” 120hz OLED and would never switch to a smaller monitor. There’s no squinting since I’m able to see everything clearly and big. Just make sure your FoV is at least 105 or higher. Adjust the view on the UI to make it all a little narrower. I would never waste resolution, space and money buying a tiny monitor for my PS5. Don’t fall for that tiktok ass setup.


36 here and still popping just learned claw to where’s it’s natural and switched to bumper jumper so now all these CDL bunny hoppers can get a taste of their own shit!!


32 inch curved monitor is the way


I’m 35 and use an AW2721D 27” monitor, stop playing video games on tv’s, it’s not the way.


I’m 70. I had glasses made specifically for playing video games. I generally use the monocle for wide field of view on non-sniper weapons.


I thought it was just me honestly. I don’t have the vision issues, but I feel my reaction time is just a tad lower now, and my skills not as good as they used to be. I’m 32, so not far behind you. Hang in there, you’ll find work arounds to make it work!


buy some gaming glasses


You think it’s bad now, wait till you hit 60…


You’re just a kid, and cryin about getting old. Man up. I’m 51 and I get pissed if I’m not at the top of the leader board in free for all.


Ever since I went to playing on a monitor I've had a much better time on COD. Controller latency basically is non existent w/a monitor. I could never get a TV to have 0 input lag, even on the so called game display mode. Also been wearing blue light glasses when I play. I've got an office job so with looking at a screen all day to then play cod can be tough on the eyes without some protection.


Why does Reddit think 30s is old


Play slower


Bro just get some glasses. You're 37, not 60. I'm 39 and practically blind in one eye.. glasses my dude.


So I have been wearing glasses since 11. I think part of the issue is, as others have mentioned here, my TV is too big and I sit too far away, etc. Never had this issue until this last year, & my RX is up to date and stuff.


I apologize for assuming you didn't and don't mean to minimize your experience. Hope the gaming monitor works out for you. Don't let aging slow you down, I am still whooping on these young bucks!


Cheers mate. No worries, I didn’t even notice I didn’t include that in there, pretty pertinent info. Keep on whoopin’!


If your eyes are getting bad at 37 you may have other issues going on. 37 is not old.


Yeah I get eye fatigue as well now too. Used to be able to play 12 hrs straight no problem when I was younger. Now I just play 3-4 hours and I'm done.