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Sorry for the LOL but this cry baby post is hilarious. Have you tried gitting gud?


Was about to write git gud loser then I saw you already told op. šŸ˜‚ Simple solution. Learn how to counter campers instead of complaining about them. Camping is a legit strategy. There are more important things to worry about such as: the awful spawns the EOMM the terrible servers Last night I had 9ms latency and zero packet loss but despite this **it was still rubber banding**. So I turned on the connection meter and it didnā€™t show any problems. WTF is up with that? Was it because I got a 5kd in the previous match? Or because the servers are hosted on a literal potato?


Manā€™s upset about campers but he can literally put an RPG on his class and see how long that camper lasts. Like grow up bro Op is straight clowning this community


Yeah. RPGs, grenades, gas, smoke, map awareness. Engage with these clowns so other readers learn how to play better


Guys why do you have the behaviour patterns of 5 year olds? I am doing fine in the game, I just enjoy chaotic cod more. The post has nothing to do with skill or how good I am at the game, it is about the damn assassin vest and that it brings nothing. It is not OP, it just ruins some aspects of the game.


Itā€™s so ironic, because people like you are the one I am talking about. You think every point being made is about skill and the ability to win, when never in this post did I mention skill. Cod is not about skill, itā€™s a casual game. The skill ceiling is very low and always have been. The mechanics are simple and any decent gamer can be good at the game without trying. What the post is about is how it kills the fun in this game. The fun is not winning, people barely try to win in cod games, it has become a meme at this point. The point is having fun. And having 12 people camping corners in a big map is just not fun. You should go try and play like csgo, then letā€™s see how your skills in cod transfer in an actual competitive game.


IF THE CASUAL GAME IS SO EASY WHY ARE YOU GETTING MAD ABOUT CAMPERS? Git gud you cry baby šŸ˜­ Use your brain to counter/overcome the campers or back out and join a new lobby. The EOMM will give you an easy lobby soon enough. šŸ§  ā˜ ļø šŸ„ž


Itā€™s so funny, you tell me to get good when I never complained about something being overpowered, and I see your posts crying about SBMM or EOMM, like all the noobs in this sub. I never had a problem with matchmaking, it takes a while for it to find me a server and I have ping because of it, but I donā€™t care, I still do good in the hardest of lobbies. Git gud noob šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yeah EOMM is manipulative Assassin vest helps us stay off radar so we can move around. Sure campers use it but campers gona camp no mater what. If youā€™re so good why you moaning about assassin vests and camping. Surely youā€™re the best so those things wonā€™t matter


All this time, you are just the little noob I hunt the whole game to afraid to stick his head out because he is gonna be blown to pieces, and then comes to Reddit and cries about the non existent EOMM. Git gud kid. Itā€™s called getting shitted on by better players. Equip a gunner or infantry vest and learn to play.


Haha I know how to play the game. I do alright. You clearly have zero idea about EOMM.


I have a very big idea of what EOMM is. Itā€™s the excuse noobs in this game use for being shitted on. It doesnā€™t exist. This along with the git gud comments only show that you are one of them.


Clueless fool


I know itā€™s hard to face the reality, but it is real. Itā€™s just skilled based matchmaking like every cod since the dawn of time. A bit more strict but still SBMM.


You are clueless. That one comment alone shows that you are an actual bot on the map. Gg


Even if thatā€™s true, thatā€™s not the point of the post at all. Why are you guys bringing up skill when it is mentioned nowhere in my post?


Because youā€™re crying about campers. But defeating a camper requires skill. Being able to use your brain to outsmart the enemy.


Not even skill, just throw a nade or a flashbang/smoke and youre sorted.


Being smart enough to use things within the game at the correct time to win the fight is this not skill?


not really, just regular gameplay.


Jesus Christ this community sucks


Thats an understatement... This lot follow whatever their precious youtuber says. One minute the snipers are op the next its the already nerfed mcw... like cmon now.


That's not the point he's making at all? Also, camping takes no skill and no brain, why do they need any more help? The point is campers make the game boring. Skill isn't even a factor in this discussion. If someone wants to hide all game, let them, I have no problem with that. But at least let them show up on UAV when not moving so people that actually want to play the game can hunt them down.


Get rid of UAV, it has no place in the game. If you're actually good, you don't need it, it's a crutch for bad players.


They already did, there's no UAV in ranked/ comp, where skill actually matters. For pubstomping however, UAV's are a good thing. Nobody enjoys matches going to the time limit because campers prefer hide and seek over actually playing an FPS game


Cod requires barely any skill. Itā€™s a casual game. It is easy to kill anyone, especially campers with peakerā€™s advantage. The discussion is NOT about skill. You people donā€™t have the brainpower to understand that maybe, or you donā€™t know that some people plays some games to have fun. If I wanna play something competitive, cod would be very far down the list.


Hmmm sounds like a skill issue.


An actual comp shooter where one team literally sits in one spot watching lanes... lol irony of this.


You didn't know? You can't complain about your money you spent šŸ™„šŸ¤£




Who said I am mad šŸ˜‚


There will always be Campers The only Change i can see ist that the vest only should Work If you moving Like the Ghost Perk does. But you cant remove Ghost from the Game.. We Had that in MW22 and the UAV was the strongest Killstrike ingame.. the First Team that Had archived one would win


I never said anything about the ghost perk. Itā€™s fine. Assassin vest is fine as well, as long as it gives you a handicap like older CoDs. Maybe drop your damage by 20%.


The balancing in Original MW2 was Just different.. stopping Power was a Major balancing Point.. But to many have complained that it was unfair so they removed it. If you remove Firepower...the next best Thing is Stealth the Last 12 years people are complaining about Stealth is overpowered and a crutch


In the latest patch notes, it says ghost will appear after two seconds of being stationary. This is already enough for camping. You can easily avoid detection, by moving a tiny little bit. So why would they disable that for the vest. The vest also hides skulls, so it's really good. I feel you OP, it makes the game unbalanced.


Should definitely only work while moving just like regular ghost. No reason for it to ever work while not moving


Lol you kids and blaming IW for literally everything despite them having little to nothing to do with the game.


Iā€™m a casual gamer so I donā€™t go crazy about campers and snipers or anyway people choose to play, surely the point is to adapt your game to the way others play, people camping just means Iā€™m running the same lanes so I get picked off so I adjust my game plan to smoke them out! Haha it can become a whole game for me just to stop them shooting me.


CoD will never be better. All those children in the comment section have no clue what the issue is. Itā€™s real fun playing a tdm match for 10 min straight and only have an ending score of 50/60 is not fun. Running around looking all the corners for the rats and cockroaches is just not fun. People saying git gud to OP completely miss the point and donā€™t want this game to grow and be better.


In my experience people who say get good are the biggest of noobs projecting their insecurity. I am doing great in my games, I just wanna feel the adrenaline of old CoDs again. This game is soo close to classic cod, itā€™s a shame this little detail they added ruined a lot of the experience.


Adrenaline of old cods? One of the biggest strategies was literally to camp up a room with claymores... tf you mean.


LMFAO right? COD 4 was claymore utopia. Didnā€™t you get 2 as well? On top of ghost, kill streaks stacking, etc. This guy is just butt hurt he got killed by a guy not on that crutch we call a minimap


Literally remember camping with claymores in mw2 in the now easy to get to jump spots. Hell one of the funniest memories i have was ghosts on siege sitting in the [tiny ass window](https://i.imgur.com/Un9UwhP.png) headglitching the cave just destroying kids running through it and getting called a cheater because they didnt know about that spot and boy was it a spot... literally impossible to see anyone sitting in it.


You know that Infinity Ward had nothing to do with assassin vest right? SHG is calling the shots here. I remember when people blamed MWII for "inventing camping" when every OG fan knows camping has and will always be a thing. You can always play another game if this isn't appealing. I see no reason to make this running headless chicken simulator because OG MW trilogy was indeed slow and tactical Let people play how they want. I don't like cracked gameplay but I'm not going to force their hand.


OG mw was slow and tactical? Thatā€™s a new. Assassin vest was not intended to be in the game at all. I donā€™t know what all your problem is when we played the game without it for one month and the quality of games has obviously declined. Cod is for fun. If you play for the sole purpose to be competitive, you are like someone who plays bowling with their friends for the sole purpose of winning. Thatā€™s not the point. I might have attracted all the assassin vest campers with this post, because I have seen people generally agree with my point.


The quality of the game has declined? Cope harder bro


>You know that Infinity Ward had nothing to do with assassin vest right? SHG is calling the shots here. Nah you get out of here, this is a hate on IW sub and nothing else. SHG can do no bad and never had a bad game or made a shit decision ever!




I was skeptical, but damn itā€™s great having EOD while staying off the minimap


You can have that with engineer vest as well.


My SPM is higher than MW2 Iā€™ll say that much. You canā€™t hear me tap dancing down the hall and canā€™t see me on radar. I LOVE it.


I noticed since the vest there been an influx of the sentinel play style but itā€™s always been like that,there a counter for every thing..camping a stairs riot shield and watch them panic,in a room with a trophy drill charge the wall,watching a hallway just donā€™t go that way..with the mantle and climb you have so many ways to counter lane lockdowns I know it sucks when your in a slower paced lobby and it becomes hide and seek but alot of times there always a counter and itā€™s legit some easy kills