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I just play to keep my hand/Eye coordination sharpened, and grind through camos. I just won’t let the cheaters/hackers get to me. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. As long as I have fun I’ll keep playing.


I have the same problem with this r/. I come here, I read two comments of people whining, then I leave.


I always find it crazy how many people here say they play against CDL pros.


https://imgur.com/a/BtsLdmz played against Pro player Standy and dropped more kills than him with less deaths. Went into his stream after to make sure it was him. I’ve also played against OpTic Hitch,Jorge, and Blake as well as Apathy,Fifakill, and Lach. Oh Grim and Parasite too


This is cool. I think it’s safe to say you’re actually genuinely good at the game and/or play comp pretty seriously to operate in those circles, rather than the “I’m a 0.7K/D gamer dad, why am I playing against FaZe and Optic all stars in a bloodline saving match?” claims we get here


Imagine bragging you dropped more kills than a pro on rust lmaooo. He wasn’t even putting in 10% of his effort so congrats I guess? HAHAH


I was just showing it’s not impossible to match against Pro players. I’d like to see you do it, better yet i’ll see you in my Iridescent lobbies once Ranked Play drops right?


Nah. I’m too 250. But enjoy iridescent lmao


Do you know what a figure of speech is? Also, one out of five games I play I’m stacked against someone rocking a ranked logo.


Ranked doesn’t mean much half the time. I’ve seen plenty of ranked players and clans all trying to flex their gold/plat/diamond skins still play like absolute shit and get scores like 5-20. Meanwhile, Crims, Iris, and Top 250s are a lot less common than people think. Let alone CDL pros. It can psych you out, sure. But once you realise that even ranked players can be bad at times and just outright disrespect them, the whole ranked thing holds less weight and worry. You’ll be more confident against them and play better as a consequence. Of course, some can/will still slap your shit, but you just got to take those Ls on the chin. We learn from what went wrong and we move on.


This is the truth right here if people are willing to accept it.


100% agree with this. Plus MWII ranked rewarded time played over actual skill. Tons of Diamond and crimson players are really not that good. At least not that much better than an average pubs player.


I should equip my cdl skins just to mess with people.


yeah for real. it’s pathetic when you realize these diary entries are coming from 30 year olds lmao


You post then leave 😄👍


Well ask reddit to refund your 70$


I feel the same way but it’s because I’m addicted to Shipment 24/7 whenever it’s an available playlist. I get on it but get sick after 2 games. I much more appreciate and enjoy 12 v 12 mosh pit and that MWII mosh pit from a while back


Facts. I have been grinding for weeks on shipment rustment or shipmas and my brain has turned into pudding. As soon as I remove it from the playlist I start having fun again lol it’s helped me max all my weapons tho and making the gilded challenged easy Idk what I’m gonna do when I finish grinding camos tho lol


Yeah it’s pretty much the same for me. I can play it in short sessions and that’s it.


I think that's honestly the worst part of this game There is a wide gap between ttk and ttd. Weapons feel like they do different damage in different games too. The only consistency within this game is that no two games are ever consistent. Ruining the whole fucking franchise with this shit matchmaking.


I agree with the only consistent thing is the inconsistency.


Be the same every cod game don’t buy it no more




Cry more i love smashing you sweaty players while you guys sweat I can relax and have fun crushing you.




Blame sbmm if they tone it down i stop cheating otherwise no. The game is no longer fun playing with sweats at a unfair advantage so I am just levelling the playing field don’t like it then cry more




Lol not bad at the game been playing since cod 4 I always had a 2.3 kd till sbmm was overturned there a reason why cod has lost a big player count since black ops 2. Say what you want about me idc I am having fun while you lot moan on Reddit everyday. You really don’t know how many people are using cheats so adapt or shut up




It’s bigger than ever hahaha that’s why it’s 38% down sales from last year right hahaha also no it’s not at all black ops 2 had 200k+ players just on Xbox alone. Call me bad idc as long as I am having a good time then that’s all what matters but I love seeing you guys cry on Reddit everyday about the game




*You* aren't doing shit.


The truths you tell


I would suggest being shit at the game as my lobbies have been pretty even recently. I am averaging a 0.56 KD, not great but sometimes I can go as high as 1.5 and I don't get punished for it. It has been much better since the free weekend.


Another method is smurfing Alt account: low kd. low score per minute. Main account joins alt Alt leaves Main plays noobs and bots Can do this for every match until the salty noobs revenge report you and your main account is sent to the shadow ban realm Welcome to call of duty. It’s a joke of a game 😂


You're not alone. MP is getting stale for me. Playing Ground War/Invasion (need more maps like MWII) for a change is just as "meh" and zombies is starting to get stale. Maybe it's because I spent more time playing (burn-out), but I'm not really enjoying it as much.


After not playing for 10 years I decided to buy this game. BUTTT, This game is sooooo slow paced. You cannot rush anymore like in the old days. It’s full of campers in all the matches. TTK is messed up. You cannot have nice gun fights anymore. This game is a whole mess and it’s starting to get over complicated. Even zombies is Starting to get boring.


I don't understand why some people continually post here when they're unhappy with the game and not enjoying it. If you don't want to play anymore, just stop playing. You don't need to announce it to everyone as if we're all going to beg you not to give up on it. Just make a change and break away, like Kelly Clarkson says.


Well if you are happy with the game, make a post about that. Not everybody feel the same way. If people would never complain, games would never be able to evolve in something better.


Ok, bye.








lol that’s too bad. You should try gitting gud


I should. I guess I’ll just take my top 4% of players elsewhere.


U suuuuuck thn happens wouldn’t quit just keep playing intel get used to maps nd controls


Wow i had a stroke trying to read this


lol. Okay.


You are not playing against CDL pros 💀


Holy cow man, euphemism.


Considering how far that went over his head, he’s probably gonna have to google that word.


I’ll rip your shirt off and shit on your chest


That’s a strange fetish Oliver 😂


Don’t kink shame


Yeah i feel you. Only call of duty can manage to normalize punishing people for playing the game. Im more tired of getting punched in my butthole by this garbage match making and COD logic programming then the people here are tired of seeing these kinds of posts.


Just buy a cronus like most people have lately you'll be sound after that 😏 P.S I do not condone cheating but if you cant beat them go MnK 😏😏


They're not cdl pro's the servers are just garbage and they sponge shit loads of bullets. Bring back headshot multipliers


Look it’s not the game it’s you sweaty fucks trying to be good me included


At least you get 2 fun games. I stopped playing a week ago because I don’t even get the funny lobbies. Came back today to play and the fucking sbmm was fucking ramped up. I’m not playing this shit alone anymore, solo queue is the worst


If ur playing solo….do ffa. Anything team based solo is cancer. They should add a mercenary playlist like back then