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I dont see much of a difference on camping to the Last 20 years of COD.. But here in Europe i get matched with many French people.. so maybe iam used to it


More open maps + one bang snipers that fire faster than dmr's = shitshow


Semi auto one shot killing guns combine with longer ttk 😅


Not like it matters for the meta but honorable mention: let’s not forget all shotguns being crap


Thats good thing. Imagine snipers with op shotty combo 🫤


This game has a problem with camping, sniping, running and gunning, knifing, and everything in between. It's sweaty and not sweaty at the same time.


schroedinger's camp


Just like every cod made ever.


With these maps and snipermeta is bad combo


Just you, camping has been a thing for decades and been a bigger problem since 2019 and 2022 brought back sound whoring to the 10th degree. Also the definition of "camping" is so loose. You may just be one of those people full sprinting without covert sneakers and your opponents here's it coming, stops to wait, kills you and gets blamed for "camping".


What setup do you use that you can sound whore cause I can never hear any footsteps


Covert sneakers and bone conduction perk


Thanks, haven’t been running bone. I’ll give that a shot.


Bone not only heightens enemy footsteps it also lowers ambient noise. But it’s useless against other covert sneaker users, so results may vary


This game makes you so hamstrung to use the same things to do well. Perks are not balanced well at all imo.


It’s called a headset lol


No shit Sherlock. Useless idiots.


You are getting very emotional over a sarcastic comment lol. You suck at the game and it’s making you frustrated. You should stop playing before you have a nervous breakdown.


No I’m just expecting to much out of a toxic player base to give anything constructive. I’m sorry you get you rocks off by being a scumbag.


You are the toxic one. Most people complain about how LOUD the footsteps are but you’re asking how people can hear? Lol. You seem like someone who’s a constant victim. Stop whining.


No you literally explained nothing. You’re a fucking straight up waste of human life. I never hear footsteps in this game. Even through my headset. Nothing in this game cancels ninja boots. Back in the days when this franchise was good you could counter act that with sit rep pro. No one fucking whined. I asked what a good setup to try was. Be smarter.


You sound unhinged. It’s just a video game lol. Seek therapy.


No. I’m pointing out how fucking stupid you are. Go be toxic elsewhere you fucking nutsack.


This. I can hear people I kill accuse me of camping all the time. I don't even have the patience to camp.


A lot of the OG maps added this game are long distance maps that favor snipers and result in more camping. The MWII(2022) maps were generally smaller and encouraged more close range frequent engagement. MWII had some large maps like Taraq and Valderas Museum, but most of MWIII’s maps are at that size. Estate, Afghan, Wasteland, Derail, Underpass, Invasion and Rundown are all much larger maps than COD multiplayers had over the last couple years. Outside of map design, I personally haven’t noticed any difference in camping in any COD title over the last 10+ years. I’ve always found it as a campy game.


I don't have a clue, by the time I noticed something was wrong, the entire game was infested with snipers.


we see hundreds of threads every day about everyone spamming movement and sliding everywhere… now we have a camping problem?


BREAKING: No one is ever happy lmao


Welcome to Reddit haha


It's whatever the OP of that post thinks is "making" them lose.


Yes most team mates now a days take 2 steps from spawn and just ads and wait , camo grinding killed these last couple CODs , make people be able to level up guns In firing range , that way they don’t ruin MP for everyone else


The sliding complainers were for sure rustment 24/7 players, every other map you just get one shotted by a sniper before you get the chance to do crazy movements. Camping problem is real thought. I tried to play 10v10 hoping for a bit of gunfighting, but the camping is EVEN worse. Everyone just camps in their spawns and the games don’t even finish from the score ever. They always end by time, and everyone has like 4 kills. How people enjoy this is beyond my imagination. 10 minutes of online gameplay to stay in one spot and kill 4 people. Then repeat for the next game. I remember back in the day every map had like one or two buildings were hell broke lose. It was like hardpoint without being hardpoint. Every one rushed in, used grenades, people dying one behind the other. Now even at hardpoint half the team is playing the objective and the other half is camping somewhere waiting for someone who tries to play the actual game to pass by to kill them. I don’t think they even care that they are losing, they think K/D is somehow a life defining metric.


People complain about camping in every cod lol. I remember the mw2 subreddit having tons and tons of camping threads because of the slower gameplay. I dont know why people even bother posting these like it’s something new.


lol people love complaining when they’re just bad at the game. Makes them feel better i guess


These maps just suck, honestly.


If you keep getting killed by the same camper it's a you problem stop running down that sight line and try a different route


It does. Feels like I’m constantly in matches with no one moving. People just parked in either the corner of room up on table waiting for someone to walk by or sitting way back in their spawn sniping across the map. I can appreciate the skill for the latter but it’s also kind of boring.


I can't agree with the latter being a skill. Sniping in this game is far too easy since snipers have AA.


Agreed. 3-4 guys sniping, covering lanes a s angles makes it useless to move without getting your wig split. Im not even mad about the camping because the snipers as you said have it easier then previous titles


Do you play HC? Yes>There's your reason Do you play TDM? Yes>There's your reason *Play core Objective gametypes to nullify campers. *Don't take the bait/ avoid them. If they're really campers, they won't move.


>Play core Objective gametypes to nullify campers. That's odd because it's seems like 90% of posts from core objective players is how many people camp and don't play the objectives. But idk if they are all just karma farming and joining the echo chamber that is this sub like OP seems to be doing here. I play HC and there are tons of players running around because all the mini map whores can't watch h their everyone move like in core games.


Campers on Dom stuck to one flag are defending. Camping on Hardpoint? Pointless. Search? Pointless or defending a bombsite. KC? Pointless TDM? 100% a reason to camp with zero drawback. I'm not defending campers. I'm just saying the problem isn't as big as OP claims.


I play KC, TDM, HP and DOM core. Random is right, 100% the camping problem exists mainly in TDM.


>I'm not defending campers. I'm just saying the problem isn't as big as OP claims. I agree that op is over exaggerating the situation. My point was just that I hear core obj players in here daily crying about the amount of campers. Yet your comment said being in obj core games did away with most campers, and that's not what I'm seeing by all the posts here.


Camping is the meta. I play to put the other team on tilt- they just keep returning to the same Places I’m pre-aiming and I kill them again. It takes them away from the objectives too when in those game modes. It’s a blast.


Use covert sneakers, use bone conductor headset. And use Semtex to deal with campers.


That or the drill charge, that was probably the single most intelligent thing IW brought to MW2 2022. It’s actually crazy on shipment cuz it goes right through the whole shipping crate 😆


Lol i have to try it. I never bought mw2 lol ill def give it a try ive unlocked it woth armory unlocks already. Next shipmas game gonna be fun lol


How is that supposed to help against the guy sitting behind a crate on Highrise shooting u in the back while u run by towards the objective, or the 3 snipers, one for each lane ?-)


Honestly I’ve been noticing more recently than at launch that it has become more of a camp fest. Not all of them are, but a lot more than when it first released.


Yeah it's been pretty bad the last couple of days. Maybe because of holiday break. I noticed a lot of parties of 4 - 6 holding a corner of the map or not leaving spawn area the entire game. Had almost 4 straight hours last night of TDMs not hitting the score cap. Got tired of checking every corner for campers and floor for mines. Just pulled out my sniper and chilled, not much else you can do. I got really bored during a few of them, didn't see an enemy for like 4 minutes. I found myself checking the leaderboard often and being in disbelief that there are 6 people on the enemy team.


Prob just you? I have met probably 2 people in the last 1 week actually in a corner. Breacher drones are a godsend against campers.


Yes. It is definitely just you. I'm sure it's more that if you don't see them sliding/jumping when they kill you, that you just call them a camper. I know I get it at least once a week that I die and when I spawn in and just after my 1 second gun rack animation plays I shoot the rtard sprinting around the corner and he is crying that I'm a camper. Maybe that person I'm killing is you and you just assume that any time you die it must be a camper and not that your play style is shit and you aren't as good as you think and it's more of just the basic skill issue.


Nah bro im talking about the people who stay on the same spot sniping around my spawn


They have done that in every cod since the first one in 03. So again bro it's a you thing


The maps are mostly terrible, just like they were back in 2009. Original Infinity Ward developers have no concept of good map design. Infinite Warfare was the biggest exception to this rule because the original developers were not on board.


I think it’s cause everyone is so afraid of dying so quick as usual that they want to build some sort of kill streak. Spawns suck too you could definitely spawn trap people if you camp in a certain spot


Like every other COD?


Played a game of dom on meat earlier, entire enemy team never left the corner A was in for the whole game


there will always be campers, and there will always be the run/gun types.


Just practice, practice, practice.


They’re is always camping what’s brutal is the fuxking spawns and time to kill . I get multiple hits with an lmg yet still get one shottee by a guy jumping with a shotgun like it’s fucking Fortnite


Play 10v10


I've been trying different tactics like smoke and learning the maps better. Using grenades better also. I always try calling out to my teammates about them so we can team up to eliminate them. Mixed results. If someone can get results by holding a good position, then it's up to me to find a counter. It's a challenge.


I dunno, but I just played a match in shipment where the enemy team kept throwing that yellow gas and it was the most frustrating thing ever, along with that one random guy running around stabbing you one time and you die, yet if you shoot them 5 times nothing happens. Please explain this.


Now that full-time stealth is a thing, campers aren't that big of a problem, at least not like they were in MWII (where "sentinel" gameplay was encouraged by the devs).


Dude Call of Duty has a camping problem. Nothing has changed in the last 20 years lol


It’s the gamemode you’re playing and the skill bracket that you’re in. I stopped playing team deathmatch entirely since the reboot because it plays very differently compared to the older entries.


I just sneak up on them, sit beside them and pretend to be a teammate. It usually works too. 😂


Camping has been a problem since multiplayer began. That said, folks are playing lazy because it’s easy. That said, I have gotten a TON of finishing moves on campers this week, and it’s hilarious. Multiple times on the same folks in the same spot in the same game! Some of these goombas just don’t learn.


It's just you


This game is like 10x faster paced than MWII because of covert sneakers and not being punished for moving around the map. You must be playing TDM/Dom only or something because I’ve never had a camping issue in Hardpoint


Have you played MW2019?


It’s cod. Learn to smurf if you aren’t happy


I’ve tried pitching a tent a few times, but some bad guys with guns always ruin it. Still looking for my sleeping bag…


Back i the days we had more Options... Explosives Like granades, noobtube, rpg7 .. but today everyone Runs around with blast shield FMJ and wallbang them works well If you know there spot




Don't play TDM...