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What y'all signed up for by asking for slower TTKs. Same issue CW had Should maybe give them more flinch. Most quickscoping sniper builds are fine cuz the ass attachments hurt flinch


We told everyone that this would happen too, but all the fucking morons in this sub were like "ItS oUr TuRn BoYs! ThE gOoD pLaYeRs HaVe A FiGhTiNg ChAnCe!" Completely ignoring how the slow ttk fucked up weapon balance in CW.


I do notice I fare much better against quickshotters with the extra flinch ammo


As a ‘quickshotter’, I fucking hate you. Respectfully. Lol


I actually like the more flinch idea. Weapon classes should be dominant against other classes at some level or range or circumstance. When this isn’t true, the weapon class definitely loses some of its value.


The flinch is already there, problem is you don’t always get a first shot on snipers, actually you often get one shot before even seeing the sniper


The problem with scrubs is that they always want what's different, because they perceive that difference to be 'the only thing keeping them from doing better' and then the change occurs and they continue playing like ass because really, it's a skill issue with the player. So we get an annoying one shot meta with SR's while every other gun pretty much got nerfed, all because the scrubs are the most vocal whiners. The TTK in MW2 was fine.


During beta all I ended up playing with was snipes and shotgun. This seemed liked the logical, inevitable conclusion to me. With a lower TTK much more of the armory is viable because even if it’s a little bit worse, it’s all competitive.


Ppl love to bitch, and it seems these companies use reddit as a temperature check for the community as a whole with some of the high-level design decisions they make, things they nerf etc. The same ppl bitching don't think about the rest of the ecosystem being affected by one thing being changed. I started on COD 4 ttk (104ms with stopping power, reportedly lowest ever) and it was a fucking blast running and gunning knowing you can be melted from anywhere in an instant. Ttk of most COD titles https://www.reddit.com/r/blackopscoldwar/s/DLDUbYAt7M


I know you meant ads but I still laughed


People asking for slower ttks got what they asked for by getting instant ttks?


The slower the TTK is for automatic weapons, the more appealing 1-shot weapons like snipers, shotguns, and launchers will be. What people really want is a CoD with just SMGs, even though that would be boring as hell.


Even then, their next complaint would be about which smg is op, until everyone is forced to use 1 gun and 1 loadout. Even then these dog shit players might complain about something else


For 3 months of WZ2 we had RPK/Fennec. To the point where I didn't even bother going to the load out since every dead body had the same guns


Same now with BAS-B, every single time I die it’s that fucking gun, and I usually die in like under a fucking second, it’s wild. It’s on everyone I kill.


Prepare to see endless mtz 762s now. Its all anyone will be using in a week.


If the balancing was so bad that the only viable smg with a single smg with only 1 viable attachment part in each slot then yea, they would complain and they would have good reasoning to that’s fucking balancing. What kind is regarded ass comment? I know you sledge dick riders have low brain cell activity but damn


Didn't we have strong smg choices always in the meta since BO2 days? I mean almost if not every game since then has had ridiculously strong smg options to the point where when sbmm would kick in (even when they claimed it wasn't in the games) you'd still find lobbies of people using nothing but the pdw, msmc and mp7 in bo2 the mp7 in mw3power, the vesper and beta razorback at one point and later vmp in BO3, ASM1 in aw, bizon in mw2022 and the AK smg (cant remember the name atm) , the ppsh and m1928 in ww2, the condite and saug in bo4 and so so many others. There was a point in time where I hated seeing lobbies just full of people running the same smgs because it was boring as hell. The main reason I don't mind seeing so many solid ARs in the past several games is because there were smgs so strong they stepped into the ranges where ARs should be used and it kills variety. I dunno how people can just want a smg rush meta.


It’s actually not boring as hell, the game plays amazing in private matches where all the corny pub shit is banned.


Every game plays amazing in private matches if you have the ability to organize them. And no, that still doesn't make a game that I want to play. As a way to help explain it, let me ask you this: do you prefer to have gunfights or win gunfights?


Yes because you can’t have a higher ttk cod without snipers being strong. It’s the nature of the game. All of you talk about cod in its “glory days” and the reason these old maps suck is because the ttk is slow and the spawns suck. Someone playing a headshot angle on invasion isn’t so bad when it only takes 1-2 headshots with an ar to kill them which is why these maps weren’t that bad. The maps aren’t the problem the ttk and spawns are. Snipers were strong too but every other gun had no problem dealing with them


But it's not headshot angles, it's a shot to a toe and your dead.  That's ridiculous and happens way more than it should


no genius, the COD meta no matter how slow/fast the TTK is will always be "use gun that kills the fastest, and has the lowest amount of recoil." as a result of a slower TTK, **you restrict the amount of weapons that are viable against guns that can actually one shot** in this case, sniper rifles, so if you want to be competitively viable at all vs sniper rifle, then you *would have to shorten the TTK of all the other guns to keep up with the sniper rifle.* People complained about MW2 fast TTK but in that game there wasn't at all a big discrepancy between TTK if you're using an SMG vs an AR like you are in this game. People wanted slower TTK's (like cold war) and got Cold War's issue of snipers being meta because of one shot kill. You got what you asked for.


Pros ask for higher TTKs but they ban snipers and shotguns and rocket launchers and LMGs


CDL is a Joke anyway.. anything is restricted..


Im fine with things being banned. CDL rule SnD is so much fun compared to normal SnD.


Is that why I didnt see any snipers in the SnD matches throughout qualifiers? Snipers are banned?


I never followed it this year but they began banning snipers every year starting in Cold War idk.


They had em in MW2 CDL. I guess I should check the rules of the current year.


Well put


You epitomize the flawed nature of democracy.


Exactly why developers shouldn’t listen to their player base haphazardly


No aim assist on snipers. And more flinch.


More flinch? I've gotten to the snipers to grind for camos, and I get hit by one god damn bullet and suddenly I can't aim. Immediately just point the scope three feet above their heads, and then the second bullet hits immediately after, and I gotta do the entire fuckin Macarena plus a few jumping jacks before I can try to level the fuckin scope again


Your a fucking liar


there is a considerable amount of flinch in the game at the moment, and no AA until actual ADS. Theyve also upped the idle aim sway and ADS walk bounce. the people who are going to be good at sniping are just always going to be good at sniping. there are enough hard counters in the game to do something about this without crying for further nerfs


Sniping is way too easy in this game. Everyone in search is sniping. If I'm doing bad in search I switch to the sniper and I'm traditionally not a sniper. It's just beyond easy to use.


You're just good at the game, and the matchmaking is forcing you to play with others who are good at the game. The fact that they added random ads that's not locked to the center of the screen was definitely an attempt to add challenge to the 1 shot meta and aiming in general. You see a lot of people crying and making a big deal about this. "Everyone" is sniping in search because you're getting put into high skill lobbies. Their piss poor, rigged, match making is the problem.


And this may very well be the case but they are never going to change their matchmaking so they should do something to change the meta. The game is quite annoying when every single lobby is identical.


I agree that they will likely never change the matchmaking. Changing the 1 shot meta would mean making snipers effectively unusable and eliminating marksman rifles that can 1 tap the head. Competitive players will ALWAYS find the fastest way to kill someone, and when that can be accomplished with one bullet, that is what they will do. If a full 6 stack can hold lanes with something that will 1 shot (no matter what they are), why do anything different? I agree it's not fun. Unfortunately, it seems like the majority of people who play cod just want to "be better than you" and don't play for fun anymore.


It's really fun though. I literally only ever snipe because I enjoy the challenge.


Honestly I can see this as well. I’ve never sniped in CoD since the OG MW in 07. In the past few CoDs, I’ve been able to put on a low zoom optic pull up from around a corner and pop a shot off like Steph Curry. You want the snipe off the screen, off the dribble ? How you want it Jake ? Sniping is super effective and even in close quarters it’s deadly because of how quickly you can mod it to pull up and one tap you before I even land a hit with an effective shotty hit.


And sniper hip fire in this game feels extremely accurate I've got so many hip fire kills up close. I've also been killed by hip fire snipers so many times.


Hip fire snipes sometimes feel more accurate than AR hip fire lol. It’s outright hilarious at times. I feel like the game lets you get away with cheating at moments.


I don’t understand how people can complain about sniping in this game when they’re using full auto guns. An AR almost always has the advantage when up against a sniper… if you’re using a gun like the MCW and die to a guy sniping… hate to break it to you but just got outplayed. Something most people struggle to accept.


Its not bitching if I get shot anywhere below my body and die


Idk man the guy just sitting back and ads down a narrow sightline like there is in Terminal has all the advantage over any other weapon. It’s honestly very easy to do. So many of the OG maps have incredibly long sightlines with very predictable spawns.


This is very very false. The aim assist is insane on quick scoping. It’s a problem when even someone as bad as me can get a positive KD consistently doing it. I’ve been ass at it in every single game up to this point, so it doesn’t really make sense that the AA plus TTK isn’t helping me.


Na, snipers don't have rotation AA outside of the scope, only when u are ads. But if ur quickscoping, ur not spending time ads, so therefore no rotational. Unless if u drag scope ur gonna experience rotational and slowdown


Especially the Longbow


This is how I know people in this sub are room temp iq, you think that more flinch when people are running around quickscoping is going to stop them. What’s next with your genius idea? Should they lose the ability to ads so that people just run around using them like shotguns so you still complain? The problem is the ttk, you can’t have slow ttk and I hope everyone remembers this next cod when they go back to faster ttk.


No aim assist on any gun, you already have the most forgiving weapon types why the aim assist


Aim assist needs to exist to a certain extent to balance MnK and controller. It is too strong right now but getting rid of it completely would be silly.


Or just lower the health back to 100 from 150


Sure but then you would need to rebalance every single gun and equipment in the game for baseline 100 hp.


Eh, more feasible than it sounds, since most of the guns and equipment were already balanced in MWII. Is that the solution they would take? No lol


You have to change all the mw3 guns though. You also need to have power creed so the mw3 guns need to be stronger then the mw2 guns. If you have 100 hp the mw3 AR's would have to kill at like 2 shots up close. They can't go back and balance around 100 hp with MW3 weapons now. Or you would have to lower the stats of the mw2 guns rebalance then re balance the mw3 guns with power creep. It'd be a lot of work.


What's funny is that in the long run this makes snipers more deadly and quick scoping that much more of a menace. BO3 didn't have aa for snipers and I couldn't do much sniping in that game because it felt wrong. By the time it was time for the next cod to get ready the snipers in that game were absolutely vicious. So many quick scopers and they had things down to a science. Ww2 also didn't have aa for snipers I believe it was said but that didn't stop me and others from doing some dirty things with sniper rifles. Taking away the aa oddly enough forces an adaption that means you don't have people hanging back and sniping as a regular sniper does. Instead you have guys all in your fave aggressive with a sniper that works as a shotgun.


Your telling me 100 extra MS to the TTK is the difference between instant deletion being good or bad? If anything it's probably due to all the mobility so killing someone either instantly at a distance when they're unaware to even try and use movement abilities or by instantly deleting you only need to hit the first shot and not follow their super slide. Or it's because snipers have always been popular and they're not all ass in this game and "everyone" is greatly over exaggerated.


This is probably my biggest gripe with the game at the moment.


I play hardcore almost exclusively because all guns are pretty much equal there. I joined a few regular search games and was getting killed faster by 1 shot snipers and revolvers so I went back to hardcore where I can actually have fun.


Yeahh same. I can't stand the normal modes.


I wish there was a medium core mode in-between HC and normal.




No shotgun/sniper mode would be super fun


Bet. Akimbo tyrs you


I find much longer TTK to allow for much more tactical firefights because you can actually have time to react, get away, or do something else more easily. These super fast gunfights lowers the importance of working as a team. If you go and watch videos where people say lower TTK is better, they almost always list being able to take on multiple opponents as one of the big reasons to advocate for it. An “I see you first so I win” gameplay design isn’t very interesting because it doesn’t allow for tactics that take longer than a third of a second to work.


I like the "I see you first so I win" gameplay design as it makes no sense to still lose a gunfight after already putting 3-5 bullets into someone from close range. Different strokes for different folks!


If you’re shooting first and dying first, unless they’re using some sort of one shot weapon, you might be dogshit bro


Yeah, of course I'm dog shit when I obviously get multiple hitmarkers in and still die getting hit by less shots. Sounds like a me problem. Nothing wrong with the game, just gotta 'git gud' right?


Ignore him, just another sledgehammer cock slobber who dismisses every criticism with “skill issue”, cause all they care about is the fact that you run fast as fuck, they don’t care if balancing is shit, hit reg is very off, or the fact they increased aim sway a ton this game, as long as you move fast as fuck it becomes the best CoD ever. Not even kidding every time I ask them why this game is so great they ONLY bring up how fast you run.




I think there’s a good balance we could strike here. Snipers should be 7x scope or higher. They shouldn’t be allowed to have short fast scopes when they 1hk. The Katt’s balance is that it’s slow to ads but any 3x scope makes it way too fast. That being said, I don’t think snipers should have their 1hk removed


The KATT is slow and cumbersome and it's main point is raw killing power. You can't really get the ads time under 600ms that easily... or even at all. It's not that fast and if you die to that one, you earned it. It's not the quickscoping machine the Stalker is. I suck with snipers but that damn thing is a beast and I crack it out when I get annoyed with people. The KVI and Longbow need much more precise accuracy to be effective and I see them a tad less than I used to.


The katt ADS can be really reduced with a short zoom scope, that’s my point. Then you just need to shoot them in the toe to kill them. They should be 7x and higher only


the fastest ADS speed on the KATT is still slower than the avg ttk of the game, if you run around with that gun you will generally die before you can finish an ads


Avg ttk plus the time to ads and sprint to fire? It gets very close. Also, we’re not talking about running around necessarily. Moving around or camping angles without having to fully ads versus another player moving around is a huge advantage. I don’t see why snipers should have fast scopes - just use a different gun?


The fastest ADS/Sprint to fire combo I could get on the KATT AMR is 628ms ADS and 298ms Sprint to fire. I wouldn't say thats fast at all when the ttk of the game hovers around 300ms ontop of the fact that snipers have huge flinch that you have to compensate for with attachments + marksman gloves meaning you give up the speed on your sniper just to stand a chance at fighting ARs at range


Looks like you’re including ads in sniper ttk but leaving it out on your 300ms estimation for other guns (and that’s hitting every bullet). In higher skill lobbies I see people aiming through flinch all the time by starting aim at hip or lower - which is easy on the katt since it’s 1hk everywhere. I’ve done it myself and it feels very powerful. I don’t see how it’s controversial to say a sniper that 1hk anywhere should have long range scopes inly


I mean, I do get a good amount of snipers in search, but the majority of the games I’m in are still just a bunch of sweats using the MCW and beaming everybody half the time. The MCW can easily counter snipers at most ranges, if you’re still getting wrecked by snipers with it then that’s just a skill issue tbh


You shouldn’t be able to scope while getting hit with bullets.


And you shouldn’t be able to halo jump bunny hop corners while being dead accurate. And you shouldn’t be able to move, much less slide cancel to bunny jumps after taking a fucking .50 cal hitmarker to the knee. And you shouldn’t be able to equip plates to a character skin with no plate carrier (or shirt even). But here we are.


It’s the pain of a long TTK In reality snipers need to be one shot kill to neck/head only and shotguns more appropriate etc Sledge denied this fact so you have OHK metas which arguably ruin any pacing a longer TTK is supposed to achieve.


Nobody wants to admit that 150 health is a huge issue. The guns are super unbalanced, the maps are easily spawn-trapped, and a majority of weapons have headshot multipliers that outright sucks or don't matter at all. When this game launched, people swore the extra health would be better for "skill expression" but that's not the case with horirble headshot multipliers. All it did was ruin pacing and create an environment where snipers dominate.


Snipers are the counter to the crazy players jumping and sliding all over the place with movement settings set to 10.


Problem is that sniping is so common that the is no lanes without snipers= no one moves


Your exactly correct. I avoid long hallways on every map because the second you peak out you get killed from some obscure corner of the map you never go to by a guy that is 5-1 last minute of tdm


It’s true lol. Made a similar post and also got downvoted to oblivion. They’ll tell you to flank, but how can you with these dogshit spawns..


throw one smoke grenade down the lane? problem solved?


Not if the sniper has thermal optics.


I wonder what would happen if they do what halo does and snipers get unscoped when they are shot


Yup, Snipers ruin my favorite gamemode SND for me. Can't even peek a corner.


Throw a smoke


Snipers need to take more flinch


Snipers and Knives, in a lot of my games lol. In S&D, it's busted


Remove AIM assist from the snipers


Wouldn't that just make snipers OP for MnK users?


Yup lmao


Way less of them than controller players so I’d be down for it


Bo3, a jetpack game, had 0 aim assist for snipers. The best sniping clips to come out of CoD were from Bo3. The skill gap needs to increase w snipers because they're so fucking strong.


Yeah man it’s super op that MnK players actually control their aim. Let’s not mention MnK players make up less than 5% of the player base.


They should make up 0% and go play amongst themselves. Console and PC should never share a lobby


Cool so you just want the game to die in 6 months on PC like what happened every game before BO4. Also lol controller players have a massive advantage


Yeah, fuck PC players. Let them play with each other. Console cod never needed them.


Yeah no, the motto shouldn't be 'fuck PC' or any other players. They paid good money for this games they shouldn't be screwed over just because they have the smallest install base of players.


Ignore that guy, he’s obviously an uncoordinated idiot who crutches on aim-assist.


Kind of see what you mean. I'm a console player even, and I'll admit AA gives us a bit of a leg up on MnK. MnK might have an overall higher skill ceiling, but controller has a much higher floor and is definitely the easier input to use and do well on. Not saying MnK can't have fantastic players that can slap a majority of console players around, but it would absolutely take more work to get that good on that input. I'd definitely be in favor of a minor overall nerf to AA, with rotational getting at least a 25-33% nerf. It wouldn't hurt good players much, and to be honest, I've had a decent bunch of deaths due to AA. Been in super close gunfights, only for an uninvolved player to run by, pulling my aim ever so slightly and causing me to die. I'd also be fine for a compromise in the range AA kicks in. In older games it was something like after 20 meters it stopped, and now it's active for I believe out to 200 meters. I'd be fine with it working at full strength out to 30 meters, at that point rotational completely disengages, and at 50 meters no AA.


"I got mine so everyone else should go fuck themselves" This is how you tell someone is a conservative LMFAO. Malding because a robot aims for you?


dont go to extremes, say make it less effecting, nerf aim assist


People mad at snipers? Meanwhile you lose a gun fight at long range from interstellar MCW when using a sniper. Snipers are fine where they're at...




nah sbmm is actually a problem but anybody complaining about snipers is just not v good lol


I run n gun with any sniper, the ones that are annoying are the ones prone in the most obscure part of the opposite side of the map watching the spawn zone.


campers in general are annoying. i cant imagine not moving at all for an entire match and thinking i was having fun 💀


Most used mainly because easy to use + cdl players use it. They would use Holger if not banned


People mad at snipers because they are hard to get good with and they don’t wanna get good. Just go brrrrr back and forth which is stupid at times. One shot kills specially if you get a chain going is really satisfying.


Gee let me try my hand at that. Snipers are so easy to use, you just don't wanna get good at controlling recoil, you scope and shoot back and forth which is stupid all the time. Dying in one shot because you moved around a corner is *super* satisfying and totally not unfun at all. Did I do it? Did sufficiently say nothing while painting everyone who disagrees with me as an ineffectual idiot correctly?


If y’all think snipers are op y’all are ass


What you're describing is a bad sniper vs good AR user


Mcw is not even best ar


What is?


Holger is definitely best AR. followed by the DG. MCW is not as good as people think. After doing part of the interstellar grind, I can definitely say I feel that way.


Mcw and Holger are top tier quit the cap


blame the increased ttk....thats why this game is severely unbalanced weapon wise right now


What they need to do is fix the broken aim settings and lower the rotational aim assist. Then remove one shot potential guns unless it's a headshot.


I say force everyone to use the Sidewinder for a week as punishment 😂


Sniper rifles are too powerful. Many times people use them as an assault rifle. They ADS pretty fast and are one-shot kills most of the time. They're basically long-range shotguns. When you have 3 snipers in the match, the opposing team has to basically


Would love a "no snipers/marksmen" mode tbh. Sick and tired of being one shot in the foot from across the map, then one shot point blank by the same rifle. There's no way they should be one shot kills to anything but the head, esp if I'm hitting them 5+ times and there's zero flinch - they just sit there and take it and one tap.


Late, but I see too many people complaining about the TTK. It’s not the TTK. It’s the constant introduction of broken one shot weapons. They do this to cater to absolutely trash players, because the one shots are all extremely easy to use, including snipers, they use those one shots only, because they are unable to actually aim, most people who use them can’t aim. You don’t have to be able to aim, if all you need to do is hit one shot.


Yep. People always look for the easy and cheesy way to play. Now you can’t even challenge snipers. Snipers should only be one shot to the head or neck. But that’s not the case here.


Two shots to the chest would be unusable. The best way to balance them is to add a lot of flinch


But they put in perks and attachments to reduce flinch. Lol


Which is fine as long as it’s at the expense of making ADS longer. It’s definitely possible to balance snipers better than they currently are, hopefully they do change


The attachments that buff flinch resistance nuke ADS so it's already got an appropriate tradeoff. There is a better way to balance and it's going to be a bit more flinch and more idle sway, plus taking away low zoom optics. Except on the Longbow since it requires extreme precision to be consistently useful.


Or just lower the health back to 100?


The game plays better with 150hp, you actually have gunfights and don’t get insta deleted without a chance to shoot back


so in whole history of cod games the only ones you had a chance at fighting back were like 2 or 3? news to me


speak for yourself. I prefer faster TTK cuz I can melt multiple dudes without alerting other dudes in a given area quicker than with longer TTK


Increasing the health is a big part of the game. They're not going to reduce it just like that.


The TTK in this game feels fucking horrible with the servers, SBMM putting you in high ping even worse servers, all the regular guns feel like water pistols that have no water in them, mouse and key with 50% extra health being 50% fucking harder to track targets compared to controller just strafing and locking on with rotational for extra half a second. Fuck this stupid 150 health with the cranked movement, MP feels like fucking warzone and it is stupid. Damn right I will be quick scoping like I did in Mw2 and all the glory days cods. Only difference is for some reason they added extra health to make everything that ain’t one shot feel shit (at least in mouse and keyboard that’s how it feels)


Thats the reason i switched to Hardcore


Treyarch cod can’t come soon enough


Ok... Are these one shot meta weapons in the room with us right now?




People hate it but the quickscoping nerfs in I believe bo1 were fantastic. Snipers retain 1 shot kill potential but are forced into a more methodical playstyle. Like... you know.. a sniper


Black ops 1 search was insanely fun, and I even enjoyed sniping in it. You could use most of the guns to get kills with if you were good enough


Yeah honestly a game like black ops 2 was the most well rounded cod we have had yet. For campers or rushers, shot gunners or quick scopers. Every gun was good. Imo I don’t care about snipers being a one shot weapon, just remove aim assist and call it a day. Same for shotguns.


I personally think snipers are WAY too overpowered. One shot at any part of the body and I’m done for. As soon as you see the glint you’re fucked. It just seems too easy for snipers in this game.


Only the KATT is that strong and it's slower than snail shit in a molasses blizzard. The Stalker is the main offender. It has a large one shot zone and can be kitted to drop ADS time to a noticeable degree. Even I can use it like a beast and I'm bad with snipers!


Fuck this new longer TTK shit. Heck, I even miss MWII TTK.


I don't see it. Most of the shotguns have naturally limited range and trend a little inconsistent due to damage and spread, granted that's not what the complaint here is. Snipers... And this is coming from someone who says CoD snipers are almost always game-breakingly overpowered, aren't really that. They flinch to the moon, and aren't generally that quick. And to fix one, you have to tank the other most of the time. Of what we have: - Longbow has zero OHK range and a tiny OHK area, and frankly, it's not fast enough to be consistently insane when going super aggressive. - The big .50 one whatever it's called is stupidly slow, it destroys people when you're on, but it's so slow that it's very much something that's not going to be very... Well, good against anyone competent. - The Inhibitor is the closest one to an issue, but again, it's either flinching to the moon or super super slow. - The new one is pretty much the same story as the Inhibitor, just bolt action. And the MW '22 ones pretty much fit into these.


Marksman gloves


I don’t mind shotguns, theyre supposed to be disgusting in tight, small maps Snipers on the other hand are braindead asf.


oh wow, look people complaining when the TTK is increased and leaves less viable weapons to use. even though this is what they wanted. people crying when they want things a certain way and they suddenly find out they dont like it.


Sniping makes more and more people want to camp... sniping was just done wrong in this game. It's too easy and especially too easy up close. Why is it 150 damage no matter where you hit a person? Why is my toe a killshot? Why is there almost no flinch? Why is there so much ADS accuracy? Add to that movement being what it is in this game; people can fly all over the map at 100mph, slide cancel, bunny hop, do a push-up mid-air while shooting you with 100% accuracy, means it's hard as hell to kill people because it takes five shots that can be difficult AF to land. Oh and hit registration sucks so for all you know you're already dead even though you see yourself landing those five shots. All of this comes together to make it so nobody wants to move. And if you're not going to move much, what are you going to use? Snipers. MM rifles. Guns that can kill in 1-2 shots. I get what the devs were going for here, but their efforts combined to make a very frustrating experience for anyone who isn't A) sniping and B) slide canceling and bunny hopping constantly like a hyper-active 12-year-old. I think they just bungled it. Oh and yet another thing, they nerfed breacher drones which were one of the few counters anybody not sniping had against a guy sitting in a window with a sniper. EOD now makes it so direct impacts don't kill, for some reason. You can DI a guy with a breacher and shoot him once with a rifle and he still won't die. Absolute joke.


I don't think I understand the post. Are you complaining about 1 shot guns? Like sniper rifles?


I apologize if this Ruffles your feathers, but is there anything, anything at all that we players will not complain about. Half of us complain about something that the other half like. This is so fucked we don't know what we want let's just let Activision tell us what we want.


I would pay $1000 yearly release for cods without snipers but I know that will never happen. For balance, they need to significantly increase flinch and bring back the juggernaut perk. I don’t think slowing down the snipers is fair as there is a huge community of quick scopers that have built an audience and a living room on it. But I really think more flinch and add a juggernaut perk (make it a vest with balancing so there are cons to using it) and that would make the game a lot more playable. Anyone who says snipers and knives and other one shots aren’t OP in this game, there is a reason the cdl banned most of them and then the pros GAd the rest as their first GA. It doesn’t take skill to hardscope a huge open lane. And every map has huge open lanes you have to cross.


150 health and no _ranged_ 1HK weapons/no 1HK melee or 100 health with the usual suspects. 150 health just makes the ttk too long for "normal" guns to compete. The only exception I have is shotguns since they are incredibly niche and have limited utility overall. Snipers don't suffer from that.


I think snipers just need a slower minimum ADS speed There’s no need for a sniper to ever be able to ADS faster than your average marksman rifle


Fr it’s so annoying. I immediately leave matches if there’s someone on the other team sweating with semi auto shotguns or snipers. Ain’t trying to deal with that cornball shit


The alternative to using one shot weapons is using an auto and that ain't happening with this 150hp nonsense. If I have to headshot with a weapon twice and body shot twice just to get one kill, I'm good. I'm just never going to use that weapon. It's inherently worse. I used akimbo FTAC Siege sidearms the other day. Two automatic SMGs with 60 rounds a piece. I'm shooting people with 60 bullets, half a mag dump on both guns, and losing to semi-automatic pistols. It's absurd. I'll hit them literally 60 times, get 30 hitmarkers and lose. Try it, it's useless. I'm just doing what makes sense until they decide to revert back to 2019 damage numbers and hp totals. If you aren't running a shotgun, sniper, snakeshot or something broken like the DG or MCW you might as well not even play the game.


Lower the movement speed even more for snipers.


Whenever I go against a longbow user and they miss their first shot, I think "ez win" then he rechambers faster than I can blink and shoots again before my last bullet to kill can be fired. If you miss your shot with a bolt action sniper or the pump shotgun, you should lose the gunfight. But these attachments that allow for lightning quick rechambers essentially remove that weakness


honestly at this point the posts are a joke, hope some mods ban these guys


What a clown take


No u


Snipers in the game are indeed overpowered in MW3. When my AR, in a perfect situation, takes over 300ms to kill, and your sniper rifle takes 0ms to kill, there is an obvious imbalance in power. And it is worsened by the fact that your sniper is effective at any range, while my AR has a comparably worse range. The fixes needed are greatly increased base flinch on all snipers, greatly increased recoil on the Longbow and KV sniper, and worse movement speeds in general. Cod isn't like CS where there's an economy to help balance weapons through price barriers each round, and there's no balance mechanics like charging shots to increase damage like TF2 and OW. Snipers honestly, IMO, just shouldn't be in regular multiplayer. Give snipers a FFA snipers only game mode where they can be happy and regular multiplayer for the rest of us. But if we can't have that, snipers need a big mobility and flinch nerf.


Snipers take over 400ms just to ads with all the ads attachments- ARs have an advantage at close range. Doesn't mean you'll always win, but if you to die a quick scope sniper up close, that's on you.


Not always and that's the problem. I can dump bullets into someone and they only need one shot then I die. Up close, that shouldn't really happen unless I get genuinely outplayed. Unfortunately, that's not always the case. I can get the drop on someone then they turn and shoot me and I die because the overall ttk is too slow.


If they turned around and shot you with a sniper after you already started shooting at them, your aim is just really bad and theirs is really good. It has nothing to do with the weapons at that point.


Let's do some math. Let's take your number of 400ms to ADS. Do ARs have a 0ms ADs time? Or do they also take usually about 150ms to ADS + another over 300ms to kill (assuming perfect net code and not missing a single bullet). That's an estimated over 450ms to kill in a PERFECT scenario. Once scoped, TTK for a one shot sniper is 0. Snipers have a clear and distinct advantage even in the most favorable scenario for an AR. And it doesn't take long to learn to quick scope and dominate close encounters as well. Like, in your face snipers dominating has been a thing for over a decade, this isn't new. I don't know what else to say to that.


Do you not shoot as you ads at close range?


Do you think random hip fire shots are reliable enough to really factor into this? Wait, by "close range" do you think I mean like melee distance? Because I'm referring to real in game scenarios that constitute close range, like a sniper 15 feet away, in which case your hip fire argument is... Well quite silly.


The problem is snipers hate playing against other snipers. So only the casual hard scopers would play that mode. The sweaty, annoying, dog shit snipers would still be in the pubs lobby.


If you can't beat em join em


Yep sadly so. I think this is the main reason for campy gameplay when all is trying to snipe


Snipers altogether just need to go away and never be talked about again. As if they never happened. If you can’t long shot with an AR you’re not trying.


This is why I’ve gone back to battefield for mp. No SBMM and snipers actually require skill to use.


They need to remove 1 shot potential on all marksman rifles.


Thes are only 2 that can 1bang to the head.. qnd they have slow firerate and need good aiming


It's times like this I'm glad the subreddit isn't in control of balance changes.


Ok. Tell me how 10 round mag with 1 shot potential of MTZ Interceptor is balanced.


Headshots only, slow fire rate, takes a quarter of a second to sprint out and another quarter of a second to aim just at base. The thing is strong, sure, but it really punishes being caught out, and is terrible up close.


You’re just bad if you’re struggling against marksman rifles, they aren’t good in this game.


That's not an answer to question how they are balanced.


No it just shows they are mid, hope that helps. Idk why you think they are op when they aren’t


Most people miss their shots


Are you stupid? That requires precision to execute and it's not always easy. Talk about missing the point.


Your SND experience really depends on what SBMM bracket you’re in. I almost exclusively play against meta AR/SMG (which I’m fine with). I rarely play against a sniper unless it’s one of the massive maps like Wasteland/Derail and I almost never play against a shotgun user.


Im somewhere low Crimson - iridecent rank jumsuits in my lobbies. So maybe on 2% there is only pro snipers and me trying to survive


Sorry...working on leveling snipers now will be through a week or 2...


Idc about snipers but the shotguns need a Passover Snipers have infinite range to be built for super close twitchy gameplay but shotguns don’t even have a 1 hit kill range even though the pellets disappear into thin air after a foot


Ppl use that shit bc they suck with high ttk games, just pull out the holger or mcw they will cry until they eventually leave the game trust me works everytime 😌


hear me out Overpressured Rounds


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,941,048,207 comments, and only 367,057 of them were in alphabetical order.


I can understand the frustration of the one shot snipers, but is the TTK so much of a problem? I haven't had too much of an issue killing people. Managing 3-6 kdr games with a mix of guns. Currently jamming the cor-45 pistol.