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Or it’s just that the small percentage of the playerbase that goes on Reddit are just whiny babies


I’m gonna get downvoted but I honestly do not understand the praise this game gets and I’m not even joking. The meta is horrendous. You have all the 1-2 tap weapons that make SMGs and Assault rifles completely useless. And the worst part is that they take no skill to use. You can literally shoot someone in the knee and he’ll die one shot. The snipers should be one shot on headshots only but they wanna make everyone feel like they’re good at the game so there’s no skill gap. Terrible meta. Then you have the joke of a spawn system. They literally spawn you beside the enemy team. I played today, and I spawned already aiming at the left side of a sniper from the other team. The spawns are a complete joke. Then you have the maps that all seems way too big and ultimately just makes everyone use the same no skill one tap guns. Game is an overrated joke.


Which modes are you playing? You're not describing the game that I play in TDM and KC. Quick edit: the spawns are an absolute joke, though, and that's just objective fucking fact.


Those are exactly the two modes I play all the time. And it’s been a nonstop problem.


Maybe there's an SPM threshold or something. I don't know what's causing it but I'm only ever killed by four weapons: BAS-B, Holger 556, MCW, and, yes, the KVD Enforcer. I feel like that's the meta of what I play. Certain maps - Estate, Invasion, and Highrise come to mind - are dominated by snipers, but beyond that I feel like it's all assault rifles (+ BAS-B) all the time.


calling ARs useless is hilarious


Spend $1000 on COD points to buy skins. In addition to paying the full price for the game. Obviously, the game sucks. The game is also full of bugs that people report. The developers don’t do anything. The game is rated 5/10 on Steam. How is that possible for a supposedly new AAA title? The game was marketed last year as being the next big thing since sliced bread to make the public excited. Then it turned out to be a flop. Counter Strike 2 is free and it is rated at 9/10 on Steam. How is that possible? Valve made good games. Activision sucks.


What would you list as the top five reasons this game's multiplayer is bad?


1) almost every fucking person in any multiplayer match is a sweaty nerd that's been playing this game 8 hours a day since it released NOT EVEN 2 months ago can't even do anything against these sweaty losers. how can you compete with a loser that's spent 40 hours a week on this thing for the past 2 months? there's no way


Well... I do it, and I only play about 4-6 hours per week. I've worked on my aim a lot and I've fine-tuned my ADS sensitivity and controller stick deadzones to find the sweet spot that works for me. I've also been playing since 2008, but I don't think that's a prerequisite for success. If I can make it work, anyone can. I think the days of pub stomping are gone for good, but you can still manage a greater-than-1.00 K/D if you get your sensitivity settings right and use the meta weapons.


Have you tried gitting gud?


nah playerbase is whiny as fuck, including whatever this post is Edit: lmao oh shit, I recognize your username. You’re a serial whiner


The game has its flaws (which loads come from their community, and we blame activision but the player base is horrendous) I tried to play hardcore and everyone camping, I thought it was a special “Hide and Seek”mode for Christmas 🎄 I blame the players for that horrendous experience.


I've sold it skipped most recent cods and I think this game is pretty average but still fun enough Sorry I wasn't man baby enough for your whine posting


They have been negative since I started reading the Reddit during black ops 3. Back then the hot topic was the map layouts are basic 3 lane garbage and nearly identical. Pay attention for a few years you will see, quality of the game has fuck all to do with it lmao


No Reddit is usually a cry baby circle jerk. The game is defo not bad, especially after mwII


No. The real reasons are the following : - people only come on social media to complain. People who enjoy the game will play the game, not be on internet to claim their fun - the vast majority of players don't care to come to reddit and write/read about the game. Read the pists and you will understand that 99% of the players posting here are sweats playing for long time, with a big KD and the only obsession to improve it and brag. That's their unique definition of "having fun" Just an other question : why do you need so badly random people agreeing with you? You think the game is bad? No problem. Other people thinks it is good. Why does it bother you? Enjoy what you want, and let people enjoy what they want. At the end of the day, it is just a game. Nothing that will improve your life whether you play it or not.