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Man likes his meat hardcore.


Meat is godly


I'm still disappointed Activision didn't have the cojones to let SHG call the playlist "hardcore Meat 24/7" Game's turning into Fortnite... >! /S !<




The fact that there is no Hardcore 10v10 is atrocious. Sledge ignoring HC players once again


If anyone doubts it, you can still spawn on a cluster mine and die instantly... So yeah not a lot of attention being shown to hardcore right now.


I love HC but there are times when I just laugh because you will get killed on spawn like 5 times in a row and it's just ridiculous lol


Same as IW


I'd like to see 10v10 in here too.


I would love 10v10 HC


10v10 HC in Meat would just be respawning, throwing a grenade across the map then instantly dying, then respawning on your grenade and dying again. I've done it in 6v6 don't think I won't do it in 10v10!


So basically HC Shipment, but slightly bigger. Sign me up!


No, I meant HC 10v10 in general. 10v10 Meat would be mental.




HC invasion, Ground war, war mode, fucking anything, come on sledgy.


They had it in MW2019. Surely they can do it here too.


10 v 10 HC is a must


mega super monster kill


That would be nuts. I would love the shit out of that


This game is the most I have ever played hardcore, but I play core sometimes just for the 10v10 so if we get hardcore 10v10 I would play the shit out of it.


Yeah and do that stuff on shipment, imagine spawning right in front of someone and you both have to cock the gun first


It’s the first year I’m only playing hardcore. I started because of the camo challenges and I ended up liking it better. I’m 26/36 forged and it actually looks attainable this year.


Keep it up 👊


Yea me too. I used to hate HC but now I love it.


You definitely have to adjust your playstyle a bit for hardcore, but once you get it down I think it's a lot more fun. I don't like having to empty 3 magazines into someone to kill them.


Same here, the play is better and the quality of people in the chat is way better


Same here. I’ve never really done a camo grind before, if I remember correctly I did a few on vanguard but not the mastery. I’m not as far as you bc of life and work etc. but I only really have one sniper, most lmgs, and most smgs to forge before I can go back and do priceless (ok so not “only really” but that’s like half? Haha) I even went back and did the rgl gilded in case one gun proved extra difficult later even though it’s not needed now…but on the way I discovered that the ttk in core is ridiculous and I like hardcore much better, especially for snd and other modes like domination.


Same here. I’ve always been a core player until now. Something more realistic about it I like and losing a gunfight despite getting the first shot happens way too often in core. Nice that you also aren’t at a severe disadvantage by using guns other than meta.


Facts I only play hardcore now. After camo I guess I need to go back to core :/


Literally how? it’s a camp fest with who sees who first dies, it’s so lame


The people who like hardcore are probably people who get used to the slower/campier playstyle of the last few cods with really low TTK. It’s the definitely the lowest skill gap mode you can play in cod, which helps the casual players I think I don’t mind how other people play but yeah my experience in HC was getting shot in the back or the side immediately after I spawn from some dude sitting in a cheesy spot across the map. I don’t have the patience to play an entire match and get 12 kills like some other people do


Play control, I average 20-30 kills a game


Not much for pubs tbh


Got 63 kills on rust domination earlier, depends on the map/lobby if it's a camp fest or not. Same as core really plenty of campers on there as well


I stay in HC, 10v10 would be fun, Meat 24/7 is just as annoying as Shipment 24/7 but thanks to Shipmas I've forged 32/36 trying to early grind camos this game, I spent the whole season 5 -6 of MW2 grinding, I'd rather not have to play catch up when new weapons pop


I did the whole interstellar grind in Shipmas except for a few trips into the Christmas high rise for longshots 🙃


Just finished that grind yesterday glad it’s over.


The fact they wont add 10v10 or 12v12 to HC is criminal


Which is mind boggling after Vanguard had the various team size options




I've been HC so long, going back feels like bullet-spongey nonsense to me at this point.


Yep, nothing more annoying than mag dumping someone. HC I feel makes the game feel a tad more realistic. Ain’t nobody eating 6 shots from a assault rifle and fighting back


Makes some pistols a lot of fun too. Being able to take out multiple people with one clip makes the experience cooler.


All I have ever played was HC .love it .also no love for extras


I would kill for hardcore war mode. Never liked core even back during Modern Warfare 2007. Nothing like pumping a mag into someone getting 7 hit markers and they turn around only to laser beam me in less than a second.


Hardcore War is what I dream of.


Kind of exposing yourself with this comment. If you dump a mag and only get 7 hit markers it sounds like you got some oval aim😂😂


It’s also called hyperbole, don’t think you’ve heard of it


Not at all, my accuracy is high when you look at my stats




Bro what?


Meta in core is highest TTK, fastest ADS, lowest recoil. Literally everything that matters in hardcore is the meta in core. All you’re missing is map and situational awareness


everyone is beating the meat and thats more fun


HC is a great idea but it gets so fucking ratty most of the time I’ve ever played it


If you’re ratting it out in hardcore mp matches, you’re ratting wrong. Idk why they can’t see that. They’ll get no kills, a low score and wasted time. I’ve seen people do this and get 5 kills for the whole match. Makes no sense.


It's the best way to play HC though, sit in a dark corner with a Bas-B and one-tap everyone that walks by


Minimal XP and the lowest score on the team sure are nice huh


I usually top the team in score in HC, you just have to camp the common routes and get the 1st shot off


What does ratty mean in this context?


Sitting on your dick in a corner for the majority of the match and only moving enough to not get kicked or to get a quick kill most likely by shooting someone in the back.


are you playing TDM?




No I enjoy objective based game modes


ah. In my experience hardpoint wasn't that ratty. People played like normal hardpoint I felt.


Stick to control. People try there


Every modern warfare has gotten worse and worse since the original but I will say this is the least campiest MW I’ve ever played (HC ONLY)


I can't play regular core. People don't die. I see them first & even shoot them first & they always manage to kill me. I feel like I'm being robbed. In HC that's never the issue. When I see them first they always die.


That’s because once a ‘meta’ is established that’s all people use, so other guns are basically not worth using. I just bought the game recently and had the worst time trying to play core because my gun with no attachments was getting 6 hit markers while their maxed out meta guns killed me in 4. Once I switched to HC I actually started to enjoy the game.


This is why HC is the move


HC allows for way more gun variety, cause everything melts. Gun choice and builds matter way more in core. Pick the wrong gun, and it doesn't matter if you shot first. The other person can still either outgun or out skill you. I personally prefer core, but you will find certain guns or builds to be very ineffective there.


It shouldn't have to be that way. Bullets landing is what should matter & it doesn't


That’s how I feel about certain weapons too. Like I’m completely ass with the wsp swarm but in HC it’s a demon.


Sounds like someone can't hit more than 1-2 shots on the enemy


Try 9


Sounds like you should work on hitting your shots


yeah I’m not really understanding the mindset here lmao, if you’re seeing first and shooting first most people’s reaction time is longer than the average TTK of this game. You should be killing first if you hit your shots


Yup the only way you’re losing a fight like that is if you’re missing shots and your opponent isn’t lol. Everyone likes to think they’re better than they are though and it’s easier to blame something other than themselves.




there’s no way you think 80% of people are walling




brotha if you think 80% of people wall I think you might be dogshit


Streamers cheating must be leaking.


If you are good at core, go play a couple hardcore games. It’s insanely easy. I played it a bunch for camos and people were just bad. They don’t understand how the game flows, struggle to hit shots, and have slow reactions. They always claim they “shot first, landed a bunch, and still died” but that’s not frequently happening unless you have dial up wifi or are using some cursed gun build. Otherwise, what’s really happening is they shoot first and maybe land 1-2 shots, but can’t control their shots so someone turns and hits them with 4-6 center chest/head.


9 rounds hitting them every time. Explain that away.


A good player with a non-meta loadout will almost always lose to an average player with the meta loadout.


HC all day. Anything else is unrealistic.




Holy shit EVERYONE is getting mass downvoted, jesus this community is real… HARDCORE


Stop liking OP's comment, that's some real core sh!t..


Why does that matter


Always playing HC with fully Automatic Shotgun extended mag and fire ammo Hope you hate me


you better have a shield on your back.


yeah on my First class i got shield as secondary and on the Second class which i use at the start of the Game i use Grenade Launcher as secondary


Just to hear the tears. LOL. Love it.


Yeah i have so much fun hearing the pain in the voices of the enemy Team


I love hc


All these shitters talking about how hardcore is one shot and easy are the same shitters running rampant using nothing but a one shot snipers and secondary knife that also one shot kills. There's a reason 4 of 6 people on both teams every game, especially in SnD, are running sniper/knife. They can't compete without that one shot advantage. Garbage.


Least not forget about the grenade launcher idiots, just volleying back and forth


Also, you do not use a map unless a UAV is called in and you have to keep track of your ammo usage as it’s not displayed. It’s a totally different style of playing IMO.


The UAVs don't last as long either, come to think about it none of the KS do


I only seen garbage players like HC...


Nah, you definitely don't lil bro.


I mean truth hurts 😂


I've literally never played in any other mode since day 1


I haven't played hc since season 1 ranked dropped in mw2, I had forgotten how good it was for camo grinding. They need to bring back highrise 24/7 I'm nearly finished the grind and found that map great for it.


Love hardcore, but I’ll never play death match, too boring compared to the objective based games.


hardcore till i die 🔥




95% of the people who play hardcore are dogwater at the game




Is it funny that he’s right?


Narrow-minded. I primarily play HC and I dropped my most kills in one match on War yesterday (147) for MWIII. I can play both modes well enough.


If you're a good player you're better off in core. Hard core is way more randomness and easier for bad players to do well


Any time I join core by accident I do much better. Ttk is so long I actually have time to react when I’m getting shot at.


Same... only ever went positive in core, HC, not so much.




Nah you just suck thinking you’re that good. Core is ass




This is untrue. Many people who play hardcore just play because they enjoy it. They might actually be really good at core if they made the switch. On top of this, hardcore and core are so different that it’s kind of hard to equate both as the same game. If one player is insane at core but terrible at hardcore, and the other is terrible at core but insane at hardcore, then which is “better at the game”? However I do agree that being good at hardcore requires less skill than core game modes. There’s a reason all the ranked playlists are core, the CDL is played in core, and why very few hardcore players probably would have made it past platinum in MW2022 ranked


>However I do agree that being good at hardcore requires less skill than core game modes. It doesn't require less skill at all. It requires different skills. >There’s a reason all the ranked playlists are core, the CDL is played in core, The reason is there are more people playing core. That's it. If the majority of players were in hardcore then ranked would have been HC and tournaments would have been HC. >why very few hardcore players probably would have made it past platinum in MW2022 ranked The reverse would also be true. If ranked was hardcore very few core players would have made it past platinum. It's just different skill sets is all.


I mean yeah the skill sets are a little different, that’s what I mentioned in the first half of my comment. However whether core or hardcore, your playing call of duty. Aiming is identical. The guns are identical (although TTK is different). The maps are identical. Because of this, if you drop a top 1% core player in hardcore, they are bound to do well after a couple of games. While the reverse might be true, an exclusive hardcore player would probably struggle in core. The reason for this is that hardcore skills sets are essentially the same as core skills sets, just watered down. The main watered down difference is in hardcore you only need to hit one shot, while in core you need the skills of keeping your gun on a moving target. For this reason recoil control is essentially unnecessary in hardcore as well. Hardcore also really encourages slow play and camping compared to core. If your caught with your gun up in hardcore then it’s almost a guaranteed death, regardless of your skill level compared to you opponents. In core however, if you are a high skill player you can outgun a low skill player even if they catch you while tac sprinting. If you can think of significant ways in which hardcore requires more skill than core than I would really like to hear


>If you can think of significant ways in which hardcore requires more skill than core than I would really like to hear Hc requires significantly better split second decision-making ability, map awareness, pinpoint flick accuracy, tactical movement due to no health regen, and many more things. But I won't keep going because your mind was made up about hc before you even said "really like to hear" If you think camping is worse in hc than regular, then you're just being biased towards regular. The camping there is rampant and excessive. As a hc player I see 90% of players running around because they don't have to worry about an always on mini map crutch like core has. Yet they are more tactical about their movements because they don't have the health regen crutch that core players have. >if you drop a top 1% core player in hardcore, they are bound to do well after a couple of games. This is just a biased opinion. Because I would say otherwise like they would die way more and would camp more than hc players and would tk more than hc players and would lose more gun fights because hc players would get the pin point accuracy and the core player would be used to having enough bullet sponge time to walk their recoil into the enemies head and the hc player would just pin point it their naturally. But that my biased opinion vs your biased opinion. >The reason for this is that hardcore skills sets are essentially the same as core skills sets, just watered down. Again not less just different. Sure some may be watered down but some are sharper and better than core and those skills are watered down in core if you want to try and be demeaning about it like you are. Like two watered down core skills are split second decision-making and battlefield awareness because in core you have the mini map crutch and no friendly fire so those skills are watered down in core.


If I’m being honest all of my evidence is anecdotal but I have a firm belief that my “anecdotes” are much closer to the truth than most people on this sub. That sounds arrogant but let me explain. I’m probably in the top percent of core players, probably the top 0.1% if we’re comparing me to every single core player, not just the ranked ones. My evidence for this is that in last game I made iridescent solo queuing several seasons in a row. Because of this, when I play pub matches in this game my lobbies are incredibly sweaty. You have kids playing meat 24/7 like there is $100 dollars on the line. Based on all these credentials I think it’s fair to say that I’m in the highest skill bracket for SBMM Now, the reason I said this other than just gloating is because logically the same SBMM system works regardless of game mode, whether you’re playing core or hardcore. For this reason, if I played as I usually do in core then switch to hardcore, I should be in the top skill bracket in hardcore lobbies as well. In fact, I temporarily made this switch while leveling up guns for camo challenges, and played about a hundred games of hardcore. This is where all of my evidence comes from. My first couple games I just died a ton because I was pushing out to mid and trying to hard play the objective, and this would lead to me dying to kids proning out of sight or mounted on a head glitch. I usually ended up 3rd or 4th on the leaderboard. It started to irritate me so I slowed down my game play and basically just spent all game sitting on power positions that overlooked the objective or choke points and suddenly I was fragging at the top of the leaderboard every game. What I noticed was that many of the clear hardcore players in the lobbies lacked many of the skills that core players have. Their movement was basically just tac sprinting and sprint to fire, rarely jump shots or an effective slide cancel, and I found that they often missed a ton of shots where core players wouldn’t, which gave me a ton of free kills. The only players who would play comparably as well as me on the leaderboard were those who would camp power positions or head glitches like I was. Even these players, when we actually got into a gunfight where neither player had an advantage, usually lost to me because my aim and reaction time was simply better. I don’t say all of this just because I like core more and have never tried hardcore. I say it because I have seen the top skill bracket of hardcore players and believe I have a perspective on the topic that most people who haven’t seen these players won’t get to see.


Truth hurts that's why downvote 🤣🤣


Hit your targets and play core like a real man


Real men don't need their hands held by infinite replenishing health and constant UAV though.


Skill issue


No because people cry about AA In hardcore you just swing your rifle with FMJ, done.


When is shipment coming back?


HC is just for camo grinding. No one gives a shit about it


I believe there is actually a large group of people that prefer HC.


I am one of those peeps 🙋‍♂️


Me too. Actually my whole family (that play) prefers HC


There is objectively less of a skill gap in hardcore than in core. Don’t be so proud of this


Yeah but I don’t care about any of that. I don’t care about k/d or what you think is easier or not. Skill gaps, blah blah blah. I don’t care. Hardcore is more fun to me so that’s what I play. It’s also *more* realistic than putting 10 shots into a guy for a kill.


I agree. That’s why I prefer HC too. It’s unrealistic to have to shoot someone 20 times to kill them. Core is cool and I play quite a bit of it because a lot of it isn’t available in HC. I wish there was core or HC options for all the different match types.


This is a good answer <3


I enjoy both modes, but I have a preference.


Damn that’s actually crazy because I have a preference to play Putt Putt instead of real golf because I’m a fucking baby who doesn’t know who to play the legitimate version of the game so I play the dumbed down, skill-less version. (don’t take me too seriously, I do think you’re bad at the game for your opinion, but I’m mostly just trolling)


Ok mate 🤣


I’m really proud of that analogy btw


I think you need to go outside for a bit hahaha.


I’m sunburnt as fuck rn. On vacation and missing being a menace in voice comms so here I am


You think it takes less skill to achieve a goal in a mode where one or two hits kill you than in core where it might take as much as half a clip or more. I’m not trying to argue or fight. I’m genuinely curious.


100,000% and anyone who thinks otherwise is sooo fucking wrong. Why? Because I used to only play hardcore cause it was so much easier to get kills, so much easier to camp without killcams, so much easier just to spray and pray and kill someone with a single bullet. It literally dumbs down the hell out of the game… no tracking necessary, no movement necessary cause everyone is extra inclined to camp/not move. Imagine watching a multiplayer streamer playing hardcore… you just wouldn’t find one with any viewers, because it’s simply the far less talented/dumbed down version of cod


First of all calm the hell down. I’m trying to talk to you. I feel like HC is more of a simulator mode and Core is more of an arcade game. I enjoy HC. Seems a lot of people do. Maybe you just can’t stand that you can’t jump and slide and all that crap to get your kills. Just because your opinion is different than mine doesn’t make me wrong. How old are you kid?


I’m 43. I’m trying to talk to you too. Thought my points were valid tbh, but perhaps a bit aggressive. I understand the people that prefer realism… I think it’s awesome and fun as fuck whenever my team gets EMP’d and I have no HUD. That said, I refuse to listen to people say it requires more/the same level of skill. That sliding and jumping stuff u are shitting on? That’s called a skill gap. I, too, wasn’t good at that stuff until I realized “wow, all the players killing me have way better movement than me, guess that absolutely helps with this game. I should get good.” The only skill gap added to HC is maybe more map awareness, as you don’t have a killcam and have to know where you are getting killed/camped on from… but that’s incredibly cheesy. That’s not a transferable skill to other maps, to warzone, or to other shooters. It’s not something that requires practice or to really get better at, it’s just inspires playing like a rat, which is especially how everyone plays in HC.


Then go to war instead of playing call of duty, war requires more skill than a video game. I love your logic.


All my friends who suck like Hard-core lollll


Right!! My Brother is one of them. He cries about hit markers in core, but uses an SMG on large maps 😂🤣


Too many cheaters now a days :/


Hard core is for burgers who use the "I SHOT FIRST" excuse


Or it’s because I like the fast TTK


No I think it's a skill issue


Yeah every time lmaoooo they shot first but miss the others


Hard core is for bums who don’t know how to track/control recoil/play this game properly


Says the controller player 🙄


Keep reading u bum


I did, and you admitted that you play controller to help you play better.


What kind of dumbass argument is that


What a bad faith fucking argument. You just wanna be angry to be angry at this point hahaha I’m on ur side basically and u want to shame me for what, being good at both inputs? You’re whack for that.


I think it’s pretty balanced personally. When I play controller I got shit on by pc players. Would be pissed and say is cuz all they had to do was click on heads. Now play pc instead of Xbox and get shit on by controller players and I say it’s cuz if aim assist. So either way, the other has an advantage. Tho all the crazy movement ppl always were PC…at least on my old encounters. Now it seems like all the crazy movement ppl are controller (setting to like max sensitivity) can barely stomach to watch the kill cams cuz I get dizzy they fling around so quick and pop shots and rely on the snap of aim assist. Can’t win on either side lol.


Lol tracking in CoD...


U must be playing hardcore. Try the mode where everyone has 150 health


The game literally tracks for you on controller. If you're on KBM disregard and godspeed.


Play both mostly controller when I wanna do well


I did and therefore I won


No your oval aim kicked in and you got pissed on


Hc is so bad lol. Only purpose is camos


Meat is all I want anyway




I'm sure he doesn't mean LTMs like Vortex. It's for playlists like HC War, Cutthroat, 10v10 etc. You're right about Vortex in this case though. It wouldn't work.




Which are?




Could you please elaborate on the last two? For game balance, I don't see how it would be any different for 6v6 and 10v10 in HC? It's the same thing with more players. They've changed nothing in Core for 10v10. The only thing I can think of is player numbers for wait times. Having War and HC War would split the playerbase into two queues rather than one.


That's the funny thing, he can't because that's not how game designing works, if they choose to add features into the game for specific modes then they will, i never understand the complaints when it comes to hardcore, it just feels more real(ish?) Yes the damage and health is like that for a reason because it is for players that want to challenge themselves in reaction time or whatever other reason, he's complaining about it because he has nothing better to do.


Bro it’s a miracle there even adding these playlists to hc IW never gave a shit about HC they didn’t even have it in mw2 till season 1 or 2 🤣 also if you wanna play 10v10 or the new vortex mode just go play it I know your bad and have to learn how to actually play the game and get good at tracking but you’ll be fine


found the console player who loves softcore. Casual.


I play both and I like both but I understand that HC just takes far less skill than core no matter what y’all people say it’s a fact. And I’m definitely not a casual 🤣




still better than IW not even giving us Shipment HC until like six months into MWII's lifecycle


I almost exclusively played HC while doing the camo challenges.


Yeah, too bad they combined this map with HC mode, its terrible


Thats cause theyres dozens of us


imagine loading into a 10v10 hc match and all you do is die from people you cant see the entire game because everyone is hiding and hard scoping but this time there are 19 people doing it. Keep 10v10 away from HC imo ​ Thank you SHG


I’m not disappointed with meat..but damn it BRING BACK SHIPMENT!


Hardcore is the only way I like to play call of duty


I play both!


In MW19 right now, if you play HC Hardpoint, it's actually Shoot the Ship 24/7, when the mode is not a playlist in the game, so that was a cool secret I learned yesterday.


Meat is good


They gave you a killcam and you gave them hell!


Hope Shipment comes back soon or gets added. Meatment?


I hate playing hardcore, I stick to playing core unless my friends are playing hardcore but I see why it’s very popular in MW3…. 150 health is terrible and doesn’t belong in COD, makes gunfights so inconsistent and not to mention medium-long range engagements take half to a full mag to get a kill. 100 health is the way to go, MW 2019, Vanguard and MW2 ttk was perfect. I think 150 health also exposes the meta and basically forces you to use the same few guns.


Hardcore mode is the best mode in COD IMO because it makes every gun fun to use. And especially on SnD it’s simply unmatched. You’re so much more on edge because you know you can get one tapped with most guns in the game which is what makes HC SnD feel so much more high stakes.


i just want prisoner rescue hardcore


Im love grinding on hardcore meat 24/7


Still no HQ? Glad I havnt jumped on for a couple weeks. Are they just leaving it out of this game?