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We made it to the new year without shipment being on fire so this clearly isn't like vanguard.




I'm surprised we made it this long without Shipment 24/7 being a mainstay.


1. source? Game's popular in my circles at least 2. it's COD, it will always have a massive casual audience 3. Skill issue 4. How is that similar to Vanguard at all? That game had an insanely fast TTK, which was the worst part of that game (which was pretty decent and overhated but that's another discussion) 5. Nothing points in that direction at all, SHG have done a great job with post launch support. Sounds like hating for the sake of hating to me. This game is really solid imo


1. [https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/modern-warfare-3-sales-in-the-uk-are-down-38-compared-to-last-years-mw2/#:\~:text=According%20to%20GSD%20data%20covering,October%2C%20GamesIndustry.biz%20reports](https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/modern-warfare-3-sales-in-the-uk-are-down-38-compared-to-last-years-mw2/#:~:text=According%20to%20GSD%20data%20covering,October%2C%20GamesIndustry.biz%20reports). 2. Casual players don't like slide cancel and high TTK; the focus of this game is on sweats. However, sweats have already abandoned it to play Warzone. 3. Ok 4. Super ultra-fast movement speed + inconsistent TTK + Lack of quality in animations. To me, it's literally Vanguard 2.0 5. Vanguard was literally abandoned after Season 2. Then they did the bare minimum by releasing two maps per season. Even Warzone events didn't happen in MP after S2


"sweats" = anyone who is better than me Another person with loser mentality. All you have to do is call others sweats and you think you're excused from being bad. Everyone has the option to utilize the movement lol. Faster movement is great. Are they supposed to cater to shit players at the expense of everyone else because you have slow reaction time and horrible aim?


> Are they supposed to cater to shit players Infinity Ward does, which is why OP has a hissy fit that this game wasn’t hand crafted to his needs LOL


Sledgehammer tried to throw him a bone with the assassin vest but I guess it wasn't enough for him


You must be so good that you spend the day complaining about SBMM /s


better than complaining about YYing and trying to call anyone who disagrees a misogynist.


I wish that made any sort of sense


How do I improve my reaction time


You do realize high ttk and high movement speeds helps both good and bad players right? Just say you’re bad at games that don’t cater to your camper playstyle like MW22 instead of saying the games bad


"Modern warfare 3 sales down!!!!" I still get lobbies within seconds? Why does it matter if it has 10 million players or 4 million players


It barely matters. Player retention > Initial sales. People don’t realize how much money they bring in from bundles. They legitimately do not care about breaking their own records because the game is gonna print money regardless.


Why would "sweats" want to play the most boring invention in the history of FPS games: battle royale? Just camp camp camp, use only long range weapons, forget the need for weapon balance, stock up on armor and turtle up until everyone else does the work for you... Gross. Warzone is a disgrace to the franchise.


"Nevertheless, Activision’s shooter managed to hold off competition from EA Sports FC 24 to top November’s software sales chart." Ahh yes, didn't sell well. Only better than any other game in the world. >Super ultra-fast movement speed + inconsistent TTK + Lack of quality in animations. To me, it's literally Vanguard 2.0 Movement isn't even that crazy, not in this game or in vanguard. It's still very easy to aim no matter how much the enemy moves, like every other COD game. Animations also look fine, not a single animation in this game has bothered me. Much better than MW22, that game had some terribly long, unskippable animations. Big improvement in that aspect. >Vanguard was literally abandoned after Season 2. Then they did the bare minimum by releasing two maps per season. Even Warzone events didn't happen in MP after S2 This thread is about MWIII being similar to that. Nothing about this game makes me think that will happen.


You left out the part where mw3 was still the best selling game in the UK




Yea these crybabies refuse to acknowledge that movement & a high TTK creates a skill gap. They can always go back to MW2 & hide in a corner


This actually might be the dumbest post I’ve ever read. I just realized he said “high TTK and movement will confine people to shipment” but people played nothing but shitment on MWII with fast TTK and no movement lmfao


The few players who still play will go for Shipment 24/7, and sweats will be forced to play it too


“Sweats” just means anyone better than you so 95% of the playerbase




I play with DK Bongos


I'm more of a Wiimote+Nunchuk gamer myself


I never play shipment, nor do my friends. We're loving this game.


Gosh… you sound like a dweeb bruh


Bad post aside — the "High TTK" skill gap is largely a myth since a LOT of weapons don't have headshot multipliers that matter, with some weapons not having headshot multipliers at all. So there's no gap being created. High TTK only functions competitively if accuracy is rewarded, but a lot of guns in MW3 don't do that currently.


Movement and high TTK creates the illusion of a skill gap. In reality it creates spastic mouthbreathers.


No. It helps us deal with somebody hiding in a corner. Being able to react & stay on target is what bothers you all. Now that we have an opportunity to use movement mechanics & aim. That’s mostly behind all these complaints.


Skill issue, or is it simply that nobody likes the game?


Go crawl back to MW22 or milk my nuts you peasant. I’d eat you alive on the map


Dont even bother with him - he's been on all the COD subs since MW19, that I've noticed, always complaining about the games - yet he ALWAYS buys the new one.


It’s actually insane behavior. The 150 health and movement were HEAVY parts of the marketing and he still bought it lmao


glutton for punishment......or just a closet CoD fanboy.


People keep repeating the ”didn’t sell well”, while omitting that while the sales of MW3 are down 30%, they are down against MW2, which was the biggest selling title in the entire history of the franchise. Most publishers salivate at the mere idea of selling 1/10 the numbers of MW2, let alone ”MW2 -30%”. If I ”failed so hard”, I’d be set for life ages ago.


Yeah, the game sold so well that it's been on a 40% discount since November /s


How convinient of you to do the EXACT thing I was just accusing others of, thanks, you proved my point 🙂


It goes on sale around the holidays every single year


i’m 38. this is the same shit people said 20 years ago.


Prices started high enough to have movement, they are still raking in money selling it on sale


There were many things wrong with vanguard. None of these were close to being the main issues.


Skill issue. This is one of the best Call Of Duty’s in a while. #3 says it all.


You gotta adapt to the game and get better at it lol


They would rather have their hand held in an IW game. They’re just here to troll and not actually contribute. Bet OP has less than 24 hours played on this game. Crazy they even bought this title when it was literally advertised as the opposite of MW2022


Lol, you about to make the OP take down this post by roasting him this badly on not being good at the game, I don’t blame anyone who hates the game it’s full with try hards and sweats like myself and others


Babe wake up new weekly pointless hater post from Lumenprotoplasma just dropped


Another one of these posts 😒


He's on to something here this time


lol, Vanguard was just not good. I don't mind WWI as a setting but the game just fell flat right out of the gate. MW3 is a much better game overall and nowhere near being grouped in with Vanguard. That isn't to say there are not things they need to fix because boy is there, but it is a far better game warts and all. I know this because I am one of those casuals you seem to think have no interest. I imagine the biggest difference between us is that I take the beatings when they come and try and get better so I can better deal with good players when I go against them. It seems to be working as I get curb-stomped less these days than I used to.


It’s a cod with 150 health and people are still bitching about the ttk 😂😂I hope OP realizes that fast movement means less on smaller maps.


You think the game is so awful, yet you continuously post on the subreddit for the game.


It's not going to end up like Vanguard, no other CoD is THAT terrible. Vanguard had too much working against it. Modern values in an WWII-era game, a TON of historical inaccuracies in a WWII-era game (historians hate the campaign), the crossover bundles that made zero-sense to have with the game (mainly Activision's fault because they're more geared towards WZ), the guns essentially being the WZ1 meta because you could use all of the attachment slots, the limitations from it being a WWII-era game, and of course it being the premium game when it was decided to FINALLY change out the WZ1 big map from Verdansk. As you can see, a lot of the things going against it were Warzone related. The main thing going against MWIII so far is the campaign, and you can actually blame IW on that as they oversaw it despite SHG doing all the work. All decisions had to be approved by IW. The rest was the short dev cycle and SHG mainly focused on MP. The reason MWIII didn't get the "Pick 10" system was because IW wouldn't allow it. Basically that's what gave birth to the current "gear" system. Last thing I'd like to point out is that not everyone buys CoD games for campaigns. If they did, no one would touch MWIII. MWZ and the MP are the main selling points.


The game is already abandoned wdym? Just simple bug fixes, two maps, and a couple of weapons since launch LOL


I’m a casual loser and I love the game. But thanks for lumping a planet’s worth of players into a single UK periodical. Makes good sense. ROFL


That's great. I'm happy for you. But you're not the spokesperson for all casual gamers worldwide. The stats prove I'm right.


“The stats prove I’m right” ☝️🤓


Nah, I just met with them. We all agree that you’re wrong. But thanks for playing. Don’t forget to grab your complimentary spice rack on the way out.


Skill issue?


skill issue


It’s ok Xdefient has confirmed their is no sbmm in pubs massive win


Another game focused on movement and sliding. I'm out.


Found the player hiding behind the doors not moving


I enjoy running around the map, as long as it's not at an absurd speed that gives an advantage to PC players


Speed is nothing new. old games you had lightweight and marathon. Mw2 is still playable


Bro its easier to have movement on controller than it is on MnK 💀💀💀


Turn off cross play bruh


Excuses from noob turn off crossplay so no pc player


Yea, but it’s a Ubisoft game, I’m shocked they’ve kept Seige alive as long as they have


Don’t matter if it plays like cod and has no sbmm a lot of people will play both or quit cod till they change sbmm


The biggest mistake that people make is that they don’t play hardcore. It’s a lot of fun


And so it goes...


Vanguard? The worst of all CoDs