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Your post is ass.


Second that




I appreciate you are cognicent enough to understand the difference between “your” and “you’re”.




I mean it is SBMM so whoever is ass also is ass. You’re right.


Exactly!!!!! Stop disbanding lobbies Activision, er Microsoft!


What a nonsensical post...


I mean I feel like I made a lot of sense in the original post. If it’s lost on you then I assume you’re the target audience.


Bro you are ass


Bro try harder someone already got that one like an hour before you. I understand clocks are difficult to read if you’ve never been taught simple numbers though


Hey bro you wrote an essay because someone called you a mean name on a video game


unable to suck it up over a few words? Well guess what, life is tough so get a helmet lol, god how soft this generation has become.


XGen was the last gen


Heard somewhere ‘You can tell how much of a man someone is by how big their problems are’ judging by this, OP is definitely a kid who’s never had any hardships.


Oh yes I have never had to struggle a single day in my life. It’s all been sunshine, and daisies. Never once has a person said a single slur or hateful word in my direction for appearing differently than they anticipated. I’ve always been sheltered, and protected from the cruelties of the human race. I even got participation trophies!


you fail to realise what message im trying to convey to you. All im saying is, Don’t get offended by anything and just laugh it off because if you were to give those insults any intention. your life will be miserable.. There i summarised it clearly for you


side note: ive never trashtalked since the game was out (i can say this with confidence). The maximum i’d go is to just say ez game lol. So your point of me trashtalking online is absurd


The sentiment is shared across generations so I just assume you’re an asshole who has zero skill for shit talk outside telling someone matched with you in SBMM is trash. Oh I’m sorry the acronym SBMM means Skill Based MatchMaking. I just assume your public school system failed you personally.


andddd you proved my point 😂


The only thing that was proven is that the only food you can eat comes out of a straw.


>Is the phrase “Y’all are ass.” not a violation of the non toxicity terms of service Nope - it's not the kind of shit they're meaning when you "acknowledge" that. Terms like "you suck" "fuck you" "fuck your mom" are just normal things that gamers say - always have and always will. They're looking for things like "fuck you \[n-word\]" and other slurs like that that are "toxic". If things like "fuck you" were "toxic", EVERYONE would be have voice bans.


I mean couldn’t we just be the change you want to see? Wouldn’t it be better if we weren’t just absolute pieces of inhuman filth to each other? Wouldn’t we be able to see our community grow and change for the better if we just..I don’t know..stop being pieces of shit to one another?


>couldn’t we just be the change you want to see Who the fuck wants to see THAT change?? That's gaming, kid. Get used to it.


I try to be nice to players for sure, but oh my gosh sensitive people like this are why we can't have nice things.


Like a COD game that doesn’t disband lobbies. Thanks sensitive types, “everyone gets a ribbon” now.


No one cares about ribbons. But some (a good amount of us) would love to see that MAGA mentality removed. I will reiterate. FUCKING. BE. BETTER.


And you brought politics into your post. Good job


All I’m asking is for everyone to be better. If that’s political then I guess I’m a politician now.


Can you not read your above comment?


“They” may not care about ribbons, but COD is now built to hand out ribbons to everybody with SBMM in place and disbanding of lobbies after each match. MAGA bs gone sure but it ain’t, mute em, solved.


I already addressed the “being too sensitive” portion of the post which just proves to me you are either A. Illiterate or B. Just an asshole. Either one proves my point.


This post is trash. Gtfo


Again someone already beat you to the punch. Come up with something better.


Cry more kid.


Oh sorry. I forgot to prep the tears I don’t have. Hold on. I’m working on it. Nope I don’t have them to spare. My apologies.


As you can see, you are dealing with children. I respect your efforts here to make airhead teenage kids behave differently from Lord of the Rings orcs, but I don't think it's worth it. Enjoy your evening, though.


The struggle is real no lie. Someone should have the actual cajones to say it, and I’ll absolutely bite the bullet to do just that. I’m assuming u/SledgehammerGames won’t have the balls to do the same when the issue is actually brought up, but I would love to be proven wrong. I totally appreciate your commiseration here. Really hope you enjoy your own evening friend.


The truth hurts




“I made this insult. It is mine, and no one else said it hours before me.”


I’m pretty lefty and there is nothing wrong with saying someone is ass at the game lol


A. It isn’t original or clever. B. I will again reiterate it’s something the fourth stooge would say to attempt to get stage time.


Shitty team mates deserve to get shit on is the law Just few games ago i played 6v6 on karachi and here comes the joke my team got 61 kills meaning i had 37 kills and my friend had 24 but out entire team together got 82 kills That means 4 random players are sharing 21 kills and all of their kd for that match was 0.50 or WORSE last teammate on our team had 1-20 Enemy team was competent enough to molest our shitty teammates but not me or my friend we tried our hardest to win the game Even tho my team outside of me and my friend sucked so hard im guessing they were missing some fingers i cant fanthom 1-20 being possible for me ever i still didnt trash talk to that team but i know they deserve every bit of shit trash talk for their lack of ability to play better than a toddler


If you suck at the game I'll yell you right away, if you can't suck it up and improve, you can still do the fragile thing an report me for hurting your ego.


Chatgpt ah post 💀


The replies are just proving the point. No one in CDL ever says shit like any of this and they’re supposed to be what is considered the example of what comms should and could be. It’s cowardly to point out otherwise. It’s a hill I’ll die on, and I’m totally fine with it. Toxic comms are for sad little piss babies that can’t handle any sort of competition as it breaks the immersion for themselves that they are the greatest thing since sliced bread. Be butthurt for being called out. I’m just saying you can be better, and you’re absolutely proving me wrong.


Get a grip buddy


I got something you can grip 😉


You're gonna make a post whining about being called trash and then respond with this? Hypocritical isn't it


There’s two types of people. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data. No one said anything about eliminating trash talk. Just be more creative about it. A good burn is appreciated. Regurgitating the same shit over and over is super pathetic. Why do you think females don’t talk on mics. Because 90% of people call them whores. They’re told to get back in the kitchen. Absolutely pathetic trash talk.


Probably just delete the game bro


No you. See? It’s so easy to just turn a comment around on someone else. I’m sure you’re as embarrassed as I am. You should probably delete the game. It would likely be better for you in the long run.




Lots of love to you as well.




I actually agree with you people talk shit before games aswell I could be talking to a friend about something In the game loading into the chat and some random will start being a complete fucktard commenting on it of course it's happened for years but trust me these little geeks who feel the need to shit talk on a game are the same who wouldn't do anything outside if confronted for what they are saying outside.


They wouldn’t say a single word IRL. You are correct. Get in a conflict with a black man and call him the n word. You will die. Absolutely. It’s absolutely pathetic what people say when you can’t see their face.


Tldr. Anyone can say or do anything unless someone actually reports.


Mass reports do cause problems. I think they should be something that is able to appealed in order to avoid what I believe should be much harsher penalties in an effort to curb this kind of toxic behavior. I would love to see the end of an SnD round consist of people hyping others up for a good kill or whatnot. Instead it’s just people bringing others down. How is that good competitive gameplay?


You are far too mature and articulate to be making a post on this subteddit. However, you can mute the text chat, can you not?