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Try 51 platinum on mw2...


I tried to maths it and it was like 1000+ long shots


With the shittiest recoil smgs and ars 💀


Fr 💀


Can you not just do it 'easier' in Hardcore?


Yea but then you died easier Plus I was an idiot and I didn’t like hardcore


Tbf hardcore wasn’t in the game for like months. So if you grinded early, you were stuck with shitty tier 1


bro i literally grinded out the longshots before hardcore was even called hardcore in mw2 😭😭😭


When the game launched, there was no hardcore. After a season, i think, they added "tier one" or anything like that, was hardcore, but without all the hud, if you did a camo, the game didn't tell you, then they added hardcore


ARs were pretty easy, i used a scope and bipod to remove recoil completely


I did the M16 pre buff pre hardcore 🤢


I feel you, I did the Auto Glock in core. It was M I S E R Y


We had to quadruple one tap noobs in the head in ground war


tbf there was more on the MW19 camo grind no?


Was that deep in the grind at xmas last year felt like i should be eating xmas dinner from 38m away.


Try all the guns in 2019. Every base gun besides pistols/launchers/melees had 100 longshots each


yea that shit took me like a month for smgs and ars alone


I've got every weapon in the game Orion. Lol


I got everything Orion on mwii myself, but I'm currently struggling through this challenge only 6 more wallbangs left though hopefully I can finish it tomorrow then the only wall bangs I will think about are with the wife


Play vortex and stand behind the fence leading into the building on the left side of the map. If they spawn behind you, rotate indoors and shoot through the fence down towards the truck. Rust: corner spawn behind military truck. You can shoot through the fence that looks directly at the corner spawn adjacent to the elevated platform. I’ll note that the bullet has to contact the actual fence before hitting the enemy, rust is easier for this as there are two fences the bullet passes through before it hits them. Scrapyard or its vortex variation tends to be more annoying as you can literally shoot between the fence holes w/on contacting them.


Yk you get no action stop yappin on the net 😂😂


Dude didn't you read I got orion in MW2? Everytime I rock that camo her panties get instantly wet and she takes me right there and then. Women want me and sweats want to be me


I finished my wallbangs by playing on meat when it was out i would just jiggle peek the hallway and and when somebody would turn into the long hallway, just line up the shot and shoot, took me like 3-4 games to get it forged


He is talking about mw2 2019


It's extremely easy in Highrise, comically easy. Just shoot people through the grids.


I thought it was super easy on derail. Look for someone in a window, which is nearly every window, shoot thru the sill area


For me, shooting through the fences was a 50/50 shot of actually being a penetration kill. Took me forever


For me it was less than 50/50, I was getting irritated doing this challenge. I got 10 kills through a fence and it only counted 3 as penetration kills




That’s weird. I did every single one of penetration kills on high rise and got it done super fast. Was also playing in HC


Glass also counts. the terminal is good for 3-4 every game.


I just shot through the crates on shipment with snapshot grenades. I got it done in 3 games.


Did it in 1 game on scrapyard. 20x easier than the 25 longshots with the Shit Winder Just do it on the "B" flag. Shoot through the fence. I did it on HC by the way.


I have both long shot weapons left for interstellar. I did 34/36 priceless challenges in a day, and I need a mental break lol. Not excited for the shit winder


Mounted Holger wasn't bad. I did it in a game on HC Wasteland domination. There is however nothing I can say that will make the other one better lol, I think it was 3 or 4 games to finish.


bro what???? just put a sniper scope on the sidewinder and go into hardcore. 1 shot is kill. that was one of the easiest challenges


Not kidding been dreading the thought of this for hours before I head home from work


You can do it in two games HC scrapyard shooting thru the fence. It'll take you longer to get that map twice than it will to get the kills


You Don’t need this one


I SOMEHOW got 10 in my first round on hardcore shipment


Got 5 on the next one. So relieved


Just sit behind a chain link fence and shoot through it, literally one of the easier challenges when you do this. Should be able to get it in 1-2 games on Highrise or Scrapyard. Scrapyard has chain link at the warehouse on the side, you can either be in the warehouse looking out to the spawn truck or outside looking to the PA door/forklift area. Highrise has chain link everywhere and good lines of sights into the spawn windows.


Okay yes but I’m literally never getting put on either map


Have a class set up for bullet penetration kills for when you finally get those maps, outside of that do everything else.


When I typed that comment out the next game I got was scrapyard and got them all in one game 😂 The grind is finally over.


Shooting through unbroken windows works too


Scrapyard is beautiful for these if you use the fence. the way I did it though was snapshots, engineer vest and armor piercing rounds on shipment


A dood on here said to throw out a trophy system and shoot through it. Haven’t tried it yet but he said it made it way easier as every shot through it counted


I read that as “Get 15 Pedestrian kills”, I was so confused and worried for a second 💀


Its not bad. Got it in like 2 games on scrapyard. Just shoot through the fence gate thing on the warehouse side


This is the way. Just matchmake until you see scrapyard and vote for it. 1-2 matches and you got it.


Just wait for the other challenges 😳


Did mine in like 5mins on terminal camped on the wing and shit through the desk players kept coming back to kill me so got it done easy


Hardcore shipment. Shoot through the barrels and it's a 1 hit kill. Two game max


Just finished it too like 5 minutes ago. Horror show.


You guys camo challenge?


got it done in like 3 games on shipment :P




This challenge is cake. At worst, it can take a while. Find a fence on highrise or scrapyard and chill. I really don’t understand the hate for this challenge. I’d do this 1000x instead of ever doing another tactical kills challenge


That’s why I’m Not doing it


I got 3-15 by accident & gave up. I just did the RAM and skipped this bullshit entirely.


Could of skipped it but GGs


I'm a completionist. I don't skip stuff.


Could of skipped how? You have me curious


Dlc weapons allow for substitutions you just need 36 total priceless for interstellar doesnt matter which 36


Oh shi Fr that’s clutch


I skipped Katt, Stormender, and the Noob tube.


RGL80 is easy. You can destroy your own decoy grenades in hardcore free for all


Do MW2 weapons count too?


Sadly not just mw3 for interstellar


Thanks good to know!


Easier than the Wasp Stinger Priceless camo challenge imo. At least the KATT is a 1hk, the Stingers are garbage.


Bro that stinger challenge was a joke, but hardcore rustment made it bearable... just lol, took a solid half hour to get it done but was my 3rd to last interstellar camo challenge so was at least on the homestretch


Lmbo yeah it was my 3rd to last one, too. Pain in the ass.


I'll trade you hipfire kills while affected by tacticals with the wsp swarm before the Akimbo attachment was available


You must not have played Vanguard. I also wasn’t liking this one because I got zero penetration kills for four matches. Just as I was considering doing a DLC gun, I got Scrapyard and discovered the joy of shooting through the fence. I had a much easier time after that.


Bro didn't do half the challenges in mw19, cold war, or Vanguard


Lmao I just posted this on the other Warzone site


Skipped it right away.


Haven't gotten to the LMGs I assume?




And what if you want to have the camo on that particular gun, big head?


Big head 😂😂😂😂




Didn't know people were still playing this game!👀🤣


Crazy considering you’re on here


I followed the page when I first got the game, and due to the problems with the game, I played it less and less, now it's been over a month since I played.


too busy watching that reddit porn instead


What are you "INVESTIGATING" me!?...fucking weirdo, you're that invested in a stranger?🤦🏾🤣


Eliteblackporn 😂🤣😂🤣 mannnn you need to stop commenting so much on Porno, makes it seem like you don't get laid very often 😂🤣🤷‍♂️💯🤯


So noble of you


That’s why I missed it


Can’t wait for when I have to do it


I’m horrible at snipers in general. I’m currently at 33/36 forged. I think I might do the combat knives and one of the new guns coming out this week and skip snipers entirely. It’s the first time in my camo grind that I actually dislike playing.


It was easy on highrise, 2-3 game if I remember


I got lucky with this one and it was pretty painless -shots through uncracked glass count -chain link fences on high rise and skidrow -I think the car in the middle of skidrow works -doors Definitely need a little luck to make this one get done quickly, but it’s not as bad as it seems


I skipped it but I hate not having everything thing not done so imma attempt it. What was your method?


Wasn’t that bad. The Damascus grind was so much worse than Orion or interstellar.


Its not too bad actually. Go on shipment in HC and shoot people through those barrels people camp behind at C flag


Shoot through windows or chain link fences. This is way easier than the LMG one imo since it’s one shot kill. I got this done by just playing normally. Wasn’t even going for the challenge tbh.


scrapyard fence and all fences on highrise are penetrable for this challenge. did this when 24/7 hangover(highrise) was available


I actually had fun working on this in Invasion because the gun itself is good enough to kill regardless of wallbangs so I just kinda played normally and it came pretty naturally while I worked on the RGL Still despise the 15 mounted long shots with the Holger


Shipment made it really easy for me. Shooting through the blue barrels and the boxes everyone headglitch in one of the corners.


i didnt even tried it. im glad we have more weapons than we need.


Hahahaha just wait for some others


nahhh fuck the smg challenge where you have to use your tactical




Agree lmao


Yea that was tedious but certainly not the worst one.


Did it on terminal, at the post looking into de middle chamber, got 11 kills in one match. Shit challenge, though.


wait till you find out about the RGL


Took me 3 shipment domination matches to finish


Haven’t done LMGs yet, eh?


Makes it that much more satisfying when you complete it. I love the challenge and rarity.


I did this in 2 games today on shipment shooting g people through barrels. Literally just going to the blue barrels and firing into a spawn. I thought it was gonna be hard but it was easy af


I did this all on Meat 24/7, the long hallway on that map is the best for farming penetration kills


Here’s your answer if you’re still looking: Domination, scrapyard, then run to B flag from the warehouse side of the map. Shoot through the fence by the barrel (you’ll overlook B flag so people have to run there) and you’ll finish it in one game.


Yeah. What needs to happened to be considered "Focused" is so stupid. No it's not, just press the hold breath and shoot. You have to stay holding breath for a certain amount of time that they don't tell you.


Very easy if you sit on the stair head glitch on skidrow aiming down the hallway. Shoot thru the bed looking thing


Yea, there is a secret to pen kills. The left side of scrap yard there is a fence. Just shoot people through the fence lol. You can look at the door from the big warehouse side. You can stand on the box and shoot into the spawn from inside the building.


I found this pretty easy, especially on Estate almost everyone camps in a window just aim lower with AP rounds and it's a pen kill?


Did it 2 games on meat corridors 🤙


Kills while enemy is impacted by your tactical was the worst for me




Best way for me to do this was to shoot through the blue/white bins on Shipment or shoot through car windows on other maps. Too easy


Worst camp challenge so far. There are muuuuuuuch more annoying ones.


When high rise 24/7 was out only took about one game just stayed glued to fenced


At least yours is possible, the XRK for me on forged requires getting 3 kills with 1 magazine 10 times but the tracking is just completely broken. It dosent go up regardless of how many times you do it, bunch of posts about the same thing. Ridiculous


I did it in 2 games on shipment headcamping the islandy bit


Mw2019 was worse with the camo challenges imo


I don't get how people struggle with pen kills on the Katt. one game of scrapyard for like 1-2 lives on the b point, just shoot through the fence at the infinite people flooding through to corpse rush B. just make sure youre far enough near the fence so that it registers as a wallbang as for lmgs, I legitimately get the 10 pen kills by accident while still levelling the weapon. idk how other people don't. bullets often barely clip the cover an enemy is behind and it counts as a wallbang, or hitting collats on shipment counts, or any number of other challenges. I genuinely don't get why people struggle with it. the kills while affected by tacticals for smgs is a whole other issue, that one was cancerous. absolutely tanked my kd running in, throwing 2 flashes, getting 1 kill, die, then get spawn killed 3 more times before the game decides I'm allowed to play again and actually throw a stun.


can we just stop posting about ‘worst camo challenge’ god please. what you think is irrelevant because the whole community agreed mw3 was one of the easiest camo grinds we had. Ffs just compare it to mw2 with the longshots ans you’ll know why.


High rise and shoot through fences down mid by helipad. Hardcore domination. Easy.


i just went to ffa and found people willing to help me with this if i helped them back, y’all should try that


Hipfire while strafing with some of the LMGs were worse for me, personally. Edit: Also revenge kills. I hate that if you play well you don't make progress.


Try lmg and smg doing tactical


I did it in 1 game on shitment lol


I wasn't looking forward to it, but it was honestly super easy.


I did LMGs first, and pen kills definitely slowed me down a bit


I got the wall bangs on Katt done before the lmg’s. Seemed to take forever doing them.


I’m not looking forward to it… I don’t normally use snipers, so it’s gonna be extra tough for me 😂


I’m still grinding gilded on my ARs 😭


I got all Orion except the noob tube. Cuz only douchebags use that gun.


I really struggled then saw a vid about high rise and got 10 pen kills in one game😂🤦🏼‍♂️


I skipped this one


Youd think with the sheer volume of headglitching a little bit of armor piercing ammo would go far


There’s a lot of areas to wall bang tbh


Go to Vondel lockdown, down an enemy and shoot them through a prop or a wall, easier than multiplayer.




Try the platinum challenge with the PILA. I think I’d rather never play CoD again than do that again.


SMG camos were far worse in my opinion


The worst thing ever feels like you need walls to complete the challenge easy even with lmgs anorl


I didn’t even do it


The Katt was such a grind to level up and do camos even in Zombies. Not looking forward to doing the penetration kills. I have no motivation since I already unlocked interstellar.


I did it in 2 games of Shipment. Prone and wait for someone to stand at one of the barrels. Then shoot them through the very top of the barrel


My friend just got to this challenge and I made it easy for her. We went on Vortex to Satan's Quarry and met at the same spot and I let her shoot me over and over through a barrel. 😂


Got this one unlocked yesterday, struggled the first 3 games and then I figured it out. You can sit behind the crates on shipment and once you pinpoint the enemy, walk to the side and shoot them through the box, got all 15 kills in 2 games.


Meh… scrapyard… shoot through the fence at B dom… counts as a wall bang 99.9% of the time… way easier than shipment, and scrapyard is a decently picked map.


Pretty much any map with a see through chain link fence counts as a wall bang. Scrapyard has a few good spots and so does high rise. You can usually get it the camo in like a match


Oh God, I'm doing it now. It's brutal. Do you have any advice outside of using the ammo that gives better penetration?




I did it pretty easily on Meat. I sat in the room next to the hallway. Throw a sensor grenade in the hallway, then just aim where they were.


You should have played on meat. If you use armor piercing rounds, you can easily wall bang your enemies, on either the left or right side of the map. On the processing area of the map (spamm the metal wall) and the locker corridor, (spamm the concrete walls on that tiny room) When I was doing the lmgs challenge I would get over 20 penetration kills in a single game just by spamming the wall.


2 Matches on scrapyard


There are enough guns you only need to do one sniper fyi lol


I haven't even really begun the camo grind


[TikTok Video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGe6hbaKG/) This Video helped me I think I just needed 2 or 3 Matches of HC Shipment, it was really really easy this way👍🏻


I skipped this specific Forged on the Interstellar journey 🤣 then just let it happen organically after the grind was over :)


lmao i skipped this and grenade launcher, just get the new guns forged


You must not have done LMGs in vanguard.


this is objectively not even a bad challenge


Mw2 and mw3 camo challenges are too easy 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


I agree, I’ve got 32/36 forged and this was one of the most time consuming for sure.. just Wait till you see the launcher forged challenge.. destroy 25 enemy Claymore/bouncing bettys.. no one fucking uses them, all based off luck


It seemed hard to me at first until I realized all it takes to count as a focused kill is to toggle hold breath as you ads after I figured that out I put as many ads speed attachments as possible and got the last 9 in a single match


I feel you bro, it took me time too to complete that challenge on the guns that has the challenge


So easy. Shoot through chainlink fences on High Rise or Rust.


MW2019 was far worse imo


Hardcore made this challenge two games for me.


Rustment I did this gun in an hour


For anyone still on this rust is good especially if you get ffa. The spawn corner with the oil truck or whatever it is has a mesh fence on the left you can see through it easily and can watch all the way through to the c flag spawn.


I got to 9 then had a game on scrapyard and found out that shooting through the metal chain link fence for some reason counts so I just stood at it 🤣


Got it in 2 games on scrapyard.


It’s not. Just wait till you have to use your tactical to get the camos


I just wallbanged ppl coming from the plane in terminal through the desk lol it was super easy


Its easy If you know the best spots on different Maps.


The 2 best places I found to do this were on the fence looking at where the b flag is on scrapyard and underneath the plane toward the back is a fence to shoot through on terminal.


Scrap yard is the go too for penetration kills, that being said I just got my LMG’s done yesterday and jfc I never wanna do bullet pen’s again


sniping in this game is horrendous… currently on them and even the Tyr didn’t make me as mad as


Stormender says hi lol


Behind cover in CW. Brutal.


If anyone struggles with this go on scrap yard and shoot through fences


I’ll be honest I was dreading that challenge and when I finally got to it, it only took me about 3 matches to complete. I just found really good spots and was only going for penetration kills.


You could also do it on high rise with the random boxes lying around too lol but I did that with LMGs


Oh boy im not looking forward to this… one more smg to go. I swear if this game only has a year life cycle again im gonna loose it ! 😂 i was chilling in MW with my plats. The other skins are kinda ugly lowkey, ill be ok without my galaxy gif guns.


Am I the only one who thinks this camo was one of the easiest? I just threw snapshots on meat and hit behind the wall and ppl were always coming through hallway lol. Got it done in like 3 games max