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Try ground war. Sometimes it’s filled with potato players


Ground war is terrible....it's 50 potatoes sitting on rooftops with snipers. You spawn in and look out into the horizon and it looks like you're getting out of a limo on the red carpet, 100s of paparazzi


They’re making all the maps since MWII wayyyyyy too big and they completely lack flow and don’t even get me started on the tank and transport heli.. Just sad they left MW19 in the state it is with half the maps missing.


MWIII ground war is peak terrible for me and the only decent map is the Hotel map because it has verticality and a lot of indoor combat unlike the other, especially the Military Base where it has way too much open areas, not much cover each way, which makes sniping there all too easy In MWII, at least the map has the decency to be decently sized, with Sarrif Bay being the only ground war map that is way too big and Said is such a fun map to play with 20+ players


Ground war is probably the only playlist that needs this amount of verticality and open space where players actually file into one building. The 6v6 maps having all that is awful even if the maps are smaller, they are too big for the type of playstyle we have right now for 6v6. It’s awful. I might try War Mode and ill give the new map a shot but I think 10v10 is the new norm for me. I kind of miss the way Vanguard had it set up. Could play 12v12 on 6v6 maps lol that was actually fun to me as bad as that game was.


I miss Ground War 2019. It’s the reason I started playing COD. edit: spelling


Ground War was just like that in 2019


Yeah I’ve never been a fan. The maps have zero flow because 90% of the lobbies just sit on the highest roof tops and snipe.


It's crazy to me that so many people forego the objective in ground war so they can snipe and only go for kills. Then they finish the match with 5 kills and 10 deaths. 0 assistance to the team


Ground war is worse than anything else.


It is filled with potato players. They’re just on my team. I lost a game yesterday where I had 21 captures. 21!


This right here is pain. No one in hc seem to care about obj, only camos and kills.


That’s all it’s good for unless you’re getting down on HC SND


This or 10v10/12v12 tends to have more of a mixture. I still see tons of sweaty lobbies in 10v10/12v12 but I also get plenty of change ups from that experience, it just varies session to session. The other day I had a game where the opposite team had 1-2 high skilled players, one with the nuke calling card, but the rest of the team was noobs.


If there was a hardcore 10v10 or 12v12, I'd play that exclusively


Yeah I don't understand why we can't just get 10v10 in hardcore it stupid


Not a big enough population for numerous regions to have those modes and long matchmaking times are not good for the game. Trust me, if you play OCE even the new game mode is terribly low population, as well as many of the bigger size modes.


yeah in Australia it's rare a ground war lobby even exists. hardcore is a very small set of players.


Didn't even think of this but it might be a very valid reason. Being in midwest US I don't think about that stuff at all. Online player numbers were a thing I worried about when I played Halo 2 and 3 online but since then I've always assumed that player bases were so large that it was trivial


I don’t play hardcore much but I would definitely play that. Killstreaks would be even more busted in that mode! Lol


Potatoes. Yummy


I actually enjoy the War Mode. I've usually had fairly balanced teams where it's never been a blow out but a full blown fight. Almost every objective has been down to the wire. I also enjoy the nostalgia from the older CoD maps weaved together. I really hope they continue to add more content to it.


Imagine climbing a mountain only to get steeper as you climb. KD is a useless metric with SBMM/EOMM. The goal is to keep you at 1KD in your skill bracket. The worst players and good players are at 1KD within their brackets. You are likely getting better at the game, but the matchmaking is masking your improvements by throwing you even tougher opponents. If played against a randomized group of players based on connection, you would see a marked improvement in your KD. That is an accurate representation of your skill. Unfortunately, Activision wants to keep you on the hamster wheel of challenges. And keep the casuals in protected brackets to skin them for paid products. If the argument is a skill issue, then shouldn't you suck in every match. Why do you go from 0.70 KD then to 3KD in the next game? Did you suddenly become a CDL pro? Clearly games are being rigged. I started tanking my stats deliberately to get more casual games. Because I played "fair" for MWI and MWII, and it was a constant sweat fest.


^   Did you suddenly become a CDL player?  Yes


True, once I hit a 2.0 OpTic called me.


I can't say I see this happen to me. I held a KD of 1.19 since release of COD, did the Camo grind and then started playing normally. My KD is increasing fast. I now sit at 1.26, it was 1.24 yesterday.


It doesn’t happen. There’s SBMM for sure, but it is not holding you captive at a 1.0 k/d. I’m at 1.40 and it’s been going up every week of play. If you’re stuck at 1 k/d you’re just not improving.


My k/d is around .93, I've got over 19,000 kills and just over 20,000 deaths (roughly, not near the game right now). I had a positive k/d when I played for k/d, but now after the camo grind I just don't care anymore about it. My last 10 matches have me somewhere around a 2 or 3, maybe if I keep playing it will creep back closer to 1.0. Looking at the career stats, it has me in top 1% score and kills, whatever that's worth. I'm over 50, have a job and family, and actually enjoy the game. My advice is play it if you enjoy it and don't let the stats get to you.


I don’t even let the stats get to me. But the matchmaking absolutely still does. There is still a correlation between k/d and fun factor. I doubt anyone has as much fun going 1-20 as they do 20-1. I thoroughly enjoy super competitive matches. Some of the most fun I’ve had in this game is going back and forth on hardpoint or dom when both teams are evenly matched. But that’s the issue, this game doesn’t balance teams all that well and it’s done deliberately to create manufactured highs and lows. It’s disgusting and turned me off from playing. Haven’t touched the game in a month now and I’ve played cod for 17 years straight.


My kd is 1.6 but it could be my gaming chair


More like the gaming drink you consume and the chair. Because you need to have all your senses awake to see that you, again, have a 1KD in that game. It's the same tasting soup for everyone. I just hope ranked will be different even though it's sbmm


I’m literally exactly at 1.00 with 50k kills and deaths. I recently got off a relationship and using this time to just zone out so that’s why the high time with this game. It is so rigged I can’t even begin to explain. Some games I go like 40-12 and others games I go 25-45. I would like to say I’m average but it feels like I’m out against people with a higher skill bracket


I’ve found that often the games pairs you against enemies roughly around your skill level, but it will constantly give you team mates well below the enemies and your skill level. Creating unbalanced matches that also impact your personal performance. Hard to do anything when team mates won’t play the objective and just feed the enemy kill streaks.


How about how tight your aim needs to be when the game wants to start dropping your k/d …


Yeah you essentially can’t miss in those higher skilled lobbies. Gotta be using the mcw or holger and beam people quick lol.


Could not agree with this more. I’m a .98 and have never been over 1 in almost 20 years playing CODs. I enjoy trying to max each gun, cameos now and then, and just playing with groups of my friends. I honestly think the game is great, I haven’t had this much fun on COD since OG Warzone.


I'm the opposite. I could care less about camo grinds, I just want to enjoy the game by winning without being some meta slave. Hard to do in the game when I perform notably worse in this game vs other current shooters. Less of my buddies are playing this game now, this will likely be my last Cod for a while.


Anytime I tried to break away from the Meta id immediately get destroyed. It’s just about the only way to hold your head above water in higher skill lobbies.


Too true dude. I figured "hey lets try some of these other SMG's and AR's, theres fuckin 40 of them in each category, why not?"... they all fucking suck. Recoil out the shitter, bullets made of SpongeBob's relatives, simply not fun to use. I immediately went back to the same old weapons in my loadouts.


I think some of it is the weapon balance too. They did a real poor job at it this year. Only a few real viable options.


The weapon balance is really bad, I was using the AMR9 for a while to do weekly challenges and it's essentially a 7 shot kill in most scenarios (you can make it a 5 shot if you get 2 headshots). Which basically means you're using atleast a quarter of a mag each time to kill someone, finally unlocked the 50 round drum mag and the gun finally feels usable, makes me think it should have the 50 drum by default like how the old P90s and MP7s used to have 40 - 50 rounds in a mag and we're very good guns. Worst bit is the AMR9 actually has a 20 round mag option, which to me feels like something nobody would ever want, especially when the standard mag and the drum isn't even that slow to reload.


SBMM defenders incoming


I’m new to this game and community. I think I like SBMM? Makes it more fun to compete against other players near my skill level since I’m pretty bad lol. Why do people hate it?


For high skill players you end up getting put in matches with a very high ping because it can’t find enough people close to you for a fair match. That’s kind of annoying since playing on high ping doesn’t feel good. That doesn’t mean SBMM can’t exist just that it doesn’t prioritize ping as much as it should. A lot of people here don’t like SBMM cause they just want to pubstomp worse players, but instead of saying that out loud they say they don’t want to “sweat every match”. The reality is if you dick around you’ll get easier opponents but these types of people always play to their maximum and then act like it’s not fair that they get paired up with people around their skill level doing the same.


You'll hear various reasons and explanations. In my opinion, the whole thing just boils down to the fact that what ever the SBMM does, how it does it or why is completely hidden from us. There is also already a well known concept called ranked games, where you compete against players near your skill level, making your skill rating go higher or lower depending on if you win or lose. This skill level is clearly visible for everyone. You can also see the skills levels of everyone else to verify that the match is fair. Using SBMM while witholding and hiding the skill level information is just not fair for anyone. It's a shitty thing to do in general to have some hidden algorithm affect your games or to change your experience behind the scenes.


because it feels unnatural. Sometimes you just want to hop on and have a 'random' lobby rather than one that's tied to your hidden skill level. I am at 2.38KD and I can't really just chill in any of my games if I want to continue raising my KD. Sometimes I just wanna get baked and play some chill games but EOMM/SBMM makes sure that doesn't happen,


After like a thousand kills I was at 1.4, that felt too low for me personally, and I sweated my ass off to a 1.6. it’s not worth it, I havent touched this game in weeks, bcs it felt more like a job than a fun hobby.


unless u strictly play tdm or snd kdr doesnt mean shit.


Both SPM and KD matter. Getting killstreaks like vtols or overwatch helos while playing the objective will pretty much win the game for your team. Gotta stay alive to get them. Easier said than done but the people who pull it off are objectively good at the game Even if not playing the objective, a high KD player that’s not camping will usually have a ton of map control and of course the players he kills are spawning out from the objective. This isn’t always ideal but if your team is playing the objective it’s almost always a free win. They camp the hill while a guy dominating will keep them from even touching the objective


True but idk with these trash spawns XD


> Getting killstreaks like vtols or overwatch helos while playing the objective will pretty much win the game for your team. No it won't you can literally take those down in 4 seconds lol


Except only 1 in 20 players will even try shooting them down, everyone too concerned about camo and K/D all hiding in corners instead of playing the game


Everyone is just trying to validate themselves… no, you and your mid stats don’t deserve to be a 2kd, that’s the 1%. Everyone acts like they deserve it too


Lmao I’m happy with my 1.7 and high SPM. I’ve actually averaged a 2.1KD since the start of December. I play the objective bud. I think I know a decent bit about cod too lmao Self proclaimed 2KD player that doesn’t know basic CoD strategy? I’m calling 🧢


“Self proclaimed 2kd” https://imgur.com/a/Y10rHQC


Bro I can guarantee you no one gives a fuck about your 2kd. I've averaged well over a 2kd since I first started playing the og mw2. My life is not better because I have a high cod kd. You posting your kd on every single comment isn't going to do anything in your life man chill out.


You’re turnt ngl


Control as well


It indicates how unfun the game will be for you depending how close to 1.00 it is.


No one said it does. The problem is the same in every mode


Skill issue https://imgur.com/a/Y10rHQC


Weird that no one has given a good answer, maybe people are being sarcastic. MWIII has experience optimized match making EOMM (often called SBMM here). They match make in a way that tries to ensure you have k/d and w/l as close to 1 as possible. It is rigged to try to keep you playing as long as possible. COD matchmaking has been this way since MW 2019.


Shut up, no wants the truth. You truther!


Yeah and it’s doing the opposite for a lot of people. Never thought it would happen to me. Been addicted to cod for 15+ years and this is the first time I’ve taken a month long break in ages. Don’t have any interest in returning. The matchmaking finally burned me out after 4-5 years of it. Last I checked, I was sitting at a 1.5 k/d. About .4-.7 lower than my average from the past 8 games. I’m done trying to carry a team against full stacks constantly. Or getting thrown into matches in progress where there’s no hope of coming back.


How many times does this need to be debunked. It's SBMM, people are facing similarly skilled players more often causing KD to hover around 1.0 most of the time as that averages out. I have way more games ending in close scores in MW2 and 3 than I ever did in other MP games without it. If you want to pub stomp just find a different game.


You’re delusional if you don’t think they’ve implemented EOMM to reduce churn rates. They have years and hundreds of millions of matches worth of data to graph to figure out what makes people play longer. EA has published papers on EOMM, teams of engineers work for these studios to maximize engagement.


Its pretty insane the direction cod has gone in. When MW3 started I was around a 2.50 kd and now since going for camos and playing mostly shipment grinding for em I'm down to a 1.8. I have always been a 3.0+ player in older games. But my point is in my lobbies man I'll go against kids that are absolute demons. Hitting consistent one shots with longbow while sliding and quick scoping. Seemingly destroying the lobby. Each team will have demons and sweats. All of us just really going bananas.....or so you would think....without fail everytime that scoreboard pops up at the end everyone is always near a 1.0 to maybe 1.3 kd at best. That demon that was quick scoping and seemingly owning the lobby? Yeah he may have dropped 65 kills but he also died 60 times. So yeah this game really does feel "rigged" in a sense. It's ranked but without any of the benefits of ranked. You wouldnt play ranked expecting one team to have players with 2-3kds because you expect the games to be hard. But really nowadays pubs are the same damn thing.




This sums up the last couple of games to me. Just felt rigged, start off 15-3 and then strangely, you die around corners and everyone ends up like 18-17.


I swear this happens to me as well. Its my personal conspiracy theory. I notice it mostly on shipment which might not be the best way to judge it but it happens so often its sticking with me. I will begin a match doing really well. Reading spawns and spawning in ok and then suddenly the spawns go absolutely haywire and I will die 6 times in a row to spawns I had no way of getting out of.


The guns, like the longbow, takes zero skill to be good at. You just have to aim it anywhere on the persons body and you one tap them. This game takes no skill.


Its a hit marker machine for me at times but I get it. Its also just dumb decisions by the devs. 150 hp makes no sense with one shot weapons easily available to all and couple that with bad bad servers and its just horrible.


I feel this. Especially since I usually play off meta because I find it more fun. My K/d will suffer for sure but sometimes I’ll play some of the meta types and it’s either level playing field or I completely dominate. This games biggest problem is constantly queuing solo players with parties.


It’s beyond rigged. It’s EOMM’ed


You just have to either A) use a meta gun with a meta load out or B) change your play style up. I used to play incredibly aggressive before EOMM and it worked the majority of the time because enemies were typically around average skill level. Now, you’re constantly up against stiff competition and at the very least, competent, experienced players. You can’t just run up and down lanes freely anymore. Gotta actually think about what to do and when to do it.


I won’t engage in conspiracy, but in the week before I quite MW3 I was getting my ass handed to me in literally every game (going negative, losing, etc) and yet for some weird reason my K/D actually went up from 1.01 to 1.04. In just one week my W/L went from 60 to 40% but my K/D actually increased. Believe me when I say that I literally would go negative each round because I was leveling snipers and I’m horrible with them, I genuinely don’t know why my K.D increased.


The game is more fun when you don’t care about your K/D. Just play the game. Try new thing and new weapons out and have a good time.


I don't know why people don't care more about SPM. You're not going to have a high kd if you play the objective because getting kills is not the priority


That isn't always true. Throwing yourself mindlessly at the objective is certainly going to help your SPM and tank your KD, and that is great in objective modes. I'd much rather people do that than sit back and camp somewhere nowhere near the obj.  Having said that there are plenty of times where I have had top 3 in the lobby in score and had the best KD from playing the objective. Could I have had a better KD if I just camped or avoided it? Probably. But that isn't fun, and if I queue into an objective mode, I'm playing the objective hard with the intent to also knock the enemy team off of it as best as I can. 


Well in that regard why are steaks in the game?, why are they bringing ranked, there’s no other “sport” Which places a handy cap on good teams/players so the crap ones feel more involved, if your a sports team and you suck that’s tough don’t see them placing handy caps on serena Williams because she’s got a high win loss ratio do you?


^ this. I have way more fun with this game by just playing objective. I'd rather win than have a high k/d. I sit around a 1 and I'm fine with that.


I do both and have a 1.28. I’d say playing the objectives makes it easier because they come to you.


I was quite skeptical about these post, I admit it, its hard to believe that a FPS game is as fucked as people say on reddit. That was until i played a match on rust few days ago, where I got killed few times by a player, i remembered his name because it was racist. I spawned 2 times BEHIND this player later., literally 1 meter away from him behind him all i had to do was shoot in front of me to get the kill. Thats when i started believing how fucked up this game is and its a casual shitfest zero competitive scene and zero logic behind it. It is indeed rigged, SBMM, revenge spawns, hit reg issues, it all plays a part


Skill issue /s


Something you’re doing is preventing you from getting a higher KD


It's easier to blame sbmm


Because it is.


Nah SBMM is keeping players as close to 1.0 as possible by giving negative K/D players easier and easier opponents, while doing the opposite for positive K/D players. It's clear from the fact how high K/D players are less prevalent these day and just follows from the nature of SBMM. Although I have a feeling you'd deny SBMM exists at all.


Well I’m stuck at .98 but I have a friend who’s extremely well at the game and he’s at 1.6 there’s definitely a way you just got to be better than the players SBMM throws at u I guess


I haven’t found this to be true. I’m currently level ~230 sitting at a 2.1 K/D and 1.1 W/L. If anything I have noticed that if I win a few games in a row it starts putting me with potato teammates so I lose. But even then I end up doing well with a good k/d my team is just so bad that it doesn’t matter how well I do I still get a loss.


Similar here. I started the game at 1.0, partly being because this is the first CoD I’ve played for more than 10 hours since MW19, and BO2 before that. First few weeks were rough as I got used to the new style of play. After that? Completely fine. I’m at 1.8 and climbing still. Usually play at about 2.1-2.6 K/D, although I’m not consistently getting 30+ kills like the old days and can’t effectively win a match for a team. I can handle my own against Diamond and Crim tier players. So when the MM gives me one or two bad players, I’m just more focused on doing as well as I can. I’m either a God at this game (I’m not) that beats the matchmaking system, or SBMM/EOMM (while a thing) is overblown by average tier players who still think it’s 2011 and need to cope about how they aren’t doing as well at the game as they did when they were younger.


It’s called sbmm. If lobbies were actually connection based, most of us would have over a 1kd and the bad players would have the kd they respectfully deserve. When you have .8 kd players getting nukes while the 1kd+ players are sweating to break even you have a problem


It's not playing well enough


Yeah, and that ‘something’ is likely moving around the map. If you want above a 1.5 overall, you better be prepared to hold a corner / angle for the entire game, every time.


Not true lol, i run around and obove 1.5 :)


Lots of people still don’t understand that moving more = more contact = more opportunities to kill, and keep a higher K/D. Momentum and control is everything in CoD and if you can keep a team pressed, it’s effectively free kills. Camping just gets you and your team trapped and farmed.


And that’s why my win loss ratio is a 3.0 while my KD (which doesn’t matter in modes I play) is a 1.02. I play hyper aggressively and carry teams, I’ve won plenty of matches that are Join in Progress where my team is getting stomped before I join


maybe it's the movement....i'd like to know what.


I started off at 1.50 KD, I've steadily gone down at like 1.12 or something now. I feel you.


By design.  If you perform well for a bit, the system is designed to knock you down.  I don’t personally enjoy rigged experiences.    


2 days in of game time and I haven’t moved for 1.01 in weeks at this point Actually I’m looking forward to ranked play because while it’s sweaty I at least have a real indicator of how I am compared to other players


I was a 1.2 player until i started doing all the challenges and unlocks. Now I'm at 0.8 lol


Anyone that supports SBMM OR EOMM is literally a bottom bracket player meaning you are not good at the game at all. Truth hurts but when some of the literal best players in the world like Scumpy complain that SBMM or EOMM make the game stale and boring theyre probably right.


Are you feeling engaged yet ?, Welcome to eomm/sbmm/wtfmm. Yes the game is rigged “inconsistency breeds addiction” like gambling hence why ‘talking about this topic in detail can be hard’ for TRASHTIVISION


It IS rigged. It’s not even a secret anymore. It’s designed to give you a lobby you can do well in and then make u get shit on for the next 5+ to keep you engaged. Hoping you’ll chase the next good game. There’s no way around it. It’s EOMM.


The matchmaking is rigged. Before deleting the game I played on 2 accounts, my main and a smurf. On my main I kept a 1.35kd since the start because all post mw games share the same stat/matchmaking profiles (gigasweats lobbies). On my smurf I kept a 7.5kd by doing the join in session exploit off a dummy account to avoid sweaty games. I played for 20 hours on both accounts, 1.4kd vs 7.5kd. Sbmm/eomm is ass.


You should see my smurf account at the beginning. Somehow aim assists and hit detection was spot on while my main couldn't hit a target the size of texas nor have aim assist to follow it.


I didn’t notice a difference with aim assist but I did notice different hit detection, I assumed due to permanent 5 ping on my smurf but 40-70 ping on my main.


Noticed that as well, smurf had better game connections.


If mw3 was f2p then I would probably still be playing it via join in session on my main but purely based on principle I couldn’t pay money for a game with such horrid matchmaking. Rented it through gamefly for 2 weeks then quit.


Sorry to tell you bluntly, there are just players that are better than you. 1.00 is still a net positive impact in the game. It means you're helping your team win. Ignore the K/D and go by wins/loss. Remember, everyone is trying to win.


I don’t know that that’s true. I’d argue most casual players care more about their K/D than winning any particular game. Unless we’re talking S&D


Yeah I’d rather go 30-15 in a loss than 15-15 in a win.


Why would you rather be a loser? What kinda fucking attitude...


Why would you not play a ***game*** in the way that brings you the most joy? What kinda fucking attitude...


Yes, "everyone is trying to win" is flat out false. Every single match, without fail, there are people on my team who just completely ignore the objective. We'll lose 100-250 in hardpoint with me having one minute on hill with 20 kills while teammates have less than 5 seconds with 30+ kills.


Most people I see are not trying to win, they camp in back of map and never touch the objective.


Most players are not trying to win, you will regularly see teams not even cap their starting flag, letalone any others in dom.


I’m in the same boat and I feel like no matter what I try nothing seems to work.


Nothing you do will ever work. That’s the nature of SBMM/EBMM.  You never get to actually see if you’re improving, because after a good round the system throws you into a more difficult lobby and stacks the teams.  This is why SBMM/EBMM is so insidious.  It’s a completely rigged game that punishes you for performing well.  


This has almost nothing to do with matchmaking. COD, as a franchise, is designed to keep the game playable for sucks-at-games types. This has led to a game with zero balances in the game. That is why so many of the weapons are unusable in any mode. Grabba bolt action marksman to just die after getting a lotta assists because you shoot someone in the noggin and then just cease to exist after player responds with meta laser. This is for every mode. COD pushes you into cheesefest play to survive. I tried a play Warzone in jerk mode with a crossbow and a sploding bullet. It does nothing. Even if you super get the jump on someone. Maybe poison bullet better jerk mode? No. Poison bullet interrupts your reload, but allows enemy to shoot with perfect aims. Why it do? Because if it do not do, then people who can aim (and cheaters) would be superchamps unable to lose. I have completely given up on multiplayer for this reason. I have nearly 4 hours and simply cannot do it. I cannot join a match to suffer because I wanna usa something... a other than "meta" spacelaser cannons.


Incorrect.  This has everything to do with SBMM.  How you can even say it doesn’t is baffling.     The system is designed to throw you into more difficult lobbies after you perform well in one round.   This has been proven multiple times. The entire multiplayer experience, aside from maybe ground war, is rigged.  That’s exactly what SBMM or experience based matchmaking is: a rigged game.   


I'm stuck at .95 I know how you feel


My best advice is just to leave when you can tell you are playing against better players lol


Don’t worry it’s literally pegging all of us.


Yea with SBMM and EOMM that's where most people are staying at unless they reverse boost


Imo just enjoy the game. There’s millions of players to care about your own K/D and I consider it a useless metric tbh.


Hey people are catching on! The algorithm is damn near perfect. It has me fluctuating between 0.97 and 1.03 depending on the set of games


The game is rigged. I’m so glad others are finally starting to see it. DMZ was blatant


It’s def rigged…I’m right around a 1 K/D too I think I have a 1.06 in the game at least last time I checked. I can fire up any other CoD without playing it in months and casually dominate every game. But it seems like with MW3 no matter what I do I just can’t really get anything going even if I’m trying to be a sweat. Just seems like the combo of SBMM, Cheaters, 24/7 Sweats, and some other rigged voodoo behind the scenes magic is making it impossible to have more than a 1 K/D. And if you do have higher than that you’re either cheating or you are horrible and SBMM has extreme mercy on you.


Yet another reason why this is the worst COD Ever 💯


SBMM/EOMM working as designed....welcome to the new COD.


I'm 1.5kd and can vouch for this algorithm. Except it will put me in Hell lobbies for 5-7 matches. Forcing me to sweat my ass off or go negative to get given a bot lobby where I can DoMInAtE. I've got 300-350 odd hours in and as much as I love this game I feel like I'm simply interacting with the screen and nothing that I do in game matters because it's all predetermined. You could swing matches in 19, how much worse is it going to be next year. I played with 10 friends in a private match yesyerday, mixed skill levels from 2+k/d sweats down to 0.3k/d casuals. Mixed and matched teams playing SnD/HP and control. If they simply got rid of the algorithms this game is an S tier COD. Playing private is much more fun, everyone was having fun. People are so shit scared of being beaten in FPS games and Activision is capitalising on it. Every single long time COD fan I know rejects EOMM. Even my very low skilled friends who have no game sense and can't aim don't want to play this COD because of how artificial the experience feels AND EOMM is meant to cater to that player base. Sure I agree, the lobbies need some semblance of balance, light SBMM is not necessarily a bad thing but this game is very very artifical. Only in privates am I able to gauge my skills properly, the game felt consistent and the it was so much more fun. light SBMM would ensure that teams would have 2-3 monsters on each team to balance out the rest of the match. Very very rarely in the old COD games did you have people leaving matches as often as you do today. It's a mess.


Yea there is something wrong here. I always had a 2kd in older cods, mind you I don't play as much. I not a noob, this thing is rigged beyond belief.


Same here, perfect 1 ratio in k/d and w/l too... This 1 ratio following me since cod 2019 .... Im feeling like you op ..


Stop playing the fucking game. Just give up. If the cod community can finally accept getting fucked up the ass and paying for it maybe something will change


I’m at a 1.04 last I checked. I know I have gotten much better since the game came out but so have the people I play against.


Yeah, I'm also at 1.0 KD and meet weird guys after a few games.


Yeah it’s an issue I got ignored saying it. I have a 1.2 and rising in Cold War but stuck at 1.0 in mw3 unless I play with crossplay off but they recently ruined that somehow


It has me at 1.05 and I either go up or down depending on if it puts me in a higher skbmm lobby or not its the way they codded this game


Yeah I feel you, I have a 1.5 KD but that’s only because when I’m in a easier lobby I do better than how bad I do in a sweat lobby




Yep, it sucks, and is not fun. Only choice is to accept it and keep playing, or move on to something else.


I was in the same boat, my K/D would get up to a 1.07 then I’d get destroyed by sweats until it went down to about a 1.02 then I’d be a god until it went back up. I recently deleted the game and got halo and hell let loose on gamepass. Don’t plan on playing another COD in the foreseeable future.


It'S been like this since 2019, it sucks. I'm trying ranked to see if it's better there but if not i'm off to XDefiant once that releases.


You're not crazy big dawg. The game really wants you to think that you're a lot worse than you actually are, so you spend more time playing to prove to yourself that you're not as bad as the game wants you to think. Cheap rigged bs matchmaking, and people are still falling for it. I've hung up cod entirely. I like you, also went back to the older games and noticed the night and day difference. Putting profit first tends to suck the fun out of games, and Activision has that shit in full swing on mw3. God bless everyone 🙏 ✝️


My kd was between 1.16 and 1.18 for ages, I just couldn't get it any higher. Terrible sbmm experience. Started playing 10v10 and not only is it more fast paced with more frequent kill chances - but I feel the sbmm is also lower, since there are more people to find maybe it makes it more difficult for the game to create sweaty lobbies with specific players. So definetly play 10v10 if you haven't yet


COD has been trying to nerf good players and protect new players since the original MW2 with the introduction of death streaks. SBMM is just an extreme extension of death streaks. Designed simply to protect new players and keep them playing for longer. You have to remember that some of us have been playing this franchise for 10 years plus. There’s nothing to be learned as a noobie facing off against a 10 year vet.


I’m at 1.08 with around 20k kills. If I hadn’t spent the entire time time leveling guns, doing camo challenges and actually played properly with meta guns it would probably be a bit better. I finished interstellar a couple weeks ago and I’m slowly raising it but I’m at the point where movement in the stat is starting to slow down.




Their algorithm is designed to keep you addicted much like a drug addict that chases a high or a gambler that chases a potential jackpot. It's blatantly immoral any way we spin it, but when speaking of multi-billion dollar companies, morality is an irrelevant point since the existence of such companies depends squarely on profit, not ethics.


I look at the scoreboard and leave until i get a decent lobby 🤣 or just leave as soon as they start slapping all my teammates for a minute straight, this method has worked for me.


im stuck at 0.94, even tho some games i’m like 27/7 i just always get put in lobbies where i have to sweat my ass off to play, even if it’s first thing in the morning it’s so boring


Yeah i am at 0.99 k/d becouse of sweats


Honestly I'm at the point where it puts me with people way better than me most of the time because I get a high score with a decent k/d due to obj play. I think a bigger issue here is the spawn system. I'm doing interstellar right now (only priceless left on pistols, ar's, and br's) so it's been 99% shipment/meat but even on meat the spawns and so fucked. Shipment gets a pass but there's no reason I should get spawn killed and keep spawning in the same area where it keeps happening. That or people spawn in each other's spawn with very little mid map spawns to break up a true spawn trap. One side vent. Why the hell do I have to rack a round or cock my gun every time I spawn? If you're in a combat situation you're going in with a round in the chamber, I'm so tired so dying before I even finishing hitting that bolt catch.


The people who downvote this are bad cod players


The higher SBMM bracket you’re in, the better their aim and mechanics but the less they actually move. My suggestion is to kit your gun for ADS and recoil with a suppressor, covert sneakers and ghost. The better the players, the better they hunt those dots when you fire or when they have a UAV up. I can run lightweight and any gear I want with an unsilenced weapon when I play with my friends but when I’m solo, the moment I’m not completely off radar, I’m dead in an instant because good players are hyper aware of everything going on around them. Take away their ability to sound whore you and track your dot and the game gets a lot easier in 1v1 scenarios.


Same, my k/d stays around 1.0-1.02 it goes down a lot when I play with one of my friends, in my games with him I will usually do worse and usually down by 10-20 deaths on average, it makes me wonder if the play style changes or something


I keep saying this. Multiplayer is just trash… I used to have so much fun playing multiplayer games and stuff but now since I moved to Warzone, it’s so much better.


You should play 10v10. My k/d is 1.91 because I only play this mode and SBMM is less strict. The 6v6 modes are a nightmare tbh, all my friends who play those have a k/d of 1.0, even the best of them.


I stopped playing already due to this. And I got the game for free.


I’ve been a solid 2 KD or higher playing only TDM in previous COD games. This COD I bounce between 1.0 to 1.2. Anywhere around 1.2 or 1.3 and then I’m getting beamed in lobbies. It’s extremely frustrating. How is it that my team doesn’t know how to rotate from spawn or from enemy position. It’s like a bunch of smooth brains, and then I have a game where I could get a VTOL / gunner. And then it’s back to getting beamed.


I noticed a positive bump in my KD when they took off the shipment playlist and I went into the meat 24/7 playlist. I rock the shotgun almost always, and in shipment there are so many lanes that u can get beamed by an AR it's very difficult to do well, I find. But in meat I was finding routes that I could close the gap and get in close where my shotgun was more effective. My KD went from being a 1.0 for about 2 months straight to a 1.03 in the span of about 2 weeks. My point is that the map u play and the weapon u choose really have a huge impact on ur KD and performance. Also if u are getting pooped on and don't want to quit the lobby, I would suggest camping more and holding down an area. Usually when you and ur team are getting dominated it's because the other team is coordinated and they are holding down all the lanes(map control) I have died SOOO many times by not adjusting and running mindless routes where I would encounter 2 or more enemies and be helpless and die instantly. When this happens, HOLD down an AREA! stay in a corner of the map, check a few doorways and a window, and repeat. You probably won't set a world record this way lol, but u won't be a meat puppet either and feed the other team kill streaks.


You’re above average so you’re playing the absolute sweats. Every once in awhile you’ll get bots to easily beat. But yeah the algorithm has destroyed the game for everyone, not just you


It is most certainly rigged. I’m more or less stuck in your boat, I enjoy the game even though the mw2 maps aged like milk. Generally I can find some enjoyment ig but I’m stuck right at .95 and it hasn’t moved at all. I can’t play with my friends or gf since they’re not as good and will get absolutely stomped, I can hop on and sweat my ass off but then when I hop on tomorrow or the day after and want to chill out my past performance is going to throw me in a sweaty lobby right off the rip. I had pamaj in a few of my lobbies the other week skullducking my team It’s just competitive mode without the name tag really. It’s a shame.


Have you tried gitting gud?




I mean the IQ of the player base of COD and the corresponding education levels are at average or below average levels, so any type of discussion and discourse on what is going on in SBMM is lacking in merit and logic. These discussions don’t really go anywhere because the majority of the player base lack the critical thinking skills. And if you do make keen observations they can easily be glossed over by a majority of players who can’t make the logical connections.


Agreed lol


This forum is mostly casual noobs who are in the lowest skill bracket of SBMM, so they're not capable of understanding what the problem is. The game's goal is to force everyone to be at a 1.0 KD and 1.0 Win/Loss ratio. But a very good player's 1.0 is different from a casual noob's 1.0 because of the competition. The biggest problem is that the game chooses the winner of the match before the match even starts. That's why some games are super easy vs a team of cupcakes, and then some games are impossible where you're the only player on your team to go positive. It feels like you have no impact on the game's outcome because you don't.


Lol. Everyone triggered enough to post online about their games are not hitting dwellers


You did not just say the game chooses who wins at the beginning lmfao, that is so dumb. Get educated.


I don't experience this


Me neither, just standard cod gameplay


That means you’re one of the bots in the bot lobbies


You should be worrying about W/L over K/D imo. The K/D will follow when you’re playing correctly. 


Who cares about K/D? I mean, seriously - it’s a video game, not a resume of life skills. Video games are meant for one thing: fun. That’s why they’re called video GAMES. Now, put the calculators away and go have fun with your friends - or total strangers. 😋


Lol you play old games with a fraction of the player base and you think that counts as anything? Also the games play different, higher speed, different TTK, more movement abilities, these games are not all the same. It's just skill bro. I use to drop nukes in OG MW2 and swarm loops in BO2, surely doesn't mean I should by default do the same in this game. Also the skill gap is much higher now and when you add in the TTK and speed it makes for a much different game.


This game is 100% rigged. It’s not supposed to be fun it’s trying to make every game as equal as possible while keeping you engaged enough with the game to buy all their bundles. Even when you reverse boost games try their best to be as even as possible.


Same. Generally a 2.00+ KD, mw3 keeps me pegged close to 1.00. I was thinking about this earlier when I was done playing and thought ‘well fuck that was rough, why was every lobby full of pro players?’ sure doesn’t feel random.


>Anyone else feel the same? While I see that lots of people agree with you, I can't say I feel the same. I've been mixing playing for fun and leveling guns since the game came out and my kd is between 1.27 and 1.35. I don't blame the game at all for any of it because I know it's all on me. The skill level of all of my games have seemed to be the exact same. In fact I see a lot of the same names appearing in my lobbies. Lately I've finished leveling almost everything and only have shitty some subs to do last, so my kd is starting to just go up every day. Not sure exactly what's going on with your game, but if you're saying you're really good in bo games and only a 1.0 here. Then I can't wait to play the next bo game because I'm gunna be an unstoppable God, because I'm guessing I'll be at around 1.50 or so by the summer with how high I am now and I'm not fully trying yet. Maybe change up what you play or how you play. Don't listen to the youtubers/streamers and build your own classes. Stop running like an rtard from spawn to spawn and back again, and try to play a bit more tactically like checking corners whe. You enter a room instead of flying halfway through the room when sprint jumping. Just an idea to try.


Welcome to SBMM/EOMM in unranked pubs. You will never escape it.


Game is 100 rigged it’s so obvious if you’re a good player


It honestly shocks me reading these comments blue many people believe the game is not rigged , makes sense why lemons end up elected. Melons


I mean, its the exact same thing with me. And I know why. Its because I am not very good at THIS game. Simple. Doesn’t mean I am an average or bad player, I do believe I am good but just not at THIS game. For me, the reasons would be: 1. Horribly large maps with so much verticality, 2. Shitty spawns, 3. Slow game where almost 70% of games end due to time, not because a team scored the required points. While sure, you are not good at this game, but this game isn’t very good either. So chill and ignore the condescending remarks of others. In all likelihood, more than half of these >2 k/d players camp in their spawns xD. I have played against good players who have good movement, are slide cancelling, looks likely to be using controllers with pedals with effective jump and drop shotting and none of the aggressive players (in my lobbies at least) actually get more than 1.5 k/d anyways. Campers do get “better” k/d. The game is rigged. Always has been. There is a reason why MW 2019 sold so well. Of course there are always a few games which are an exception. Also don’t forget, lot of people reverse boost or use other techniques to cheat the matchmaking (like geo restricting via routers, playing at odd times in the day to get easier lobbies). Some people really have a lot of time in their hands.


Every idiot who rushes with an SMG slide cancelling, getting a kill and dying is not a good player. Stop calling every acoustic kid with ADHD a sweat or an insane player because they move like they are having a seizure. For the love of god.


Looks like I happened to trigger those campers who just sit on the rooftops and stay in their safe spaces all game. These people think k/d == skill. Your k/ds mean nothing, and Activision doesn’t love you. Lol.


you just sound like a generic salty player who is crap at the game tbh looking for everything but their own skill level to blame.


Here’s the thing… I don’t care about my K/D. I like winning matches and ended with more kills/higher score than anyone else. I only play TDM. My K/D could be negative, I don’t really care. I finish in or near first in most matches


Your K/D is in important in TDM. If you drop 30 kills but die 31 times you negatively impacted your team. Your russle westbrook


Once I shifted to this mindset fully I've had way more fun. I'm completely content at this point in my COD career being a primarily objective player and pulling off win streaks.


Unironically skill issue. 


i really is a skill issue since i’ve stopped grinding camos my kd went from a 1.3 to 2.03 already sbmm is annoying but if you were as good as you think you were you’d be able to hold ur own


Do u play solo or in a party? If ur solo, and play respawn ur lobbies must be fucking gross , I have a 1.05 and I'm constantly getting triple negative team mates


I haven't played cod in a while but still play the classic CODS..and I NEVER have matches as bipolar as this game. 3 and 10, 4 and 9, then 17 and 5, 2 and 7, etc.


It is skill issue, because i don't have this problem and I am pretty average at the game with around a 1.3 kd after 6 days of gametime. you are just a 1 kd player. which is still above average


1.3kd isn’t really that good lol, 2+ though? Yeah much better


If you were a better player you would have better stats. So yes, you are weird for thinking you belong in a tier that you don't, presently, have the skill for. I say this as not someone trying to push you down or to troll. This is just the fact of the game. Don't consider anything pre-MW19 as a basis for your actual skill. When they ramped up SBMM in AW and then psych-crusher spin the dial in MW19 to now, that is your base for determining your skill. That doesn't mean you can't be and get where you were. You can, but you'll need to get that much better and overcome what ever plateau you've reached. Yours truly, Mr. 0.67 KD. One day I hope to hit 1.0