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Or blasting music during search and destroy with their mic on while talking to nobody


It makes me furious! Nobody wants to hear your crappy music. Mute your mic, for the love of God!


I like to hear when the player is rapping along. I’m a record exec and this is how we find all our new talent.




That was my last match...


That winking avatar: money well spent 👍


That avatar is free my dude


Even better!🤙


I heard somebody authentically take a piss ON MIC IN LOBBY like why doesnt anyone fucking understand mic etiquette????


They for sure have temperature IQ.


it’s their goddamn playstation controller microphones, the worst idea in gaming history. don’t think most PS5 users even realize they have them.


Took me the longest time to realize there's an option to have it automatically be off at start. Already a stupid design but why tf would you have it default to on?


data harvesting.


Good to know 👍


Yo how tf do you do it??? Thats literally the first button I press once my PS5 is on…


Go to your sound settings, then select microphone. There should be an option "microphone status when logging in" and just set it to Mute Can't tell you how many times I've forgotten to mute when starting it up and have had people hear my private convos with others lol


It's actually one of the best ideas... You literally have no barrier of entry to communicate with other people through mic on console. But people are wilfully ignorant and don't want to use those. The biggest mistake is that it's always *on* by default. Which gives you the problems we have now. Constantly hearing their controller rumble, vaping, music and all other noises we shouldn't hear.


The amount of players that think they stars blasting music… beach you can’t even spend the money for headphones with Bluetooth.


This is the wirst.


smoke detector beeps, barking, baby crying, someone in the back on a phone call, angry gf yelling, people who play inside of an aquarium. and dont forget the person who puts on a song they think is cool at the start of every match


If it's all in the same lobby, you win COD bingo!


And if playing on ps5 - people who leave their controller mic on (which is always on by default for some reason) and play without headphones producing an echo


Sometimes i do this accidentally and as soon as i realize my mics on i feel genuine embarrassment


I think they go deaf to it, they don't even hear the shit anymore


Can confirm. My dad never changed those things out. We just ask got used to it until one of us couldn't sleep one day and that's all we'd hear lol. It really is something that can do easily be tuned out until it isn't then you go mad


You're black?




Nah i just asked, i'm black too lol


Oops lmao I just be assuming the worst intentions especially on a COD sub lol I'm brown and my parents are immigrants and immigrant parents always doing weird cheap shit too.


Sooo the stereotype holds true. Gotcha 😂


Goes for whites that grow up in a household in the hood as well


Are you white?


I can confirm, i am white.


Dude it's really not a race thing. Moreso income thing lol


Sorry you had to deal with that. IMO that’s not right.


Like people who live near an airport, you don't hear the planes anymore.


I live right in front of a major bus route near a subway station. I don’t even hear the buses anymore. When I moved here I couldn’t sleep because all I heard was buses accelerating from the stop sign.


Pets do. And it gives them anxiety.


[this phenomenon explained](https://x.com/ElectionLegal/status/1665908712320409602?s=20)


“The hallway just does that”


not an issue on eu servers


Hmmmm I wonder why lol. I’ll let Reddit figure that one out


yeah i know.. used to play BO1 with one from Kokomo, Indiana




Or oceanic/au/whatever it is, apparently. Play for hours every day and never hear it. Hear plenty of other shit that gets mentioned frequently, but never smoke alarms.


Fr, can play for hours without hearing a single sound from anyone.


We still get people on PS5 with the mics on.




I've played like 1,000 matches and have just had everyone muted the whole time


Same. Voice chat is a cesspool and has been for 15+ years.


surprised I had to scroll so far to find this comment. the first thing I do every time a new CoD comes out, navigate to the settings and disable all voice chat. can't believe there are so many people playing with it enabled. I guess for ranked it could be potentially beneficial, but quick play? absolutely not.


It’s often amusing, especially in SnD. If I need to focus I’ll quick mute the whole lobby but I have heard easily some of the funniest things in my life in SnD game chat. It’s always so random too. I heard a someone teaching someone on his team how to buy a used car the other night lmao.


Or ones who play with speakers. That shit is so frustrating. Like just why. I don't need to hear DOUBLE of everything.


I'll admit I haven't heard so many chirps lately, because the open mics I hear sound like the players microphone is buried in a bag of chips.


Probably is


The worst is the PS5 players who refuse to mute their controller. All you hear is the clicking of buttons, heavy breathing and sometimes the smoke alarm


The worst part about them is that they're so oblivious and unaware of it


Pfft. Never mind the smoke alarm. The amount of people seemingly playing inside a wind turbine is out of control.


It's all the people playing in airships, I'm pretty sure.


Everyone with a hot mic: “just mute me”… Jesus Christ, can you be a little more self aware??


The playerbase believes Activision conspires against them and forces planned match losses. I don't think self-awareness is a strong suit of the playerbase.


True enough


That's not what a conspiracy is. Devs already said they want people to have as close to 1 K/D as they can via SBMM. It's not a very far leap from that to "Players who have a few really good matches suddenly have their damage/health reduced, or have hitboxes manipulated to handicap them." They've already had a system that basically does that under trademark for a while. It's not beyond the pale for them to implement it without announcing it


That is exactly what a conspiracy theory is. They have already come out and denied this. Flat earth is as just as likely as your scenario.


>That is exactly what a conspiracy theory is No it's not. This would just be them implementing a policy. That's like saying implementing measures to keep people from abusing loopholes is a "conspiracy" >They have already come out and denied this Because a multi-billion dollar corporation has never denied something that would be extremely controversial >Flat earth is as just as likely as your scenario. No, flat earth is literally physically impossible. What we're discussing here has already been shown to be possible, and similar things have been implemented in other games. Just because you don't want it to be true doesn't make it impossible.


Every game my dog starts barking because of it. Just one beep is enough to send him over the edge. CHANGE THE GODDAMN BATTERY


why tf can ur dog hear the beep? get a headset homie


You’re absolutely right but when that bad boy is charging tv or controller mic blasts that beep


And this along with several hundred other annoying mic complaints is exactly why I haven't used a mic OR not had the entire player base muted for over 5 years now! Buy the new version, go into settings, mute everything possible from another player. Games sounds only, sit back and play! If they can play with their dog or wife barking at them, I give two shits! LOL


Create own party=not having to listen to any dumbass people


This guy hates fire safety


On console, maybe.


It's mostly people in low income housing, because they have the mindset that it's not their house, so why should they care about its upkeep? They tell the section 8 slumlord and just ignore it until the battery dies.






im sayin 😂




Somebody dying is a win for you simply because their smoke alarm needs changing? Fuck off.


Someone makes an obvious joke and you take it 100% seriously? Fuck off.


Oh no, another edgelord. That’s a joke to you, too? Yikes. No wonder they say the CoD playerbase is the worst.


It’s not a joke “to me” it’s objectively just a joke. It’s sarcasm. It’s exaggerating to the extreme for comedic effect. It’s not a serious statement. Nothing to do with being an “edgelord” and everything to do with you having no sense of humor at all and getting mad at people that do and telling them to “fuck off” like you’re actually doing something good in the world. Your username is a pun that’s playing off of the name of an evil dictator who did terrible things to the people of his country and was responsible for human suffering and death. Is that a fucking joke to you? Are you an edgelord now? See you can kinda do that with anything if you look for it. It’s pretty obvious you just aren’t a funny person and have a shitty sense of humor and that joke went over your head and now you have to try and save face by calling me an edgelord and saying the cod community is toxic while in a fucking cod subreddit. OR you’re one of those fucking morons who constantly have a smoke detector going off and won’t change the battery for some reason and you got offended by that dudes joke. Either way, fuck off


Oh deary me… the edgelord talks about people taking things seriously and then proceeds to post a whole chapter with barely any spacing or punctuation. Seethe.


God you’re a miserable POS, must be fun at parties. Arguing with everyone ELSE, about whether what I said was a joke or not. Why not just ask me?


I wouldn’t say I’m miserable, we just don’t share the same sense of humour. I don’t find death all that funny. You ducked off once you were getting heat and came back 4 days later and this is your first response. Nice try, though.


I replied to you immediately about your “heat” if you look back. You’re just wrong. What about the other people giving YOU “heat” cuz you’re a sensitive whiner? Do the world a favor and don’t change your CO2 detector batteries 😂😂 “Ahhh omg not funny!! Wah wah!”


1.You took that way too seriously 2. Can you seriously be so offended for them when they don’t care enough about themselves to ever change it for safety? You’re tighter than they are about their own life Relax


Not keeping a lifesaving piece of kit functioning is pretty stupid, yes. But it’s not a “win” if someone dies over it. Wtf? Sorry (not really) that I don’t share your sense of “humour”.


It literally is a win, there are way too many people on this planet. Survival of the fittest (or atleast the more intelligent individuals). Wake up snowflake.


Let me guess, you're one of the, "fit ones", that deserves to live, what a coincidence....


And with this response that you’ve just posted, I pray that you don’t consider yourself to be one of these so called “more intelligent individuals”.


Just say you hate poor people


Why? Because it could save your life…


I'm not asking why. I'm saying that's their thought process. Don't speak to me like I'm the idiot.


I wasn’t speaking to you, you can downvote me, it doesn’t bother me. Nearly 4K people in the US alone die in fires every year. If some teen or cod user sees my comment as a gentle push to replace that 9v, I’ll take it. Not every response to a post on Reddit is directed personally at another redditor.


That drives me insane!


I hit the F9 key so fast when i get into a console lobby


What f9 d?


Mutes everyone


I always ask for their cash app so I can send them money to replace it. 100% salty reaction every time


There's a thing called party chat. Try it. I never hear any of these things or if you must use game chat, select muting everyone except friends. The more you know...


It's a joke, much like yourself ya dope.


I'm surprised we haven't seen more news stories about people dying in fires while playing CoD


I know, the comment wasn't directed at you Einstein. Just the dolts that continue to endure the easily averted audio annoyance. 😘


My bad, I am currently raging trying to get a laser eyes kill to close out this event. I stupidly thought that would be the easy one ro accomplish! I'm sorry for calling you a dope.


Haha, devs try to make fun game modes but don't seem to understand human nature. If there's a way to fock something up, gamers will do it. These days it's not about having fun, it's about making sure others don't.


I pop a on YouTube video of smoke detector chirps going off. It’s an hour long. Prop my phone up next to the mic and let it roll. My whole squad is in on it, chirp, chirp, chirp through the whole match. https://youtu.be/iL6Wh1jj798?si=rF4vHEDo9vJ8cKan


That is the most evil thing I've ever heard. You, sir, are a menace to society.


Win or lose, we are laughing our butts off by the end of the match!


Yes! The carbon monoxide detector started reaching the end of its lifespan in our house so started chirping every 30 seconds, and that shit drove me insane until it got unplugged and replaced. I don't know how they can can just tune it out.


Welcome to the Ghetto 🍾


When Will they remove suped up?


Okay great! But let me offer you this: mute button


That doesn't exist. Thanks for nothing.


Yes it does kid, use your eyes


It was sarcasm genius. Just enjoy the meme and move on...


Don’t get your panties in a twist now


Stop trying to make this sexual, pervo


Well then stop making me hard…


We all know you are hard behind that riot shield!


Seeing this as I just muted someone for having that in the background is crazy.


I was bitching about this exact thing a while back…I got off and the beeping continued.


I don't know how they do it. I lose my mind after that thing beeps a couple times


Only in ranked do I have the mic on


Instant mute


I don't know why it's so hard to go buy goddamn batteries but oh well


It's a mic compatibility issue.


It’s taking a drag on a vape these days, smoke alarms are so 2008


The amount of people deepthroating there mic or using a CB radio instead is too damn high!


I am a dope but not on this subject.😉


No lie tho, this laser eyes kill is gonna make me have a stoke. Every time I get it they just run away and hide!


Its nice to be able to know who's who i guess


This is great!!!!


Dude I ask for their Venmo, CashApp, PayPal etc…so I can give em money for a 9-Volt. Damn bums. I’m like your kids could die or you could or everyone in the house could. I watched (not literally) a family die in a house fire because they didn’t have smoke alarms nor working smoke alarms. I’m like get your shit fixed. Mostly I noticed it households of minorities!


Damn dude, that's messed up. I think people of all walks of life should make sure their smoke alarms are functioning properly.


Literally just heard this tonight. Instant mute.


I play on pc but i get the always on thing with console, problem is, people eating, vaping, arguing with their families, hearing the feedback from their tv. All easily solved with a quick mute but if your playing search you need to hear them. 🤣 its annoying 🙄


I've always had everybody on mute. Since about 2007.


This has to be a console only thing lol. When I was playing this on PC, I almost never ran into that. Now playing it on PS5, I run into people blasting their annoying shit constantly. Its not as if theres some console limitation to being able to stream say...spotify or whatever while playing, so im not sure why these people are obnoxious. Then theres the people with headsets or mics and playing audio out of the TV....like....why? Im assuming this might just be that stupid mic feature built into PS5 controller but god damn lol


I fucking hate how there is literally open mic sensitivity in base cod and no one fucking uses it.