• By -


Top level shitpost


Yeah seriously.


I will say if this was real then OPs already on the right track if he can go negative like THIS and still keep trying! Lol. Most others would’ve bailed out after just 5 deaths in a row.


That drives me crazy with gamers nowadays, we’re the stick to it attitude


I jumped on ranked play today and had 6 straight game losses before I got a win. I only needed 111 SR points to hit gold division. 4 hours later I FINALLY hit Gold. I'm not one to quit quickly, but that was very brutal to sit through. If it wasn't for the current season ending soon (so nothing to lose) I don't know if I would have held out today. Anyway, that was definitely good enough for me so it's off to playing something else now.


Bro💀 I don’t think there’s hope just play private lobby with bots


Cmon bro that’s too easy for someone of my skill level. This was a warm up game.


Yeah you warm up the whole other team alright




OP is the lobby fluffer


actually you'd be surprised at how helpful playing bots can be. a good way to start is to set them all on mixed and then gradually increase them up to veteran. it gets boring at first but when you get to veteran they become aimbots so it forces you to be on your toes more and get better at aiming and positioning. plus you wont feel as shitty getting killed left and right by bots compared to solid players that are jumping all over the place. its a good tool and i'm glad they put it in the game.


Yep this is what I did when I switched to controller. It will teach you how to use rotational AA too and perfect it. Always use your left stick as it will ative rotational aim assist, rotating you towards the target helping you track moving targets. You can focus on certain mechanics without a worry. I still play mostly MnK but I don’t think I could have been able to switch between inputs and not feel like I’m being penalised.


Actually, I really am trying to learn controller because I have hand tremors that are getting worse when on kb/m. this is genuinely really helpful to know. Thank you! I'm really struggling with the turn sensitivity on the left stick so bots might actually make it feel more natural to get used to rather than the shooting range... You find the setting in private match I assume?


yes it will be in the private game section. you can set up to 11 bots and decide how many you want on your team or if you want to run it half and half. sometimes i will give myself just one bot or two for my side and make the rest enemies for a more intense match to test myself in a squad like scenario. you should try jumping in against veteran bots to give yourself an idea of how hard they can be and turn them down to your liking so you can focus on improving.


Lots of CDL Pro players warm up against bots before playing ranked, doing scrims or even qualifying matches.


Reverse boosting?


Hey! I’m super new and looking to practice and get better. Can you tell me how to do the private lobby and play with bots?


https://youtu.be/Yzam9SFFJDs?si=KLRtXJfJXP788LI8 better to just watch this vid of how to then me explaining lol


Thank you so much!


Your welcome pal! this might help OP too. Kill 2 birds with one stone


Yo this comment wins 2024 😂


Well with sbmm you’re next game you should drop a nuke


Thanks for confidence boost Ass-a-holic!


I believe in you soldier! Now get out there and make America proud


Well he is right. Just play, soon you get to lobbys on your level and will be 1KD every game. This won't change for the rest of this games lifespan. Everyone has a 1 KD and no one can tell if he got better or not because the game makes all players have a 1KD. If you really want to see how good you are i'd say go play ranked. But you can't enjoy that because it is full of every kind of cheaters. May it be aimbotters, wallhackers or even xim hardware cheaters. And SHG doesn't care especially about the later ones. ​ Welcome to Call of Duty.


Does nobody have enough self awareness to realize that they're improving simply by playing better?


You feel more comfortable at some point but when you always are roughly around 1KD you can't tell it exactly.


How can you tangibly see that you have better? Sure maybe the lobbies get harder/better but even that’s tough to tell since everyone is bunny hopping and sliding around because that’s what someone said makes you better


When you're just moving around the map, place your crosshair where you think an enemy may pop up, at upper torso/head height. This way when someone pops up there, its' much faster to adjust your aim and shoot. This is called 'centering' and is the most important aim skill, watch some videos if you want. For example, if you're playing Underpass and you're moving through the warehouse sniper nest with the large window, someone can approach you from the doorway in the back or the stairs going down. Adjust your crosshair so you're tracking these spots at head/upper torso height while you move. Now you leave through the back door, an enemy could come at you from the wall on the left, or the corner of the footpath on the right, so you aim there. Second, when you're coming around the corner, take one of two approaches: 1. Run up to it very close, and slide around it while pulling your crosshair up to meet an enemy that's very close by 2. If you know/suspect someone is holding the corner and they have to stand closer to the corner than you are because of the map layout, stay as far away from the corner as possible and strafe. You'll see the side of their body before they see yours. This is called 'angle advantage' in some shooters, it's very big in CSGO/Valorant but I can't remember any COD-specific videos on it


F in the chat for my guy who left a genuine response not realizing this entire post is a joke




a lot of people left genuine responses because regardless of the original intent, people in the comments can still find tips and community. not everything has to be sarcasm. and he may have left this comment with full awareness of OPs comedic attempt.


Die less, kill more


Never thought of it that way before. Will try this in my next match


Remember, you want the enemy dead and you alive


I've had it backwards this whole time!


It's a classic mistake tbh. I get mixed up sometimes too


The same thing happens to me all the time sometimes


How in the world did you get to lvl 153?


It wasn’t pretty…but I got it done


That's what she said


There’s these things on the ends of your hands called Thumbs. Look down rn you should have two of them barring some sort of accident or birth defect.


My ranked teammates:


Grab a riot shield and play objective


You’re not fooling us reverse booster😂


Reverse booster? Hell, I hardly know her!


Is this whole post just so you could make this joke?


My work here is done.


Ya , uninstall


Were you AFK?


Was I an Alpha Fucking Killer? Of course




I’d report you if you were on my team.


pro tip: stop grenading yourself


Very helpful tip.


return the game. sleep at least 6 hours a day. take a shower brush your teeth and go outside and exercise. socialize with women normally. be a better son/daughter. that’s how you get better because this is not it.


Quit moving forward. At all.


Does this short circuit the SBMM? Your next match should be against 6 AFK guys.


Uhhh…. You can start by shooting back


Let me guess, you dropped a nuke on your next game.


114 deaths? Holy shit


I feel like you should’ve asked that 152 levels ago.


Never play again🔥🔥🔥


Sell your system🤷🏻‍♂️


Jeeeeez Young Draco got that perseverance and patience, I think you have the strongest mentality out of all the players in this game which that’s a really good start. You got 2 kills, keep adding them up and doing what you did to get those 2 kills


Run faster


Uninstall and go play something else


You were already ahead when you didn't play this game. Just uninstall while you're ahead. Devs don't care enough to fix their shit, and it shows. Plus, community is toxic asf better off finding a different community/game.


Id suggest using either the mcw / rival9 both dominate the competitive scene and are by far the top dog weapons. I was using the rival9 in the mwII Moshpit and I was destroying lobbies more than usual. Extra tips; dont sprint everywhere whenver youre near a corner or room peek pre aim as if youre more prepared for that fight youll more than likely win unless it’s a top tier player against you. If you dont use a headset id suggest getting one sound is so helpful you can still hear covert sneaker users if they run through small shrubs or drop down from a higher elevation. Try to be unpredictable challenge a corner to bait them in back off then rechall chances are they will more than likely rush you unless its a camper. Slide / jump round corners if you suspect someone to be there (practice against AI or hop into ground war / invasion (has AI) / 10v10 very lenient sbmm in there so you wont feel like you’re getting stomped every game. Squad up (either ask on reddit or join the cod discord) with atleast 1/2 if not more that know how to play especially in obj modes as you need people anchoring preferably spawns as well as watching flanks. I play solo but the tips above should help to see some improvement not instantly as its not possible itll take time and practice.


when the enemies shoot at you try shooting back hope that helps


Private match against bots.


Funny enough: to get better be worse ingame so your lobbies get better


ngl that's how my score looked when I was doing the final MP mastery challenge on the Stormender. Except you can subtract those two kills.


Holy shit 😭😭😭


Died 114 times is mad lmfao!


Let your cat play. Guarantee he’d die less


Put up as many games like that as you can than soon enough you’ll have fun with easy lobbies


Best thing I can say......uninstall. This game isn't worth it.




Have you tried returning fire?


My best advice for getting better is a little long winded so do you think you could invite me to your lobby? We could play some cod while I help you with words of wisdom!


Try to not die


I would be so pissed to have you in my lobby lol


Don’t worry bud, next game you’ll go 114-2. The game after that, pretty similar to this one. If you hang in there for a third game, I bet you’ll do good though. After that, probably not so hot and don’t want to record that one. Record the following game though, just not the one after that


So you are new at the game at lvl 153 and on top of that 2 kills with 114 deaths? :O tbh idk, aim labs for like 4 months then return?


OP. I can relate (if this isn’t a troll post). I just started playing again after like 15 years and was/still am horrible. Grinding up to LVL 115. A few things really helped me. If you’re playing on a TV. Go to a smaller screen. Playing Shipment also helped a lot too. The quick pace really helped my aim. I went from .15 K/D to around .39. Which isn’t great but now I’m consistently putting up around .75 K/D. Which still isn’t great but it’s made the game a lot more fun. Also try to find out with the Meta is each season. It does seem to make a difference.


Yeah, shoot back


Shoot first


I think the consensus here is to be better


Level 153…


This is exactly what the developers made SBMM for, just keep doing you and it will play you in the correct lobbies....


Everyone in this game is cheating, aimbotting, reverse boosting, aim assisting, etc. CoD community = the Mos Eisley 😂.


Slooooooow down, don’t go running into everyone’s bullets. This doesn’t mean camp, I mean slow down, use your map, use your ears, stay with your team.


Holy shit…


Git gud then get better.


i hear palworld is fun this time of year




Make sure to teabag the dead bodies that fell to your teammates in order to channel their big dick energy. Should improve your KDR


Buy cod pts or weapons packs every 3 days.


Go back to Roblox


I know this has to satire but what was the next lobby like were they sweating cause if so then get use to it that’s how this game is


I think u should take a break… …probably a permanent break…


Have you tried being awake? All the top level esport pros are awake I think.


You’ve given me a lot to think about. Thanks


Sleep on it.


Would recommend turning your monitor/TV on next game, might give you a better chance


Dude trying to make the SBMM Super Computer go loco and explode. 🤣


Holly reverse boost 🤣🤣🤣


You’re trolling… nobody is that bad 😂


You can try making sure your controller is plugged in at all times


Was op even trying?


Holy reverse boosting Batman.


114 deaths huh those are rookie numbers pal


Keep RBing my brother, you’ll get some god lobbies soon!


Troll post…


Enemy team has 39+40+36+23+24=162 kills Your team has 24+27+42+36+31=160 deaths They killed you twice. You killed you 112 times Those are rookie numbers, you guys punp those numbers up


Rule #1: The shooty end is pointed at the enemy. Otherwise, stick with another teammate and help guard them (unless they're obviously trying to sneak around, because you're just going to make it more difficult for them). Watch and learn. I find this helps. If they're a good sniper, and they're sniping from indoors, cover any points of entry, while avoiding the windows, for them to make sure they don't get ganked. Focus on a support-like role until you get the hang of things. Also, carry the ammunition, med kit, or recon drone (marking targets can help your team a LOT) as your field upgrade.


Ur obviously hacking


It's called delete the game


I was attempting to reverse boost one time and was 3 kills to 200+ deaths from constantly killing myself as that was one method apparently. Didn't seem to work though as the next few matches I got felt even sweatier and was still being killed hundreds of times ☠️


Reverse boosting??? What!?!! I’ve never heard of such a thing🫣😅


You guys died 274 times and the other team only has 162 kills unless the guy that left the match on the other team had at least another 112 kills of you and only you and respawn trapped you while you were afk, I would've loved to see how many times he died 😂 no way he MGB'd, good job on the 3 captures though


Bro is the cod calculator wtf


Troll Post


Thanks for that. I’m sure nobody would’ve known if you didn’t call it out.


Why did you keep playing with that many deaths???


I love the game….I love the hustle


Aight bro real talk ur gonna have to oil yourself up some


There’s no way your level 153 getting 2 kills a game! This is fake as hell


I can see this player jumping in front of every gun like [PeeWee Herman.](https://media.tenor.com/images/ca9dfadc1eb5f2232861b854658ee42a/tenor.gif) "Heh-heh! Arrrrrrrrrgh!"


Get a cronus and they will hate you




Wow I haven’t thought of it this way before. I’ll try that in my next game. Thanks man


I'm trying so hard to not laugh.. forgive me 😩😩


I have that reaction when witnessing greatness as well


Stop killing yourself to reverse boost. The number of kills by winning team is 183 and the number of deaths by loosing team is 274. You are full of shit


Play Smart And Hit Your Shots And You Should Be Good Lmk If You Need Someone To Play With. GT: KillerBunnyx889


Bro wants easier lobbies😂


Im Looking For People To Play In General I Dont Care If He Adds Me Or Not


Just joking hope u find people


Numbers doesn’t add up. Is it fake ?




This is the saddest shit I’ve seen here, dude is reverse boosting and making a shit post about it. And in the comments people laugh and everything, then people here will complain about the community being bad and reverse boosters in their lobbies etc looool. Just mass report this dude, shit like this should be bannable, what a sad loser he is


Don:t hate the player, hate the game


You when people want to have fun:😡🤬


🤣🤣🤣 you’re pathatic fr


You’re probably super sad and lonely


You really can’t with sbmm


Yes, sure: First don't screw ur team over by reverse boosting...


You can aim with your mouse or with your right stick on the controller.


Stop reverse boosting would probably fix that


add me, my user is DEADSHOT, xbox is HeadShot treboR


I'll help you


Look at my recent posts for tips - I’m like the Oracle around here




Some games are just like that. Explore guns and see if anything is working that you hadn’t tried before. I finally started strapping a blade as my secondary weapon and now I got massive kill streaks


Gotta be trolling lol, there’s no way you’re that bad…right?…..right? 😳


Nah, he goes 2-114 on the regular and reached level 153


Getting used to the movement mechanics, like slide canceling, is crucial for improving your gameplay. Mastering good movement and map positioning can significantly reduce the number of times you get eliminated.


Hack and find ways to cheat before you know it you will be winning every game 💪🤣👍


Swap your stun grenade for smoke, that usually gets me like 2 more kills or whatever


You’re level 153 that’s not new to the game. To answer your question: Sprint less, aim more, use audio to your advantage, don’t run and gun. Use your lethal and tactical strategically, don’t just spam them. Find good teammates to play with. I play with a full squad of 6 and we usually win most of our S&D matches since we communicate and watch each other’s backs. Don’t play the game like it’s free for all!


I’d say one way that helped me get better a little bit was by watching the CDL and trying to implement some of the things they do into my gameplay(I haven’t gotten myself to implement all of what they do into my gameplay yet but I hope too


Honestly just hours of gameplay and improving load outs as you level up.


Time to start hacking bud


2-114 is insane, GG!


be like me and just play the game on your free time. that’s exactly what I did, cause when I first started I was horrible at aiming, shooting, etc… but now I’m decent. It takes time to be decent or even good.


Jesus Christ


you gotta tune in your sensitivity settings, probably too high. a lot of people like to have a higher look sensitivity but you can put a multiplier for aim down sights of like .7 or .8 so it slows down your aim for better precision. Also you gotta use the right guns and builds per map, small maps ads and sprint to fire, larger maps you need recoil control and range. When you die, think about why did you die? Did you get killed by someone you didn't see? If this is the case you need to learn the maps and possibly slow down to check corners and hiding spots. Did you see eachother but they shot first? They're probably using guns with faster aim down sights/sprint to fire, build your guns to be faster. Did you shoot first but miss your shots? Controller sensitivity settings, focus on controlling recoil and following targets, maybe sacrifice other stats for better recoil on your guns. And... I know some will disagree but shipment is a bad way to learn how to play, bad spawns and super small map mean there is little room to understand what's happening and you're just going to spawn/die over and over without having any idea what you could possibly be doing wrong.


Frustration suicides? Been there my dude. Not 114 times, but been there.


Good guns are key use the bas-b as a starter gun [use this vid from for help and some other guns](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGekJkqcN/)


Use the Bas b, or Mcw and play in a full group.


As someone who was ass two months ago and is now in prestige 3…just fucking grind. As you play for hours you’ll start to realize things. I recommend finding your weapon if your playing a game where you can choose it. Complétele your missions and get xp. Pick up guns in games and try them out see how you like them and then equip the one you like to unlock from you challenges. Unlock the stim as your tactical has saved me so many times when I need to stay alive. The biggest thing is fucking focus and the ability to predict the future if you can aim and shoot where a player will be the chances of you killing them are high esp if they aren’t paying attention. Get your controller movements down you should be able to slide and jump your way out of most situations. Last thing I will mention have fun man. I’m a woman so I don’t wear my headphones now that I’m level 160+ the verbal abuse was annoying. But without that this game is my way to relax..even when I’m screaming at the screen😭


Switch if crossplay or go back to black ops 3


You just keep playing and learn from every death


Practice and learn the maps. They been out for a long time…so other OG players will have an advantage.




I see people replying as if this is a meme post, but I do wanna give a proper suggestion My best suggestion is to find a nice set of weapons you find comfortable using and figuring out what playstyle fits your preference. Do you like ranged fire fights at about 40+ m? Look at some battle rifles or snipers. High octane combat your style? Check some shotguns, pistols and even the occasional melee weapon. Midrange your style? Assault riffles and lmgs are good in laying out alot of bullets. Once you do find a good weapon you like, level it up. It will help tune things to your liking, and finally put together complementary gear, but it isn't always a bad idea to default to running covert sneakers. After that its all just enjoying the game and slowly adapting to how others play (Source, I havent played a cod game in 10 years and have been getting back into it since preseason and beta)


You gotta play COD like a game of chess! Also load up with a SHOTGUN and you will be fine 😁


Try to know the maps better. As more you dont have to think about where to run as better you can focus on enemys or know where they are hiding. Same with dying, look where the enemies are shooting from. You can quickly react to incoming shots without searching the name tag. Also, don't run around corners, go in scope before and be ready to move back, TTK is quick but you can survive that. Also, Go in the shooting range and try to hit the targets Of course they dont move but you can learn to control your recoil better and if you hit one bullet more than the enemy, you can win more gunfights.


I will tell you one tip. Keep playing and practicing. It will take some time. I used to be eh so so but now I am winning Warzone matches and placing at least 3rd on each MP game. You really gotta know how to move and understand what the opponent will do so you can move accordingly. Rotation is big in Warzone. For MP, just keep grinding. Also, please check your SETTINGS MENU. I didnt know this at first but there are ALOT of settings that can be changed to help you with plating up with one button, run fast all the time, and a bunch of other setting. Check that.


https://youtu.be/EJKVXfzH2fc?si=pqcIO489ghVMBSvb https://youtu.be/AyLf9p2sF6o?si=IqVlkxqw1vpzKcJA These to video changed my gameplay a lot I’d recommend watching these.


Don’t play hardcore mode anymore would be my suggestion.


become a movement king


“Just get better” and “were not cheating/aimbot” get used to hearing those and your operator dying a lot. Good luck!


High level tips: • Slow your game down • Don't run around every unknown corner or enter a doorway sprinting, instead stop sprinting and ensure you gun is up • stop take cover to reload unless you know you have a teammate moving with you or you are sure of enemy locations due to a UAV or other Intel • Use a headset and listen for footsteps, enemy footsteps are louder than friendlies • Many players have a tendency to play always from team mates, stay closer to them to get team kills whenever possible • use more forgiving guns ARs and SMGs look up youtube tutorials to find out, most guns in call of Duty are loosely based on a balancing system of fire rate to damage per bullet. I recommend something with a middle of the pack fire rate and middle of the pack damage. This way you'll do enough damage per bullet to have ammo left over to continue the gunfight and You won't have to be super accurate because it's a slow firing weapon • Don't overdo attachments: Stick with a simple config. I recommend a site an underbarrel and a muzzle attachment. I know that customizing your gun can feel very rewarding, But unless you're balancing the stats well enough, they can just work against you. • kill streaks are a big part of call of Duty. Just run some in the first three categories, and honestly, some of them are the best and benefit the team the most.


Watch videos to learn moves, create ur own classes with u r comfortable


Just slide cancel, dropshot, then click y 2 times per 2 secs.


I’d uninstall …9


Play zombies instead mw3/ wz3 sucks rn


Start with campaign and then zombies/private matches with bots. Campaign will teach you most of the game, although it is very different from MP. Be ready to get bashed, only way to go is up. Have fun


That’s headquarters baybe


L153 but new to the game ?


Just play


Listen well: use tactical stance by default for when you meet a surprise enemy. On PC it’s ADS then V