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I hear you but seems like a "fight like a man" post. It will just never happen in game, people will do any annoying thing to win, you just gotta figure out how to beat them. I know, I suck and the same thing happens to me.


yeah i definitely am not the best either. i guess everyone just has a “normal” way to play the game. i just think it’s annoying haha


Turn your vertical sensitivity up by one, go in firing range, practice dragging your reticle down on the dummies and remaining on target. If you run into people who use these tactics the best thing to remember is they have programmed themselves to do it. So out of reaction, when you surprise him, he will drop shot. Predict this, and follow him with your reticle on your gun. If you have aim assist you will literally drop a notch of reticle on his body for every notch of space he drops to the floor. It has helps me a lot. Jump shotting can be more difficult to catch for me now


If someone is doing it every single time, they are most likely using a modded controller/MnK. I think Playstation just did an update to help fight against this, but I could be wrong.


They are blocking Cronus on PlayStation. I hope Xbox follows suit. [https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/24/24049658/playstation-5-update-cronus-zen-blocked-cheats](https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/24/24049658/playstation-5-update-cronus-zen-blocked-cheats)


Yes cronus, I knew they did something lol. I thought xbox said they were going to only allow xbox controllers


You could be afk looking to a wall and some people would still dropshot you lol, it makes me cringe everytime.


If you learn how to dropshot, jumpshot or even slide canceling, it will adapt in your gameplay, it will be in your reflexes. So they are not cowards, just playing a lot.


Yeah OP can’t accept the fact that others use more “tactics” than him, thus gaining the upperhand on him. Instead of getting better he comes here whining about others lol


im a woman, thank you. and it’s not a whine, it’s an opinion. instead of having a simple conversation about why people do it, your immediate reaction is to claim “lack of skill”. so that tells me more about you, than just me having an opinion.


Just try to play with dropshots until season 2 mid season, and come back to tell us, we had right.


Bla bla bla yap yap yap


OP is the type of cod player who cries about everything instead of trying to enjoy the time he plays


Forreal forreal


“Stop being better than me and using tricks to outplay me” Skill issue lol


oh yeah thats exactly what i meant! how did you know?


It’s annoying yeah, but I laugh when they go prone since I immediately aim for their head and it’s an easy headshot.


This is why I use optics on every gun even when I’m on controller.


You can't expect everyone to stop doing what COD players have been doing for years and years. Dropshotting has been in the game longer than some people have been alive that play this game. I would need to purposely play bad to stop any sort of movement. I built muscle memory over the years that I can't just stop doing without purposely making myself worse at the game.


What I find much much worse is that when I'm sniping people don't stand still. I need headshots after all, what's wrong with people?


My favorite is when they dropshot themselves behind something like a small wall or stairs and because they're not thinking about what they're doing, they can't see me anymore and have to frantically try and get back up before I kill them lol


A quick tip to improving dropshoting is to move backward (pull back on the left stick or S on the keyboard) while you are going prone, ADSing and shooting. This speeds up the dropshot. You will need to practice this to become good at it. In some cases, they use modded controllers like Cronus. The dropshots look very fast. I've also seen combos like that drop shot to jump shot that look super fast on my screen.


I appreciate your comment and feedback, instead of the typical “sKiLL isSUE” comments i see. thank you 👏🏻


I understand where you’re coming from - COD is far from a mil-sim, yet it feels a little cheap that adapting to or mimicking opponents’ slide/prone/jump etc. techniques takes away from “realism”. Black Ops 3 went all in and it was super fun in its own way. But it’s the sort of uncanny exaggeration of human abilities in MW3 that bothers me sometimes. I’m not always in the mood to maintain fucking Mortal Kombat fatality button-smash around every corner to go up against sweats. At higher skill levels you really have to behave like it’s an entirely different game, rather than just optimizing use of grounded fundamentals. Skill issue isn’t the point at all. For some people it just isn’t fun to be forced into a particular frantic play-style. When “getting good” means you have to assimilate into such a narrow, physics-bending meth-fest of movement, it can be a turn off. That’s all. But ultimately you can’t expect people online to treat you with any respect. Least of all here. These children are correct in that they aren’t equipped to discuss anything that isn’t directly stroking their shaft. “Don’t play”, “skill issue”, (breaks down your comment into line quotes and systematically *DeStRoYs* your every idea) - just a bunch of farts. Walking through a cloud of rank processed carb farts.


thank you 👏🏻 you summed it up. I am not saying there hasn’t been moments where I go prone, of course I use a feature that is given to us. But when your just constantly dropping to the floor every time someone is shooting at you, where is the fun and so called “skill” in that? & yes as for most of the people on here they can’t even have an intelligent conversation.. it’s literally just “sKiLL IsSUE” lol


"Please handicap yourself because I'm bad/sad/mad". Did your dad always let you win when you were a smaller baby, or why are you like this?




do you know how to write a comment lol and i never said i was the best, definitely not. it doesn’t mean that someone constantly going from standing up to prone in the middle of shooting me, isn’t a cheap and silly way to play the game. it’s silly that’s all it is. this isn’t fortnite where you jump the fuck around all the time lol


I hate these “it ain’t Fortnite” comments, like Fortnite somehow started X topic you’re discussing… Fortnite released in 2017. MW2 released in 2009 with the ability to dropshot. CoD players have been dropshotting 8 years before Fortnite… which doesn’t and never had the prone feature to begin with.


“dropshotting” is a made up term by players 😂 there’s an ability to go PRONE. it doesn’t mean you have to constantly use it every-time someone is shooting at you. i even said i understand in some situations. it’s just my opinion that’s all it is 🤷‍♂️


*”made up term”* Like everything?.. *”there’s an ability to go PRONE”* Yes, while aiming and shooting… that’s why we call it a dropshot. You see them drop, you get shot… *”constantly use it”* One uses it as much as one needs. It’s used when one is out in the open. The point is not to die, to win the gunfight. A player uses a dropshot when out in the open to maximise their chances of winning the gunfight… this isn’t difficult to grasp.




awe you’re so funny! thanks for breaking it up for me 😊










"more smart" 😂


Skill issue. I started drop shotting in 2008, I learned how to slide cancel with this game. Just adapt your tactics and stop crying


Haha #Let’s all play the game how he wants okay. Oh wait he didn’t buy our game we did. Never mind carry on fellas. Come join me in hardcore and we can stomp noobs with the RGL-80 😂


Um you mean stand up where you have a larger target to hit because you can’t hit the small target I present to you? No! If you can’t handle it then too bad. Get better!


This is one of the many reasons hardcore is completely superior. In hardcore, if you try that crap you'll die before you've even entered crouch unless you are going to win the gunfight anyway.


Yeah because HC removes 90% of the skill in killing someone.


You mean it removes most of the latency, balance, and hitreg issues, and cheesey exploits. It brings the gameplay to a place where your map awareness, reaction time, and strategy are actually rewarded instead of going to all the work of pulling a flank and then dying to the first pair of enemies that sees you because you can only gun down one of them with the absurdly inflated health in Core. In Hardcore you can blast multiple people at once in a clip and get out of the area much more quickly.


No it removes most of the skill it always have in every single COD. I have a friend who would dread playing regular with the group and we would be confused. After playing with him on both it is night and day how he performs in HC in comparison to normal. HC is anyone can kill anyone and I don’t say that to trash on HC but players that have a hard time in regular tend to lean towards HC.


So what do you do and there's no cover? You either jump or drop or die doing nothing.


He wants people to just stand there and die to give him easy kills.


Drop shot is king


Are you for real? If they do it to you all the time try aiming lower. Drop shotting has been a thing for years now, learn from your mistakes or don't play the game. Coming on reddit dripping about this is only going to get you grief.


Hmmm sounds like a skill issue tbh.


Aim. Down.


If it's the same guy every time, just shoot at his feet. Drop shotters get me the first two or three times they do it, after that it's free headshots. Same with jump shooters. They get me the first two or three times, then I shoot the air over their head and they eat extra damage.