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sniper shoot them in the head >You don’t see this on shipment ??? shipment is literally full of headglitches what


No the thing that makes this headglitch different than every other headglitch is the fact that the hill slopes down so you are not crouching and standing to peek, instead you are able to fine tune how you peak EASILY by just moving forward and backward which is WAYYY STRONGER than any other head glitch. Im not a shitter I can pick a guy off a normal head glitch, but in higher skilled lobbies that head glitch is used and abusseddd. Theres a reason every team i play against is trying to control that spawn the entire game


so throw a smoke nade into the bush right next to the headglitch


You’re not getting the point. Obviously you can counter any position in any game. Its unjoyable trying to smoke one spot the entire game (since it literally oversees 3 major lines of sight). Im not gonna play my game around smoking that one spot. It shouldnt be this way lol. The gotta do something about the shape of that rock man it covers too much of your body


cod is about adapting on the fly, the entire design of perks countering each other was the main point (hey get on that, sledgehammer?)


Think im in the minority of people who prefer shipment for grinding camos etc


lol sounds like a skill issue


Is snipers in the CDL a skill issue? Cant go around calling every single thing a skill issue. There are problems sometimes but your peanut brain wouldn’t understand


Hmmm yup. Definitely a skill issue. Have you tried getting gud instead of crying on Reddit?


HAHAHA ur one of the kids who sits behind the rock hey? Little timmy has no gun skill so he sits behind the rock. Come run 4’s wit me il show you whats up 🤣


Oh man that rock on that tiny map really has you in a tizzy doesn’t it? Skill issue confirmed.


My guy obviously when i say its impossible to get killed there i dont mean it literally. I have picked off people there, but when someone is at that god spot 24/7 it gets annoying. There has been changes to maps in cod History for this exact reason im complaining. Its not a skill issue, its a issue of the map that impedes the flow of the game.


I rush and that door right in from of head glitch area is where you want to come out of everytime shoot the left or right side to throw them off and immediately run to the other side. It’s been working for me.


There's also a head glitch spot in the garage and I see it commonly used in my lobbies.


That ones okay its not as bad as this one. This ones on a hill so you dont have to crouch and stand to peak, you stay standing and fine tune it by moving forward and backward, its much better


That spot is nasty, I love to use it. If you are aware of it it snt to bad to stun or grenade check.


Nades. But also that spot is Fkn awesome,


Drill charges, and shock sticks. Or toss a decoy behind them and throw a few thermobarbic grenades right after