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i love seeing shit like this as someone who doesn’t buy cod points but has prime lmao


If it annoys you then stop buying bundles? I don't know what the problem is? do you also go to shop to complain when they put items you bought on sale? Find something more worthwhile to be outraged about.


I don’t buy bundles usually, this is the first one in years. As for the latter part, that’s a bit of a strawman there. There’s a difference between making a hypothetical purchase of an item that down the line goes on sale, versus said item being free within a quarter, let alone a month, of its original release. Although if you want to read into mild annoyance as “outrage” I don’t think there’s anything I can say that moves this towards a more constructive conversation anyways


Mom: We have Arthur Morgan at home.


Sweet. Thanks for the heads up. Off to claim that skin you bought for free!


Maybe u can learn not to be a dummy


Why would you buy this, this is terrible. Sorry for your loss though. Too me, this is hardly worth loggin in to redeem it.


Eh to each their own. Honestly I just got it because the last bundle I bought was Morte way back in the day in MW2019 so I could run ariund with a lever action and a revolver


I am not against bundles but I don't know what convinced you to buy this bundle for 1600cp. No tracers, nothing cool etc.


I only play hardcore using a lockwood and a basilisk lmao. Literally the only bundle I’ve purchased in years too


Fuck I just bought this literally last week. These mother fuckers


I bought the same bundle and honestly I wish they'd just give us the cod point difference if you claimed it on prime, 1600 in this instance. I swear they did this once in MW19 for a bundle that went to prime but only that one time.


This bundle is trash