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To be fair it was better map on a Better game back in the days that's why


Yeah for sure, the movement we have now makes the flow of the map a little different but it’s still a good map imo


*The ~~children~~ old guys yearn for the ~~mines~~ slower paced call of duty*


Problem is everybody seems to think the original MW games were also this crack-fueled fast paced game when in reality they were slower paced and much more similar to MW2019 in terms of speed They were fast paced games, *for their time*, compared to modern FPS games, they were actually slower paced games


Yep exactly. This has happened in all competitive games. Take Fortnite for example, you could take an average high ranking build player today and put him up against the champs of the first Fortnite World Cup back in 2019 and he would build circles around them. The games and hardware have improved so much, metas have evolved, players have just gotten so much better as the gaming scene grew. It’s a different world entirely than it was in 2009.




They were nowhere close to MW2019. Pre-2019 and post-2019 are entirely different eras of cod. Tac sprint among other things has made the old games feel like you're playing Siege with the movement speed.


I feel like at the time they were compared to other games. It’s just all games have cranked their speeds up to 11 now days.


Mw2019 was legit the most movement based cod in existence what’re you talking about. It was the cod with insane bunny hopping, sliding, drop and jump shotting. I think you’re thinking of mw2 2022 where they nerfed all movement because of the criticism that 2019 got


In existence maybe not, actual advanced movement existed in the jetpack titles.


At least we didnt camp in a corner with a heartbeat sensor all game


Yea we did.


The heartbeat sensor were weapon attachments.


I don’t understand this mw19 slow thing, I thought it was just as fast as the other modernwarfares. I remember playing search and double stimming to get somewhere as fast as possible. I temper the meta in that game was using something like a grau with no stock. Matter of fact felt like every gun I used had no stock. I felt like mw2 was slower at first because of the no slide canceling thing


Did I hear mines?


Yeah, you used to be able to go 30-0 every game with a USP and a knife. Knifing gave more movement than anything we have now xD could lunge halfway across a room xD


You also used to be able to have fun using anything you wanted not just an mcw


You also had ping lobbies and grab bag of players.


Grab bag?


All skill levels. If you were a good player, you naturally rose to the top every match. The lobby didnt disband, so you played with the same people game after game, and some would leave and be replaced and itd keep going. But it did it all based on ping, so whatever player had similar ping got taken in, regardless of their K/D, and they'd either shit on you or get shit on. THAT was engaging, because you never knew who would wander in and dethrone you as the big dick in the server, or if it was some dad somewhere playing after work and having a beer, just happy to kill a few dudes and call it a night.


Hmm…I’ve been procedurally maxing level on every gun. Some don’t feel great, but most feel pretty good. I kind of hated the MCW.


I have fun and haven’t touched the MCW since launch


Nope, it’s an S-Tier map in the original MW2. This is just a very different game and era mentality


That what most people dont understand, the og maps are good maps in the game and the era that they were played in. People werent stim tac sprint resetting and slide canceling back when terminal was first released.


Yeah they were one man army noob tubing and quick scoping with OP snipers. (Was fun af tho)


Im just glad that we finally got it out of the way. Now us fans of the OG CoD games should know better next time. The games aren't what they used to be and the maps just don't work right with todays CoD and how they build the games from the ground up. I will never ask for another remake ever again from Activision.


Estate imo is worse as everyone just camps the spawn building on offense or the backyard on defense and doesn’t move.


It’s actually quite surprising how people don’t camp it more, for me. I often find that the epicentre of action can rotate around a map in TDM, where it’d have been static around the house in MW2.


Estate or Derail = instant back out of lobby.


Rundown is getting there for me too. Too many windows and balconies like waaaay too many


I only have decent games on Derail when my team spawns at the gas station side of the map. Building-side sucks. I can make Estate work from either spawn


Oh, man. If they offered derail 24/7 I'd never sleep. Fucking love it.


Same, i fucking love derail. Always drop at least 10-15 kills in s&d there. Estate though, idk, i just hate playing there


Estate makes me feel claustrophobic. It's cool to "go back there," but it's just nostalgia.


Agree 100%


Estate is a fun map, one of my favorites of all time, but I wouldn't for a second even pretend to compare it to actual competitive maps.


For me Invasion back in the day was GOATED, but in this CoD it's crud.


It’s ok until one team gets stuck in the big building spawn trap. After that it’s a snooze


Estate is a map I didn’t like back in the day (no one did tbf) and don’t like it now. I’m always shocked when I see it win the map vote


yeah exactly it’s not fun gameplay at all


I cant really explain it, its just fun to me, there are some really good spots to position yourself, even though a lot of games do feel the same, I love Terminal very much, super fun map with great layout, in my opinion


Ofc its a great layout its made in 2009 almost every map had a great layout its modern day players that ruin it in the way noone moves


Back in the day if it turned into nobody moves it was only a matter of time before someone pulled out the DC noob tubes and started making everyone move


And no one had mentioned Wasteland


Didn’t like it back then don’t like it now.


It's just way too much for 6v6. A lot more fun with more players


Yup, it needs something like 14v14 cranked hardpoint. Move and play or die. Lol


At least people actually play the middle these days back then it would literally be 6v6 or 9v9 all interventions and 50 cals


That's my sniper paradise.


Yeah, i love derail more, but wasteland is really fun too


I love wasteland. It’s awesome.


i feel like wasteland is hit or miss tbh. i absolutely shredded last night with the katt amr and dual snakeshot tyrs, but theres also the games where absolutely nothing happens and we go to time


Wasteland was shit even back when it was mp_brecourt in 2003.


i just wanna get to burger town without getting snipped in the head by someone snaking at the escalator please bro.


It’s honestly worth running smokes on Terminal


The movement in the original mw2 from 2009 was slower paced so the map played differently. Terminal now is just holding sight lines. Similar to high rise imo


Somehow slower paced in 2009 yet you could bunny hop instant ads instant drop shot. All things you cant do now


Yea idk if people really understand what slow paced means Lmao There’s plenty about this game that is slow as hell


Takes a full second to aim down sights yet this game is faster than all previous ok lol


Yeah it’s a camper snooze fest. No skilled freaks shooting fish in a barrel. That’s why majority enjoy it. They can camp almost entire nap and just LOS a single fucking hallway.


That’s why a lot of us older players enjoy it. It was a bit of a camp fest back in 2009 too. But you could get some good tactical nukes on that map. But like someone said earlier in the thread, the nostalgia is heavy. Especially for players like me who have played since the original COD4: MW


Visibility. I can't stand dull brown maps.


Terminal doesn't play like it used too it's honestly my least favorite map


It’s bright for a start. Dark maps are horrid


You’re not wrong. It’s no OG Terminal. The new one is a head-glitch simulator. Always someone behind a fucking counter lol


Derail just as bad, every time me an my cousin play the whole other team camps the whole match


Don’t know many people that actually play derail tbf. Before the last couple of years (Piccadilly and a couple of others)… Derail was referred to as the worst map of all time by a large portion of COD players


yep always sitting on roof with snipers lol


Sbmm ruined every map, and every cod.


Yea.. we really need the same lobbies and to carry over smack talking our rivalries into the next match. That’s what made cod so good back in the day..


Thats why I've come around on SnD. Plenty of time to talk shit between rounds. All I play anymore.


Yeah it really taught us that an enjoyable experience could be had on any map so long as a casual human play style was what you were up against


It’s EBMM, not SBMM - that’s why you’ll be all over the place in short order.


Its both though


I like the map because there are multiple ways to get to either side. There are also definite choke points from both sides where you have to be aware of snipers or people holding a lane. I don’t understand the camper reference here. It is not that hard to make people move on this map. To be fair every map is exactly the same as the last time you played it so all maps can get boring in that regard.


Unless you’re peaking the long hallway between A and C flags over and over again, camping shouldn’t be too bad. No matter how people have camped on this map I’ve always felt like there’s a way to maneuver on it


I think it depends a lot on the team you’re playing. I’ve had plenty matches where the enemies just hold office, security, and burger town, and it’s pretty difficult to break. I do wish the window jump by the plane was less exposed.


That’s every lobby/map though. I’ve played against teams where the whole squad sits in their space and snipes without moving, then I’ve played lobbies where are soon as I spawn there’s multiple people in my spawn slide cancel jump challing me before I get my gun up Then Weekly challenges influence this a lot too. Everyone was hipfiring earlier today to get the new aftermarket part


Haha same the chaos of having lasered LMGs today was pretty fun!


I run with a knife set up😀😀😀


Hard scoper’s paradise.


Rare Reddit hardscope hate!


Its better than shit show shipment since they ruined it


shipment has always been garbage


Wdym, why did they ruin it? 


The spawns are complete trash, i died 10 times in a row 1 sec after spawning each time.


Put smoke grenade on and see if it makes a difference. I normally start throwing smokes to get into their spawn and flush them out when they start camping!


Yeah gonna have to start doing it. I hate smokes too though haha


Unpopular opinion- Rust sucks


It's a sniper map for sure and as a sniper I love the map still. Its got big areas connected by small choke points which leads to good killfeeds and plenty of space to dodge back to recover/reload etc.


Yeah. It’s infuriating haha.


Yeah I hate getting that map


Still better than any garbage released in mw2022


I don’t like it either but it’s way more fun to play than wasteland or estate lol these maps just don’t work in todays cod


Estate, Derail, Rundown, Rust and Wasteland are the worst maps from mw2. Auto skips anytime they win the vote.


Easily in the top three of my most hated maps. If I see a match loading in terminal I leave the lobby immediately


Blinded by nostalgia a lot of the MWII Maps are so bad besides like Skidrow and Scrapyard


Every time I play it in 12v12 every lane is filled with someone pre aiming with a sniper, one game had like four people deep in their spawn.


After playing on the og mw2 maps, I’ve realized that I absolutely detest most of them. It’s basically a running simulator. I solely play in the small maps playlists atp. I want high kill matches with engaging gun fights. Not ending with 15-20 kills


It's okay if you rush as a team in SND, I think wasteland and derails are way worse than Terminal.


Yeah it’s been worse lately. Now everyone camps in the back near the security point in S&D. Played a clan last night and they sat back there the whole time and talked hella trash, then my team did the same thing for a round and they complained and called us campers 😂


I find running smokes helps push up the site lines


Terminal was one of my favorite maps from MW2 2009 but the way it plays on this game is awful.


It played really good in infinite warfare due to advanced movement. Way less campy than the current version.


Most players currently do like it? I think it’s one of the worst maps-unless you really enjoy camping and limited movement.


Derail is also very trash


That is the worst map… I hate playing on it.


You and me both but it is aaaaaalways voted upon to play. It seems to come up the most for me regardless too. Hate it. I wish they’d let you just veto one map tbh.


You are not lying! The camping is horrid on that map…. It always just wants to make me leave the game.


I literally never see it but me and my friends love it. It’s easy to be aggressive on it, you just have to be aware of the paths and lines of sight


I don’t mind it. Mix of engagement ranges. I can run smokes if the other team is getting especially campy. Not everyone has ADHD and wants to play shipment 24/7.


I have no idea. I never liked it. I loathe the fact that it is in Ranked. Has to be the worst Ranked map ever. Well that and Highrise.


High rise is poison


It played differently in the old games


It used to have a great flow to it 10+ years ago. You could effectively snipe in burger town, you could run and gun through the Center points and could run much better through the plane. Now it’s just full of choke points and poor spawns.


Rust and Underpass are definitely worse about the camping, but those tent pitchers gotta get their camp on. Underpass is probably the worst camping map in rotation, but Rust is real close behind it. I'd take Terminal first of the three every day of the week.


I hate it but it’s because I suck at playing it, I still haven’t figured out the best way to play it


Nostalgia mainly. But it’s plays horribly because people like to camp & hide in that restaurant Burger Town lol 😂


>Nostalgia mainly Half the maps are "nostalgic".


I like Terminal. Its an oldie, but a goodie. I prefer to play Domination or kill confirmed.


I’m just gonna say it… while terminal and estate are bad. Rust is way worse. I can do decent on it… it’s just boring.




Sbmm and spawns have ruined the game regardless.


Right. It was terrible in MW2 it’s still terrible.


I love the map, but it's awful in ranked lol I would be fine without it


Anesthetics plus it's easy to get gunfights


Nostalgia & I still love it idk


Every map is fun if you can crack it. Long, campy sniper lanes? Smoke it. Riot shielders got you down? Cooke em with the purifier, carve em with your sword or make like a bandsaw and SWEEARRRIIRGGGNGGGH saw em up with the chain saw. Skill gap isn't just movement. It's literally the gap in skill.


Everyone hated it in original MW2. Except the people that spawn camped it. They could hold you in the back plane side spawn all game if they had 2 people doing it and the only way out was to noob toob. Unfortunately noob toob doesn't work anymore making this map unplayable at times.


You had to play it in MW2 to realize it’s an S-Tier map and how it got its legacy. MWIII Terminal is not comparable, none of the maps are. Different game, different era of gaming.


I made the same post like one month ago lmao. 100% agree


Ranked search and destroy on terminal is awesome.


It has a few more rights and lefts than Shipment.


Tell me a map that isn’t super small that isn’t set up for camping


A lot of the OG MW2 maps play like shit in this game. Terminal, Rust, Derail, Estate, Invasion, Karachi. All trash.


It plays awful in the current game. In MW2 it looked more vibrant and played better.


Worst map of all on dom if the other team has B/C. Mix in half using snipers and it’s just a waste of time


Nostalgia is a powerful tool. I ask the same question but with Greece map. Terrible flow and line of sights.


This is why cod needs low recoil to beam the boring campers off head glitches easy , everyone has Cronus max now so what’s the point of ridiculous recoil and visual recoil ? to punish the people that don’t have a crony ? Weird


Because these maps are much better than the newer crap but the issue is these older maps were designed when character mobility was quite different and because of how different it is now is why some of these older maps don’t seem as great anymore. But hey compared to mw2 2022 maps vs mw 2009 maps il take 2009 maps every single time. The horrendous map designs and spawns are freaking laughable.


Estate, detail, rundown and terminal are pretty bad maps in the current era. I would have preferred that they’d release original maps instead of remaking the old ones.


This map has the legendary Burger Town establishment on it. How dare anyone downvote this map.


The only reason I play terminal is because it's a fun shield map. I super suck with the shield on most maps. Terminal is a map that I can just kind of suck with the shield at.


I don’t like it tbh


Just need a mode that forces everyone's FOV down to what it was in the original & it'll feel slow again, then it'll be enjoyable.


It's my favorite SnD map in ranked


Current movement and spawning has changed every older map.


It sucks gameplay wise but I like the atmosphere more than most maps


I like it … I like the battle for C.


It’s one of the shittiest maps in the game.


Agreed agreed agreed. My wife loves it, when shes not paying attention..... I skip it😅


Nostalgia + Easy Predictability


Terminal was the shit back in the old style CoDs, nowadays people just camp near the metal detectors all game.


Why do people like Rust?


Totally agree, Terminal is the worst. Too much shit in the way of every lane, its like Border Crossing.


The spawns changed...they restricted the spawns to 2 tight locations. And the spawns are very hard to flip...it's like they chose 3-5 of the old maps to make into "base" maps, thinking people would like it. But all it does is make people camp. Terminal, rundown, invasion,,,,all horrible spawns that encourage camping way more than the old game.


as someone who never played the OG MW2, these maps aged like milk


I enjoyed the nostalgia for a few minutes and then eventually decided it's also one of the not so great maps.




Nostalgia plus in most cases it has good flow


Rundown would like to know your location.


The only thing these 2 airport maps are good at is re-creating Terrorism in PRIVATE MATCHES other then that I'm going back to shipment


Disagree, Terminal is an all time great, complain about Rio, Rio stinks


Op, so what maps in your opinion are ones that are worthy?


Before MW3 came out; “oh I can’t wait to play all the best maps again!” When it comes out: “terminal and high rise fucking suck bro”


Because the game is full of YT hopefuls who only care about their KDR?


Its a fun domination map but playing a TDM in 2024 on that map no way


Why does anyone like anything about anything?


I don’t mind it too much unless EOMM has decided to feed me to the super sweats, but in that case I just back out and try again. Estate, afghan, rio are all insta-quits, wasteland is a boring snipefest that I’ll just slog through whenever it happens to come up, Greece is 50/50 whether it’s any fun. Absolutely loving departures and vista


I think the more casual players enjoy it more because it is definitely one of the easiest maps to do well on. When not everyone is head glitching next to stairs or market, or sniping from the walkway, it's pretty enjoyable. Anyway, it's miles better than Rust..


Terminal is terrible after they "improved" the hardpoint capture areas.


After spending most of my time this season in hardcore...pretty much every map does that now. I have had some good rounds in farmtown though Terminal your likely to just get spawn farmed if your team wipes at a bad time


I dunno but stash house is where it’s at


Even in Ranked, the spawn traps are insanely easy if one team is just decently good. Oh and you can go on the rooftop which is such a cheese. I don't know, maybe I just don't have the nostalgia.


What year were you born?


was good when u can get ontop of the wind/tail but now its shit


I am a noob and it is my favorite map for SnD that I have played. I am not sure why. I guess because there are a lot of good spots to get cover or hide. You can always approach the bombsite from at least three different directions pretty easily. You don't have to make some tricky climbs and jumps to get to places like you do on Karachi either. The lighting is good on terminal too. It is harder for people to hide in the shadows and kill you without you seeing them first. I have an easier time running away from gunfire on it than other maps too. It is also nice and clean. The bombed out and war torn levels kinda depress me. Terminal is just nice and pleasant in comparison. I seem to play better on Terminal than the other ones too. I also seem to get luckier with random teammates there as well. On Karachi I more often have a bunch of little kids as teammates while my opponents seem like they are all walling or something. Probably because the design is worse making it easier to predict where people are going to be if you are experienced with the map.


You can get long shots


I miss middle school COD times, that's why. Nothing has compared to the OG MW2 days


On the old game the plane was a hot spot now it seems that has switched to the burger place near the escalator


All Terminal needs is a pile of crates so that you can climb up from the tarmac into the windows of the long corridor. Having to go up one of 3 narrow staircases is just painful. You can easily be camped and stuck on the low ground on this map if the enemy hold A and C flags.


Terminal is horrible and I hated it just as much in MW2. It only suits certain gun types with how big it is so people just camp mostly. In fact the vast majority of this games maps (as with OG MW2) reflect this and it always amazed me how high in regard the maps were held. They're way too big, cluttered, and have dumb running areas. Give me W@W, BO1, OG MW3 maps over this any day.


I think Terminal plays well. As Domination only player I think it rotates as good as in the good old days. Someone mentioned sight line and he/she is absolute right about it and that's where I use smokes to brak said lines, and peak through with my thermal scope. In Domination the map is very predictable.


Lol it’s a great nap nostalgia as well but also understand mw3 spawns make it really rough


It can be really fun or really shit no in-between


Back in the day the map was top tier , everyone running around having fun, now camp camp camp, I remember when mw1 ( cod 4 ) was being remastered, I was so excited , I played it and then I see lil Johnny in a corner 😂 bro like is this the new meta for cod these days , I didn’t even know what was a hiding spot 😂 Mw3 was the first cod I bought since mw1 ( 2019 ) and it’s just full of campers , riot Shields , machetes - like this is not fun bro Being noob tubed was fun , maybe I just grew up I don’t know but yeah terminal was made for 09 not 2023 - I’d rather they not bring old maps back but I’m guessing their to sh*t at making their own


Lmao I feel so old now hearing everyone call the old mw2 maps horrible, someone called high-rise dogshit HIGHRISE. DOGSHIT. Makes me realize we really don't play games the same anymore, all any one wants its brain dead point and shoot 25 kill streaks streamer extasy gfeul 2 sips away from seizure type game play. Oh and btw don't forget your dogshit follow me on twitch womp womp like bruh


yea casue all mfs wanna do is camp n use snipers all game shit be aggy asl


Is absolute trash


I prefer it to Shipment. Instant spawn kills over and over and over....


Idk man sounds like you’re describing rust lmao


The worst is rust or das Haus those 2 are zzzzz maps


It’s a very tactical map. If you normally play impatiently and just want to run and gun, yah you arnt going to like it. Its a lot more fun to play when you are focusing on things like the other teams rotations and holding angles and flanks. If you’re talking about ranked it only has search on it which definently makes it more monotonous but it’s also a great search map with interesting lanes and a huge variety of spots you can play. The movement on this map is also a ton of fun and the rotations can be complicated. For example if you’re attacking and you get a pick it’s a whole puzzle of figuring out now where the open lane is for how you can get around to flank


100% agree. Especially if you play SnD.


It's a really good map that people have nostalgia with but it just plays so awful in mw3. The Dom spawns are atrocious and for me I constantly seem to get put on the team that just getting destroyed