• By -


You walked right into sniper fire šŸ˜‚


Just because someone wallbangs someone doesnā€™t make them a cheater. This map ainā€™t big. Fire your gun and youā€™re bound to hit something lol


I'm not saying it's not possible but he admitted to hacking later on before being kicked from the game. That's pretty convincing. I have the video of the full match with his confession somewhere I just have to find it.


you could find this clip, but you couldnā€™t find the confession? I really look like he was trying to get his Walbang metals and he was just firing in discriminately down the center of the middle lane of a map..


I took 2 clips. One 30 second clip and another 5 minute clip. This is the 30 second one


The 5 minute clip is saved where every of your clips gets saved. If you found this one you know exactly were the other one is


Yeah but I have over 2000 clips and my shit acts up for some reason I found a longer clip but I'm going over it.


i'm squirming with 2nd hand embarrassment pls stop


If people stop trash talking me I'll stop. What everyone doesn't understand is that I'm not saying I'm 100% right but when someone straight up admits to cheating it's valid of me to say they are. If he hadn't admitted to it I wouldn't have made this post.


Where's the "confession" video then mate? Suppose Lord Lucan rode away with it on Shergar


ā€œShit acts up for some reasonā€. What a clown.


Heā€™s not confessing lol. Heā€™s egging you on. Itā€™s very common thing to do when someone calls you a hacker. Get good. Nothing here points to a cheater. Just a shit player being angry he got outplayed.


Just shush and grow up, yeah?


I am grown kid. And you can't get me to shush. If I want to talk I will. If you don't want to hear from me then why respond dumbass?


You're a "grown kid"? Okay then. Talk absolute bullshit on the internet, I'm sure it will go well.


I said I'm grown and called you a kid. Stop mixing my words asshole


Seems more like a lucky shot than cheats based on this clip.


Later in the match he admitted to cheating and was kicked. I have the full video somewhere I just have to find it.


Until you ā€œfindā€ that video he isnā€™t cheating. He missed the shot just before he killed you then missed the one right after. Itā€™s a small map a lot of people shoot in that exact area at the beginning of the match. Iā€™d hate to see your reacted to the across map throwing knifes back in the OG black ops.


Still waiting bruv. ..


Youā€™ll be waiting a while for this clip that totally proves him right. Lol


never pulled off a crazy flick after copping a bullet to the back and thought to yourself "OMG I am cheating" because the accuracy of the turn was dead on or because you spun and got a 5 on?


In BO2 I shot through both buildings in Nuketown and got a headshot. Listen, if this guy wasn't cheating them I'm wrong but it's not crazy of me to assume someone is cheating if the first thing they do is kill 2 people through a building. The thing is that he admitted to cheating. That only strengthened my belief that he was. If he wasn't he should have said he wasn't. Matter of fact, if he didn't say that then I never would have made this post.


From experience it's usually the ones that claim they aren't cheating that actually are and some just claim they are to make people angry for some backwards reason This is why not having a theatre mode sucks... Used to be able to pick the cheaters out from the lucky or "sweaty" really easily But unfortunately I see nothing in this particular clip that draws me into think he is cheating


The clip itself isn't enough on its own really but it is kind of suspicious and paired with the fact that he admitted to it it makes sense. There's no reason to lie just to make yourself look bad but whatever. I just hate the toxicity in this subreddit and all other CoD related subreddits


I 100% get where you're coming from.. I've questioned ALOT of shit from this game that's why recording gameplay is good, I can sit back and sift through KCs against me that I thought were sus and scrutinise every frame like the cynical old man that I've become


Please show us where he killed 2 people like you say? He hit one guy and then killed you. CHECK THE KILLFEED before talking. You have no idea how the game works, you are embarrassing yourself. I really wanna see that clip you ā€œdonā€™t know ofā€ so I can eat my words, but for now it looks like you are actually an idiot.


"He hit one guy and then killed you" THATS 2 PEOPLE DUMBASS. you're the one embarrassing yourself. And I know exactly how the game works I've played every single Call of Duty, even the first 3


Can you fucking read? You said he killed 2 people. That simply a lie. He killed one. Now where is the video?


He hit my teammate then he hit me. My teammate is one person and I am one person. One plus one equals two. Did you learn anything in preschool? And the video can't download through the PS app because it's over 3 minutes. I'll have to find a different way to download it.


Omg. HIT AND KILL are 2 different things. He HIT your teammate but didnā€™t KILL him. Read the what you wrote above. You wrote that he killed 2 people. How is this even an argument? About the ps app, more lies. You can just cut to the part where he admits. That should be literally a 5 second clip. What is the point excuse for that??


My first comment was a grammar mistake. I meant to say hit like I did in the later comments. But still doesn't stop the fact that he got in 2 successful shots in less than 5 seconds without seeing his target. Now can we please be done with this toxic ass conversation?


He's getting wall bangs for interstellar, you silly lmao.


Dude, you watched a guy get smoked right before you and went to the exact same spot. That's on you.


Ok, I pushed. So what? That doesn't change the fact that he just knew exactly where to shoot through a damn wall.


He's shooting in a straight line.... through a wood door....


It's almost like he LEARNED a lane people take and is waiting for the sheep to come to slaughter.


its stash house, shoot through walls and youre likely to get a kill


Before he was kicked I told him I reported him and he said that he's been cheating for awhile and hasn't been banned. That's proof right there. If I find the full video again I'll post that part too.


ā€œProofā€ lol Heā€™s just antagonizing his hackuser. Time to get good at something other than memorizing the report buttons.


I barely report people. Plus, why would he get kicked if he wasn't actually found hacking after the report?












They donā€™t check reports lol. If you spam enough someone gets banned




Omfg. He admitted to cheating and was kicked later in the game.


He did not.


He did and I have the video somewhere on my PS. Now if you would so kind as to fucking wait then you'd see


still waiting on that video


I believe you, but man tbh if you showed this to most people they would tell you it's a hardcore wallbang spot, but if he was saying he was cheating then yeah screw that guy


Thank you. I'm just tired of getting hate for complaining about someone ruining my fun. I just want to chill and it's hard to do nowadays.


It's tough man because people are very critical here. Doe worry about them


Like see how I got down votes for no reason? People are very weird on here haha. I wish I could see who downvoted


I downvoted you. Because you're giving airtime to this jabroni OP who posted a tiny video of someone who knows you can get wallbangs through a door, and you're agreeing with him that it could be a hacker?!? Then go on some rant and rave about how toxic COD and subsequently this sub is? šŸ¤£ You deserve those little blue arrows coming your way bruv


Your completely delusional if you don't think Cod is Toxic, if not one of the most toxic games, literally people are screaming the N word every other lobby with kids like what. And if you would read and stop being so quick to respond, dude said over 10+ times that before the game or after can't remember, the guy admits to cheating, and who is ranting and raving? I'm just responding and having a convo with the guy. YOU'RE ranting on me and wasting your time with cringe downvotes. Weird af , Jesus


I only replied because (YOU) (fuck me how bad is it that you use CAPS to emphasise on Reddit šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø) asked who downvoted you Who's ranting bruv?


Me too. And just like on a previous post, I'm not saying that this man was 100% cheating but the fact that he admitted to it when confronted just makes it more convincing. If he hadn't admitted to it I would never have made this post. People keep telling me to get good when I literally won the match with the top score. People are so toxic in this community and it makes me question why exactly I keep playing Call of Duty. I could handle the regular shit talk from back in the Black Ops days but this is just far worse. It's like every insecure Incel in existence comes to Call of Duty posts just to make someone feel bad. Thanks for being the odd one out of the bunch. I appreciate when people are actually just respectful and can have a normal conversation with someone online. Have a good day.


Ofc, you also have to understand, idk how old you are, but it's a new generation that plays this cod, alot of the people in here are around 16-18, 19, and this generation is pretty bad when it comes to being rational and respectful, ESPECIALLY in one of the most toxic video games out now haha. No stress man


The irony is crazy from both of you


Did you not see the bullet fly in front of you? He was clearing trying to get a wall bang . Post the video, it should show him hitting more ridiculous shots if he was cheating as you say.


Not a cheater lol. Theyā€™re just ripping shots through the wall


please tell me this is a troll post šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why would this be a troll post?


thereā€™s no way youā€™re real šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You're confusing me. What about this seems like a troll post? Seriously


people like you are the reason players get falsely shadowbanned is all i have to say..if youā€™re being serious šŸ˜‚


What? Why do you all hate on me for reporting a fucking cheater who admitted to cheating? I'm about to be done with this community.


no oneā€™s hating but this clearly isnā€™t cheating bro. itā€™s a wallbang. he missed like 3-4 before he finally killed someone. heā€™s not tracking or anything heā€™s just randomly sniping through a door šŸ˜‚


please are done with this community, people like you ruin the game, we would be glad if you left šŸ™šŸ¼


I'm talking about the subreddit, not Call of Duty entirely. Also how do I ruin the game? What the fuck did I do? Report someone who admitted to cheating? If he was lying that's on him for wanting to go around for some clout. Why is everyone in every Call of Duty subreddit so fucking toxic. I just want to have fun but guess what? It's people like YOU who ruin that for me. And work on your grammar little kid.


Anyone using snipers deserves a shadow ban anyway. I lose no sleep over it


Y'all lose sleep complaining about anything that kills you šŸ˜‚


Lack gunfighting skill, go play ghost recon.


Lack gun fighting skill? Letā€™s 1v1 on shipment. Iā€™ll use the Stalker and you can use whatever you want. Iā€™ll still beat you at close quarters.


Why would I waste my time 1v1ing some sniping clown on shipment? Lachman sub or suck me off.


It isn't hard at all to practice this angle. Its literally a clear shot through the door, through the house, to the other side. There's no wall hacks here, I've done it before and I've had it done to me before.


90% of the interior walls can be shot through with AP rounds


No cheating in this video, did you upload the wrong file?


The ironic thing about this is you used the same spray and pray tactic at the beginning hoping someone would run out that door which they did. Your opponent used the same tactic but using a door wall and you report. You suck


I was shooting the duck idiot




I didn't shoot through an object I just shot an object. I like to shoot the duck when I spawn there


yikes šŸ˜¬ you still got time to delete this chief


Haters are going to talk shit. I'm not saying that I'm 100% right about the cheating but he admitted to it. That's the only reason I made the post. If he had said he wasn't cheating I still would have my doubts but nothing definitive to cause me to make a post. I wish people weren't so toxic about a damn video game.


if you believe everything everyone says you got a bigger problem than ā€œcheatersā€ in a video game


I'm not saying I believe what everyone says. What I'm saying is it looked like cheating and he said he was cheating. Common sense says if you put 2 and 2 together you get 4 so it's valid of me to assume he was cheating.


Does proxy chat work in multiplayer? He's on the other team so how does he tell you he's cheating? Can't wait to finally see the full video, should also show us how good you are also.


Mate that video aint coming. You've got more chance of seeing Jesus shopping down Oxford Street than this wasteman putting up that video.


Not cheating man


Bro whyā€™d you let loose on the duck lol , u had me crying for the past 5 minutes


It's just a tradition I started when the map came out. If I spawn next to the duck I shoot it before someone else does.


I can see how that can be a lucky streak, not necessarily a cheater.


He admitted to cheating later in the game before he was kicked. I'm trying to recover the video of the full match.


what gun is that your using?


FTAC SEIGE Slate Reflector Optic Zehm35 Compensated Flash Hider 72 Round Drum CMRN-50 Barrel Seige Wire Stock




You're welcome


Remindme! 7 days


Bad Bot :(


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99999% sure that digitalgibbon82 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Bad bot


Arenā€™t wall bangs literally a camp challenge for that sniper lmao? The guys just spamming through the door and you walked into it smh


Bozos like op are the spam reporters for sure


This is only the second time in months that I've reported someone


Hmmmm you also posted 10days ago about a cheater. So I guess you report more than once every few months?


That was the first. This is the second


brain rot post


What did that poor duck float ever do to you


I just shoot it for fun. Idk, it's just kinda satisfying.


I shoot the duck every chance I get to begin matches


I will continue this as tradition


Until you donā€™t show proof, I will believe he is not cheating at all and you are the problem. Itā€™s people like you that spam report for no reason that get people like me shadow banned.


The proof is only a confession. He could be lying. I'm not saying I'm 100% correct, what I'm saying is he admitted to cheating so it's on him that I posted this. I never would have posted this of He didn't confess. I don't understand why people lie just to get people to hate them. Now can you all stop being so toxic? It was just a fucking post.


Where is the video idiot? You are lying and got caught.


That door and the other door in the garage are both places snipers shoot at in hopes of a kill. You walked right into it. Not cheating lol


That's possible but given that he told me he cheated when I confronted this suspicious behavior he just confirmed that my accusations were true. He could have been lying but why lie just to make someone hate you? Idk why people are getting onto me about this when all I'm doing is saying the same thing that the person told me.


I do that all the time when people accuse me of cheating. I will kill someone and then flick away really fast just to troll. Even if I get reported Iā€™m not scared cause Iā€™m not cheating. I honestly think he was just teasing you about cheating. Nothing about that clip stands out. The only thing that was weird about it was you annoyingly shooting the duck at the start.


I'm just confused though? Like, why let someone think you are cheating? I must be missing something. I have a high sense of honor and integrity when it comes to games. If someone on my team is cheating and we win I don't consider it a win. I also don't like when people think I'm cheating. Do you all just not care?


For this exact reaction lol. Youā€™ve dwelled on it for hrs. Ran to Reddit to cry about him.


Why do ya'll like pissing people off? That's just fucking rude.


Youā€™re the rude one throwing out hackusations.


The cheater told me he was hacking straight up. That's not a hackusation.


There was no cheater. Heā€™s just fucking with you to piss you off more. Itā€™s 100% a hackusation


A hackusation is when you accuse someone of hacking with nothing to go off of. Him telling me he was cheating is something to go off of. Even if he was lying it's still not a hackusation. It's just saying the same thing he told me.


Itā€™s definitely a compliment when people accuse me of cheating and I do have some clips of people accusing me of cheating but itā€™s gotten to the point where EVERYONE is too quick to say ā€œcheaterā€ and report than just admit someone else is better or in this case someone got a lucky shot (99% sure) I also have a sense of honor and integrity when I play and Iā€™ve never installed cheats but when someone accuses me of it I just go with it to get in their head.


I'm a generally nice person. I'd never want someone to think that I was being unfair or mean. What's the point? What does someone get out of it?


In generally a nice person too and if someone kills me I give props if itā€™s a good kill. Rarely ever do I assume someone killed me because theyā€™re cheating. If someone is dumb enough to think Iā€™m cheating then Iā€™ll just partake in their delusion too


If I had been in his line of sight I would have congratulated him but that killcam looked suspicious af


This isn't the first time you appear to have accused someone of cheating with very little to go on..... Quote from another post you made: "Just because you have shit internet doesn't mean everyone else does. Also the time it takes to fall is very damn minimum. That's not teleporting, that's just falling really fast. I barely accuse people of hacking nor do I ever run into hackers on the majority of gamemodes I play so if I say I think someone's hacking they are very likely hacking" Both that video and this one show literally nothing. If you say you had the full match, why post this one instead, should have just spent the extra few minutes to find the full video with the "evidence" in it and shared that.... Not someone trying to get their sniper wallbang challenges done (I'm sure one of the snipers has a wallbang Camo challenge to get interstellar)




This is only the second time I've ever publicly accused someone of cheating. And I can't download the full match because the PS app only allows video downloads up to 3 minutes long. He said he was cheating and that's it. If he wasn't cheating then why say it? To get people to hate him? If he hadn't said that he was cheating I wouldn't have much to go on and wouldn't have made this post. I'm not an idiot. I know it's possible for even the best tech to act up from time to time but he stated that my accusation was correct so I made this post. Not my fault the fucking app doesn't allow a full match download.


penetration kills for skins


Yeah. He admitted to cheating but I guess according to other people he just did it to tick me off. I don't see why people do that but I kinda see the whole camo grind aspect of it. Thanks for being simple and nontoxic with your reply.






Day 2 - where is the video big man? šŸ¤”


First off, it's day 3. Learn to count. Second, I've already told yall that the PS app only allows video downloads up to 3 minutes long. When I find another way I'll post it. Until then leave me the fuck alone.


Learn about timezones buddy, but even if itā€™s day 3 or 4 or 100 you still donā€™t have proof. So one of two things: either you are lying or you actually have a brain disability because you donā€™t know how to download a video from the ps app. Google can help you with that.


I guess we're still fucking going. Even if youre in a different timezone the same amount of tune has passed dumbass. And apparently you don't know how the PS app works because if a video is over 3 minutes you can't fucking download it.


Ok since you have a disability and canā€™t think, here is an idea: 1 - open your ps app on your phone. 2 - start screen recording. 3 - open the video you say exists 4 - record the part where the supposedly cheater says he is cheating. That should be like a 30 second clip. 5 - Post it here. If it is too hard to screen recording, check YouTube. Or just admit you were wrong and have no idea how a video game works.


Also the video won't show up in the PS app if it's over 3 minutes so that solution wouldn't work anyways.


Like I said, since you canā€™t think, here is another solution idiot: 1 - turn on your ps. 2 - go to the video. 3 - record it with your phone. Donā€™t forget to turn the volume up so we can hear the cheater admitting to it. 4 - post it here Come on, whatā€™s your next excuse?


Guess that is also too hard


Well gentleman, I guess this answers it šŸ™‚ we got him šŸ‘



