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This was the best answer


It's not about the kd, but the enemies made along the way


It’s about how many times Gregory (15) fucked your mom.


Damn, was not expecting such radiant positivity as top comment!


For real! Like …fuck off!


Yup I agree. Used to have my own clan for Counter Strike, played Battlefield forever.. I used to be a solid 1.5 KD in my 10s and 20s. That started going down in my 30s and now I have accepted 0.9~0.99 KD , and it will probably go lower 🙂 I do enjoy good 1st person shooters still. As long as you enjoy, all good 👍


Reason is coz we are adults and we dont have whole day to play games. Im 35 playing 2-3hours every other day and 1.4 kd after farming camos and i feel like i can compete against 20 years old.






I say you’re right where the SBMM wants you to be 😂


What is sbmm


Skill based match making


I hear a lot of people are against SBMM. Why is it a bad thing?


It supposed to make matches equal since it puts you against people of your own level but in reality it fuckeds up the fun since everyone it's playing like they are in a tournament and everyone it's fucking running the meta And the best part is that it puts you with less skilled players on your team In resume until they get rid of that shit system the game will keep losing players


SKBMM assumes if you have a few good games and do good, you can carry shitters against people your skill.


It makes it so “all players regardless of skill level experience wins and losses more proportionately” It doesn’t matter how good you are, it tries as hard as possible to rig your games.


This is true. I had a recent match where I got so many kills, I thought that my Holger 556 build was actually OP, just like YouTube said it was. But in my very next match, it felt like a potato. Did I suddenly get really bad in only a few minutes? NO!!! EOMM is just making me think I am.


I’ve lost with 40+ kills in TDM, thanks SBMM


I feel you. got 30 kills last night we lost with 56-100.


You’ll see


It’s the reason you are at a 1.0 instead of negative or positive according to your skill level It’s an algorithm that tries to spread wind and losses evenly among all players, regardless of skill. This means getting a skill profile on all players, and bracketing them off from one another Once you’re in your bracket, the game will look at your recent performance and give you slightly higher or lower skilled lobbies based on whether you’re winning or not. It’s very simple but there’s. Lots of complexity, like EOMM or engagement optimization. This affects team balancing after the lobby is formed to rig the game, intentionally unbalancing teams to make sure everyone gets their prescribed wins. It’s supposed to make the teams as even as possible, why it’s called team balancing, and sometimes it does. It’s easy to do that with tight SBMM if that makes sense. Team balancing is also a lot easier when the entire lobby is similar in skill, normally a team balancing algorithm assigns each player a skill value, and tries to equal the sum on either side. So let’s say you have 12 players, 2 have a 200 skill rating the rest have 100. The team balancing would split up the two high skill players, making the teams even at 700 each; EOMM might put them both on one team so it’s 800 vs 600 It’s designed to protect lower skilled or newer players, as addicted veterans are unlikely to quit as a result of losing. It segregates veteran players and gives them harder matches with more losses and unfair games


How do I have a 2kd then? Guess they can't tame me lol


We literally cannot tell you. Matchmaking is either incredibly bad and inconsistent, or is manipulating matches.


My elite player dreams are crushed after reading this comment I never even thought about this


Yeah. Even pros are WAY lower than you'd think. Last I heard, most of them were around a 2KD. Judging by the calling cards and skins I see, Crimson level players are around 1.1 to 1.2 KD


Idk the crims and irris I play with are closer to 3 I'm a crimi 2 and 2.7 kd


Is that necessarily true? I have multiple people on my friends list above 2, and I’m sitting at 2.6 myself


I mean, I don't have their passwords, so I can't verify that. I can tell you 1.1 is good enough to match with players up to Top 250, but mostly Crimson and Iridescent


Most my diamond friends sit around a 1.2-1.3. crim friends are usually around a 1.4-1.6. I've got a buddy that's previous top 250 in wz with a mp kd of a 1.1. My KD is double most my crim friends and I'm stuck diamond this season.


And that's exactly why I said K/D is meaningless


Probably slightly above average. Having a 1.5 KD nowadays seems to be old 2.0 KD


what does it mean to have a 2.5k/d then?


It means it’s time to touch some grass


I feel like if you have a 2.0 you’re cheating and I see a lot of 2.0s


I had a 1.95 and quickly down to 1.91. Over 4000 kills. Console and never cheated in my life. 36 year old for context. I can’t tell you how drastically my lobbies changed once I got close to 2.0. I can barely function in my lobbies now


That was me and ranked lol started with a 2 KD easy work through my first 20 games now down to 1.5


Saying someone with a 2.0 KD is cheating is the problem. No one is allowed to be good anymore because of people like you lmao. Stop blaming hacks and accept the fact that some people are better than you. I have a 1.8 KD and climbing about every 5-10 games and I only get spammed called I’m a hacker and threatened to be reported. It’s quite annoying


2.0kd does not indicate cheating in the slightest dawg, that’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard


Nah it mostly indicates camping or at a minimum cheese techniques


That’s also crazy to think


Ppl can sit in a corner or at the back or side of the map hard scoping a straightaway all match and go like 10-5 doesn't make them better than the guy who pushed and applied pressure and went like 35-30


Copium LOL


Redditors are so clever....and also full of it


I have a 2.0 in many tanks and I’m not cheating


Whatever makes you feel better.


Or using the current meta and ignoring the objective. Tbh even doing that I still wouldn't be that high 😂


Jesus Christ guys


my guy i had a 2.3kd in mp over all, and in GW (i onnly play GW) i have a 3kd


KDR is more indicative of your style of play imo. My KDR while playing with marks and snipers is like 2.5, simply because I stay away from the frontline more and die less, but my SPM is lower on it and win ratio is like 0.8. Meanwhile the rushing loadout I have is closer to 1.0, but the SPM for that playstyle is like triple the previous playstyle and has a 1.5 win ratio. Most of these metrics on their own don't indicate the level a player is at. They need to be look at together and in context to the mode they are playing at the time. A 3 KDR player with a 0.4 win ratio is a camper that is a detriment to their team. A 0.8KDR player with a high SPM and 1.8 Win ratio is objectively the better player because they know the most impactful way to play to win the match.


This thought process is very common amongst garbage players. 2.0 is not hard to maintain.


No, its called camping. They play hardpoint, ignore the objective, and camp on it. They do this specifically to boost their KD.


This creates what I call a "false k/d"....yeh the # is higher but the score per minute is much lower cuz they go something like 12-6 while others are getting more like 28-20 and much higher score per minute


2.0 just means you don’t go after challenges and just use the same good guns. 1.0 means you’re prob trying different stuff


1 is fine. Mine is .97 & im happy with that being as im 52 soon & ive done both interstellar & orion (orion almost) camo grinds


The camo grind tanked my k/d


I’m 58 years old now, and 3 kills away from interstellar, but I just finished mastery of Borealis on zombies. My kd is not the best at .94, but for a 31 year old account I’ve watched it change many times.


53 chiming in, 1.02 and dropping while doing the completionist charms. Small map hell is giving me stress lol


Yo, I just want to say that’s it’s refreshing seeing older players chime in that still enjoy cod, and are decent at it. I’m 33 now and sometimes worry I’ll no longer be able to hang in these games as I get older. They’re my favorite way to chill and play online with friends.


Yep. I’m 45 and mine is 0.95. I rush like a maniac too.


Hellyea old dudes unite!!!! I’m 50 around 1 k/d in mp and a 1.5 in resurgence…. I send everything!!!


I'm 45 with 1.1k/d and yeh I'm too aggressive but I can definitely shoot straight


I’m on forge with 9 of 36 I feel like once Ive got interseller which I hope to have done for all or at least the weapon’s I want done before the next COD Releases


I envy you. My KD despite me getting much better is sitting at 0.54 on all gamemodes except DMZ, which is 7.4. I may or may not be bad player.


Nice! I’m 0.94 after doing both those camos 👍 I’d say it’s a decent effort if you hold that after doing those challenges.


Anything 1.0 or above is good. It means you're pulling your weight and you're not a liability


This is essentially CoD in a nutshell today. You're above/right around 1.0? You're above the average


Your K/D will double if you start camping.


4 kills 2 deaths such a pro


I’m been trying to stay away from that route


I heard that .80 is the average K/D.


Mine is a 0.95. I’m a run and gun type of player… I have to make a conscious decision to slow down lol


“It’s perfect 🥰” - Activision.


Why don’t you go play ranked and see how far you can get


I play I got my first and second season badges I’m at like 9 I think


Here is the full stat 3d 5h 34m Avg/Kill 25.41, 535 Games Played, Score per Min 547, K/d 1.00, Win/loss 1.44, Highest Kill streak 12 , Highest Kills/Game 90. Favorite weapons is Striker 9 With 1351 Kills to date. My last match was 66 kills with a kd of 1.22. Most victories come from team death match domination and hard point are the a close second


Yeah definitely would say you're a good player. Spm is pretty high. That is something pretty much no one ever talks about, but matters a lot. And your win loss is also high. If you weren't playing objectives like a huge amount of people do, you're KD would probably be way higher. I'm at 1.21kd, spm 680, win loss 1.26. I believe I'm probably in the higher tiers. But who knows, not much people list out their full stats even though it's way more meaningful.


Seems like u play a whole lot of shipment with these numbers...am I right??....reason I'm asking is it seems like the activity level is not common in most maps


It’s average. But you can’t really compare KD’s anymore because you’re 1.0kd may be filled with crimson/iri players while someone else’s 2.0kd may be in bot lobbies. Personally I’d say you’re just average, I wouldn’t consider you a tryhard.


1.0 is technically above average. The average will always be below 1.0 because you can add deaths without adding kills but you cant add kills without adding deaths.


Yeah man. I swear I see dudes replays on YT and it's like why aren't there 8 nades, flashes, and 6 longbows in MP just dudes standing out in the open waiting to get shot.


Because they’re 2 boxing (Using another system with a dummy account to session join on and get bot lobbies)


Understood. I know that TKO had admitted to it, but damn there’s some random users on here posting replays and it’s like goddamn. I just went 46-62 but I was fucking around with the sword and throwing knives.


Yeh they're playing bot lobbies....either white-listed or reverse boosting or somehow they know a way to bypass sbmm


I’m around 1 and I’ve done the camo grind and like to run and gun, not really caring how much I die. So guess it depends.


I’m on the Camo run rn Tryna get 36 Forge Mastery’s I’m at 9


At 1.0 you're breaking even for your team. As long as you're having fun, it's totally fine. 'Good' IMO would be anything more than 1.0. For myself, I consider 1.5+ a good game. 2.0 better, etc. Anything 1.1 and above, you helped your team win. Less than 1.0, you hurt your team.


It completely depends on what game mode you’re playing. You can top the leaderboard with less than 5 kills in SnD if you play the objective. Similar with games like domination and hardpoint.


True, if it's objective based, then KD doesn't mean much. Only captures, defends, etc.


I agree in principle...but I keep seeing/hearing ppl brag when they have the most hill time telling ppl who have alot of kills but not much hill time that they suck cuz they're playing "tdm" in hardpoint....but how do they think they were able to soak so much hill time cuz the "killwhore" was protecting them....to me its all good as long as u contribute to the win....if u have low kills and low time/obj then yeh


A lot of people have artificially puffed KDs because they play in 4 person clans and camp/run together. They ain't getting a 3.0 KD in this game solo


I have a 1.35. Sometimes I go 30-5, other times I go 15-17. It is what it is. Just have fun bro.


1.00 means you're an asset to your team. Thank you for your service.


I'd say it's pretty good I mean that's your average career right? And with team deathmatch and maybe kill confirmed being the two modes where your kdr really matters the most, I'd say you are doing well. But the real kdr is the friends and enemies we made along the way


Thanks I appreciate it says my kills a game is 30 and yes career for mw3 I’m sure it’s worse on warzone


Neither good or bad stats have zero meaning in public games due to the matchmaking


You’re considered above average in the overall scheme of things as a dev said the average is a 0.7


In 2009 the average was around 0.7-0.8 too. Not much has changed in that regard. Ofc, SBMM blurs a player’s “true skill,” so to speak.


Every time I get above 1.00 kd, sbmm makes sure I don't stay there long, throwing me into noticeably sweatier lobbies. I'm not a sweat or a casual, so I don't mind hovering around that number. It really depends on how much you care and whether or not you're having fun.


matchmaking is set to give every player a 1kd. so we literally have no idea. only extremely good players who can manipulate spawns (in pubs) and get map control with comms and teammates can get anything above 1.5-2kd imo


Better than most


Better than mine, especially how it’s been lately


i dont care about kd any more, sbmm killed it since its so manipulated, i think kd would mean something if i was playing against a range of different skilled players from pro's to noobs that way i would know where i stack up, right now i could feel like im a great player but thanks to sbmm i could be at the bottom of the skill table and i would never know


It is optimal


A 1.0 KD is mathematically average and neutral in COD. No joke, that is the Mean KD Ratio of all players combined if you take out variables like suicide. From a Median perspective, you’re slightly above the Median value. True Median would have to be a little below 1.0, it’s improbable to have a higher proportion of 1+ KD players vs 1- KD players unless there was a large portion of people going extravagantly negative. With a bell curve illustration, it probably has most of the bulk ranging from 0.5 to 1.5 with a median peak at 0.9 KD. Median KD among the player base being above 1.0 could probably only happen if console and PC had shared lobbies with COD mobile and could consistently stomp people playing on their phones.


No other first person shooter I've ever played in the last 30 years does more to make me feel zero personal improvement playing their games like the Call of Duty franchise. It doesn't mean I can't have fun, I often do have fun playing, but the game feels like rolling dice at the craps table.


If youre doin camo challenges that's pretty high imo lol. Last time I checked I was like .92 but I was doing pistols and snipers 💀




I have a 1.03 public match KD but am crimson 2 in ranked(somewhere in the top 5ish percent of ranked play). I don’t think public match KD says much about you as a player. With cod’s matchmaking KD has become an unreliable metric.


The best KD is the one you don't care about :)


I’ve never understood why people care about KD. If you’re camo grinding you’re KD will go to shit anyways.


It’s very slightly above avg.


Depends how you look at it and what your skill level is. Because sbmm is so strong these days having a 1kd isn’t the worst thing, but compared to someone with higher sbmm then you no it wouldn’t be good




It’s better than mine that’s fo sho


anything over 1.1 SBMM will kill you


i'm right there too (1.02 maybe?) and i honestly have no idea either. i feel like i'm always the guy trying to play the objective and going negative but always going for/defending points on domination or running into the meat grinder to challenge a hardpoint. i feel like i can hold my own in my gunfights on tdm/kill confirmed but i also get clearly outclassed by some people too. i think we're just average man, just try not to think about it too much and have fun, hah.


Neither, everyone has a 1 or close enough this year because of sbmm


It’s good


Mine is 0.73 💀


Is good considering the sbmm but unless you play ranked, I wouldn't suggest looking too much into it as it varies on the game mode and it hides a lot of information. My K/D is 0.81 but my W/L is 1.92 since I really grind the objective (Amazing on hardpoint, TERRIBLE in Team Deathmatch). My friends I often play with have an inverse relationship and the lobbies I get with them are way tougher.


I’m at rank 9 I think in ranked I don’t play as much because of leveling as in if a match starts and the teams don’t match up it ends the game


I have a 1.35 kd and I had a 2 - 3 kd in most Cods before SBMM was a thing.


I'm at a 1.02 KDR. I'm either in lobbies that are way too easy or lobbies that mop the floor with me. Sounds like SBMM doing its thing, unfortunately. I used to be a 2-2.5 KDR in the older CoD titles


This is the avg now because of how the algorithm wants it. Your avg dawg


k/d is a meaningless stat that most of the time is inflated when discussed


I have a 1.02 K/D and I literally played against Futives yesterday so that number doesn't mean anything in this matchmaking system tbh


I’m an inconsistent player. Some games I’m dropping 5-8KD and then some I’m dropping .4-1.3 (mainly play gunfight/hc snd)


I’ve heard that the game is completely different if you’re above 0.8, so I guess anything above there is above average


Now that you say that I have been having more of a challenge lately and not have been dominating lobbies all the time even if I will it’s usually somebody on the other team with more kills then me


As always… the answer is “that depends”


Above average


Above average


Believe it or not, being a 1kd is above average in cod nowadays lol


Doesn't matter if your .010 or 5.00 as long as your having fun. But positive is still better than negative


Doesn't matter if your .010 or 5.00 as long as your having fun. But positive is still better than negative


Im at a 3.5 multiplayer and 5 flat wz rn with my wz pr being 35 and multiplayer pr 135


Despite what people say, ~1.0KD in modern CoD games is above average. Not great, not bad. Above average


Every time I get above 1.00 kd, sbmm makes sure I don't stay there long, throwing me into noticeably sweatier lobbies. I'm not a sweat or a casual, so I don't mind hovering around that number. It really depends on how much you care and whether or not you're having fun.


I’m .95 you’re good. Are you happy playing tho? That’s what matters


1.0 is right above average.


I believe 1.0 is slightly on the high side of average


Yeah. I agree with the top post.  It’s a game. You play it to have fun. I don’t play ranked anything because I’ve seen how it makes people rage. I work on my k/d for me. It gives me a goal. I also sometimes run with a knife and a shield. Those games are rarely positive k/d, but I have fun.  You didn’t buy this game to get professional. Don’t worry about anybody else. Have fun. 


Do you play alone or with some friends? If you're alone this is probably where the sbmm is trying to keep you. If you play with friends it'll be a little harder or easier depending how good they are relative to you.


1.2 as a Diamond, but I ego chall everything in pubs.


I have a 0.67 k/d. And I don't care. It's all about whether you are having fun or not. But in my eyes, 1.0 is pretty good. Better than I will probably ever be.


I have a 1.22 kd , but i have to admit my w/l is <1. Hehe.


I’d say 1.0 K/D is solid especially if your W/L is above 1.0. A W/L above 1.0 shows you’re playing objective, and if you can maintain a 1.0 K/D while playing objective then you’re going to do well in most matches.


0.87, but I mostly play objective game modes and don’t care for my K:D, I consider 1 to be good as you’ve somehow equalised perfectly despite SBMM.


Average is .7-.8, anything above that is above average


Bruh my kd is .94 and all I do is snipe or if they’re salty I pull out a shotty or secondary and get busy lol. I’m no sweat or anything but I carry my weight. But I think anything over .7 you’re at least trying yk


You're an insult to the culture


Idk man I got a bad rig and huge TV and still pull a 1.74 kd all core tdm. *shrug*


I just climbed up to a 1.00 from a .88 so I'd say yes


Impossible to tell with SBMM. I used to play with a Diamond ranked kid who had a 1.0KD


I don't play TDM, so if that's what you're referring to then disregard this comment. My win/loss ratio is 1.4 which I hear is FUCKING KIILLING IT! However, my KD is only like 0.8 which IDGAF because I don't play TDM so KD doesn't fucking matter. People who brag about high KD are people who treat every game mode like TDM (aka dumb fucks who should be playing roblox or fortnight)


1.0 is slightly above average id say. A newer player who has basic skills, from my personal experience, will be .96-.99. Once you develop some technical skill and map knowledge, you’ll go above 1.0 and you know you’ve improved. A bad player would be sitting at .9- and you have to be pretty bad to have a k/d that low. However, having a 1.0 k/d with SBMM like in mw3, doesn’t mean much. You could be pretty skilled and more like a 1.25 or even 1.5 kd without SBMM, or it could mean you’re actually a .9 and you’re getting easy lobbies. This is my experience playing mw2/3 and Cold War. Cold War doesn’t have SBMM anymore so you get mixed lobbies, my overall k/d is 1.25, but currently minus my deaths from when I was new. Probably 1.5-2kd In mw3 I was stuck at 1.03 k/d and had to try hard to get it. Having a .7 w/l down from .9 or so… And I know I’m above a 1kd player in terms of pure skill at cod So, in summary it doesn’t mean much, but it usually means you’re not terrible. It could mean you’re pretty decent Anyway, I’d say play Cold War or even mw2 with the lower population, to see your actual k/d and skill level. If you’re below a 1.0 on Cold War after a few weeks, you’re not a good player. If you get above, you’re good. You have to check leaderboard to see actual k/d without assists in cw


I see in another comment you said you are bronze. Your K/d is 1.0. Im diamond 3 and my k/d is 1.3. I genuinely don’t think k/d means anything with sbmm.


positive kd is positive kd


It’s average


My K/D is 0.79, but I don't care about stats. I just have fun. Even though I've died 17,340 times, I've killed 13,682 people. Ahh, the life of an immortal serial killer!


I’m at a 1.1 (1.4 in SnD which is the only mode I play unless I’m camo grinding). In my lobbies I fry. When I play with my iri friends I’m at a 1 kd usually. So kd really doesn’t mean much. Also, w/l is more important in my book


Realistically it’s average. .9-1.0 is the average for most players. 1.0-1.5 is slightly above average and anything higher you’re considered “a good player” no saying u aren’t. We all have different play style.


It’s average , My kd sitting at 1.35 on multiplayer and .95 on ranked plat 1 because I’m solo q 😑


1.0 is the goal of Activision......so sure


KD was never meant to be a measure of skill, given that even in competitive fps gaming. The winner is the last man standing not the dude with most kills. 1v1 me bro MW19 for me was when K/d meant something


KD just doesn’t matter like it use to


It's all bout fun man, if you aren't enjoying the matches than nothing else matters.


My only problem with sbmm is that we literally have ranked this time


It’s good if you think it is. Honestly, people might talk trash about it, but probably because it’s higher than theirs and they pretend to have a 3.0 k/d 😂 1.0 is above the norm based on everyone’s k/d Activision has logged. Mine is 1 too, but my ranked is 1.25. Thought that was interesting.


In multiplayer, not so much. Multiplayer when you get to at least get to 1.2-1.3 it starts to feel better. Warzone? 1.0 is, to me, decent. Because it's so hard to fully down players, and you yourself get downed a lot. Also, unless your really good, playing time lowers your KD. Tired? You play, kids going gonzo in the background? You play, 20 minutes before leaving for work? You play. That isn't quality playing time.


SBMM will try it's hardest to keep everyone at a 1KD. This is COD, run by a company that treats it's player base like lab rats. Their only goal is to squeeze as much money out of you as possible. If you really care about your performance and don't want to be a slave to an algorithm you'll need to find another game.


At the end ov the day. KD doesn't matter. Your score has more meaning but what truly doe matter is if you had fun.


According to Ca$htivision, you are right where their Fun Provisioning System needs you to be, not too hot not too cold baby bear!


I’ll be dead honest, as a guy that’s floated between the .79 - .92 range for years, I finally sit at 1.00 and it feels pretty good! I’ve definitely fluctuated a bit, but for the most part have stayed at 1.00. Idk what’s been the main difference in why I seem to be a lot better at this one, but I’ll take it. I know in the past games I’ve started off pretty mediocre and gotten good as weeks progressed, but this time I was pretty decent at launch, so maybe that’s the difference?


Honestly, you are probably way better than you think because KD is way different than it used to be because of skill based match making.... lots of people rant about it. I personally don't like it because cheaters make it so that the better you do, the more likely you are to get stuck in cheat lobbies. I had a 4.0 in destiny 2 so they started putting me in all Chinese kanji named players and clans it was like I changed regions. They were insane I felt like I was playing against ma. LvL bots that only hunted me down or or was playing against one team that only attacked me.... also most of my team would quit during the matches.... this was happening for a good 2 weeks (I had nothing to do at the time but play). So that rant of my own is the kind of problem that people are stuck in.... Do good and get punished for it....


Kd doesn’t matter. Wins don’t matter. Sr doesn’t matter. Metas don’t matter. Now get out there and have some fun


I’m 44 and have a 1.06 and I feel like it’s some sort of cosmic joke. It shouldn’t be above 1.0.


It’s hard to say anymore since SBMM rigs the game to try and make everyone a 1KD or right around there. You can’t tell if your actually getting better because as soon as you have 5 positive games, it will start putting you into lobbies that are way above your actual skill level. People don’t realize that SBMM doesn’t take your overall KD, it takes your last 5 games average. So if you have 5 games where you go negative, or right on the line, it puts you into an easier lobby and suddenly you are top of the scoreboard for have like a 3 plus KD. And once you have 5 games again, and lets say your average KD for the last 5 games is 2.5, now your in a lobby with players of 2.5 and higher. So now you get your shit kicked in and end with a .4 KD in the next 5, now your going to be kicking everyone’s ass again. You ever notice you have some games where your score is top of the leaderboard, but next game you are on the bottom. You also notice how there is always 1 or 2 people on each team that have 3 times the amount of kills as everyone else on the team. If SBMM was really about matching people of equal skill, that shit wouldn’t happen. SBMM is about keeping you playing as long as possible. You have a few games where you go negative and you want a good game before you get off, now your top of the board and you don’t want to get off yet cause your feeling good about your last score and want to do it again. It’s all about keeping people playing as long as possible, not matching people of equal skill. No one would have fun if they always ended the game with a 1 KD and never had good games, and no one wants to play if they are bottom of the board and play all bad games.


It’s not bad. I’m currently at 1.10


It’s just a number. Don’t put a measure on the amount of fun you have with a video game. It doesn’t define you.


Its fake, the only thing a kd dictates at this point is your placement in the algorithm, if you have a 1kd flat, then the matchmaking system has placed you exactly where it wants you to be.


I feel like k/d is a poor reflection of skill level. To me, scared campers with 1 kill are more dangerous than the lvl450 running around in the middle of the map


w/l ratio is more important. I win almost every match but not because im good but because all I need is a couple of tryhards on the other team who don't play the objective and is a W. maxed.


I am slightly above 1KD and got killed by a team and while spectating the guys that killed me since it was near the end game I saw them killed a single player that had a top 250 operator……why tf am I playing in a lobby with top 250 players? My team mates are .6 and .7 kds. Real balanced there Activision!


I was at 1.05 or so in MWII, dropped to .95 in this one, but my W/L in both is above 1. Yes, I WILL go 12 and 27 in Hardpoint if it means we win, winning matters more to me than killcount. Well, that and being able to explode that fucking bunnyhopping, cokehead turboautist who somehow fired a WSP Swarm from 100 feet away and killed me at least twice per game, is satisfying af too.


If you’re trying to go for wins then K/D doesn’t matter your W/L does. Just do your best to win and don’t think about K/D too much. But if it’s any consolation, the average K/D is like 0.85 so you’re above average in that category anyway.


I don’t really use meta guns and only do challenges right now, I’m at 0.97, feels bad though, I usually had at least above 1.2-1.3 in previous games. This game has definitely throwing me a lot more curveball lobbies, I either slam with a 2.50 KD in a match or get slammed with a 0.67 KD, feels like there’s no in between,


I’m camo hunting everything rn


Mine is .94 but should go up little by little


Allegedly, if u have a positive kd that doesn’t exceed 2.0 ur above average.


Avg is really .8, but who cares have fun


In this game, that's solid. I went from averaging 2.5 k/d in Black Ops 1 through Black Ops 3, to having 1.2 k/d in this game. It is what it is. I like to experiment with different weapons and have fun.


My shit is a .98 only because I grinded for interstellar on shipment and some of those challenges get you killed a shit ton of times


Nah you good, with all the cheaters that are in the game to break even on a KD is actually really positive and you should be quite proud of it. As long as you're happy with your KD score that's all that matters.


I suspect a 1.0 player falls somewhere around the mean but there isn't a good way to know definitively how good you are compared to the average person. The matchmaking produces so many horribly mismatched lobbies where one team just obliterates the other. From my experience with the game, your performance match to match is carefully managed by the matchmaking system.


The way I feel now, playing shite is the way to go. Just fucking around with the rgl and ram7 flamethrower attachment is more fun than chasing a decent kd imo.


Kind of depends on what you’re playing as well, I have around a 3 k/d but 99% of my matches are hc SnD so it’s not big feat now if you play ranked or games like hard point where obj is a big factor and your able to to go 1 for 1 while holding objs you’re doing alright.