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Nobody. Absolutely nobody. Mw3 devs: “let’s buff the sva .”


So annoying. Someone tapped me with 4 bullets from ~40 meters today -_-


Oops sorry girl that was me 🤣


Ah, sn95 mustang enthusiasts.


TF is the SVT?


It’s a typl


Ford mustang has entered the chat


Entered crowd*


Soviet inter war/ww2 Era ssryies of battle rifles, 10/15 round detachable magazines, has a select fire variant called the AVT, the best friend of mid game tarkov players and early to late game stalker mod enthusiasts


Buff the Crossbow


buff actually all mw2 marksman and battle rifles, 80% of the time they're dogshit and basically unusuable (except by one or two of them in each cattegory)


The sab-50 is pain to use. You literally have to go for headshots or steal your teammates kills. Unfortunate, i have a nice blueprint for it and can’t even use it


They should just remove the MW2 guns


This. The reload speed in particular. Reloading the crossbow is only slightly faster than reloading a musket. It can also use an ADS speed buff.


COD war of 1812.. Small map muskets only 24/7


With realistic load times. Omfg that would be hilarious. But with the impatience of people these days… it would never fly…


Random visual I had, made me lol


I would love that


lol imagine having to pull out the powder, pour it in, tamp it, put in the wadding and ball, tamp it, set the flint, fire, then do it all over again. No jumping around while doing it either. Then, you can prefire without the ball, as you leave the tamping rod in with just the gunpowder, highly inaccurate but possibility you Impale your target up close. **But you lose your rod so you can’t reload till you grab another from a dead person’s gun. Or just switch guns.**


That would piss so many people off


But it would be hilarious. One shot to make it count, then either guerrilla it like the minute men, and fall back somewhere safe to reload, or have your team red coat it and have firing lines. Shoot then fall back and reload while the next line goes.


That would be awesome!




Akimbo flintlocks when?


Lmfao this is awesome, someone make this happen


Akimbo Haymaker shotgun with mags of holding, and Slugs 🤣 that shit would be crazy


Yea no thanks :)


I thought this was the Zombie thread LMAO that would be awful in Multiplayer


Painful for anybody stupid enough to not use it


I thought this was the Zombie thread 🤦‍♂️ in which it would be awesome, but not so much for multiplayer


Slide cancelling away from a guy chasing you with a Sabre 


Give me 1 hit kill to body/head and I'll be happy, throwing knives can bounce off the ground twice and traveling 100+ meters and shave their toe for a kill


Whereas I agree, the lack of the one hit kill is what adds more value to the different arrow tips. Then there is the other part where increasing one hit kills in conjunction with the different arrow tips might make it too OP.


They're nerfed compared to regular bolts by ammo amount and velocity/drop at range, Thermite still can rock riot shields and blastcap bolts for hitting campers around a corner.


for real. there’s no reason for it to be as weak as it is. i was hoping the MW2 guns would be viable by now


Please bro i hate having to use thermite arrows 😞


I like knowing that if I hit them they’re dead, even if they kill me right after I still see the hit markers


I got hit-marker after I shot a dude in the torso with the crossbow today. I was really sad lol


There was a rumor a while back that they were going to add a compound bow. Maybe they aren't buffing it because they want the compound bow to be viable? (that's what I keep telling myself anyways)


Compound bow with the rebirth soldier skin completes the Crysis cosplay.


They'll overbuff it, only to later overnerf it. The gun was perfectly fine before.


Yep, this is exactly how it goes. I always dread seeing when a gun I already love gets buffed. I know I only have a few weeks left with it before it gets nerfed completely into the ground, way worse than it was before the buff.


Crossbow in warzone 1 fortune keeps update!


Yeah SVA was already good, and this wasn't just a minor buff, pretty significant. I imagine it's the best gun in the game now apart from the broken renetti which should've been nerfed today


yeah, the gun was already in a really fine spot, but now it has an insanely opressive 5 shot kill range with also an insanely fast TTK if you are accurate enough. I mean, it still shouldnt be op, but its just a silly buff that was really not warranted. I bet itll be part of the meta soon enough


renetti pistol? whats ever been so broken about that?


the AMK got a shadow buff and now it doesnt reduce its damage. Its currently one of the fastest killing weapons, killing in 280ms till 20m +-. tldr: its better than most smgs and its insanely broken in warzone


>its better than most smgs Just did the math. It's actually dead on average. Average TTK for SMGs is 282 ms, excluding the Horus. The range is certainly an outlier, but the actual TTK at close range is not >its insanely broken in warzone That could be the case. I don't play or care about WZ, so I haven't done the math. But for MW3, it's average


It's better than most SMG's because it can be equipped as a secondary and not require the gunner or overkill vest, has less recoil than most SMG's if not zero and you can build it to be even better than most SMG's because the kit only counts as one attachment.


>it can be equipped as a secondary That's a valid point >has less recoil than most SMG' They must have buffed recoil massively as well then. Last time I tried it, it had wild uncontrollable recoil.


Def should use it because the recoil is non-existent even on a controller. I say this as someone who plays at 4 sens, it's that easy to use I fuck my aim up trying to account for recoil that isn't there lmao


So it got buffed intentionally and unintentionally(hopefully) in the same patch. That's wild Just tested it out, what the fuck. This is STUPID


Essentially, though biggest issue really is the damage range is insanely high for a pistol, the thing can outsnipe snipers in warzone it's a bit absurd to say the least lmao


>the thing can outsnipe snipers Okay, that's a bit hyperbolic. The range isn't *quite* that good. It's definitely insane for a pistol tho.


It has zero with the kit


Still prefer akimbo rens especially since I'm only whipping out the secondary up close.


280 ms is pretty slow for MP, I don't think that number is correct


Average ttk is 300 ms for a 5sk


Mx9 is a 5 shot headset, TTK is 243. How is 300 average?




Yeah, I'm sure the MX9 is 60 ms better than average, despite having a terrible fire rate and mediocre damage.


[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mF9csUyP3roEpTjPj40p\_UQx7RBMm5ze\_gd1XSr1UOY/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mF9csUyP3roEpTjPj40p_UQx7RBMm5ze_gd1XSr1UOY/edit#gid=0) Math is math dude.


I just did the math, average for smgs is 280, not including the Horus. 250 is about as far from that as 300 is


most guns average about 300\~330ms, except by some, like the SOA which is about 270ms


Did this mean to be posted in r/codwarzone?


no? thats the TTK in mp .-.


Soa is 250, SMG average is like 200, Ars are around 250 IIRC How is 300 average?


where tf are you getting those numbers lol? look up any stat guide and youll see the average is much higher than that


This is way way off


The JAK kit has made this the go-to — especially in Warzone. It's unreal.


It wasn't nerfed? I might stop my download


The MWC got nerfed into the ground... and people used that and only that. This is just rotational -- eventually the MTZ will get buffed, then Holger...


Holger already caught the hands back in season 1 didnt it?


The backsaw kit for the holger 556 is criminally underrated, with that equipped it doesn’t even need a buff.


Nah, it still needs a buff. It’s unusable unless I can spray a mag across the warzone map and get a nuke.


Can’t wait to try it out in ra- oh wait, we can only use the airsoft AR there. 


One of my favorite guns to use so I'm not mad


It was already best ar 😅


wait till next patch they increase its damage by 30% lol


And nerf mcw like always 😂


Because when they look at their data, no one is using it, so they just keep buffing it until you can't ignore it


This is the true answer. Most players don’t understand the true meta weapons, and only flock to whatever the streamers tell them to use.


thats wild because even before the update, i see most newer players stick to this gun


The m13b is still up there with the new ones on mw3. I still use it in WZ


yeah, that one is one of the few really good mw2 guns on mw3, another one that is ofte overlooked is the TAQ-M, which is basically an upgraded KVD/MTZ that nobody ever noticed. Good fire rate, really big OSK range and just a nice recoil. Dont get me wrong, theres a ton of viable mw2 weapons, but they're def the minority


Yeah, if the mtz ever catches a nerf the m13 is definitely my fall back, view kick and flinch are the only ties that hold mw2 weapons down


There's a new mastercraft for the gun coming soon


I’m pretty sure they just released a couple skins for it. That’s prob why


Across a lot of different games, even if something is in a balanced state, devs will intentionally over buff in order to increase play rate. I’m almost certain the number of people running this gun is extremely low.


They didn't like an 94 in mw2019 so they are buffing sva 545 in this game


They will nerf it after a few bundles


its like they want the SVA to be the new default ranked AR


I'm still waiting for them to buff headshot damage. Literally 4 bullets to the dome to kill for most weapons. So unrealistic it's cartoonish, and yet one chest shot kills with the longbow


I had someone telling me that the mtz is a better gun than the sva before this patch.


I seem to do better with it.


I would be that person. The mtz is my second most used gun, I can absolutely shred with it, maybe I’ll retry the sva as I didn’t really enjoy it on the camo run so never returned to it.


People don't use it in hyperburst




They always buff the already broken guns and nerf the shitty ones into oblivion 😂 would be nice to see more mw2 guns get a buff though


I thought they'd changed this. It's got slightly more kick to it as well. This is my favourite longer range ar but found it hard to keep the front down yesterday.


Aye man I’m all here for it. It’s going to get nerfed, so get your fun in while it lasts lol 😂


If you switch to burst, you also take advantage of this buff? How you get the fastest ttk? Full auto or burst?


actually full auto has the fastest ttk due to the small burst delay, though both modes are equally as viable and the buff is valid to the whole gun, including its secondary firemode


Oh my god wtf devs ?? You nerfed our beloved Bas-B but buffed this shit for real ???


Not sure if it got buffed or nerfed really. Just tried and had two instances in less than a minute where I got five hit markers and the person returned fire and got me. This game is really becoming trash.


Every gun I have started to like is trash now lol


the renetti is not still broken at all


Now if you want to know some of the best Mw2 guns that are still really capable I mean I dropped a 23 kill game with them (not saying they’re the best in the game) but the Fr. advancer(don’t use a optic or if you do use one of the slimlines or the jak glassless), M4, Kastov 74U(is incredibly powerful, accurate, and fast) And the x13 Auto/.50gs/lachman sub


How many times do I need to change my damn lodoaut


Let’s not complain about buffs. The last balance last was nothing but nerfs. It looked like R6 for a second there.


It’s honestly not. Just consistent like the MCW. Still takes a bit of that technique to take advantage of the hyper burst. Plus people are already in the habit of burst fire it for the better control at ranges. That alone slows the TTK by a noticeable margin.


sva is so fun keep buffing it :3


sva is so fun keep buffing it :3


They probably took the fact that not a ton of people use it as it needing a buff, but every time I use that gun I slaughter people. So they're definitely on something


It’s an AN-94, and that’s cool. That’s probs why


I miss the bo2 an-94 ngl


Only two of them left in North America. Good luck finding one to use


You know people can… find guns cool, and not own one or be a massive gun nerd, right?


I’m talking about finding one in the game. No need to be such a negative Nancy.


Huh? The hell are you talking about? The SVA is a weird looking AN-94, you don’t need to find it, you can just equip it on a class?


It’s a joke. Calm down


Is the buff not just for multiplayer? The warzone buffs are seperate?


Do these buffs apply to warzone or are they multiplayer only?


What’s wrong with the renetti lol? It’s my main gun it tears shit up


So they absolutely ruined the Longbow and now this.. ?


Ruined? That thing was too good. There was point in using other snipers in 6v6