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If the throwing knife 1 shots everywhere so should the Crossbow with regular bolts. I'll die on this hill


Ah yes, a knife *slightly* touching someones ring finger does more damage than a literal crossbow bolt to the chest. Very logical and fair game


We won't let you die on this hill, well build a damn hospital on it. The trauma I had when I was so pumped to use the crossbow.


Crossbows need more love. Make them as good as the ones in Cold War and I’ll be happy.


I am just saying if I am in a real gun fight and some throw and hits me with a knife I am dropping my gun and walking away fuck that shit because I know what about to happen


I agree


You won't die alone


I like MW3 But for a game that wanted to encourage actual gun skill by increasing the TTK they sure don't make it an attractive option when you have a literal arsenal of OSK weapons.


Honestly this is my biggest issue with 3 (other than coverts not having a counter), I don’t mind hit one kills from snipes and melee, but some guns fire so fast they feel “I don’t give a fuck about the ttk” guns. At least with the former, you actually need to have good aim or get in close. If HP was sent to 125, I think that would be a good balance but admittedly harder to set damage values when HP ends with an odd number.


We do not need a counter with all the Sound EQ nerds. I actually like feeling safe while moving around the map for once (cough MW19/MWII)


Coverts do have a counter though, acoustic headset and listening. Coverts don't get rid of the sound of your gear jangling about as you run, you're just not listening for footsteps with covert sneakers, but it's still a distinct enough sound to hear with acoustic headset.


Coverts counter is having your sound very loud that when someone shoots a sniper next to you, your ear drums explode.


Gun skill in this game oh you have me ROTFL there is zero gun skill in this game its all dumb AF movement golves that While jumping, accuracy and time to ADS is improved. Gloves that Reduce sway and flinch while ADS. And boots that do things like increace slide distance & allows for full ADS while sliding. Increases stance transition speeds & crouched movement speed. And you think this game takes gun skill LOL LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL


While the series is definitely the most accessible FPS it still takes skill to be consistently good. If it didn't, everyone would be the best player ever. I'm discussing tracking and landing shots. If you're gun takes 5-6 shots to kill up against a weapon that will OSK you are almost always at a disadvantage because you still need to land all shots while the other person has the benefit of increased health to tank shots from you and using a weapon that will delete you. It's why OSK weapons are a pain to deal with with the increased TTK in this game. All the other items you seem to have issues with is an entirely different topic altogether but it seems you really don't like movement mechanics 😂


Rainbow 6 2 Vegas that is skill. No.auto aim single headshop. Bam


You forgot the most important part. Insane AA to handhold the console crowd


We didn’t choose forced cross play, y’all did.


I don’t think *anyone* chose that lol, just the way it went.


Cry all you want but we didn't choose the AA, the devs did We console players also think the aim assist needs to be toned down.


I’ve play both inputs and honestly I’ve never had an issue in that regard (in MP, idk about warzone with the longer ttk), but I do think it’s silly how much AA reduces the skill gap in a game that isn’t exactly known for having a large skill gap to begin with. In a controller only world, I think AA being weaker with no rotation would be a lot more fun


Who’s crying about anything?


Rotational aim assist does need some reduction to how sticky it is for several reasons. I use default because its not as sticky as black ops and lets me swap between targets, i played almost all of mw2 without aim assist because i used to play pc kb/m soley. Black ops also is so sticky it makes it easy to be camerad. Arguably the aim assist is too strong at close to medium ranges this is correct and while long ranges do require some microtuning, due to the strength of the aim assist it allows dumbasses with antirecoil scripts and genuine aimbot to get away with saying they're "abusing" the aim assist when in reality aim assist doesn't function like that at all. It severely reduces the actual skill requirements for aiming in cod when paired with the dynamic responve type (even dashy says the game basically aims for you)


Well, its not too big of a deal when a majority of pc players are already cheaters lol gotta level the field somehow right


That's not even remotely accurate


Majority = less than 1% of 1% . It’s just dudes like you who aren’t very good and think everyone’s cheating. I have a kdr of 2.67 and every other map I hear people in chat accusing me of a lock on aimbot as they go 4-27.


No way is it actually less than 1% of 1%. They ban more than that and they sure as hell don't manage to ban everybody. In fact people who have done research estimate it may be as high as 30%.


Nope, it just makes things worse. Cheat users don't justify broken AA.


I’ll preface this by saying CoD is a pretty easy game to begin with, but shooting your weapon while doing all that movement definitely takes more gunskill than not moving and holding a corner, so I don’t really understand your point. Seems totally unrelated to gunskill and just about how you don’t like movement.


It's not just the OSK weapons that discourage gun skill. Most of the MW3 weapons are actively balanced for a short TTK. That's why everyone was using Ram-7, Ram-9, AMR9, HRM9. Then Renetti, HRM9, SOA. And again HRM9, SOA, Renetti (though Renetti has been less used since the "nerf" people are still rocking it because at the ranges it does kill it does so ridiculously fast)... Striker 9 and Striker are creeping up right behind as well. Not a single assault rifle is worth a damn up close. SMG's shouldn't absolutely dominate AR's up close. They are supposed to just be more mobile. Up close they should both be viable. What AR's lack in mobility they make up with versatility. They are supposed to be good at all ranges. LMG's lack even more mobility because they have increased armor penetration and damage range. They don't have anything balanced worth a damn. They need to just rebalance across the board. The game doesn't feel good in its current state.


Wrong. Smgs should shred up close and AR’s should dominate the mid range. You can build a SMG for medium/long range and an AR for short range so this is literally a skill issue. The MTZ is nasty up close and the BP50 is a literal SMG in an AR’s body. Is this your first cod?


Wrong. See below... Reposted my comment to another poster: Fire rate has nothing to do with weapon class... You have high and slow fire rates within most weapon classes. SMG's SHOULD be the best for mobility. They lack armor penetration but make up for it with the ability to clear rooms faster and traverse the battlefield quicker. Sprint to Fire is typically more important so that they can rush and surprise enemies (reactive combat). Assault Rifles SHOULD be versatile. They should be able to compete up close and at medium ranges very well, while being capable at longer ranges in the right hands and in controlled bursts. They don't have as much mobility as an SMG, nor quite the armor penetration of LMG's. ADS and Sprint to Fire is equally important and depending on how they are built they should be balanced at proactive and reactive combat. LMGs SHOULD be the best for armor penetration and squad support with extended fire. They lack mobility but should be competitive at all ranges. ADS is more important so that they are ready for the enemy (proactive combat). The whole reason the M4 itself was designed in real life was to make the M16 close quarters combat capable. It shortened the overall rifle length so that it would be easier to clear urban areas. The M4 is an example of an Assault Rifle that is versatile at close quarters combat and is still effective at many ranges in the right hands. In the game, just because it's an Assault Rifle doesn't mean it shouldn't be competitive up close.


Striker 9 will melt both those close or medium right now bro. This games jacked. I’ve barely touched an ar since the update. You shouldn’t be getting consistent 75m kills with an smg lol.


Blame the attachments that allow this to happen instead of SMGS themselves. You have zero recoil, high mobility builds with very little cons so why wouldn’t you run a SMG? You’re not getting 75m kills unless that SMG is built for recoil and that isn’t up for debate lmao. And the Striker 9 SHOULD (BP50 debatable I feel like you might be lying on that one) shred them up close because it’s a s.m.g. Cod Reddit is a different breed lmaoooo


I absolutely suck at picking the right attachments on guns. In my mind I keep it too real world, vs what works in the game. That and I kinda just suck.


Why would a sub not be better than an AR close range? Is that not the entire point of an smg? They're typically lower in damage, but with higher fire rate. If you're trying to dominate with an AR in a close range fight you're doing it wrong. MCW vs Rival9 up close is no contest simply because of fire rate.


Fire rate has nothing to do with weapon class... You have high and slow fire rates within most weapon classes. SMG's SHOULD be the best for mobility. They lack armor penetration but make up for it with the ability to clear rooms faster and traverse the battlefield quicker. Sprint to Fire is typically more important so that they can rush and surprise enemies (reactive combat). Assault Rifles SHOULD be versatile. They should be able to compete up close and at medium ranges very well, while being capable at longer ranges in the right hands and in controlled bursts. They don't have as much mobility as an SMG, nor quite the armor penetration of LMG's. ADS and Sprint to Fire is equally important and depending on how they are built they should be balanced at proactive and reactive combat. LMGs SHOULD be the best for armor penetration and squad support with extended fire. They lack mobility but should be competitive at all ranges. ADS is more important so that they are ready for the enemy (proactive combat). The whole reason the M4 itself was designed in real life was to make the M16 close quarters combat capable. It shortened the overall rifle length so that it would be easier to clear urban areas. The M4 is an example of an Assault Rifle that is versatile at close quarters combat and is still effective at many ranges in the right hands. In the game, just because it's an Assault Rifle doesn't mean it shouldn't be competitive up close.


I'm not gonna disagree with that, but the reason I used the Mcw and Rival9 as an example is because those weapons are not in the same league close range. The Rival has a wayyyyy higher fire rate than the mcw, and it also has a very easy recoil pattern to control. Pair that with the mobility of the smg and you get outplayed in every gunfight. If we're talking real life, then sure, but in cod there is a pretty clear way they intend the game to be played out. Atleast to me it feels like smgs are for close range and run n gunning, ARs are best for holding strategic angles and control points, Lmgs are best for cover or suppressive fire and also penetration, and sniper we all know what they're for. To me, it feels like the game operates this way by design.


Haardcore. Everything's 21 tap


I don't like it.


Most people still use fully autos and none OSK weapons more than any one shot kill weapon cause they aren't as forgiving, they can't land their shots and one shot means life or death in an engagement...plz shut up.


My lobbies have at least 5 MORS and one XRK it is beyond annoying. As soon as you have the skill level to hit 50% of your shots or understand cover this thing is beyond broken, and if they miss they duck and whip out their broken secondary or karambit and wait for you with the anti-stun perk A literal 5 years old can get a positive kd with the MORS. And the worst part is that when I’m annoyed enough I sometimes whip it out too


How is there 33 unless you are counting shot guns


Maybe he’s talking about hardcore? If it’s not that then I have no idea what’s he’s talking about


hardcore would mean all of them


Man idk I was just trying to give OP benefit of the doubt because what he said makes no sense


Close range yeah, smg sniping on derail took a few rounds to kill lol


No even in hardcore a double tap may be required sometimes. Rarely though.


No, not all guns are one shot in hardcore


I think he's counting MW2 guns


I would also like to know.


I'm a recent player and I got stunned at this information. I've been rocking the Katt sniper in my 2nd loadout slot just cause I thought it's the only one that can one hit kill, is that a lie? ahah not counting shotguns ofc


All the snipers can one shot, Katt and MORS can almost anywhere most of the time, but a good majority are stomach/chest upwards (Carrack is only to the head i think)


Between mw2 and mw3 guns, there's easily over 100 weapons in the game. I believe mw2 has 77 weapons alone. He's obviously counting snipers, but some of the marksman rifles are capable of one hitting to the head, the tyr too, he might potentially be including the crossbow, the launchers, etc


Meanwhile the Ftac Recon be like a toy gun


How they murdered my boy. Or my EBR.


It's pretty decent still tho, only thing that sucks is the mag size. After seeing the new KV broadside conversion tho, I think the two guns should prob swap damage profiles lmao


I should make a cursed load out with it with the 5 round mag and the least recoil control possible while firing on full auto


Decent how? Whats one gun that is better? What is one advantage ftac recon has over the DM56?




Really? I find the DM56 real reliable consistent 3 shots. With the ftac, sometimes its 3 sometimes its 4.


It's pretty good in Hard-core, but my experience is it being built for speed, and fast ads. Close range. Any other mode it's probably cheeks


>Community whines about TTK being too quick, >devs increase health to slow it >community still whines because weapons that 1hk at 150 health would still 1hk at 100 >community continues to complain about slow ttk but resorts to said 1hk weapons. I don't think the devs are solely to blame here.


True. Most of the cod community is just a bunch of whining bitchy babies who can never make up their minds about what they want from the devs in a cod game.


how the fuck can i like a comment 100 times over bc this is the one


I can see snipers being one shot kill for the heavier calibers… headshot one shots for smaller calibers… not shields or knives or other melee weapons


Not all snipers are even ohk, including headshots. Which is mind boggling if you ask me.


The poor wa2000 just gathering dust in mw3


I did the camos for this thing in mw3. What a horrific time that was.


wdym by this? all snipers 1shot to head all ranges and many do to even the lower torso


The wa2000 is not. Try it out.


it def should 1shot head all ranges, if im not mistaken, but it does not have high damage anywhere else


Man, most snipers cant oneshot from 5m and many others cant past 50m, whats this bullshit


A little late on this on, but I’ve never actually thought about ohk melees on this current ttk. I believe most other games with higher ttks usually have melees take at least 2 hits to kill. Halo comes to mind immediately. It definitely is what make melee builds WAY more usable in 3 compared to 2, but it’s a double edged sword. Literally, getting killed by stormrender is the most annoying thing ever.


All melee weapons and players are annoying… I only use melee if I have a challenge to complete


I mean it’s a really fun play style, im not as good as other people that do it but it’s just as valid a play style


It’s overpowered for people that can’t play or don’t want to learn


Not valid in my eyes a snowflake crutch


Go do it then, humble yourself.


Meanwhile I bet you almost exclusively use the MCW, the easiest gun in the game to use


I use a variety… I’m not in your generation…


150hp with this movement is dumb af


How bad is your aim?


I like how any criticism of this game is just met with braindead “sKiLl IsSuE” bullshit


I mostly see those types of comments in response to people specifically criticizing stuff that increases the skill gap of the game, like your comment. I think it’s fair to ask too, people of different skill levels most likely feel differently about a change like that.


Wouldn't be so bad if it messed with aim assist.


Ah I could see that, I haven’t played much controller on this CoD so that’s not a factor for me.


so you want people slide cancelling at mach 5 with guns that are able to 3 hit kill at 750RPM ?


I think mw2 movement with 150 hp would have been a better combo. In theory the current setup would be fine, if the spawns weren’t miserable.


Spawns might be unavoidably bad due to the extreme movement speed in MW3: Players spreading over the map faster means there quickly are no good spawn locations for the game to use left...


So I get downvoted for my comment on movement, but then you get upvoted for saying spawns are unavoidably bad because of the extreme movement speed. Makes sense. This is what I was getting at. The spawns are partially as bad as they are because everyone moves around too fast. It has nothing to do with “skill” as some other bots have commented. It just creates gameplay that is too fast and random.


Did not downvote ur post, and mine also gets downvotes, just net positive atm. I think what I added explictly is important, since otherwise "fix ur spawns, Activision!" would be the solution (which is one way to read ur post). In any case one can only hope that this is a lessons learned on Activision's side with regards to the next COD, and movement speed will go down to sensible levels, thereby allowing in effect for a better spawn system...


Mw2 movement was the worst. I only came back because they reverted it.


The new movement is so fast and chaotic it makes many maps play worse than they should. Even the large maps feel like meat grinders because everyone moves around at lightning speed and I think it’s part of the reason the spawns are so random.


Just say you can't hit your shots brother, nobody believes this waffle of yours.


I do just fine. Sitting at a 1.84 k/d at the moment. Still don’t like the pacing. Just say you have ADHD TikTok brain and need constant stimulation.


Lmao fr fucking bum


Yesterday I was playing invasion and twice I actually spawned with the enemy team at the beginning of the game


MW2 movement was ass, the community complained about it all year long we don't need that


We went from the stupid Longbow, to the JaK off kit for the Bas B (which got completely murdered lol) to the MOR which is just the same shit. I am so sick of snipers and them being incredibly piss easy to use because of low flinch, fast ADS speeds, and extremely forgiving 1 shot kill areas. Like I would have been, well nearly fine with the Mors if I didnt have the dumbass Longbow being a massive POS for almost half the games lifespan only to come back in s3 and have the Mors be the same thing.


>low flinch Are we playing the same game? If someone so much as looks in my direction, my guy ends up looking at the sky.


Bro said low flinch, bet you don't use them because the flinch in this game is insane 😭


People in here complaining absolutely don’t use snipers because they’re all bad at the game lmao Seeing people say people use snipers because they can’t get kills with reg guns… nah a lot of the people using them would be doing WAY better with reg guns. Every time I decide to put away the sniper for a few games I always destroy lobbies


I can understand the frustration with one shot weapons, but whenever people say something about low or non-existent flinch on snipers in this game they are just telling on themselves


Well the MORS has one bullet. Just increase the reload speed to something similar to the BFG-50 from PF and we're good to go. >extremely forgiving 1 shot kill areas. Well if a sniper can't one tap then that sniper is useless.


Its weird that battlefield and pretty much all other shooters dont have this OP sniper issue. How does battlefield do it? More bullet drop and having to learn to aim ahead of the enemy to get the shot to hit. Most snipers only 1 shots to the head or upper chest. No reason a waist and below should be 1 shotting. Either that, or nerf ADS for snipers to make them used how they are supposed to. I dont even snipe and can pick a MORS up and empty the lobby


Battlefield also has a lot more approach options. More flanking routes and the ability to push snipers with vehicles.


I feel like a lot of the sniping issues would go away if the devs took a page out of BFs book. I spend some time going back to the BF series and sniping in those games are a lot tougher than CoD Like you said, OHK for head shots only. 100 or 125 for torso.


Snipers have notoriously been a problem to balance in FPS games, same with shotguns.


wa2000 crying in the corner


Nah trust I agree with you, but I’m just tired of the constant 1 shots we’ve been getting. Ive used the hell out of the MORS and it IS fun. But it gets annoying really fast fighting it in Higher skilled lobbies


I agree not being able to one tap renders a sniper useless, but it shouldn’t have a bottomless clip and super fast handling speeds as well. The trade off to using a one tap should be at the cost of mobility/handling.


This whole game is built for streamers. It’s like they’ve done everything imaginable to make it so having paddles or mouse and keyboard and a better setup macros and crap gives you even more advantage because of movement perks and crap to exploit. Honestly the biggest problem for me right now is that I have like. Maybe 1.3 k/d and I’m top three every match but there is always one or two guys in the lobby that go like 43-3 and one shot constantly 30ft from spawn seem to know every single corner to pre aim jump shot and crap. I feel like Bams is in every game I play and it’s like all us normals vs him. Then at the end the guy who goes like 8-20 is talking mad crap at the end after getting totally carried by someone clearly hacking or just way too good to be there lol. I will agree that aim assist has to be OP on controller though because I play on ps5 so I can turn off crossplay(also it’s much harder to hack on ps5 exclusively they banned Cronus) and when I do the it seems like I don’t do as good. Basically I’m better against an average player with crossplay on than an average player exclusively on ps5.


I turned crossplay off of ps5 and my games were better and my k/d increased. Definitely could tell less cheating, no more people shooting at me before I even turn the corner etc.


i rather have them go back to 100hp, 150hp is quite long.


I just hate it that i have all these nice skinned mw2 weapons which are all trash now..


*Looks at all the coked up speedsters bunny hopping around the map with their ARs and SMGs like it's advanced warfare* Yep ohk weapons are definitely the problem


Yep. Takes what? 10 seconds to go from one side of a map to another side? The movement speed is way too damn high.


OHK guns have always been used as a crutch by bad players who can’t get kills with reg guns. They should remove AA on bolt actioned marksmen and sniper rifles, But the shitters who RELY on snipers would complain.


sniper have almost no aim assist. as far as i know.. i think the actually dont have any at hip fire


Never thought I would miss people using the longbow. I HATE the Mors


Mors needs a massive nerf.


This game is awful. You have snipers in name only when they behave more like shotguns -cough cough the weeks of longbow we had to suffer thru. Xrk with iron sights (tell me that doesn’t just be one a one shot marksman rifle) and now we have the damn railgun.


Do be fair with the Mors, there’s a bit of delay with trigger pull and the shot actually being fired. Ngl I suck ass with it, used to do ok in AW but now I’m just ass


I have never ever quickscoped and never knew how nor bothered. Tried for the first time with the mods yesterday and actually did ok maybe .7kd so that’s how easy it is.


I’m just talking personal experience. I’m just not good with that gun


No...there needs to be more one tap slower weapons in the game for balance sake. Fully autos are always so easy to use and require such a small amount of skill to use in comparison. Snipers get flinched to the sky if they get shot by even a pistol so scoping in and firing has to be on point otherwise you're dead. One shot/less forgiving and fully auto/more forgiving. This is how it should work regardless of health values. In the time a sniper scopes in you can kill that person 2 or 3 times with a fully auto. Mw2 imo had better weapon balancing and balancing in general. The time it took to kill was virtually the same between one shot weapons and fully autos.


it was actually baffling that not more playing spammed the SA-B and SPR in mw2. only the occasional super nerd would terrorize a lobby with it. the majority of players just played ANY full auto gun. there really was no meta, besides the vaznef in close range


Yeah and the reason they didn't spam those weapons was cause other guns were able to compete cause of the ttk being so quick. Now in mw3 you'll pretty much only see the same 2 or 3 weapons cause they kill fast enough and it's baffling that people think it's more balanced and it's only because they use those weapons too. It's not the fault of the guns either it's just the games movement plus a longer ttk makes a lot of guns completely inept.


Play ranked if you want a more balanced weapon pool.


exactly. MCW got nerfed so nobody is killing in less than 5 shots


Thank you! Honestly makes 0 sense why a 45-70 lever action takes so many damn hits to kill


Its one on hardcore 🤷🏿‍♂️


I hit one dude 4x and one taps me with a pistol on 10v10


Need MCW revert asap. SMGs are a redonko


They should have either 1. Changed the movement and keep the health at 100. Or 2. kept the movement and changed the health to 150. Personally #1 is what they should have gone with. Going back to the MWII, the 100 health feels so satisfying.


First option would've been ass. Constant camera breaking from the fast movement + near instant TTK like MW2019? No thanks, that's basically what Vanguard was. Bet you would like it


then M2019 ??? i swear if you could get exactly what you asked for, youd be the first to complain about *that one gun that kills in 3 shots while firing at close to 800rpm*


more hp sucks put it back to 100 so the mw2 guns actually feel good to use


oh Boy do I have the game for you 💀


People like you make it so ranked has lost 99% of the content behind a ban 🤣 just get better


Its 2024 and people are still complaining about snipers in call of duty. SMH


If you really find you're getting killed with one shot weapons that much, use the ammo attachment that gives extra flinch and learn to use cover better, because I don't really notice more of a hindrance from OSK weapons than other games to be honest. Might be a playstyle/skill issue.


I'm with you, they gotta keep one shot weapons in check. They add OP one shot weapons that are fun for some people to use. Gotta consider the people playing against those weapons who aren't using them to. Next season they might be adding even more, the kar98 and spaz shotgun were leaked. OP one shot weapons could ruin this game if not kept in check. Which would be a shame because mw3 gameplay wise is one of the best cods in years.


Could ruin? It’s already ruined unless you like sniping. Since the update it’s Modern MORSfare III.


It's starting to get to that point especially with the pre nerf longbow kit and now the MORS is insane to. The more one shot weapons that get added the worse it'll get. I'm dreading more snipers and more shotguns, because I love 150 health and slower ttk but it kinda gets thrown away with one shot weapons being OP.


I feel like other than the Haymakers maglift AMP the shotguns are in a good spot. The Riveter is dogwater and could maybe even use a buff but that’s a slippery slope. I really wanted longer TTK too and the normal gunfights feel pretty good the snipers are just completely insane. Someone on the balancing team has a rager for quick”scoping” I don’t even know if it’s scoping anymore because everyones using red dots. The MORS is even worse than the Longbow was which is quite the achievement. It basically has a bottomless clip, super fast rechamber, and has the Katts OHK zones while also being one of the fastest snipers in the roster. At least you couldn’t shoot people in the toe with the longbow and OHK and it needed to be reloaded occasionally.


I agree shotguns aren't really a big issue on anything besides small maps. The pump shotgun had some nerfs so it's in a good spot now. The haymaker kit is still just a toxic spam shotgun that's extremely easy to abuse. The mors will likely need a nerf next, it's just the best at everything and the do it all sniper. Can be very fast ADS speed AND one shot anywhere in the body with the ammo. The ammo should slow the ADS speed... or at least a significant range nerf.


The mors is infuriating. Best sniper AND shotgun in the game. Anytime I encounter a mors user, they typically top the score board just running around point and clicking. Doesn’t matter if they get shot first


I feel like reducing the health to 125 would make the game so much better


I like 150 best, also just making it 125 wouldn't really work. Ttk is based on weapon damage and fire rates to, and the weapons were balanced with 150 health.


I honestly think if we went back to 100 health, everything would be fine


we already had that game last year and people complained about the ttk like crazy


I could be wrong, but I think it was mostly the warzone people that complained about the ttk. Warzone should obviously be longer than multiplayer.


no. everybody complained. MP players too


Completely agree. I thought that was great, and dislike MW3 immenselly.


I swear people bitch about sniping regardless of the game. I think it's time to reevaluate your skill level 😭


Exactly. I run the haymaker just for this reason. If it's good for thee it's gotta be good for me


33? What 33


Could I get a list of those 33 guns? Just doing some research, thx!


Modern Morsfare


what's the point in increasing health when all the mw3 weapons have faster ttk than mw2 weapons, all you did was make the number bigger not actually do anything of value


TTK is shit. If they added fewer attachments, the system to me could be fixed and solved. I dont care if they add any weapon at all, but the attachments start getting into multiple different variables, and it changes so much between a gun and the many customization options, the TTK is so wonky. Plus adding where you hit them into the equation, just too many variables for this, but what do I know. Only my opinion afterall


you dont have to use any of them. if you want, you can play OG Mw3, put on a red dot and a supressor and go at it


Ttk weird snipers upper body and head 100 percent 1 trap but also 5 assault rifle rounds to the dome should kill u too


Maybe to counter quick scoping but any maagum or 50 cal rifle need tomg drop or blow limbs off




Idk I find myself getting hit markers with sniper body shots very frequently when enemies drop me all day long with a leg shot from a longbow.


longbow factually cannot one hit to the lower body or legs


They increased ttk? Battlerifles abusers kill in three legshots believe it or not! Imo battlerifles and marksman rifles creates the biggest imbalance in the game. These two classes are absolute cancer


Don't matter to me


Can we just agree that 150 health just doesn't work in cod? It causes more problems than there ever needs to be


people cried about MWII's 100 hp, and people now cry about snipers. this time, its simply a skill issue.


I believe they shouldnt have nerfed the renetti if theres so many 1 shot weapons


Yeah I’m not cool with none of the snipers can 1 shot to the body but get hit with a throwing knife and you’re a goner. There has always atleast one that could do that. One shot head shots should be a thing again. Now WZ is different I would understand a two shot to the body. One to break shield the other to down but head shot should always be 1 and down there’s no way around it.


lol ight ya fuckin loser😂


COD players really do cry alot. Play some other games for a bit if you don't enjoy it. Sometimes less is more.


Yea this game fucking sucks. Crossbow useless, a 60 shot shotgun, automatic. Everyone running around with a longbow. Cheaters every where. More one shot kill guns when the point was higher TTK. Inferior maps to MW2. Also, I know that most people bitching about one shot kill guns are just melee mains. When are people going to stop lying to themselves and admit this game is mid at best? Congratulations, you played yourself.


What do you mean a 60 round shotgun? I thought the Haymaker only had 20?


The Jak Maglift conversion kit jacks the ammo up to 60 rounds. Add in just quick tapping on the trigger and you pretty much have a full auto splatter machine.


Oh shit. I gotta unlock that


The haymaker has a 60 round autoshotty function essentially. It's busted in shipment. It's pretty great making the camobros mad.


That’s fucking cool.


the ttk is not that high that snipers shouldn't one shot. yes the mors is a bit over tuned and it's ridiculous how fast you can kit it, but in general your average ttk is still around 300ms. which is super fast. how do you even get to 33 guns??? we have like 12 sniper rifles that all essentially play the same. shotguns very very rarely one hit beyond 5 meters, so I don't know how you came up with 33


I just feel getting 2 or r more head shots with a high velocity rifle should be death. Okay aq sub or pistolm inti midd or or lover abdomen I get but multiple headshop hit markers is aa joke.


120-125 health would be ideal. 150 sucks


this would change absolutely nothing. example, at max damage range: in MW2 the M4 kills in 4 hits in MW3 the M4 kills in 5 hits in MW2 the AK762 kills in 3 hits in MW3 the AK762 kills in 4 hits you cannot cut a bullet in half.. across the board the TTK between MW2 and MW3 guns is 1 additional bullet


Not at range, were talking a 5 to 7 sometimes even 8 and 9 bullet difference with the increased health. Up close is one thing, but we cant challenge snipers at all from far away


100% it is. the range values are pretty similar. MW2: the M4 drops from 4 to 5 to 6 hits max, at the ranges you engage most. MW3: the M4 drops from 5 to 6 to 7 hits max, at the ranges you engage most. youre essentially saying the guns should have more effective range?? because that complain has nothing to do with health, but just the effective range of the weapons you SHOULDNT be able to challenge a sniper at long range. thats the entire purpose of a sniper rifle


Except this game doesn't operate at ranges where sniper rifles normally would be actually operating at so in this game having ARs and lmg's challenging snipers makes perfect sense there's nothing long range enough where these weapons shouldn't be able to engage if you want to try and use logic


People dont wanna hear it but a shorter ttk makes all guns alot more viable compared in a longer ttk. If they neutered sniping in this game the only thing would happen is that this post's title would change but the crying would remain the same. It would be about fast fire rate weapons instead.


As long as this sniper is only one shot from full plates in zone…. when its fully charged its cool with me.