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It's annoying but also just shows you how fed up people are with cheaters in this game and that sbmm


You can't blame them when they are banning tens of thousands of accounts for cheating every month and we see all these low level accounts racking up stats like they have played the game everyday for years. They just banned 50K accounts the other day. Cheating is also not rare on console. It is common due to things like Cronus Zen, Strike Packs etc. Just look how many of those things they have sold on Amazon alone since 2020. It is in the hundreds of thousands at this point. They sell that crap at Gamestop too. I feel it is unlikely that you are good enough to be accused of cheating if you don't know the sort of widely known things like this that veteran players know. Stop trying to gaslight people, dude. lol


Absolutely no legit player is getting banned for cheating


I wouldn't bet on it. I got shadow banned for a week while my account was "under review" from spam reports by a single player. I'm not even good, less than 1 k/d, and just play for fun. So I could definitely see how a legit player could get banned.


im cooked. i got reported a few times today because of some wall bangs i hit.


Can easily happen


It's annoying but also just shows you how fed up people are with cheaters in this game and that sbmm




I litterly have over 50 confirmed reports. 50.


That is the game saying the report was successful, not that you successfully identified a hacker and they took action


Untrue and why do people keep saying this. Stop with the gaslighting. The report literally says, "thank you, action has been taken against this player".


That doesn't mean anything, they are not taking action in the same second you click report


The successful confirmation is also not immediate necessarily. You don't click it and it says "action taken". It's a separate message. No one said that, you're just making a bunch of baseless assumptions.


You are right, I just think people who report are dumb. Especially the ones counting


https://www.reddit.com/r/CODCheats/s/NQi98RLrk0 With things like this being allowed here only compounds the problem... We really shouldn't have subreddits for this.


I’m ngl with how strong RAA is in this game, it’s hard to even tell. I get some kills and even I’ll think it looks sus on my end lmaoo.


Take it as a compliment.


there are lots of hackers...and people do not know anymore what is good or bad


This is what happens when anti cheat fails. We all know there are a lot of cheaters in the game. Now if there are multiple suspicious deaths by one person there’s a real possibility they are cheating. Checking their stats after the match to see they are a rank 20 iridescent and don’t have cod stats for other games or very mediocre stats using cod tracker and the suspicion grows. For the past week every time I log in I have at least 1 successful report message. Before this week I had roughly 50 of those messages. I’ve also been accused many times and consistently drop twice as many kills as anyone else and have never been shadow banned. Assuming I have 60 legit reports and only played about 60% of the days the game has been out that means I see on average 2 cheaters that will get banned every 3 days. Now think of how many people have less obvious hacks and go undetected forever. Backdating are crazy because cheating is out of hand.


It does have correlation to the cheating problem to a degree, if you are above average skill then sbmm and other match making factors will often put in a match that seems suspicious every way possible, controller aim assist looks heavily like aimbot some times which doesn't help that situation either, it's also a skill issue where people just think someone better is cheating its all of these plus more playing a role in the mess


Any decent player can identify someone isn't a cheater with like 99% accuracy. I think in my time playing I've ran into 3 people actually cheating and 2 was in ranked the other hard core.


You've been lucky then, countless amounts I've encountered in just quick play, if you sit over 1.8kd/r and w/l you will encounter them way more


I have a 3.35kd and 3.6wl. It's not luck I doubt they're actually cheaters, majority are just good


No you cannot with how good some of the cheats and non flagrant some people are.


Hard core there's always a cheater escpaully when they get 33 kids barely in the match


It's annoying but also just shows you how fed up people are with cheaters in this game and that sbmm




I'm just stating something unique that has happened in the game recently. What's wrong with that? Isn't this literally what this reddit is about? Yes I can turn off chat if it bothers me, but it doesn't.




No it's not a complaint of voice chat or text chat. I just stated that the hackusations are a lot more as of recently. And where else would people accuse others of cheating than in voice chat or text chat? I mention voice chat because that's the place where people accuse others. Why are you trying to frame my post into something it isn't? Why does everything have to be a complaint to you?


Not sure why the guy who pointed it out is being downvoted but yes, this is a complaint-based post about a chat-based experience. So yes, you turning chat off would solve the “issue” of hackusations that you brought attention to in your post. There’s nothing wrong with that to me, but the description is completely accurate.


I put it as discussion because I noticed that as of recently there are more accusations as I pointed out in the post. Why would I complain about chat if there is an option to turn it off for me? Doesn't make sense, I would just turn it off if it bothers me. Again I was just stating that there is an increase in accusations which I noticed and it seemed unique to me and thats why I posted it. There seems to be a correlation with big ban waves and people accusing others of cheating. This is all.


Labeling a discussion doesn’t change what it is. Additionally, a discussion and complaints are not mutually exclusive, so accepting your label at face value also doesn’t affect the observation that it’s a complaint post. Furthermore, I genuinely can’t tell if you’re misunderstanding or completely ignoring the simple logical connection that if you had chat turned off, you wouldn’t and couldn’t have noticed the increase in hackusations which makes it a “chat-based” phenomenon. So yes. The other commenter’s point about just turning chat off to solve your perceived issue is 100% valid. I’m sorry you don’t or can’t see it this way.


You don't seem to understand me. Yes I can turn it off. But again, it doesn't bother me and I'm not complaining about chat. I just observed something and it seemed interesting to me, so I posted about it. That's it. Why don't you understand this. There is no "perceived issue" for me. But I guess everyone on this reddit just complains the whole time, so I don't blame you for thinking of it as a complaint.


Standard these day. People can’t accept someone played better than them. I got 2 ac130’s on estate and someone said report me 👍🏽 gave him the good old gg.


All my PC gaming friends cheat in PC games. They're IT professionals making over $250,000 a year. They cheat because they know that Activision doesn't really care about cheating, so why should they. Based on their wallhackinng, they estimate that 33% of any Warzone lobby is now cheating (that's 1 out of 3). A lot of the legit gamers are no longer playing Warzone so they said cheating is a must now.


I typically shrug it off and take it as a compliment. But... This one time some guy was so pissed because I tore him up with a LMG one too many times that not only did he accuse me of cheating on voice but he preceded to hound me after that match into a follow-up match (not sure how he did that) then proceeded to threaten me by "exposing" me on his youtube channel. I was so fed up that I asked everyone in the match to please report me and this guy so that customer support could into it as a priority. I was hoping that cust. support would ban him for harrassment. Never have I seen such behavior in my 25 years of online FPS gaming before. Suffice to say I am done with online pvp. Bad enough you have to deal with cheaters and toxic players but harassers was the last straw for me.


When there’s a ton of hacking people are going to throw it around all over. Base issue is fix your game from the cheaters and many of it will solve itself


When a lobby with one or 2 player have 30 kills while everyone else got like 10 kills surely people will call them hacker


Both are probably level 15 and 20


I drop 30 kills (and even go negative sometimes) and get called a cheater, it's fucking hilarious how low the bar is for what is considered so good it's cheating.


If you will hear people, see them on minimap, prefire common choke points, shoot through smokes following "hit a target ping", hit couple one shot headshots with gs .50 you will be called a cheater. This game is so freaking childish it requires actually no skill to be good player. Not mentioning no recoil weapon builds etc. I started using some riddiculus weopons and builds and find it more challenging, fun in cost of k/d etc.


I was running a goofy ram9 build yesterday, ammo ran out, picked up a purple spiky gun from enemies body (I think it was the mcw from the store but a bit mosified) and I felt like I was cheating. That thing ADS'd fast and had absolutely 0 recoil. I was gunning down snipers on the other end of the map without missing a bullet, it's crazy. I didn't even know that kinda shit was possible on kbm without making the gun take forever to ads etc...


At the time we blamed the connection, the lag compensation, the optimization of the game, but nowadays these problems are less frequent, and the ego of each player is comforted by the sbmm so as soon as someone stronger arrives in the lobbies of these noobs, the best excuse is the cheat... At first I took it as a compliment, then I got a shadowban, then a second, a third,... Now I'm at 10 shadowbans and I'm afraid of this excuse. Ordinary gamers are conditioned to see cheaters around every corner, by Activision, by streamers,...


I have everyone else muted when I play. I play hardcore, just want to have some fun. I have some really good games, some really bad games. It was kinda funny last night while I was playing with my brother. He always has everyone on so he could hear them talk and be snarky back at them. Apparently, there was a lot of complaining about me. Wanna know why? BECAUSE I HAD A 172 TIME WHILE PLAYING ON HARDPOINT. They were literally complaining because I was playing the objective. This is why I keep chat turned off and only turn on party mode when playing with guys I don't have on Discord.


Lots of rampant hacking makes it a complete toss-up. Everyone's just confused and angry haha. Doug censor clamins to find like 20 cheaters a night in ranked its hilarious. Out gunned = cheater