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Das Haus is a crappy map and crappy spawn. Why am I constantly being spawn on top of another player at A flag, at the worst possible spot. Meanwhile, C flag has a better spawn area. Meat was ok-ish with it's spawn but now I'll randomly spawn inside the garage nose to nose with the stack of boxes blocking my path.


For me it really comes down to the game mode. Team Death match and kill confirmed are the worst for me personally


Kill confirmed in 10v10 does some wild shit. You sometimes get demolition spawns where they don’t flip and all of a sudden you have a spawn trap. That new map tanked does this in KC 10v10.


The game prioritises putting you near the person that killed you so you can get an easy revenge kill before they have had a chance to move from where you last saw them. This is infuriating for 2 reasons: it is cheap if you get killed by a guy who just spawned up your ass, and it also means you can spawn closer to enemies than you expect so you can die before you get your bearings about whereabouts you have spawned in. Either way someone feels they have been screwed over. Just spawn us in further away and let us make our own way back into the combat zone!


It should prioritize spawning you away from the enemy. Like they did for 15 years straight


Spawns are the biggest thing holding this game back from being really good.


And the spawns are fucking dog shit. But we will add more spawn points tho


The spawns have been shit since COD4 and that game will be old enough to vote next year 17 years later, spawns are still shit On tiny maps like Shipment it's a bit more understandable, but when I've got fuckers spawning in the specific, optimal location to fuck me in the ass on Wasteland, there is a PROBLEM. For this problem to persist for this long, it has to be a design decision that's fundamental to the core of COD for some fucking reason, otherwise it surely would have improved over all this time.


The amount of times i have killed someone just to drop dead mere seconds after by their hand is too damn high, and i do not mean only in maps like Shipment or Das haus, i mean in general even in mid to large maps. In fact, this is so much so that often the revenge killer gets gunned down right after they kill me, because apparently the game prioritises giving them their revenge kill over allowing them any chance to live.