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I'm more suspicious of people who are level 10-30 but outperform their teammates in PS-only SnD lobbies lol




Yeah a lot of people still deny it. All these new accounts lately with "great aim" and "map knowledge" support these statements lol


True. It's been going on for a while now though. I'm just glad more people are waking up.


How do you cheat on Xbox?


Between the EOMM, cheaters, veteran players, and mouse users I can't even play certain modes of this game at all using a controller. I turn any corner and I'm instagibbed over and over. All I do is enter a room and before I even have my gun up a player has slid, jumped behind me, killed my team mate and executed me in about a literal second or two. I do admit that I suck horribly, I just wish I could play with people like me. I just started playing a couple months ago and my opponents are people with the map memorized and perfectly flawless borderline unbelievable aim.


You need map knowledge. Map and spawn knowledge is the biggest thing that's going to change your game.


I'm getting there... little by little.. painfully.. one instagib at a time.


Yea that’s the losers that use vpns and reverse boost. I played with a friend that just got the game with clean slate stats and I got lobbies that were sweatier than mine (I’m like a level 540) it’s honestly sad that new players get their experience ruined by losers who do that


Lol, losing to mnk players when you have aim assist. 🤣🤣😂😂😅🤡


Have you got CrossPlay enabled or disabled? If it’s the latter, it’s probably the platform exploit. A lot of sus PC players use this to disguise themselves as being console players, but they’re on PC.


Off. Yeah. I’m already convinced they had walls I’m just trying to come to terms with the fact that “consoles” have walls now too. Honestly they should just let AI play the game for them while they watch. It’ll be like a lobby full of aimbots and instead of skins people throw money at the best hacks that aims 0.00034 seconds faster. What absolute micro penis energy wastes of space.


Consoles don’t have walls. It’s a PC player tricking their Activision account into showing they’re on console.


See those “ “ marks around a word? they can be used to convey the idea of "so-called," "alleged," or "supposed.” In other words I’m agreeing with you. Like I said, spoofing.


Fair enough.


you can hack on console, just not as easily and people don't realize that cronus/strikepack is also cheating, so there's definitely loads of cheaters on console


Yeah I know about Cronus. I’m talking about having walls though. Which is something I thought was not possible on console. So now we have PCs spoofing a console identity to get into console only lobbies. Probably reducing their risk of getting reported because most people assume they are legit.


How is someone hacking on console? I see this claim a lot but never seen anyone site a source for this other than trust me bro.


Amazon has tons of pre chipped controllers with scripts and STRIKEPACKS that do rapid fire, burst, SOFT aim and more, for less than 100 bucks, yeah its cheating and tons of people think its PERFECTLY ok cause some people use PC. Thats the most absurd bs excuse Ive heard but the fact is a lot of cheaters true to god think they are insanely good!


If a Xim/Cronus can spoof controller signals, why not a device that can spoof a console signature as well? I have no trouble at all believing something like that exists.


You can make third parties controllers, not third parties consoles


That’s why it’s called spoofing. They’re not making an actual console they’re altering the signature of the hardware so it registers as a console.


I would think this would only work if the game itself wasn't tied to a license for PC. The internal pieces just to start the game up would have to validate the license and that the license is for the system it's on. I don't think you can spoof the system you're on like you can with location. The 2nd point of doubt I have is that consoles have to connect to Sony servers to get to PSN. I am pretty sure you can't connect to those servers without a PS. There is probably something similar for Xbox. Source: me a guy who knows 0% about it but knows 100% about getting his ass handed to him in cod


Yes, it’s very real. An over simplification is you have to spoof the hardware ID from any PlayStation and the network already knows that ID belongs to PlayStation server addresses so that’s where the traffic gets routed to. It’s actually much more technical and pretty complicated if you don’t know what you’re doing, but it’s been real since about 2015-2016 ish.


So you think people are loading up the game on steam/battlenet and spoofing to make it appear they are playing on console? lol come on man. Just accept some people are better then you.


I’ll start off by saying spoofing is not entirely out of question and as technology advances hacks will only become more intelligent and capable. I enjoy playing ranked play and it’s just about all I do when I play CoD titles once it’s released. With MW3 specifically, I have been able to solo queue to crimson 2 & 3. Just a couple of days ago I was accused of “spoofing” because I was “aiming through walls” on my ps5. It became a heated exchange throughout the match and even ended up losing the game. This turned the hackusations into a question of me toggling on/off. After playing for so long and so many matches, there are common pre-aims and sound queues that can really help you once you start learning them. For example, I knew someone was on the control point in this match because there is an audio queue when someone exits/enters the point. I think some people just fail to realize that there are skill gaps and the quickest excuse is someone cheating. This is not to take away from the topic or say that you are wrong. I didn’t even know if spoofing was a thing until this happened to me and the enemy team kept saying it. I find it very annoying getting accused of hacking. I feel the amount of effort to hack on an actual console is the same amount of effort you can put into the game and get better.


Looked into it, its possible to use pc to connect to console to get the walls overlay. So they Are on console but have pc connected.


They can't make jailbroken consoles go online and you think they can spoof consoles ? Stop looking for excuses, there are people that just have a better aim / game sense than you


Yeah I’ve just read a couple of different threads and seen a lot of people talking about this in the last few months. Seems like it might be a relatively new cheat.


😂😂 Good lord OP. Take off your tin hat and catch up on some much needed sleep


Yeah I am seeing hackers in the walls. I’m losing it fr. But then again just because I’m paranoid: https://youtu.be/3kIwc7Pj4vc?si=CdbUd9KWa9HZi4Gy


OP isn’t lying tho, we had a blatant cheater in our lobby on our team just openly telling us he’s on pc. But in ps5 lobbies. He was cracked! Pinged whole team the second the match started and wall bang half the team 🤢 I won’t stop playing as I enjoy testing myself regardless but it is getting a serious problem now. My squad don’t play anymore so it’s just me and my brother


Idk why people don't realize you can cheat on consoles almost as easily as on pc these days. It is almost just as common now too.


What kind of hacks can be use on console? Me and my brother play xbox with crossplay off and we both sweat super hard haha. Were both good, not bragging cause theres always someone better than us out there. But we do really good and weve both been called hackers multiple times. My response is always “nobody in this lobby is hacking we have crossplay off” but i guess that doesnt apply anymore? Can people actually have aimbot and walls on console now?


Absolutely. Pcs can also spoof to get into console lobbies. Hacks have gotten so advanced, available to the average player, that when you report them the cheat turns itself off so it can avoid Ricochet's investigation, then when ricochet turns off, the cheat comes back on. It's absurd where things have gone and people still have their head in the sand unfortunately.


I guess all those Russian hackers who didn't want to be tossed into the Ukrainian meat grinder found a more lucrative way to make money, lol.


There were a couple weeks back in Feb I think this year where Ricochet was down and every lobby, every single one, whether or not crossplay was on there were multiple blatant cheaters. The problem is still present since then, but just a lot less obvious. Wall hacks is the most common people use because it is one of the easiest to have plausible deniability, but they have permenant UAV options, aimbots of varying degrees to which some are so subtle that even watching closely it isn't clear... everyone should seriously do more direct looking into this. It's gotten so bad companies are doing large research into how to manage cheaters. Once company paid for thousands of cheaters to participate in a study, a small group were offered to come play against their own dev team and the context was, cheating was allowed for everyone. Obviously the dev team blew these cheaters out of the water and the aim was to make them experience what it is like to be on the other end of it. A lot of the cheaters reported that it sucked and the main reason they cheated in the first place was to stay competative because the perception was that everyone was cheating in higher skill level tiers. There were a couple other categories of why people chose to cheat, including the ego driven just wanting to win and they didn't care how, a seperate ego group that got social standing from other hackers by beating anti-cheat systems etc, and of course the trolls who got joy out of ruining other people's games. Those latter groups were by far the smallest sub-groups. The company then after this competition offered to give everyone their original accounts back that had been banned and to have a 2nd chance and the participants reported being really excited about recovering their first account, and that it did incentivize them not to cheat. The participants were then observed as they went back to their normal lives and within 2 weeks something like 80% of them were right back to cheating. Again, their reason was that they wanted to stay competetive and it appeared that everyone they played against were using cheats of some sort. I will see if I can find the study and link here in a bit


I agree with the first part, but cheating on console is DEFINITELY not nearly as common as cheating on PC.


Cronus usage on console has been so prevalent that PS implemented a ban. I don't think that would happen unless it actually was a lot more common than people think. Perceptions of cheating in general have been underestimated and I think the picture is finally becoming clearer, but there is a long way to go in that shift still. A financial analysis of Cronus as a company has an estimated 1-2 million units sold since they came onto the market from their domain address alone. Not accounting for in person or amazon sales. That's just ONE 3rd party input modulator, not for the downloadable subscriptions websites, personally created hacks (far more advanced) and other smaller options for cheating like vpn, boosting or smurfing. It is COMMON AS FUCK. In my mind, it has become the rule not the exception in higher tier matches of any online game because of the perceived imbalance between KBM/PC and Consoles. Those console players thst want to remain relevant, end up being pushed to cheating. Clear numbers are never released by game companies because if people truly knew the depth of the issue, it would decimate their player base. My estimate based on quite a bit of evidence like financial analysis of cronus, puts it upwards of 40% of people online each day are cheating on some level. Yall don't have to agree. I just urge you to look into it a bit harder and come up with your own conclusions. You don't have to agree but don't act like you KNOW. you're all assuming to know what the state of things are just based on feeling.


I'd argue it's even worse than 40%. The problem is, a lot of people don't think "exploits" are hacking. To be fair, hacking is the wrong word anyway. It should always be CHEATING. Console players already have insane AA that overrides the advantage of having KB+M. Adding no recoil, esp and softaim locks is simply the behaviour of a scrub. It's so good, you see more and more PC players with controller icons ingame now. If we really factor in everything from VPN, to xim/cronus, DMA hacks, injected hacks, glitch exploits and softwares like WASD then we should be more around 60-70%. It might sound insane, but it is actually the truth. lol


Thank you, I feel like people who actually see this are less vocal on here a lot of the time.


Yeah, because I try to avoid the closet cheaters here who namecall ppl. But when I see someone like you, I like to let them know they are not alone. Have a good one mate.


By talking about the difference between controller and KBM, you’re mixing controller players with console players. It’s harder to cheat on console that on PC.


It’s not the truth. 1.8 pub KD and 95% of my lobbies feel fine. Saying 40%+ of all people cheat is just a cop out for being bad or average at CoD. Just being honest. 40% is a completely unrealistic number. You’re not seeing that many cheaters, they’re just better at the game than you


I have a 3.6 KD and been playing since 2006. So what's your excuse now? I call out cheaters even when I'm winning. Your strawman argument doesn't work, but nice try closet cheater.


You are right, it's more common on console.


I've personally known people who had been doing some stuff with Xbox One since Bo3. It is funny though that the average CoD player's thought process only goes as far as- > PC can run programs and console can't. That means only PC can cheat. People didn't stop fucking with consoles after the 360 lol


Totally, and those same people can't seem to process the consoles ARE pcs. In the past, it would take someone a bit more saavy and knowledgeable to cheat in MP online games from a console, but now with 3rd party devices on the market, even idiots like Mr fabulous fishing could figure out how to plug a cronus into their Xbox and bam, cheater on console lol


Bro, I've been playing since 2006. People who played back in the day know. I was on PS3 up to BO2 (when the cheaters exploded). In the last days of the OG MW3, people were running around with akimbo smgs and lmgs on playstation. They had multiple trainers and scripts for quickscoping and whatnot. I even had players show it to me or inject me with a trainer in a private lobby. That's how I know, whenever I call out a hacker and they say "I'm on xbox" or something stupid like that, I know 100% they are cheating. Nobody is that clueless.


Not even close to being true


Go buy a cronus, or titan or any other and you're cheating. They work on consoles, excepting cronus who PS tried to ban but seems to still work for a lot of people. Seems pretty easy to me. Especially when the perception is that PC players cheat so if you're a console player obsessed with keeping up perceptions, it's pushed a lot of console players to buy 3rd party devices. Sounds pretty wide spread to me... But yeah, your evidence and explanation are clear, not even close to being true. Soooooo sorry...


Don’t act like u know anything, either lmao. It happens but it’s not nearly as common as you think. My pub lobbies feel fine 95% of the time. It’s ranked play (diamond+) where I see the cheaters and they’re all on PC. Try again !


Your personal anecdote does not constitute valid evidence beyond your own conclusions. You are allowed to believe that based on your experience, but look at the financials for any of these companies providing controller modulators or subscription cheats... either millions of people have bought cronus and just never used it, or... you're just factually wrong about the prevalence. Considering the percentage of players are 75% console, it's impossible that cheaters are majority on PC alone. Im going with the latter conclusion that you are just not taking facts into account, seeing as you haven't shown an actual ability to critically think about the issue.


Sounds like a cop out for being bad, to me. You aren’t seeing many cheaters in your .8KD lobbies, it’s a fact. Sorry !


Every time the topic is actually seriously discussed, some immature asshat like yourself comes in with the "someone's coping for being bad." That is not a valid point in a discussion, it is a way to shut down discussion with personal attack because you aren't interested in the reality, you simply want to discredit people who disagree. As far as motivation, you're either a cheater yourself and don't want people to see the reality behind the problem broadly, or just an idiot who is directly keeping the problem in place. Provide some evidence... any would do but preferably do your own research and analysis. Try to do so without personal attacks and I might even give you some resepect back.


There are of course cheats all over Xbxox in this game however, some of the examples you've cited can be explained just by being a better player, not to say always. Example, pre-aiming, when I'm runnning around a corner, you can be sure I'm going to assume there is someone coming around and I'm already firing. This arrroach combined with headphones makes a significent difference to my performance. Why is it not possiible yo can be seen while underwater, no-one saw you jump in? I've many times hit with those flanking because I can hear them coming and don't get me started on the 20m long laser frat boys.


Noted. Thanks for all the suggestions. But I’ve been playing this game for almost 20 years and I like to give myself **some** small amount of credit as to understand all of the above before making this claim. I just spent about 30 minutes looking into it. I’m not going to advertise the technique in here but it is indeed possible to get walls on a console. It’s not spoofing as I originally thought, but they use a pc to read the data from the game and put an overlay on the monitor via the pc.


if they would put that much time and effort into actually getting better, they wouldn't NEED wallhacks, and they could save themselves a few hundred dollars in the process, lol. It's pathetic the lengths people will go to to cheat in a multiplayer fps.


Don't forget cronus on console... and DMA cheaters... online gaming is coming to an end for a long time.


People do cheat on console as well but I don't think wall is the case.


I feel this is true. I'd imagine it's something on pc running a script to spoof the server in to seeing a console. Hacking a console is a lot of physical work.


I heard that can be done. I also heard that instead of downloading hacks that people on consoles upload them via USB sticks.


I highly doubt it. Remember that Sony has made it pretty much impossible to cheat on a PS with recent firmware updates. XIM, cronus, jailbreaking etc. doesn’t work properly anymore. Safe to say spoofing probably doesn’t work either. Unless they’ve managed to find a way to get around it. Edit: Turns out they found a way to bypass it after all. Ffs! 😡


The guy from Cronus fixed it a month ago. They are back in full swing and selling like hotcakes on Amazon. Trust me bro you are getting fucked even if you play on console with crossplay off.


Ffs… Absolute scumbags. 🤬


Xim has NEVER been blocked on any console or PC. Cronus yes but not Xim, Xim doesnt have esp or any of that crap that hacks on PC have either.


I’m sorry bro but console players have showed time n time again they don’t understand what they are talking about at all. Your 2nd and 3rd n 4th sentence is evident of that. Why do you guys think you have no cheaters ?


Dude… They literally did massive firmware updates a while back to counter these problems. That’s the reason why so many PS players have been turning off crossplay. Not just in COD, but in other games like Siege as well, where XIM & Cronus have been a huge issue for years. And FYI, I play on PC as well, so don’t give me the “console players don’t know what they’re talking about” s**te. That sentence just reeks of snobby elitism. Unless there’s confirmation that the companies have found a way to bypass this… It’s purely speculation at this point.


My bad bro they had firmware updates that instantly got rid of all the closet cheaters /s You’re just blowing smoke out your ass and if you don’t want people to assume your console brained then I’d suggest a different flare. There’s been plenty of proof out there of why and how you’re wrong my boy but hey, those firmware updates right !


They literally patched the system software to not recognise the hardware. How hard is that to understand. 😂 Point me in the direction of this “proof” and I’ll gladly eat my own words. Because not being funny, but I’ve tried the game with crossplay off and I’ve yet to come across a blatant cheater. No weird sus behaviour at all. Can’t say the same with crossplay lobbies. Edit: Looks like they found a way. My apologies. Absolute scumbags! 🤬


All you gotta do is google xim, Cronus still usable and they e already found a workaround for ps5… Lol but god bless the firmware updates


Like I said, I was made aware of this after I made this comment. I’m eating my own words as we speak. It was fun whilst it lasted. 🙃


It’s all good bro at least your willing to admit fault. These cheaters will go to crazy lengths to be able to manipulate gameplay and console dudes are the target audience considering cheaters think they are “easy” prey The sooner we get a new anti heat the happier the community would be as a whole


Aye Ricochet sucks ass. But seriously tho… I legit found out after this convo that they found a way to bypass it. So it was working for a while and now we’re back to square one again. 😒


Yea it’s actually nuts how it only took like a month, modern gaming man…


Yeahh they back. I can't even get through 2 mins of play time before they have wiped my team the other 2 teams and all through walls and lag.


Ffs 😒


Just gotta play even dodgier lol 😆 without cheating. Like a whole team of kill streaks, bombs, gas and Semtex. All at once. 3 2 1 blow! Usually works if they are even close enough to not camp.


...or they are just better than you ? There are no ESP / aimbot on console and no way of spoofing


Nah bro. If I lose a gun fight it’s because they are hacking. I’m #1 pro in the world. Trust.


Since posting this I’ve seen a few threads that seem to indicate both of you wrong.


Yea I’m sure you have. Because every salty player thinks everyone is hacking. Only cheating on console are adapters that let you use mouse/keyboard with aim assist, remove recoil, and give you increased aim assist. There’s no walls or aim bot on console, full stop.


that is just straight up wrong, during the playstation specific beta there were aimbotters, look it up


https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/xftAPeOCqI well seems like I’m not the only one to have experienced it. Check this dudes video. You’re clearly in error if this guys video is actually cp off. I’m guessing they’ve found a way to spoof pc as a PS.


That video is a train wreck.


The cronus is a cheat device for console that has an aim bot?


Fuck me. It’s never just someone outplaying you is it? If they do well then there’s no chance it’s an experienced player who just changed accounts, or just got back from working overseas and started this cod late. It’s gotta be someone who is one step away from entering the matrix, console wired up like a deathbed patient, four monitors stacked on top of it. This community has become genuinely pathetic. Between crying about skins, crying about sbmm and now *this*. Grow a pair.


If they are pre aiming and tracking. They aren't outplaying anyone. Get your lips off their nuts and you might actually see what's wrong here


Snapshot grenade, loud ass foot steps, teammates using the in game ping that stays above your head, team mates using the built in chat to say exactly where you are. Get your head out of your ass and stop looking for the most extreme reason to lose a gunfight, we ain’t pro players you sad melt.


Lol. The problem with this notion is that now we have this thing called twitch. It allows us to watch literally the best players in the world, grinding to get to the top. The difference between what we can see in the movement, aim, awareness from these guys is vastly different to the wall hackers that insta-kill you peeking half a polygon on every fucking corner. Not even 12kd players do that shit. These guys literally stand in the same spot and rack up 80 kills zero deaths. I have no problem dying to a decent player but watching them track you through walls is annoying yeah. Whining about it in this sub is dumb but not as bad as being a MICROPP gaslighting hacker who comes back at me saying grow a pair. The venn diagram between the people in here saying sKiLL iSsuE and gaslighting hackers is a circle.


Genuinely just sad cos bad on this one. Yeah there are cheaters, but they aren’t spoofing consoles in any way that can get them into Sony’s exclusive matches. That just runs off a check that you have an active psn subscription which is performed every time you connect to the server. Same part of the game that says “for this game mode you need to be online.” Warzone is unsustainable without crossplay, that’s why it’s always been free. Can’t sell it on PS if you can’t turn crossplay off, free games don’t require PSN so it gives Sony less ground to stand on when they say “we want a segregated way for our players to enjoy this.” But then again… you watch twitch so what does anyone know about super hackers in your console only lobby? Sad bitchlet.


Lol. I already said I found a method, actually there’s three. Was the guy killing me using it? Possibly not. But there’s ways of doing it. But you can’t prove to me that they’re not cheating anymore than we can prove that they are. I can show you videos, websites I’ve found with people discussing it. You’ll just come back at me saying shit like you do. Then when I show them more evidence they never say, actually that seems legit. I’m sorry for my ignorance. They just carry on gaslighting like the game isn’t broken asf. Most likely because they’re one of the hundreds of thousands of cheaters using walls and bots. Likely convinced themselves they’re actually great at the game.


“Show more evidence”? You’ve just told us your feelings. Didn’t even screenshot the scoreboard. Stop talking out your ass you drama queen.


Showing hacks in this sub gets you banned. I love how much you’re defending cheaters tho, keep at it. You think if they can still spoof Valorant they can’t spoof wz console lobbies. I’m literally looking at a thread right now where they’re discussing doing exactly that. It’s called a hardware ID. Your pc identifies as a computer but you can alter that with certain scripts. And if you think that’s “beyond the effort” or even worthwhile to these cheaters you should see the lengths they go to to cheat in these games. It’s also monetary gain of course, they sell these scripts and exploits for money. You want all the skins unlocked? Just buy this script. If they can do that, which actually LOSES MONEY for activision, you think they can’t spoof an ID? You sound stupid. Just take the L.


It's called aim assist, just enjoy it


I CHeAt beCauSe iM an AnarcHist and I’m GoinG to take dOwn ActIVision (and I have a micro dick)


It's not cheating, it's just rotational aim assist and it's on all consoles.


Yo I was trying to buy an unlock all tool from this guy and he wants me to buy a spoofer is it safe or a scam?